Grails external jar is not being inclued - grails-3.0

I am totally new to grails framework. I am having trouble including the external jar files to grails project.
My lib location is: Project -> lib
dependencies {
compile fileTree (dir: './lib', include: ['*.jar'])
runtime fileTree (dir: './lib', include: ['*.jar'])
Could someone please guide me on this

Try fileTree(dir: 'lib', include: '*.jar')


How to preload Google Fonts from CDN with webpack

My goal is to import the fonts by:
#import url(',100,200,300);
in my .scss file, then preload all the fonts by preload-webpack-plugin
After I deployed my bundle, the google fonts are applied, and the font request is like this:
Compare to the request which utilized #font-face in the .scss file, get the fonts downloaded to local then served by myself:
Only the file name of second one follows the name I defined in file-loader configuration:
exports.font = {
test: /\.(woff|woff2|ttf|eot)$/,
loader: 'file-loader',
query: {
name: '[name]-[hash:6].[ext]',
It's still reasonable for me, so my guess is, I think when Webpack is creating Dependency Graph css-loader interprets #import and url(), then file-loader duplicates the files to our dist folder, but if the source is from external, file-loader won't work on that.
Again, compare requests to CDN and local, the Sources section in Devtool shows me:
When I request fonts from CDN there is a new folder gstatic, before I add preload-webpack-plugin, the fonts are requested dynamically when meet the new fonts family/style in the new pages, after I add preload-webpack-plugin, the fonts are preloaded only for the way which is sending fonts request to local.
exports.preloadWebpack = new PreloadWebpackPlugin({
rel: 'preload',
include: 'allAssets',
fileWhitelist: [/\.woff/, /\.woff2/, /\.ttf/],
as: 'font',
Any help is appreciated!!
You could consider using: Google Fonts Webpack Plugin,
and install it using npm in this way:
npm install #beyonk/google-fonts-webpack-plugin
More info.

Plugin system for apps compiled using Webpack

For the context: I'm developing my own product using Symfony on the back-end and react/react-router on the front-end, which is tied together by Webpack. I'm planning to divide my app into "extensions", so I would have "core" bundle and multiple different extending bundles around it (which would be sets of additional features for my product).
Now, I would like for my front-end to be as extensible as my back-end. I would like to be able to add new React components with my extending bundles to the existing "core" set of components in my "CoreBundle".
However, it seems like the Webpack is encapsulating everything too tightly to be able to produce that kind of a plugin system. Is it possible to have multiple bundles that would have separate Webpack configurations, but their JavaScript would be interconnected in a way that would allow for developing of a plugin system? The goal is being able to develop JS of one Bundle independently but at the same time being able to use some already compiled JS resources from another Bundle in the process.
I think you should be able to achieve this using the DllPlugin and the DllReferencePlugin
The DllPlugin is used in a separate webpack config to create a dll
only bundle. It also creates a manifest.json file which is used by the
DllReferencePlugin to map dependencies.
Refer to the detailed documentation at
In my case, I use this to combine all vendor libraries (React, Flux, etc) in one build and then use that as a reference in my Other Webpack Config which bundles all my React components etc. but references React and other libraries using the DllReferencePlugin.
My webpack.dll.js config file:
var path = require("path");
var webpack = require("webpack");
module.exports = {
entry: {
libs: [path.join(__dirname, "common", "lib.js")]
output: {
path: path.join(__dirname, "dist", "dll"),
filename: "[name].dll.js",
library: "[name]"
plugins: [
new webpack.DllPlugin({
path: path.join(__dirname, "dll", "[name]-manifest.json"),
name: "[name]",
context: path.resolve(__dirname, "common")
And then in my main webpack.config.js, I use the reference plugin.
new webpack.DllReferencePlugin({
context: path.resolve(__dirname, "common"),
Depending upon how you want to split your code, you can create multiple Dlls, each with a separate webpack config as per your requirements. And then refer the dll's as per your requirements in different other webpack bundles.

Android Studio GAE Project Deploy: Class file is Java 8 but max supported is Java7

I have a Google App Engine project in Android Studio. In the past I have successfully deployed to my project to GAE many times. However, some project setting has changed and I can no longer deploy. I get the message:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Class file is Java 8 but max supported is Java 7: javax/ws/rs/ApplicationPath.class in /Users/rob/AndroidStudioProjects/SpeedyMovingInventory/backend/build/exploded-app/WEB-INF/lib/
Unable to update app: Class file is Java 8 but max supported is Java 7: javax/ws/rs/ApplicationPath.class in /Users/rob/AndroidStudioProjects/SpeedyMovingInventory/backend/build/exploded-app/WEB-INF/lib/
Please see the logs [/var/folders/cn/3ktx4pj50hs7338v88b0sckh0000gn/T/appcfg3087406806803083082.log] for further information.
I have tried to set the source and target compatibility in my build.gradle, it is shown below:
// If you would like more information on the gradle-appengine-plugin please refer to the github page
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath ''
repositories {
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'war'
apply plugin: 'appengine'
sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_7
targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_7
dependencies {
appengineSdk ''
compile 'javax.servlet:servlet-api:2.5'
compile ''
compile 'joda-time:joda-time:2.8.2'
compile 'net.sargue:mailgun:1.0.0'
compile ''
testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
testCompile 'org.mockito:mockito-core:1.10.19'
// Set this dependency if you want to use Hamcrest matching
testCompile 'org.hamcrest:hamcrest-library:1.1'
testCompile fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: '/Users/rob/appengine-java-sdk-1.9.34/lib/impl')
testCompile fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: '/Users/rob/appengine-java-sdk-1.9.34/lib/testing')
appengine {
downloadSdk = true
appcfg {
oauth2 = true
I have also used Android Studio to generate a sample GAE module and successfully deployed the sample to GAE. I compared the gradle files and settings and I don't see any differences. Please help, what am I doing wrong?
After lots of research, I have figured a fix. The library 'net.sargue:mailgun:1.0.0' apparently has a dependency of some sort on a java 8 lib (or something along those lines). I don't know why this hasn't caused me issues in the past, but it is now. Upgrading the lib to 'net.sargue:mailgun:1.3.2" resolves the issue.
I have had a conversation with the author of the mailgun library:
He had a dependency which were updated to Java 8, he fixed it in the new release.

Webpack - include css only in development bundle (not production)

When I create my production bundle I do not require any stylesheets in javascript, they are included in index.html. The stylesheets are compiled with a grunt watch from sass to a bundle.css.
While developing I use webpack dev server. Now I want to include the css in the javascript bundle for hot module replacement, but without changing any existing javascript files.
The dev server is using dedicated index.html and webpack.config files, so preferably that's where I include the css bundle. Is this possible?
Maybe it's worth mentioning that I'm using React.
Answer: It looks like you can change the entry[] of webpack.config (example), to access a different .js file. Try creating referencing two different .js entry files for your respective webpack.config files, to import a different CSS file or omit the import line entirely. This compromises DRY, but does what you want.
React shouldn't make any difference.
Hot module is a red herring; it's implemented as a plugin, independently of the above:
plugins: [
new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin());
Omitting the CSS module loader in wouldn't work.
module: {
loaders: [
{test: /(\.css|\.scss)$/, loaders: ['style', 'css?sourceMap', 'sass?sourceMap']}
because it would cause a parse error in import 'path/to/my.css' in index.js

Debug typescript files with chrome

I'm looking for option to allow debug *.ts files while developing application using nodeJS.
Right now, grunt compiling *.ts files to .tmp/scripts. In my index.html file all *.js files are referenced.
Is there a possibility to debug my application using *.ts files while developing application with node.js?
I'm using Yeoman angular-typescript generator
In order to have possibility to debug ts files (both client side - in chrome, or server side in node.js) you must generate map.js files that will bind your original typescript files with resulting js ones.
More info on js maps here: js maps
To enable js maps in grunt specify corresponding flag in gruntfile.js like this:
options: {
module: 'commonjs',
target: 'es5',
sourceMap: true
