Makefile: make run command - c

Here is my my makefile. I know there is a shorter way to write it out, but I have a question on how to run it. My hw says I have to use the command: make run --- this command should cause the executable file to run using file redirection to read the input file data.
How would I go about setting that up?
Also i know the gcc is supposed to be tabbed.
test: main.o sum.o stack.o bSearch.o database.o db.o set.o parse.o bubble.o
gcc -o object main.o sum.o stack.o bSearch.o db.o set.o parse.o bubble.o
main.o: main.c sum.h
gcc -c main.c
sum.o: sum.c sum.h
gcc -c sum.c
stack.o: stack.c stack.h
gcc -c stack.c
bSearch.o: bSearch.c defs.h sortAndsearch.h
gcc -c bSearch.c
database.o: database.c defs.h parse.h
gcc -c database.c
db.o: db.c defs.h
gcc -c db.c
set.o: set.c set.h db.h
gcc -c set.c
parse.o: parse.c parse.h
gcc -c parse.c
bubble.o: bubble.c defs.h
gcc -c bubble.c
sortAndsearch.h: db.h
defs.h: set.h sortAndsearch.h
stack.h: set.h
rm *.o object

"run" is just like any other target in your Makefile such as "test" or "set.o" - but you have to add the rule to the Makefile for make to know what to do with it.
./test < input.txt


Make two c programs in one makefile

Is it possible to make two files in a single makefile? Essentially a program and a programtest. I have seen other answers, but their syntax went completely over my head. Right now my Makefile only makes one of the programs, and I cant figure out how to have it make both
Would it be possible for someone to provide a template for how a Makefile would be structured to compile two programs?
all: main test
test: objects/Math.o objects/Stack.o objects/Queue.o objects/myUnitTesting.o objects/test.o
gcc objects/test.o objects/Math.o objects/Stack.o objects/Queue.o objects/myUnitTesting -o test
main: objects/Stack.o objects/Queue.o objects/Math.o objects/Point.o objects/main.o
gcc objects/main.o objects/Stack.o objects/Queue.o objects/Point.o objects/Math.o -o main
objects/test.o: test.c
gcc -g -Wall -O -c -o objects/test.o test.c
objects/main.o: main.c
gcc -g -Wall -O -c -o objects/main.o main.c
objects/myUnitTesting.o: cs/myUnitTesting.c
gcc -g -Wall -O -c -o objects/myUnitTesting cs/myUnitTesting.c
objects/Math.o: cs/Math.c
gcc -g -Wall -O -c -o objects/Math.o cs/Math.c
objects/Stack.o: cs/Stack.c
gcc -g -Wall -O -c -o objects/Stack.o cs/Stack.c
objects/Queue.o: cs/Queue.c
gcc -g -Wall -O -c -o objects/Queue.o cs/Queue.c
objects/Point.o: cs/Point.c
gcc -g -Wall -O -c -o objects/Point.o cs/Point.c
rm -f objects/*o main
Then you only need to type:
make all
and it is going to compile your main.c and test.c files
You can multiple exes in one makefile, here is sample for building 2,
you need to do make all to build
prog1: prog1.o
gcc prog1.o -o prog1 2>>compile.log 1>&2
prog2: prog2.o
gcc prog2.o -o prog2 2>>compile.log 1>&2
all: prog1 prog2
gcc -o $# -c $*.c 2>>compile.log 1>&2
Here is a scenario where 2 targets are main1 and main2.
TARGET1 = main1
TARGET2 = main2
$(TARGET1): main1.o
gcc main1.o -o $#
$(TARGET2): main2.o
gcc main2.o -o $#
%.o: %.c
gcc -c $< -o $#
run1: $(TARGET1)
run2: $(TARGET2)
all: $(TARGET1) $(TARGET2)
Remember that the indentation is a <tab> character, not space characters.
The following command will compile and run main1 executable.
make run1
The following command will compile and run main2 executable.
make run2
The following command will compile and run main1 executable followed by main2 executable.
make all
It is possible.
Here is a simpler version of the Makefile:
all: program programtest
gcc -o program program.c
gcc -o programtest programtest.c
Then you just have to type make:
$ make
gcc -o program program.c
gcc -o programtest programtest.c

makefile error missing separator error

I am trying to use make with my c program. It's a simple calculator program. I created the makefile but it is not being executed when i run make using the terminal.
here is my make file
\tadd.o sub.o multiply.o divide.o Calculator_Main.o gcc add.o sub.o multiply.o divide.o Calculator_Main.o -o calculatormade
\tadd.c gcc add.c -c
\tsub.c gcc sub.c -c
\tmultiply.c gcc multiply.c -c
\tdivide.c gcc divide.c -c
\tCalculator_Main.c head.h gcc Calculator_Main.c -c
\trm calculatormade add.o sub.o multiply.o divide.o Calculator_Main.o
The tab separator is misplaced. You should put on the first line the taget, colon and the files it is dependent on.
On the second line (that must start with tab) you need to build the build instructions. For exmple:
calculatormade: add.o sub.o multiply.o divide.o Calculator_Main.o
<TAB>gcc add.o sub.o multiply.o divide.o Calculator_Main.o -o calculatormade
add.o: add.c
<TAB>gcc add.c -c

MakeFile creation

I want to make a makefile but I am so confused and I need it immediately.
I have four files(.c) an one file(.h). Three of them have main and the fourth hasn't.
main.c has main
readers.c has main
writers.c has main
funs.c has NOT main
The 3 of the files ( that have main ) need the functions in funs.c .
This is my makefile till now:
all: read write main
gcc -o funs funs.c
gcc -o read readers.c funs.c
write:funs.o writers.c
gcc -o write writers.c funs.c
main:funs.o main.c
gcc -o main main.c funs.c -lpthread
Can you help? Thanks in advance!
You need to compile funs.o with
gcc -c -o funs funs.c
The -c option makes gcc not try to link the file as a program with main.
There are two steps:
Create a static library for linking
Create each binaries
For example:
all: a b c
s.o: share.c
gcc -c -o $# $<
a: a.c $(STATIC_LIBS)
gcc $(STATIC_LIBS) -o $# $<
b: b.c $(STATIC_LIBS)
gcc $(STATIC_LIBS) -o $# $<
c: c.c $(STATIC_LIBS)
gcc $(STATIC_LIBS) -o $# $<
$# is the target
$< is the first dependent object
Well thanks all for your help. This is the answer:
all:read write main
gcc -c -o funs funs.c
read:readers.c funs.o
gcc -o read readers.c funs.c
write:writers.c funs.o
gcc -o write writers.c funs.c
main:main.c funs.o
gcc -o main main.c funs.c -lpthread

C makefile errors

I have a custom header file example.h which has prototypes for a few functions. There is a .C file example.c that I implemented which "includes" (#include "example.h") and has the implementations of the functions that has prototype in example.h. Now, I have another function test.c that calls the functions that are prototyped in example.h and defined in example.c.
My make file is as follows
test: test.o
gcc -o test -g test.o
test.o: test.c example.c example.h
gcc -g -c -Wall test.c
gcc -g -c -Wall example.c
rm -f *.o test
I get following message for the functions that are defined in example.c
Undefined first referenced
symbol in file
function1 test.o
function2 test.o
function3 test.o
function4 test.o
ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to test
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
* Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `test'
Any help is most appreciated.
%.o: %.c
gcc -c -g -o $# $^
test: test.o example.o
gcc -o -g $# $^
%.o: %.c This means any *.o file should be builded from its equivalen from c files.
example test.o should be builded from test.c and example.o should be builded from example.c
First of all, you must include the example.o file when generating the executable file : gcc -o test example.o test.o. Then, the dependencies you wrote for target test.o are incorrect. You should split it like this :
test: test.o example.o
gcc -o test test.o example.o
test.o: test.c
gcc -c -Wall test.c
example.o: example.c
gcc -c -Wall example.c
Then, consider the use of variables to store the names of your object files, the flags you want to pass to the linker/compiler etc... This would make your life much easier.
test.o: test.c example.c example.h
gcc -g -c -Wall test.c
gcc -g -c -Wall example.c
as per your code test.o target is calling test.c example.c example.h target which i am not able to see.

-lm Not linking math library in makefile

I know this error has been beaten to death, but I cannot seem to get it to work. I have linked my makefile below:
all: gensine info cs229towav
encode.o: encode.h encode.c
gcc -c encode.c
write.o: write.c write.h
gcc -c write.c
gensine.o: encode.c gensine.h gensine.c helper.c write.c
gcc -c gensine.c -lm
helper.o: helper.c helper.h
gcc -c helper.c
read.o: read.h read.c
gcc -c read.c
info.o:read.c info.h info.c decode.c
gcc -c info.c
decode.o: decode.c decode.h helper.c
gcc -c decode.c
cs229towav.o: write.c read.c cs229towav.c cs229towav.h helper.c decode.c encode.c
gcc -c cs229towav.c -lm
gensine: encode.o gensine.o write.o helper.o
gcc -o gensine encode.o gensine.o write.o helper.o -lm
info: read.o info.o decode.o helper.o
gcc read.o info.o decode.o helper.o
cs229towav: write.o read.o cs229towav.o decode.o encode.o helper.o
gcc -o write.o read.o cs229towav.o decode.o encode.o helper.o -lm
rm -rf *o gensine info cs229towav
When I run a command such as "make gensine" I am returned with the following result:
>cc gensine.c -o gensine
/tmp/ccojm09X.o: In function `encodeCsFormat':
gensine.c:(.text+0x4b1): undefined reference to `sin'
/tmp/ccojm09X.o: In function `encodeWavFormat':
gensine.c:(.text+0xa39): undefined reference to `sin'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
After reading this is says undefined reference to sin, which is with the math library. Those functions listed are in the "encode.c" file which are included in the "gensine.c" file.
The command in the makefile:
gcc -o gensine encode.o gensine.o write.o helper.o -lm
does not match the command you printed at the end:
cc gensine.c -o gensine
Notice also that there is no -lm
Note that make knows how to make object files so you don't need most of the makefile. Try this (remember to indent with TABs):
.PHONY : all clean
all = gensine info
LIBS = -lm
gensine: encode.o gensine.o write.o helper.o
gcc -o $# $^ $(LIBS)
info: read.o info.o decode.o helper.o
gcc -o $# $^ $(LIBS)
cs229towav: write.o read.o cs229towav.o decode.o encode.o helper.o
gcc -o $# $^ $(LIBS)
rm -rf *.o gensine info cs229towav
Boddie, note that your confusion arose because you thought the makefile was a script - ie. that you were running your script named make when you typed make gensine. In fact make is a command like gcc somewhere else in the filesystem (on Linux etc, type which make to see where it is). The make command expects to find an input file containing build rules called makefile or Makefile in the current directory. If it doesn't find that file it uses some built-in rules instead - hence the cc gensine.c -o gensine which is nowhere in your makefile. If you want to, you can tell make the name of the makefile (so that it doesn't use the default names) with the -f switch, as #DanielFischer described in the comments.
