Missing Composite C1 CMS Packages option - package

Picked up an existing project built on Composite C1 version 4.3, and I'm trying to install a package. All the information online says to go to System -> Packages -> Install Local Package, but I don't even see a Packages option on the System page at all.
I've tried to see if this option was disabled or not available in this version, but nothing definitive so far.
I do have direct access to code, so if there's a config file I could edit it directly, but haven't found anything that indicates where this might be.

It looks like the account that you are logging in with isn't the main admin account. It's probably a developer account to which the admin has added the ability to make backups and tweak Google Analytics settings. You'll need to contact the admin and ask them to give you full privileges, in order to install packages yourself.
If you have FTP access to the website, there is a way to move an account from one group to another:
Open: ~/App_Data/Composite/DataStores/Composite.Data.Types.IUser.xml
Find the user account for the user you want to change group membership for, and make a note of the Id GUID value.
Open: ~/App_Data/Composite/DataStores/Composite.Data.Types.IUserGroup.xml
Find the group you want that account to have membership of (ie: Administrator or Admin), and make a note of the Id GUID value.
Open: ~/App_Data/Composite/DataStores/Composite.Data.Types.IUserUserGroupRelation.xml
Make a backup copy of this file, just in case it doesn't work!
In the origional, find UserId GUID matching your account Id, then ammend the UserGroupId to the group Id. Save the file.
I've tried this out on my local copy of C1 and it appears to work. You should now have access to everything the admin has access to.

i downloaded the old version of C1 4.3 from github and started a new site, and looks like something is wrong with your site, because this version have package manager.
Something error on Log's Folder? (no Console Log item found in your capture)
I tested on this version (see the image uploaded), so, wich especific version have you?

The two files I needed to change were IUserActivePerspective, and IUserGroupActivePerspective. The perspectives for what I was missing were removed from the admin account, so I just needed to add them back there.


Handle logins in the multidatabase SSDT solution

I have solution that has multiple databases in it. I would like to add logins/users/permissions to the project. I have the DB project that references DB projects that are created for the databases that are on the same server but in different databases.
When I've added login and the user to the first project everything worked fine. After that I've added user to the 2nd database project (as the server is the same and I do not need to create login again). Then the build complains that there is o login for the user. If I add login to the 2nd project then it complains that the object exists already ...
I am not sure what is the right solution for my problem, but I would like to have something like:
Project "DbA" has both login and user in the project;
Project "DbB" has user in the project that uses login from the project "DbA".
Any other suggestions are welcome.
As a workaround I've created new project where I've added this login and the added this project as a reference to all needed DBs, but I do not really like this solution.
I took the login/user info out of the solutions, mostly because we used different ones depending on the environments. We then added/tweaked them with post-deploy scripts. This is based off of Jamie Thomson's work, but may be helpful for you: http://schottsql.blogspot.com/2013/05/ssdt-setting-different-permissions-per.html
Alternatively, you could just add the login information to each project, but that could also get troublesome to maintain after a while. SSDT should be smart enough to not mess with the login if it already exists.

specify project id for google app engine project

When creating a new project from the Google Developers Console, it asks for a project name. If an id equivalent to that project name is available, it makes the id to be the same as the project name. If not, some unique id is system generated.
When an id is not available, is there a way to determine who owns the id? There's an id I would like to use, and I'm not sure who is using it (or whether I mistakenly used it in a different GAE project).
If you created the id (and you didn't delete it) you should see it in the Developers Console. If you deleted it you can't re-use it anymore:
Accept the generated project ID or supply your own ID. This project ID
is used as the App Engine application ID. Note that this ID can only
be used once: if you subsequently delete your project, you won't be
able to re-use the ID in a new project.
No there is no way to know this. You can visit the appspot version of the website (appid.appspot.com) and maybe gather something from there, but there is no way to know who is using it.

Change User Name In Azure Active Directory

I have an Azure Active Directory (AAD) set up in my Azure subscription associated with an email address of mine, which we'll call A.
Some time later, I updated my Microsoft Account to use a new email address B as the primary email address, with A being associated with it still so it can still be used and the two email addresses treated as being one.
In AAD there is one user, whose user Id is A which appears not to be able to be changed as it is greyed-out. Attempting to add B fails with the error: You cannot add yourself.
Is there a way I can force the user name of the AAD user to be B instead of A?
The reason I ask is because I am trying to setup an Azure Key Vault in my subscription as it appears to be failing because whether or not I sign in as A or B in Azure Powershell, I am always signed in as B. This then causes this error message, which I appear to be unable to work around:
New-AzureKeyVault : Cannot find the Active Directory object 'B' in tenant
'{Tenant Id}'. Please make sure that the user or application service principal you are
authorizing is registered in the current subscription's Azure Active directory. The TenantID displayed by the cmdlet
'get-AzureSubscription -current' is the current subscription's Azure Active directory.
Can you check that you are using the latest bits for Key Vault PowerShell?
I talked with some folks internally and we believe that an experience like this may be expected if you are using an older version of the PowerShell CMDLETs, but the lastest version should be update to date and not run into the issue you are having.
If you find that you still hit this issue after upgrading, we may have a bug on our side that we should fix.
In that case, my suggestion is for you to create a new Admin User. Then delete the old Admin Account (you may need to Transfer Onwership of your AAD Subscription to the new Admin), and then recreate your account, which will pull the lastest information from that user.
However, I only reccommend trying this after having updated the PowerShell bits.
Please let us know if either of these methods resolves your issues.
Shawn Tabrizi

how do I set up passkit entitlements in Xcode

I have created a pass id in the provisioning profile, generated the certificate and private key, and our server code can generate passes. However I cannot figure out how to make the project entitlements work with passkit. How do you associate a pass id with your app id or bundle id or something? XCode shows the option "Use pass type identifiers from the provisioning profile". Yet it doesn't appear to be anything in the portal to connect a profile with a pass id.
I can run things in debug on my local device, but how without the entitlements I can't distribute this to anyone.
Clearly I am missing some magic and all the docs talk about is building passes and using them, but nothing about building entitlements. Any ideas?
Apparently the answer is, nothing. The Xcode user interface is confusing but apparently you don't have to do anything to support any pass id that your organization created. Passes are unique to your developer account, not any specific of your apps.
For once I wish Apple would actually document new features in the XCode UI.

Dot Net Nuke Multiple Sites

There is a current install of DNN on one of my local webservers - this was installed before I took over this position. I am trying to add a second site, but the instructions I am following appear to be for attaching an existing site. Do I simply run the installer to create a new site in addition to the current? I've never used DNN before, so I am going at this blind.
All information I am finding is referencing the same as the instructions link I provided. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
To add a little bit more information, here is another area where I am confused. Referencing the link, it states #2 to add a binding to my site, then #3 is to add the new portal. What I am trying to do is create a new DNN site - one does not yet exist, so I cannot do step 2 until a new portal is created. As said, I've never used DNN. I was tasked today to have this done by July 4th (nice, huh) so today is the first I am looking at DNN ever.
What I have done is added a new portal and I assumed it would create a new bare-bones site for me, but that is not what happened (obviously). So, instead of just adding an existing site for DNN, how do I add a new one (that is why I asked if I needed to reinstall)? From what I understand, there was an initial website setup with the installation of DNN. That basic site served what they needed - I need to do the same thing again, but, as can be seen, I've no clue how to do so.
No, you don't run the installer again. Remember DotNetNuke is PORTAL Hosting software, meaning with just 1 install you can run ~unlimited websites (of course there's always limits, depending on the hardware you're running on).
For instance if you're DNN install is running on www.myweb.com, and you want to add a site for www.yourweb.com, you simply point your DNS entry for www.yourweb.com to the IP of your DNN install, should be the same IP as www.myweb.com.
You then log into your DNN install as a HOST (superuser) user. You can't do this from using the Admin Login for www.myweb.com, that admin won't have the permissions to add a portal. When you do login as Host, you'll see two more menu items appear, 'Admin' and 'Host'. Admin pertains to functions you want to accomplish ONLY on www.myweb.com, the Host menu applies to the ENTIRE DNN install, including ALL portals you've setup.
Depending on your version number, you probably will see either 'Portals' or 'Site Management' (if it's a newer install, like 6.0+), once you click on or drop the HOST menu.
From there you fill out the specifics regarding your new www.youweb.com website, including the url and any aliases you want. Once you do that and the DNS propegates, you'll then be able to go to www.youweb.com and login and set that site up.
Step #2 is talking about adding a binding in IIS, not doing anything in DNN. You need to tell IIS about strategicplanning.mysite.com, so that it will send requests for that URL to your DNN site.
So, the process looks like this:
Make sure that the DNS record for strategicplanning.mysite.com points to your web server's IP address.
In IIS, update the host header bindings for the current application to include strategicplanning.mysite.com.
a. If you only have one portal in your DNN installation, at this point, trying to navigate to strategicplanning.mysite.com will automatically add it as a portal alias for that one portal.
b. If you have multiple portals in your DNN installation, at this point, trying to navigate to strategicplanning.mysite.com will show an error message about that URL not corresponding to an existing site.
In DotNetNuke, you need to go to the Site Management page in the Host menu (previously called Portals), and use the Manage/Action menu to add a new site. In the form that comes up, use strategicplanning.mysite.com as the alias (keep it marked as a parent portal), and fill in the rest of the details. If you want a blank site, make sure that you pick the Blank Website template (otherwise you'll need to delete a bunch of pages and modules you don't need).
This should be all that you need to do. If you navigate to strategicplanning.mysite.com and you see the original site, then strategicplanning.mysite.com has been added as a portal alias for that site, and you'll need to remove it (in Site Settings under the Admin menu).
