Add a new language to Bonita Studio - bonita

I want to Add the Persian Language to Bonita Community 7.3.For Bonita Portal, it is so easy. I download the ".po" file from translation website then I put it in i18n folder and it works well. But For Studio section, there are some ".properties" files. The Bonita Studio works based on Eclipse Babel technology.I don't know how to add a new language to Bonita Studio?
There is a translation module in Source code of Studio Section and How can I add my language to it?
Any suggestion is acceptable.
Best Regard.


Python Behave BDD framework -Step Definition Jumper

Do we have some alternative plugin for python behave for jumping from feature file to step definition.I know Behave BDD Support is available in professional edition.
So do we have something to achieve jumping feature in pycharm community edition or any other tool.
Unfortunately, there is no alternative to PyCharm Professional edition. I tried XCode with different plugins, but they provide only syntax highlighting. Community edition also provide syntax highlighting without jumping feature.
There is Visual Studio Code for Win, Linux, and Mac, and nice extension, which allows to have code-navigation from feature file by CTRL+Clicking a step to its step definition. The extension is Cucumber (Gherkin) Full Support. I have just pushed a small behave project for checking the extension settings.
Install Visual Studio Code
Install the extension for Visual Studio Code
Clone the project and check the navigation from features/one.feature file to features/steps/
use the .vscode/settings.json for your project
The extension also allows to have snippets as you type.

Visual Studio 2013 and Angular

I need to work with Visual Studio 2013.
I have already an scaffoldded Angular + Gulp project created with yeoman
Now i need to edit with visual studio.
Could you please explain me how to enable angular on Visual studio?
You don't need to "enable" angular for VS.
It is just editing text files in a certain folder structure.
Just import the folder as a new project or whatever suits your needs.
(In theory you could develop an Angular app with any text editor).
If you need intellisense or other helping technology look for an appropriate add-on on nuget. (e.g. ng intellisense Add-on )

exporting archive file from android studio

It would appear as if android studio has no "export project" command... can this possibly be true? I'm kind of freaking out because my class requires an archive file, and it would almsot appear as if android studio has a different build structure then eclipse. help would be highly appreciated!
Android studio is using new build structure (with gradle). It is in preview stage. I believe when Studio will come up from it to stable version, Eclipse will be updated to to new structure too. Until then if you want to use your projects in old project format with, you have to create new projects with old tools (aka Eclipse, Intellij, console tools etc) and then use with Android Studio.

.NET Reactor and InnoSetup

I have a VS 2010 C# "solution"; It creates an .exe file, and a .pdb file when doing a build in Release mode which I use in the InnoSetup build of the installer.
My app uses several .dll's from other vendors (i.e. WinSCP). My question is: do still build the installer using InnoSetup, substituting the new .exe from .NET Reactor for the one created by Visual Studio? The only thing I want to obfuscate using .NET Reactor is my app, not the other vendors.
(I have looked in Google and SO, and did not find an answer.)
You could directly substitute the exe/dll before you build the installer.
In case you want to automatically protect a VS project file output (exe/dll) before it is packaged into your into you setup you could use the .NET Reactor Visual Studio Add-in.
Install dotFuscator then you will be able to add its project type in source code as new project. There you can set output files to obfuscate.

Is there a DotNetNuke 6 Module Development Template for Visual Studio?

Can anybody tell me how to install a module development template for DotNeTNuke. Please note that I am working in DNN 6 and using Visual Studio 2010. So the template must be compatible with both DNN 6 and VS 2010. I have tried one that was for VS 2010 but not for DNN 6. Please suggest any links or videos.
There is a development template that's released with every version of DotNetNuke, available in both the DotNetNuke Support Network (for paid edition customers), and in the official downloads area for the Community Edition. Just click on the Visual Studio Starter Kit.
If you want a more complete visual studio template, I would highly recommend the templates that Chris Hammond put together on Codeplex, that bdukes mentioned. There are templates for both VB and C#, and they include automated packaging for your modules.
You can get c# version of module development template from
There are some minor changes in module development for each new major version of dnn changes, but there are no templates dedicated to the version of dnn till yet since we assume our module should work in any version starting from 4.x to 6.x.
Let me know if you want any other help.
