What is the difference between MongoRepository and MongoOperation. - spring-data-mongodb

I am doing one POC and got confused what should i use either MongoRepository or MongoOperation beacuse internally both uses MongoTempletes only. Please suggest with proper example.Thanks in advance :).


How to use dapper.fluentmap in Dapper?

Does anyone know or have link in how to use https://github.com/henkmollema/Dapper-FluentMap in my Dapper CRUD?. Right now I am using Dapper.Contrib but we are trying to implement Clean architecture which we remove the Dapper.Contrib in our structure. Now I am trying to use this Dapper-FluentMap to map the properties but there documentation is very poor.
I've wrote an article and a sample that shows how to use Dapper-FluentMap:
After beating my head against a few brick walls, I have established this much as fact (at least as of late 2018, which is after the date of the OP)...
Answering the question "Is FluentMap supposed to work with Dapper.Contrib extensions?", henkmollema (author of Dapper.FluentMap) responds, "Nope, it does not work with Dapper.Contrib".
So there's your answer, user3928241.
However for me as well as for user3928241 and others desperately searching for answers, he adds, "Shameless plug: it does work together with Dommel using the Dapper.FluentMap.Dommel integration component."
YMMV, but I'm pressing on. Going to try Dommel now.

Ng2-Admin-using exists components

I am new to angular 2/4,and I am trying to use ng2-admin as a base, and trying to build on to of it a full dash board includes beck-end.
I am facing lots of issues while trying to use exist component(such as basic table) in a new simple module. I can't find any detailed documentation on ng2-admin beside creating new page.
Is there anyone who can guide me please?
Never mind, i found the solution 😀
what actually i did was to redefine the Declarations/Providers correctly.
when using "ng" to generate new things,it is also adding unnecessary deceleration in some places so this was my first mistake,also some used providers/services was needed to be declared on the right module.after understanding how the structure should be ,i kept the rules and i was able to add what i needed without any issues.

How to change the default return amount - MailChimp API Json

I am having trouble. Trouble which i am sure is but a moments thought to resolve for our resident experts but, i must learn...
I am returning lists and as I understand it the default return is 25. I have a total of 93.
Below is what i am using (minus our API Key)
I believe that i need a piece of code [limit]=100 as MailChimp suggests but there are numerous pieces of advice on the website and after trying all i am still without my desired output.
If you could advise the way to do this I would be very grateful.
Will. :)
Limit should work:
It was working perfectly fine for me. Check if you are in the right region (in my case I was in us13).

What is the correct place to list and examine ports in erl_driver

In the tutorial for erl_driver there seems to be no indication to where does the first ErlDrvPort object comes from. Say I want to wrap libusb-1.0 to use it from erlang. There is no place in the API described by ErlDrvEntry for any index methods. How does one find a port to open?
Normally you obtain the first port using the erlang:open_port/2 function, usage of which is shown in the code example in section 6.2 of the tutorial you linked to in your question.
Instead of using Ports to wrap a C library, you can also use NIFs. With Nifty there exists even a wrapper generator that does most of the work for you.

Database moddelling - Trying to understand

Hey guys, I always get confused by this so it's not exactly my strong point :( Am I understanding correctly that the above example suggests:
One shop must have one or more clients
One client must have one shop
If there was to be a circle where at the end of the client arrow it suggests that the shop has zero or many clients.
I know it's a bad example but I am just trying to get my head around it. (Always get it the wrong way round)
Thanks very much, all help appreciated.
it's just a quick example so I apologise for the bad naming convention of table names
Yes, you are understanding correctly.
