Handling/Pushing File Updates to User Browsers? - backbone.js

When I make a change to my Backbone web application code on my server, how can I make user's browsers update so they see those changes.
Being a SPA the page rarely if ever refreshes. So even if place hashes/timestamps on my script tags it still wont be adequate enough, ie, this isn't ideal IMO:
<script src="js/main.js?t=SOME_HASH"></script>
Does Backbone have a way to handle this?

Backbone being a JS framework that merely gives structure to your applications, it doesn't handle stuff like this. This is something that involves configuration of server and you need to tackle it yourself.
Since you said you have an SPA that rarely refreshes - Your app is probably contacting the server via lots of AJAX requests. You can add an interceptor to these requests on the server that checks if stuff changed on server and sends a shouldReload: true with the response.
You should also have an AJAX interceptor client side that checks for this in response and reloads the page/lets users know about updates on server and give option to reload/restart.
Another option is to implement websockets/polling so that server can push notification about changes to clients. socket.io is a plugin that uses web sockets and falls back to polling.
P.S: You also need to bust the cache as you mentioned in question


Angularjs deployment strategy

How can I deploy and Angularjs app and ensure that all my users get the update when it happens? I have a breaking change that needs to be deployed and would cause some downstream issues should a user continue using the old version. Are there any tools or best practices on how to handle this?
Like in the comments says you cant do it with session expires, one alternative you can do, its handle in the backend to check if an update was release and with push notifications cand inform to client. Forcing to reload the app.
An intrusive will do the same thing but without notification, only if response tell there is an update reload page, according api response.

setTimeout nodejs performance

I am creating an angular app with node js express as backend. The angular app receives database rows as json and populates it. The ajax part is incredibly fast and users exploit the server by frequently performing requests. I want to add a delay to ajax in nodejs. I use setTimeout() to purposefully wait in nodejs middleware before the rendering route is executed. But i want to know if this is performance friendly or derogatory and should it be avoided?
Node.js application should response as quickly as it can, or your requests will eat your memory.
You should add delay/restriction to client code, I believe.
Also, you should to setup your server to disallow flood requests (DDoS trying). Take a look to a toobusy package.
Well you're basically adding more work for the event loop, if you wish to create a fake delay, do it on the client side.

Laravel: Making a Real Time Application using Angular

I am starting to work with angular and am fascinated by the bi-directional data-binding capabilities and by its $http method, which lets me save changes in to my mysql database, without refreshing the page.
Another thing I am currently fascinated by is the real time capability across multiple clients using firebase. Here all clients are updated in REAL TIME, when the database receives any changes. I'd probably like to use firebase, but I would have to drop Laravel and MySql as a persistence layer entirely, which I would like to keep for the moment, since my application is already working in Laravel, just not in real time.
How would I go about having a Real Time application, which updates every client, without refreshing the view, in Laravel using MySQL and Angular?
If I am not mistaken, Pusher and PubNub, are providing this necessary open connection with the server using websockets, so when the server has something to share, angular will now and render it.
Since I would like to use Laravel and MySQL as a persistence layer, I am not sure, what the best way would be. I am not even sure, if I understood everything correctly, which I wrote above, since I am new to angular and real-time applications.
What would be the next necessary steps, to get some Real-Time capability into a PHP/MySQL application?
The solution for your problem is:
1º - open websocket connection with the websocket-server and subscribe a channel, after this send the data to your serve using ajax
tutorial angular pusher
2º - In server side, you get the data, saves to your database and send a 'PUBLISH' to the respective channel into websocket server
lib useful for this
3º - Through the subscribe gets the data in real time
Pusher.subscribe('channel', 'event', function (item) {
// code
I had a similar problem recently and I finally ended up using Redis publish/subscribe Redis. You can store data in the channel and then subscribe to any changes. When something changes you can send it to Pusher which will send it then to the clients.
I also recommend considering Node.js and Socket.io since you can achieve very good performance without third party service, and even if you don't have experience with node you can find very good examples on Socket.IO how to write an application.
For Redis there is a good library for PHP called Predis and there is Redis Node client as well, so you can mix it all together.

Validation on route change in Backbone.js

I have the following tiny dilemma: I have a backbone app, which is almost entirely route based, i.e. if I do to nameoftheapp/photos/1/edit I should go to the edit page for a given photo. The problem is, since my view logic happens almost 100% on the client side (I use a thin service-based server for storage and validation) how do I avoid issues of the sort of an unauthorized user reaching that page? Of course, I can make the router do the check if the user is authorized, but this already leads to duplication of efforts in terms of validation. Of course, I cannot leave the server side without validation, because then the API would be exposed to access of any sort.
I don't see any other way for now. Unless someone comes up with a clever idea, I guess I will have to duplicate validation both client and server-side.
The fundamental rule should be "never trust the client". Never deliver to the client what they're not allowed to have.
So, if the user goes to nameoftheapp/photos/1/edit, presumably you try to fetch the image from the server.
The server should respond with a HTTP 401 response (unauthorized).
Your view should have an error handler for this and inform the user they're not authorized for that - in whatever way you're interested in - an error message on the edit view, or a "history.back()" to return to the previous "page".
So, you don't really have to duplicate the validation logic - you simply need your views to be able to respond meaningfully to the validation responses from the server.
You might say, "That isn't efficient - you end up making more API calls", but those unauthorized calls are not going to be a normal occurrence of a user using the app in any regular fashion, they're going to be the result of probing, and I can find out all the API calls anyway by watching the network tab and hit the API directly using whatever tools I want. So, there really will be no more API traffic then if you DID have validation in the client.
I encountered the same issue a while ago, and it seems the best practice is to use server-side validation. My suggestion... Use a templating engine like Underscore, which is a dependency of Backbone, design the templates, and for those routes that only authenticated users or those with rights to do so, can access... you ask the server for the missing data (usually small pieces of json data) based on some CSRF token, or session_id, or both, (or any other server-side validation method you choose), and you render the template... otherwise you render a predefined error with the same template... Logic is simple enough...

GWT Servlet-based Notification (Server Event Bus)

Can anyone think of a good way to allow the server to notify the client based upon server processing? For example, consider the following events:
A user requests a deletion of data, however, due to it's long-running time, we kick it off to a queue.
The client receives a "Yes we completed your transaction successfully".
The server deletes the item and now wants to update any local structures any clients may be using (I'd also like to notify the user).
I know this can be done by client-side polling. Is there a event bus type way to do this? Any suggestions are welcome, but please keep in mind I am using GWT with App Engine.
The standard AJAX interaction is that the client sends requests to the server and expects some sort of response back fairly quickly.
In order for the server to initiate a request to the client, you will need to use WebSockets, and experimental HTML5 feature currently only supported by Chrome.
Or, to simulate this kind of interaction, you can use Comet (long-polling), made available in GWT by the rocket-gwt project.
You want server events for GWT? Have a look at GwtEventService (they couldn't have chosen a better name): http://code.google.com/p/gwteventservice/wiki/StartPage
Of course, it uses a Comet implementation, but you can't do any different when using HTTP, the client always initiates the communication. Request, response.
