Restricting clang warnings to my source files - c

I'm compiling a program using a library in C using clang. I want to check my program for errors (-Wall -Weverything) but I don't want to check the library. Is there a way to restrict clang's warnings to just my source files?

If a library header file is generating copious amounts warnings whenever you include it, you can try and solve by using a bit of indirection (what else).
So for a library header named lib_a.h, create a wrapper (my_lib_a.h) that looks something like this:
#ifdef __clang__
# pragma clang diagnostic push
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Weverything"
#include "lib_a.h"
#ifdef __clang__
# pragma clang diagnostic pop
Now include it instead of directly including the library header.
Those pragams will turn off the warnings for that particular library header only.
You can of course add support for other tool-chains, and even make this utility header the point of entry for all the problematic headers in your program. Precompiling it will make the overhead negligible.


What is the compiler-defined macro for WASM?

What is the macro that clang and/or gcc would define when compiling for a WASM backend?
To clarify, one can write platform-specific code using macros the compiler defines like so:
#if _WIN32
// Windows-specific code
#elif __linux__
// Linux-specific code
#elif __APPLE__
// macOS-specific code
#error Unsupported platform
I would like to do the same thing specifying WebAssembly as one of the potential backends.
As per #Jonathan Leffler's comment, there does not appear to be a standard macro that is defined across compilers.
My current solution for working with different compilers is to create a separate build job for WASM that defines a macro. For gcc and clang, it passes the flag -D__WASM__ to define a __WASM__ macro.
In my setup, I just change an environment variable and my build script selects the appropriate build flags.

`__noinline__` macro conflict between GLib and CUDA

I'm working on an application using both GLib and CUDA in C. It seems that there's a conflict when importing both glib.h and cuda_runtime.h for a .cu file.
7 months ago GLib made a change to avoid a conflict with pixman's macro. They added __ before and after the token noinline in gmacros.h:
That should have worked, given that gcc claims:
You may optionally specify attribute names with __ preceding and following the name. This allows you to use them in header files without being concerned about a possible macro of the same name. For example, you may use the attribute name __noreturn__ instead of noreturn.
However, CUDA does use __ in its macros, and __noinline__ is one of them. They acknowledge the possible conflict, and add some compiler checks to ensure it won't conflict in regular c files, but it seems that in .cu files it still applies:
#if defined(__CUDACC__) || defined(__CUDA_ARCH__) || defined(__CUDA_LIBDEVICE__)
/* gcc allows users to define attributes with underscores,
e.g., __attribute__((__noinline__)).
Consider a non-CUDA source file (e.g. .cpp) that has the
above attribute specification, and includes this header file. In that case,
defining __noinline__ as below would cause a gcc compilation error.
Hence, only define __noinline__ when the code is being processed
by a CUDA compiler component.
#define __noinline__ \
I'm pretty new to CUDA development, and this is clearly a possible issue that they and gcc are aware of, so am I just missing a compiler flag or something? Or is this a genuine conflict that GLib would be left to solve?
Environment: glib 2.70.2, cuda 10.2.89, gcc 9.4.0
Edit: I've raised a GLib issue here
It might not be GLib's fault, but given the difference of opinion in the answers so far, I'll leave it to the devs there to decide whether to raise it with NVidia or not.
I've used nemequ's workaround for now and it compiles without complaint.
GCC's documentation states:
You may optionally specify attribute names with __ preceding and following the name. This allows you to use them in header files without being concerned about a possible macro of the same name. For example, you may use the attribute name __noreturn__ instead of noreturn.
Now, that's only assuming you avoid double-underscored names the compiler and library use; and they may use such names. So, if you're using NVCC - NVIDIA could declare "we use noinline and you can't use it".
... and indeed, this is basically the case: The macro is protected as follows:
#if defined(__CUDACC__) || defined(__CUDA_ARCH__) || defined(__CUDA_LIBDEVICE__)
#define __noinline__ __attribute__((noinline))
#endif /* __CUDACC__ || __CUDA_ARCH__ || __CUDA_LIBDEVICE__ */
__CUDA_ARCH__ - only defined for device-side code, where NVCC is the compiler (ignoring clang CUDA support here).
__CUDA_LIBDEVICE__ - Don't know where this is used, but you're certainly not building it, so you don't care about that.
__CUDACC__ defined when NVCC is compiling the code.
So in regular host-side code, including this header will not conflict with Glib's definitions.
Bottom line: NVIDIA is (basically) doing the right thing here and it shouldn't be a real problem.
GLib is clearly in the right here. They check for __GNUC__ (which is what compilers use to indicate compatibility with GNU C, AKA the GNU extensions to C and C++) prior to using __noinline__ exactly as the GNU documentation indicates it should be used: __attribute__((__noinline__)).
GNU C is clearly doing the right thing here, too. Compilers offering the GNU extensions (including GCC, clang, and many many others) are, well, compilers, so they are allowed to use the double-underscore prefixed identifiers. In fact, that's the whole idea behind them; it's a way for compilers to provide extensions without having to worry about conflicts to user code (which is not allowed to declare double-underscore prefixed identifiers).
At first glance, NVidia seems to be doing the right thing, too, but they're not. Assuming you consider them to be the compiler (which I think is correct), they are allowed to define double-underscore prefixed macros such as __noinline__. However, the problem is that NVidia also defines __GNUC__ (quite intentionally since they want to advertise support for GNU extensions), then proceeds to define __noinline__ in an incompatible way, breaking an API provided by GNU C.
Bottom line: NVidia is in the wrong here.
As for what to do about it, well that's a less interesting question but there are a few options. You could (and should) file an issue with NVidia to fix their compiler. In my experience they're pretty good about responding quickly but unlikely to get around to fixing the problem in a reasonable amount of time.
You could also send a patch to GLib to work around the problem by doing something like
#if defined(__CUDACC__)
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
If you're in control of the code which includes glib, another option would be to do something like
#undef __noinline__
#include glib_or_file_which_includes_glib
#define __noinline__ __attribute__((noinline))
My advice would be to do all three, but especially the first one (file an issue with NVidia) and find a way to work around it in your code until NVidia fixes the problem.

Ignore SDCC compiler language extensions when compiling with GCC

I'm trying to compile some c-code that was originally written for SDCC using GCC to run some unit tests on a host computer.
There are some language extensions for SDCC like __xdata or __pdata (for memory control) which should remain for SDCC but that should be ignored when compiled with GCC. I would strongly prefer not to modify the modules under test. Is there any way to do this?
I already figured out that it works if I add something like #define __xdata in the module under test. Maybe it is possible to have something like a "global definition" therefore? I have little experience with the GCC. Maybe there are compiler flags that could help me?
There are two compiler flags, you could use:
-include allows you to give a c file that is additionally included and do the defines in that file.
Define macros via command line options -D__xdata=

GCC how to stop false positive warning implicit-function-declaration for functions in ROM?

I want to get rid of all implicit-function-declaration warnings in my codebase. But there is a problem because some functions are
programmed into the microcontroller ROM at the factory and during linking a linker script provides only the function address. These functions are called by code in the SDK.
During compilation gcc of course emits the warning implicit-function-declaration. How can I get rid of this warning?
To be clear I understand why the warning is there and what does it mean. But in this particular case the developers of SDK guarantee that the code will work with implicit rules (i.e. implicit function takes only ints and returns an int). So this warning is a false positive.
This is gnu-C-99 only, no c++.
Guess the argument types, write a prototype in a header and include that?
Tell gcc to treat such functions as false positive with some gcc attribute?
You can either create a prototype function in a header, or suppress the warnings with the following:
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-function-declaration"
/* line where GCC complains about implicit function declaration */
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
Write a small program that generates a header file romfunctions.h from the linker script, with a line like this
int rom_function();
for each symbol defined by the ROM. Run this program from your Makefiles. Change all of the files that use these functions to include romfunctions.h. This way, if the linker script changes, you don't have to update the header file by hand.
Because most of my programming expertise was acquired by self-study, I intentionally have become somewhat anal about resolving non-fatal warnings, specifically to avoid picking up bad coding habits. But, this has revealed to me that such bad coding habits are quite common, even from formally trained programmers. In particular, for someone like me who is also anal about NOT using MS Windows, my self-study of so-called platform-independent code such as OpenGL and Vulkan has revealed a WORLD of bad coding habits, particularly as I examine code written assuming the student was using Visual Studio and a Windows C/C++ compiler.
Recently, I encountered NUMEROUS non-fatal warnings as I designed an Ubuntu Qt Console implementation of an online example of how to use SPIR-V shaders with OpenGL. I finally threw in the towel and added the following lines to my qmake .PRO file to get rid of the non-fatal-warnings (after, first, studying each one and convincing myself it could be safely ignored) :
QMAKE_CFLAGS += -Wno-implicit-function-declaration
[Completely written due to commends]
You are compiling the vendor SDK with your own code. This is not typically what you want to do.
What you do is you build their SDK files with gcc -c -Wno-implicit-function-declaration and and your own files with gcc -c or possibly gcc -o output all-your-c-files all-their-o-files.
C does not require that declarations be prototypes, so you can get rid of the problem (which should be a hard error, not a warning, since implicit declarations are not valid C) by using a non-prototype declaration, which requires only knowing the return type. For example:
int foo();
Since "implicit declarations" were historically treated as returning int, you can simply use int for all of them.
If you are using C program, use
#include <stdio.h>

gcc 4.8.1: combining c code with c++11 code

I have not made ​​much effort to discover the cause, but gcc 4.8.1 is giving me a lot of trouble to compile old sources that combine c and c++ plus some new stuff in c++11
I've managed to isolate the problem in this piece of code:
# include <argp.h>
# include <algorithm>
which compiles fine with g++ -std=c++0x -c -o test-temp.o test-temp.C version 4.6.3, ubuntu 12.04
By contrast, with version 4.8.1, the same command line throws a lot of errors:
In file included from /home/lrleon/GCC/lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/4.8.1/include/x86intrin.h:30:0,
from /home/lrleon/GCC/include/c++/4.8.1/bits/opt_random.h:33,
from /home/lrleon/GCC/include/c++/4.8.1/random:51,
from /home/lrleon/GCC/include/c++/4.8.1/bits/stl_algo.h:65,
from /home/lrleon/GCC/include/c++/4.8.1/algorithm:62,
from test-temp.C:4:
/home/lrleon/GCC/lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/4.8.1/include/mmintrin.h: In function ‘__m64 _mm_cvtsi32_si64(int)’:
/home/lrleon/GCC/lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/4.8.1/include/mmintrin.h:61:54: error: can’t convert between vector values of different size
return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_vec_init_v2si (__i, 0);
... and much more.
The same happens if I execute
g++ -std=c++11 -c -o test-temp.o test-temp.C ; again, version 4.8.1
But, if I swap the header lines, that is
# include <algorithm>
# include <argp.h>
then all compiles fine.
Someone enlighten me to understand what is happening?
I ran into the same problem. As it is really annoying, I hacked it down to <argp.h>.
This is the code (in standard gcc header argp.h) which trigger the error on ubuntu 14.04 / gcc 4.8.2:
/* This feature is available in gcc versions 2.5 and later. */
# if __GNUC__ < 2 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 5) || __STRICT_ANSI__
# define __attribute__(Spec) /* empty */
# endif
This is probably to make headers compatible with old gcc AND to strict ANSI C++ definition. The problem is that --std=c++11 set the __STRICT_ANSI__ macro.
I've commented the #define __attribute__(spec) and the compilation worked fine !
As it is not practical to comment a system header, a workaround is to use g++ --std=gnu++11 instead of g++ --std=c++11 as it does not define __STRICT_ANSI__. It worked in my case.
It seems to be a bug in gcc.
This is a known bug, apparently some headers are missing extern "C" declarations at the right places:
I also just came across this issue with GCC 4.7.2 on Windows. It appears that all the intrin.h headers are missing the extern "C" part. Since the functions are always inline and thus the symbols never show up anywhere this has not been a problem before. But now that another header declares those functions a second time something must be done.
Two things come to mind:
1) It's a missing extern "C" in headers, which is not that rare.
2) Something is wrong with data alignment. Probably you are using STL container to store SSE types, which doesn't guarantee aligment for those. In this case you should implement custom allocator, which will use alligned_malloc. But I think it should've compiled fine in this case, but give you segfault at runtime. But who knows what compilers can detect now :)
Here's something your might want to read on that topic: About memory alignment ; About custom allocators
p.s. a piece of your code would be nice
