Are all available DTU used to exec a query? - sql-server

I have a not simple query.
When I had 10 DTUs for my database, it took about 17 seconds to execute the query.
I increased the level to 50 DTU - now the execution takes 3-4 seconds.
This ratio corresponds to the documentation - more DTU = work faster.
1 On my PC I can execute the query in 1 sec.
2 In portal-statistics I see that I use only 12 DTU (max DTU percentage = 25% ).
In sys.dm_db_resource_stats I see that MAX(avg_cpu_percent) is about 25% and the other params are less.
So the question is - Why my query takes 3-4 sec to exec?
It can be executed in 1 sec. And server does not use all my DTU.
How to make server use all available resources to exec queries faster?

DTU is a combined measurement of CPU, memory, data I/O and transaction log I/O.
This means that reaching a DTU bottleneck can mean any of those.
This question may help you to measure the different aspects: Azure SQL Database "DTU percentage" metric
And here's more info on DTU:

On my PC I can execute the query in 1 sec
We should not be comparing our Onprem computing power with DTU.
DTU is a combination of CPU,IO,Memory you will be getting based on your performance the comparison is not valid.
How to make server use all available resources to exec queries faster?
This is simply not possible,since when sql runs a query,memory is the only constraint ,that can prevent the query from even starting.Rest of the resources like CPU,IO speed can increase or decrease based on what query does
In summary,you will have to ensure ,queries are not constrained due to resource crunch,they can use up all resources if they need and can release them when not needed.
You also will have to look at wait types and further fine tune the query.

As Bernard Vander Beken mentioned:
DTU is a combined measurement of CPU, memory, data I/O and transaction
log I/O.
I'll also add that Microsoft does not share the formula used to calculate DTUs. You mentioned that you are not seeing DTUs peg at 100% during query execution. But since we do not know the formula, you may very well be pegging components of DTU, but not pegging DTU itself.
Azure SQL is a shared environment, and each tenant will be throttled to ensure that the minimum SLA for all tenants

What a DTU is is quite fuzzy.
We have done an experiment where we run a set of benchmarks on machines with the same amount of DTU on different data centers.
It turns out that the actual performance varies by a factor of 5.
We have also seen instances where the performance of a repeated query on the same database varies drastically.
We provide our database performance benchmarks for free if you would like to compare the instance you run on your PC with the instance in the azure cloud.


Azure MS SQL DTU Calculations for the sub query

Is it true that one query is one transaction in Azure SQL DTU? that mean is my basic package has 5 DTU it won't execute more than 5 quires in one second?
I am wondering how much DTU it will take to execute a query where sub query runs 1,000 times.
DTU, abbreviation for Database Throughput Unit, is involved with multiple factors including CPU, Memory, reads and writes. Not just queries per seconds or transactions at a time.
There is a calculator for you to measure your on-premise database, if you want to migrate it to Azure SQL database.
And, there is an test for Azure SQL Database Benchmark with different Service Tier/Performance Level
No, this is not the amount of queries per second.
It is rather a bit of a blackbox calculation based on:
% Processor Time
Logical Disk - Disk Reads/sec
Logical Disk - Disk Writes/sec
Database - Log Bytes Flushed/sec
there is however a calculator that helps you defining the correct amount of dtu's you consume on:
As other have already indicated, the DTU does not reflect queries per second. I recommend you enable SQL Azure Query Performance Insight which will allow you to track DTU usage and identify the top DTU consuming queries.
Also, there is no such concept as a 'sub-query' in execution. There is only the 'query'. If your query contains 'sub-queries' they are nothing more than just parts of the 'query' and in the end there is one query being executed. Your query components (sub-queries, scalar or table valued functions, CTEs, 'lateral views' etc etc ) are all just parts of the one query, and there is one query being executed, no matter how many components it has and how often their operators get invoked. Some queries consume more DTUs than other, but the relation between query text complexity and query execution complexity/cost is not straightforward. Please read Understanding how SQL Server executes a query for a deeper discussion on this topic.

How to fetch query execution statistics using Oracle DB?

I am new to database. I try to run a simple query on SQL Server 2014 and Oracle 12c.
This is the execution plan I get using SQL Server. It contains information about I/O cost and CPU cost in seconds.
However I can't find the same information using Oracle. The CPU cost shown in the execution plan is not based on execution time.
I want to do some comparison between the two databases. How I can obtain the same information in Oracle as in SQL Server? Besides, how I can know the cache hit ratio?
Thank you.
The cost estimate is in fact based on time.
It is a non-dimensionalised measurement that expresses the estimated time for the query to complete in terms of the equivalent number of logical reads, so if a logical read is expected to take 0.001 seconds then a cost of 12 is 0.012 seconds.
Although it is commonly stated that the cost between different queries cannot be compared, this was only definitively true in earlier versions. The difficulty in comparing query costs relates to how long single block and multiblock reads, writes and CPU operations take. This can depend on such a multitude of factors (other activity on the system, and activity immediately prior that affects the likelihood of blocks being cached by the instance or the i/o subsystem) that it is highly unlikely that you really expect to derive a time from a cost.
Cache hit ratios have been discredited for quite some time as a measurement of system efficiency. It is possible to improve the cache hit ratio to an arbitrary number by simply running particular types of highly inefficient queries.
Use the Oracle Database 12c: EM Express Performance Hub to get both estimates and actual values for queries and their operations. Regular explain plans are helpful, but they just show you what Oracle thinks will happen, not necessarily what will happen.
Specifically, use either the SQL Details (aggregate) or the SQL Monitor Details (last execution) information.
You're close, very close.
Run with AutoTrace.
I talk more about the feature here, or you can of course read up on the docs or the Help.

SQL Server long running query taking hours but using low CPU

I'm running some stored procedures in SQL Server 2012 under Windows Server 2012 in a dedicated server with 32 GB of RAM and 8 CPU cores. The CPU usage is always below 10% and the RAM usage is at 80% because SQL Server has 20 GB (of 32 GB) assigned.
There are some stored procedures that are taking 4 hours some days and other days, with almost the same data, are taking 7 or 8 hours.
I'm using the least restrictive isolation level so I think this should not be a locking problem. The database size is around 100 GB and the biggest table has around 5 million records.
The processes have bulk inserts, updates and deletes (in some cases I can use truncate to avoid generating logs and save some time). I'm making some full-text-search queries in one table.
I have full control of the server so I can change any configuration parameter.
I have a few questions:
Is it possible to improve the performance of the queries using
Why is the CPU usage so low?
What are the best practises for configuring SQL Server?
What are the best free tools for auditing the server? I tried one
from Microsoft called SQL Server 2012 BPA but the report is always
empty with no warnings.
I checked the log and I found this:
03/18/2015 11:09:25,spid26s,Unknown,SQL Server has encountered 82 occurrence(s) of I/O requests taking longer than 15 seconds to complete on file [C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.HLSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\templog.ldf] in database [tempdb] (2). The OS file handle is 0x0000000000000BF8. The offset of the latest long I/O is: 0x00000001fe4000
Bump up max memory to 24 gb.
Move tempdb off the c drive and consider mult tempdb files, with auto grow at least 128 Mbps or 256 Mbps.
Install performance dashboard and run performance dashboard report to see what queries are running and check waits.
If you are using auto grow on user data log and log files of 10%, change that to something similar to tempdb growth above.
Using performance dashboard check for obvious missing indexes that predict 95% or higher improvement impact.
Disregard all the nay Sayers who say not to do what I'm suggesting. If you do these 5 things and you're still having trouble post some of the results from performance dashboard, which by the way is free.
One more thing that may be helpful, download and install the sp_whoisactive stored proc, run it and see what processes are running. Research the queries that you find after running sp_whoisactive.
query taking hours but using low CPU
You say that as if CPU would matter for most db operations. HINT: They do not.
Databases need IO. RAM sin some cases helps mitigate this, but at the end it runs down to IO.
And you know what I see in your question? CPU, Memory (somehow assuming 32gb is impressive) but NO WORD ON DISC LAYOUT.
And that is what matters. Discs, distribution of files to spread the load.
If you look into performance counters then you will see latency being super high on discs - because whatever "pathetic" (in sql server terms) disc layout you have there, it simply is not up to the task.
Time to start buying. SSD are a LOT cheaper than discs. You may say "Oh, how are they cheaper". Well, you do not buy GB - you buy IO. And last time I checked SSD did not cost 100 times the price of discs - but they have 100 times or more the IO. and we talk always of random IO.
Then isolate Tempdb on separate SSD - tempdb either does no a lot or a TON and you want to see this.
Then isolate the log file.
Make multiple data files, for database and tempdb (particularly tempdb - as many as you have cores).
And yes, this will cost money. But at the end - you need IO and like most developers you got CPU. Bad for a database.

How to limit SQL queries CPU utilization?

After a large SQL Query is run that is built through my ASPX Pages I see the following two items listed in sql profiler.
Event Class TextData ApplicationName CPU Reads Writes
SQL:BatchCompleted Select N'Testing Connection...' SQLAgent - Alert Engine 1609 0 0
SQL:BatchCompleted EXECUTE msdb.sbo.sp_sqlagent_get_perf_counters SQLAgent - Alert Engine 1609 96 0
These CPU is the same as the query so does that query actually take 1609*3=4827?
Same thing happens with case :
Audit Logout
Can I limit this? I am using sql server 2005.
First of all, some of what you see in the SQL Profiler is cumulative, so you can't always just add the numbers up. For example, a SPCompleted event will show the total time of all the SPStatementCompleted events that make it up. Not sure if that's your issue here.
The only way to improve the CPU is to actually improve your query. Make sure its using indexes, minimize the number of rows read, etc. Work with an experienced DBA on some of these techniques, or read a book.
Only other mitigation I can think of is to limit the number of CPUs the query runs on (this is called Degree of Parallelism, or DOP). You can set this at the server level, or specify it at the query level. If you have a multiple processor server, this can ensure that a single long-running query doesn't take over all processors on the box--it will leave one or more processors free for other queries to run.
No, it takes 1609 milliseconds of CPU in total. What is the duration?
I bet the same or slighty more because I doubt SQL Agent queries use parallelism.
Are you trying to reduce background processes using CPU? If so, then you reduce functionality by disabling SQL Agent (no backups then for example) and restarting SQL Server with switch -x
You also can not stop "Audit logout" events... this is what happens when you disconnect or close a connection.
However, are you maxing the processors? If so, you'll need to differentiate between "user" memory for queries and "system" memory used for paging or (god forbid) generating your parity on RAID 5 disks.
High CPU can often be solved by more RAM and a better disk config.
SQL Server 2008 has a new "Resource Governor" that may help. I don't know if you're using SQL Server 2008 or not but you may want to take a look here
This is an issue of connection string. If audit logout takes too much of your cpu then try to play with different connection string.

Is there a SQL server performance counter for average execution time?

I want to tune a production SQL server. After making adjustments (such as changing the degree of parallelism) I want to know if it helped or hurt query execution times.
This seems like an obvious performance counter, but for the last half hour I've been searching Google and the counter list in perfmon, and I have not been able to find a performance counter for SQL server to give me the average execution time for all queries hitting a server. The SQL Server equivalent of the ASP.NET Request Execution Time.
Does one exist that I'm missing? Is there another effective way of monitoring the average query times for a server?
I don't believe there is a PerfMon but there is a report within SQL Server Management Studio:
Right click on the database, select Reports > Standard Reports > Object Execution Statistics. This will give you several very good statistics about what's running within the database, how long it's taking, how much memory/io processing it takes, etc.
You can also run this on the server level across all databases.
You can use Query Analyzer (which is one of the tools with SQL Server) and see how they are executed internally so you can optimize indexing etc. That wouldn't tell you about the average, or round-trip back to the client. To do that you'd have to log it on the client and analyze the data yourself.
I managed to do it by saving the Trace to SQL. When the trace is open
File > Save As > Trace Table
Select the SQL, and once its imported run
select avg(duration) from dbo.[YourTableImportName]
You can very easily perform other stats, max, min, counts etc... Much better way of interrogating the trace result
An other solution is to run multiple time the query and get the average query time:
DO $proc$
StartTime timestamptz;
EndTime timestamptz;
Delta double precision;
StartTime := clock_timestamp();
FOR i IN 1..100 LOOP
PERFORM * FROM table_name;
EndTime := clock_timestamp();
Delta := 1000 * (extract(epoch FROM EndTime) - extract(epoch FROM StartTime)) / 100;
RAISE NOTICE 'Average duration in ms = %', Delta;
Here it run 100 time the query:
PERFORM * FROM table_name;
Just replace SELECT by PERFORM
Average over what time and for which queries? You need to further define what you mean by "average" or it has no meaning, which is probably why it's not a simple performance counter.
You could capture this information by running a trace, capturing that to a table, and then you could slice and dice the execution times in one of many ways.
It doesn't give exactly what you need, but I'd highly recommend trying the SQL Server 2005 Performance Dashboard Reports, which can be downloaded here. It includes a report of the top 20 queries and their average execution time and a lot of other useful ones as well (top queries by IO, wait stats etc). If you do install it be sure to take note of where it installs and follow the instructions in the Additional Info section.
The profiler will give you statistics on query execution times and activities on the server. Overall query times may or may not mean very much without tying them to specific jobs and query plans.
Other indicators of performance bottlenecks are resource contention counters (general statistics, latches, locks). You can see these through performance counters. Also looking for large number of table-scan or other operations that do not make use of indexes can give you an indication that indexing may be necessary.
On a loaded server increasing parallelism is unlikely to materially affect performance as there are already many queries active at any given time. Where parallelism gets you a win is on large infrequently run batch jobs such as ETL processes. If you need to reduce the run-time of such a process then parallelism might be a good place to look. On a busy server doing a transactional workload with many users the system resources will be busy from the workload so parallelism is unlikely to be a big win.
You can use Activity Monitor. It's built into SSMS. It will give you real-time tracking of all current expensive queries on the server.
To open Activity Monitor:
In Sql Server Management Studio (SSMS), Right click on the server and select Activity Monitor.
Open Recent Expensive Queries to see CPU Usage, Average Query Time, etc.
Hope that helps.
There are counters in 'SQL Server:Batch Resp Statistics' group, which are able to track SQL Batch Response times. Counters are divided based on response time intervals, for example, from 0 ms to 1 ms, ..., from 10 ms to 20 ms, ..., from 1000 ms to 2000 ms and so on, So proper counters can be selected for the desired time interval.
Hope it helps.
