Passing data from one route view to another - angularjs

I want to pass some values from one view to another in Angularjs using ui-Router.
I don't want to use $rootScope to save data or create a new services ( as I have many views that pass small bits of data so creating new jsfile for few lines code is not fun). A super-minified example of what I want to do is:
Controller of View 1
$scope.goodFood = 10
$scope.badFood = 2
Controller of View 2
$scope.results = 10 - 2 (from view 1's scope)
Is there any quick way to do these kinds of small operations ?

I don't want to use $rootScope to save data or create a new services ( as I have many views that pass small bits of data so creating new jsfile for few lines code is not fun)
There is no need to create a new service for new bits of data. Simply create a value service with an object:
app.value("viewData", {});
Then simply add new properties as needed:
app.controller("viewCtrl", function(viewData) {
viewData.newProp = "new info";
As value services are singletons, changes to the contents of the object will survive view changes.

Since you have specified the approach that you wanted to follow, you should create the following
.state('view2', {
url: "/view2/:param1/:param2",
templateUrl: 'view2.html',
controller: function ($stateParams) {
and from where ever you want to call
$state.go('view2',{param1:'10', param2:'2'});
But in general it is advised that you keep these values in a service or some where stored. With the application growing you may have to use few more attributes to compute

Easiest way would be to store all the data directly into the $routeParams either through route or query string.
routeUrl: /foods/:quality/:stars
then in your controller you can access
$routeParams.quality - $routeParams.stars


Hold data between pages in angular js

I am new to angular js.Please suggest which one is better . I have a page where I can select a no of check boxes and navigate to 2 nd page.I want to show the checked values when I press back button in browser.
Which one is better using $rootScope or stateparam or localstorage.Please consider performance also.
Going through your options one by one:
$rootScope: You should try to avoid using this option as it is associated to the global state. Use this option only if you want the data you set to be globally available throughout the app and do not want to reuse the same variable names anywhere else.
$stateParams: These typically go into the state URI as a dynamic part of the whole URL. This has only limited usage, and may not be a good idea for your use case where you need to store data from multiple checkboxes.
localStorage: This is slower than using a JavaScript variable, and hence not a good idea.
Here is a better solution for you, entirely within the AngularJS paradigm: AngularJS services
Excerpt from the link in point 3:
Data should also be stored in services, except where it is being bound
to the $scope. Services are singletons that persist throughout the
lifetime of the application, while controllers are transient between
application states. If data is stored in the controller then it will
need to be fetched from somewhere when it is reinstantiated. Even if
the data is stored in localStorage, it's an order of magnitude slower
to retrieve than from with a Javascript variable.
You can use the service to set and get your data inside your controller anywhere in the app in a consistent manner.
Here is an indicative example:
app.factory('formDetails', formDetails);
function formDetails() {
var formData = {};
return {
getProperty: function () {
return formData;
setProperty: function(values) {
formData = values;
Use it in your controller as:
app.controller('MyController', [ '$scope', 'formDetails' , function($scope, formDetails) {
$scope.checkboxData = {};
// on load call service 'get' function
$scope.checkboxData = formDetails.getProperty();
// on some event/watch function call service 'set' function

Angular UI-Router Best Practices: Share Data Between named views

I'm migrating from angular-route to ui-router and Im trying to figure out what is the best option for build the following scenario:
I have a generic panel wich is composed of two nested elements showed at the same time: A FORM(rendered on the left) and a simple LIST (rendered on the right).
The form is used to edit or even create a new item for the list (this manipulation is made throught a service makes ajax calls)
The list shows all items and I can select one of them and click on "edit", after that the item goes to the form and I'll be able to manipulate/update it.
Here is my code:
.state('mt.demos', {
abstract: true,
url: '/demos',
views : {
'container#' : {
templateUrl: '....demos.html'
.state('mt.panel', {
url: '',
views: {
'form#mt.demos': {
templateUrl: '...form.html',
controller : 'formController',
controllerAs : 'vm',
'list#mt.demos': {
templateUrl: '...list.html',
controller : 'listController',
controllerAs : 'vm',
So far I ended up with those 2 options:
Create a service for the shared data (this seems to be the most acceptable answer due to its Singleton behavior -- but look the NOTE 1 at the end of this post.
Create a parent controller so each nested state can access parent properts like the list or the item to be edited. So when I click on "edit item" the listController updates the parent's scope and the formController will be changed with this data.
NOTE 1: Of course to retrieve the list and to update items I already use one service called demoService. This service is used for ajax requests only. So If the best decision is the options 1 showed above, I belive that I should create a new service with a new proposal, right? Or it isnt bad to store some local variable in this same service.
This new service will have the list and the item itself, so when I click on edit I will update the service "item" property?
I think you already have an answer of using a service to store your data.
About a new service with new proposal, while I'm not entirely sure what a 'proposal' means, I'm assuming you are referring to a different list with different fields with your current one?
In that case that would depends on how reusable your code is. If your forms are similar enough, or you can generalize it, then it might be fine to share the same service so you don't have to rewrite the functions. The lists and selected items can be stored as different variables in the service.
Or, you can also store them in different service, and write their common functions in another service.

AngularJS: Move to next view and pass along object

I make a query to to receive a lot of objects and then display all the objects in a view.
I now want to be able to click on one of the objects, which should load a new page where I can edit them.
My questions is, how do I pass one of the objects from the main view to a detail view where I can edit it?
When I tried:
With route, passing the whole object, but this seems like bad practice, and the whole object is printed out in the status bar:
// Route
.when('/job/:object', {
<a href="#/job/{{job}}" style=" ">
By just passing the objectId, and when query the database to get the object by it's id once the detail view is loaded.
.when('/job/:objectId', {
<a href="#/job/{{}}" style=" ">
// Get Object by its ID from
Save the whole array of objects in the $rootScope in order to access them from the new detail controller.
Thanks in advance
as SSH said you need to create one angular service which can hold the object , and then when you move from one view to another simply inject the service and access the object.
Here is how you should do this.
var myobj;
this.set= function(obj){
myobj = obj;
this.get= function(){
return myobj;
now in your controller
$scope.setObject = function(obj){
And then when you want to get object simply call holdobj.get();
You should save an incoming object in a service, and then use that service across different controllers
As long as you are using a shared controller between views I think you could probably set a model before you change the view.
I don't know if there is a way to pass model between controllers when checking router otherwise, without going the old-fashioned way and passing an id to the object, where the second controller would look it up based on that.

Multi-steps register form in Angularjs

I'm building an app in which I've got a registration flow divided in 3 parts, Personal Info, Profile picture, and so on, each one in its invidual view.
So, which way do you think is the best way to persist data between views so in the final step I can show the whole data to the user and ask for confirmation.
Local Storage? $cacheFactory? I've really have no idea how to do it, any advice will be usefull!
Thanks in advance
cookie or local storage is available,but I think Angular way is recommended.
$rootScope: you can storage user data in $rootScope simply use
$rootScope.userData = {
'userName' : 'first',
'userId' : 'second'
to storage and read data in new view, remember to inject $rootScope into your controller
$broadcast: angular provide event $broadcast and $emit, so you can use $on to watch event and get your user data.and this is a demo
route resolve? : if you send user data in every step to database,
you can use resolve in route config to load user data by $http.get().
add a service
app.factory("messageService", function($q){
return {
getMessage: function(){
return $q.when("Hello World!");
in route config
.when("/news", {
templateUrl: "newsView.html",
controller: "newsController",
resolve: {
message: function(messageService){
return messageService.getMessage();
in your controller
app.controller("newsController", function (message) {
$scope.message = message;
You are looking for an angular wizard
if you are using ui-router, you can easily do this with nested states
have a look
one form ( main state )
separate templates (nested states)
Note: specify controller for main state only and not for nested states
It will depend on the requirement.
If there is a requirement that the user can complete two steps and
come back later to complete the third step, then better go with local
But if it's really not the case, you need not use any persistence
mechanism. Only thing is you need to properly map the models. And on the final submit, you can persist the complete input data.

UI-Router : Can I get always the same controller?

I'm using UI-Router to have some "menus" in my application.
url: "/Focales"
templateUrl: "/demo/focals.html"
controller: FocalCtrl)
url: "/Collections"
templateUrl: "/demo/collections.html"
controller: CollectionCtrl)
In my CollectionCtrl, I trigger a processing done on server and just waiting to display the information like this (CoffeeScript)
Progress = $resource('/collections/getProgress')
$scope.getProgress = () ->
prg = Progress.get {}, ->
$scope.currentProgress = prg
$scope.getProgress() if prg.end isnt true
My issue : When the user moves to Focal and goes back to CollectionCtrl, I have a new instance of CollectionCtrl. So as far as I understand, the $scope.getProgress code still receives data but for the PREVIOUS CollectionCtrl (so the display is not updated...)
Is it possible to get the previous Controller rather than a new "instance" of the CollectionCtrl ? Why is a new CollectionCtrl created ?
What's the best approach: So I'm tempted to have a state data to store the current $scope so I could do $state.currentScope = prg rather than $scope.currentProgress = prg.
Is it a good approach ?
Thanks !
The best approach to take here is to define a service which will communicate with the server and possibly cache the results. This service can be injected in the Controllers and the controllers can ask it for the progress, probably using $watch, though providing the service with a callback may also suffice, and update the UI based on that.
Controllers should be ephemeral and one should not rely on them being singleton-ish objects in Angular. Importantly, they should not contain any state apart from that needed by the template they are supporting. The are created again when the route becomes active so that we can write comparatively simpler code, initializing the $scope once and rest assured that it will contains as fresh information (w.r.t the route) for the template as possible. This also avoids memory leaks if a controller is kept around for each route like /app/:object_id and the user switches routes often.
