Updating Redux with Sqlite3 in an Electron application - reactjs

I am writing an Electron application and I want to display some data from a local sqlite3 database file. I am using React as my front-end framework and Redux to update the table data. However I am having trouble figuring out what's the best way to query from the .db file and update Redux with the new data. Can someone give me some insights on what is the best way to go about it?

I was able to load a .db file using the node module sqlite3 and included a javascript function as such:
var sqlite3 = require('sqlite3').verbose();
let dbSrc = 'processlist.db';
var fetchDBData = (tablename) => {
var db = new sqlite3.Database(dbSrc);
var queries = [];
db.each("SELECT * FROM " + tablename, function(err, row) {
return queries;
Since I am using React and Redux for my front end, I was able to invoke this function by calling


test database for react-native app development

I'm in the early stages of developing an app with react-native, and I need a DB implementation for for testing and development. I thought that the obvious choice would be to use simple JSON files included with the source, but the only way I see to load JSON files requires that you know the file name ahead of time. This means that the following does not work:
getTable = (tableName) => require('./table-' + tableName + '.json') // ERROR!
I cannot find a simple way to load files at runtime.
What is the proper way to add test data to a react-native app?
I cannot find a simple way to load files at runtime.
In node you can use import() though I'm not sure if this is available in react-native. The syntax would be something like:
async function getTable(tableName){
const fileName = `./table-${tableName}.json`
try {
const file = await import(fileName)
} catch(err){
though like I said I do not know if this is available in react-natives javascript environment so ymmv
Unfortunately dynamic import not supported by react-native but there is a way so to do this
import tableName1 from './table/tableName1.json';
import tableName2 from './table/tableName2.json';
then create own object like
const tables = {
after that, you can access the table through bracket notation like
getTable = (tableName) => tables[tableName];

Ionic 3 I can't call data with SQLite

I am using SQLite on the project. I perform events like insert operations in database operations successfully. But I do not know how to reach the data when it brings the data. I am trying to create a list of the following code fragment. I'm waiting for your help.
var sql = "SELECT * FROM 'GRUPLAR'";
this.db.executeSql(sql, {}).then((data)=>{
this.GRUPLISTESI = data["rows"]; //What should I write here?
You can access the data from your Ionic sqlite database like this:
db.executeSql("SELECT * FROM test")
.then(result => {
So abstract it would look like so: result.rows.item([row]).[column_label].
For some deeper examples on how to use sqlite for Ionic, you can use this repository: https://github.com/didinj/ionic3-angular4-cordova-sqlite-example

Avoid duplicated publication in Meteor

I'm trying to export some data into a CSV file from a MySQL database using Meter/Sequelize. What I've done so far is to create a Meteor method called by the client which then call a server side function that return the data and I parse it into a csv string. My issue is returning the date client-side.
What I did
I have my CSV String server-side and I'm using FileSaver.js which can only be used client-side.
My "solution" was to create a client-side collection in which I published the String.
run({exportParam}) {
if (!this.isSimulation) {
query.booksQuery(exportParam.sorted, exportParam.filtered, 0).then(
result => {
let CSVArr = [];
result.rows.forEach((value) => {
const CSVString = Baby.unparse(CSVArr,{ delimiter: ";"});<-CSV String
console.log("CSVString : ", CSVString);
Meteor.publish("CSVString", function() { <= publication
this.added("CSVCollection", Random.id(), {CSVString: CSVString});
And on the client-side I subscribe to the publication this way :
const handle = Meteor.subscribe('CSVString', {}, function() {
const exportString = myTempCollection.findOne().CSVString;
const blob = new Blob([exportString], {type:"text/plain;charset=utf
FileSaver.saveAs(blob, "test.csv");
My issue
It works great the first time I click my button and a CSV file is downloaded. The problem is that if I do it again I get the same file as the first one and I get this message on my console.
Ignoring duplicate publish named 'CSVString'
I'm pretty sure the problem comes from the fact that every time I click the button the same "CSVString" publication is created.
I'd like to know to know if there is a solution to this problem or if my approach is wrong.
Please let me know if you need anything else.
You are correct in assuming that you are trying to publish to the same collection every time. I think you should only do the publish once, and do that separately from inserting a record into the collection.

Loki JS doesn't persist data in Ionic

I'm using LokiJS to save in local storage (well, I'm trying) .
What I want to do is a ToDo app, my controller is as follows:
.controller('Dash', function($scope) {
var db = new loki('loki.json');
var users=db.getCollection('users');
if (users==null) {
$scope.message="It's null";
var users = db.addCollection('users');
$scope.message="It's ready";
$scope.insert=function(namesI, lnameI){
name: namesI,
The issue is that everytime that I test it, the message is "It's null". Although before already I have inserted data. I mean, everytime I launch the app, the database is created.
How I can persist the data?
*I'm not using any cordova plugin.
You are not providing a loadHandler function, so you are trying to access collections before Loki is finished loading the json file. Look at this example for a clarification on how to use the autoLoadHandler.
Also bear in mind that at some stage you need to call db.saveDatabase() to persist, or else you need to provide an autoSaveInterval value when instantiating Loki.

nodejs connecting to db only once

I have a db.js file that has this line in the top to connect to the database.. i call this file to run queries from inside other js files:
var sqlite3 = require('sqlite3').verbose();
var db = new sqlite3.Database('./mydatabase');
db.serialize(function() {
db.each("SELECT rowid AS id, info FROM lorem", function(err, row) {
console.log(row.id + ": " + row.info);
If i require() this above file 4 times in different files, does this mean sqlite database will be initialized that many times?
I want to initalize it only the first time..
Is this inefficient? Is there a more efficient way?
Official documentation: https://github.com/mapbox/node-sqlite3/wiki/Caching
Sqlite3 module can do caching internally if you use require('sqlite3').cached, i.e. it won't create new connections on new sqlite3.cached.Database(file) as long as string held by file is identical, but reuse existing ones. See in the source for yourself here:
However, you should not depend on that. Do some kind of dependency injection, it will save many headaches along the way. In simplest form it will be writing your modules that they export functions accepting database object as their argument:
module.exports = function(db){
var sqlite3 = require('sqlite3').verbose();
var module1 = require('./module1.js');
var db = new sqlite3.Database('./mydatabase');
