React & Redux with dynamic elements - reactjs

I am currently developing an analytics dashboard in React/Redux that is similar to this:
Users of the dashboard will be able to add and remove tiles to customise the dashboard to their own needs, and the configuration of the tiles is stored and retrieved in an API.
The storing of the data for the configuration of tiles seems to fit well with the global state model:
On load, the dashboard component dispatches a 'loadTiles' action
The action fetches the tiles data and passes it to the 'tiles' reducer
From there it goes into the store/global state.
In mapStateToProps, the data is accessed from
However, a problem arises when populating the data for each tile. The number of tiles and nature of the data is dynamic, so reducers can't be set up ahead of time.
This could be solved by each component managing their own state (as in pure/traditional React using componentWillMount etc) but this will violate some of the architectural principals that have been laid out for the rest of the project (ideally everything is to be managed in global state).
The only way I can see of storing the data is global state would be to have an analytics with a dynamic array of the various data sets, which sounds messy to me.
Is local component state the best solution here? or can this be done in global state cleanly? Are there any example of Redux using queries that are dynamically specified?

One thing you can do is the usage of an ID for each Tile. So your state could look like that:
tiles: {
tile1: {},
tile100: {}
Than, in the mapStateToProps() function you can use own props like so:
function mapStateToProps(state, ownProps) {
//test if it exists
if (state.tiles[]) {
return { tileData: state.tiles[] }
return { tileData: <default state> }
The important part is to hand over a unique ID for each tile, when those are created, one way could be that:
<Tile id={uuid()} other="stuff" />
whereby the uuid() method can be created as described here
I once had an similar issue, have a look here if you want to see a more complicated solution using an higher order component (its my own unaccepted answer). All in all, the above is the simplest solution IMHO.


Sharing data (an array) between two screens in tabs view using react-navigation in react native

I am using react-navigation without redux. so i have two tabs each with their own stack navigator, having one screen each. so i need and array of locations in both screens. currently i am doing this in both screens:
state = { locations: [] };
componentDidMount() {
async getAllLocations() {
let locations = await this.getMoviesFromApi();
this.setState({ locations });
i just want to have this array at one location and both components should share this single source of truth. so changes made by either screen is reflected in the other screen. Is this possible without redux?
RN 0.59 has opened great possibilities with its release. One of them are react hooks, which is available in the latest version... in the future react hooks will be used everywhere. Trust me. So, a while back I looked for the possibilities of having a global state using react hooks and found the reactn library. It uses react native hooks, and even you can use global state in CLASS components. which opens a new door for theming and sharing data. Now my app supports light/dark mode, dynamic font size, Languages, and early implementation of "portals" using only this library.
The best part about it is that you can use it like state. There is no need of provider, or redux stuff (although it provides it). It can be integrated with react navigation (it requires modifying some source code, at most, adding an "n" to react, and reference the global variable). Is awesome and I love it.
I have been thinking in doing an article on medium about this, because the lib is not that popular in RN community, but hope that you will give it a chance the library is only 22KB, less than one full component.
As an alternative, you could think about writing your own library using hooks. But it's gonna be hard. Try it, there is no going back
It is possible if you have a singleton object :
export default class SharedData {
return SharedData.instance;
this.state = {locations:[]};
this.listners =[];
SharedData.instance = this;
return SharedData.instance;
this.state.locations = locations;
return this.state.locations;
return listner;
let index = this.listners.indexOf(listner);
if(index > -1){
and then in every tab where you want to access shared locations state:
// get an instance of SharedData
this.sharedData = new SharedData();
// subscribe to locations changes
this.listner = sharedData.addListner((locations)=>{
// set locations
// unregister when destroying the component
I guess in order to achieve your goal, you're going to need some sort of a mechanism for storing 'global data', and if you don like Redux because it requires a lot of setup to achieve this simple task of sharing global data, then you chould you unstated ... which is alot simple to setup

How can I load only part of a Redux Store in a React Application

My tech lead has given me a challenge to engineer a way only load only parts of the store that is needed for the UI that is loaded in a single page application. This is a big data application so that is why this is important. The idea is that entire store does not need to be loaded because the amount of data.
I implemented similar recently and found How to dynamically load reducers for code splitting in a Redux application? which features a link to where Nicolas describes how they did it at Twitter.
TL;DR You want lazy-loaded reducers for this. The approach described there is to have a class as a "reducer-registry". You register your reducer/s when you need to use it/them. The registry then calls a listener with a combined reducer which includes all the currently registered reducers. You attach a listener to the registry which calls replaceReducer on your store to update it's reducer.
My implementation is here..
In your mapStateToProps you can select the keys of the redux store you need in your component.
For eg.
function mapStateToProps(state) {
const { key1, key2 } = state;
const {subKey, ...restKeys} = key1;
return {
remainder: ...restKeys,
Now this data can be accessed in the component with this.props.remainder or this.props.subKey or this.props.key2

Data modelling my store in Redux

Consider this:
I have an application that is going to end up being pretty large. It is a dashboard which will give you access to various utilities, one of which being a todo app.
If I was just going to build just a todo app, then my state object would look like so:
{ todos:[], completed:false, todoInput:''};
todoInput would be tied to a form field and and upon clicking add, it would alter the todos array and toggle the completed field. So my combineReducers() function would look like this.
This would make sense because all the state is relevant to the todo App because there is JUST a todo app.
Now because I am building a much more complicated application which also has a todo app, this is how my state would potentially look like:
todo:{ todos:[], completed:false, todoInput:''}
As you can see I have separated todos into a separate object now, so it is encapsulated and more organised. So I have 2 questions.
1) Is this a good idea? It seems like the logical move because my application will grow in size and I don't want all the pieces of state floating around as properties to the main state object. Have I gone about this correctly?
2) My combine reducers (as far as I know) cannot take a nested object. So it will now look like this.
combineReducers({ otherState,evenMoreState,evenMore,todo})
so now my reducer compositions will have to be done inside the reducer which handles the todo state. Is there a better/different way to do this?
Yes, you're absolutely on the right track. It's also worth noting that you can use combineReducers multiple times, such as:
const rootReducer = combineReducers({
otherState : otherStateReducer,
todos : combineReducers({
todos : todosReducer,
completed : todosCompletedReducer,
todoInput : todoInputReducer
The overall todos section could be be defined separately, and imported and referenced in the top-level combineReducers call if desired.
You may want to read through the Redux docs section on "Structuring Reducers" for more information on ways to organize reducer logic, as well as the Redux FAQ on organizing nested state. In addition, the Redux Techniques and Redux Architecture sections of my React/Redux links list have links to a variety of articles about building real-world Redux applications.

How to connect each element of array individually by using react redux

The current approach is to connect whole book list into Book List Component. However, it is not an efficient to render huge components by changing only several fields in state. I dont know how to map each book component connect to each individual Book state.
The project is using redux. The application global state like this
"books": [
"field1": "field1",
"field2": "field2",
"field3": "field3",
} ...
In the Book List component, we connect list with it by using react redux
export default connect(state => ({
books: state.books
Now the requirement changes, fields in book will not be changed frequently. The issue is, if one field is changed, it will update the whole BookListComponent. That is not performant component I am expecting.
I would like to push connect logic down to individual Book Component in order to use reselect
The state doesnt have index of the book, I dont know how to write connect to make it work
export default connect(state => ({
books[index]: state.books[index]
Thanks for advance and all options are welcome
Your second example is almost correct. A mapState function can be declared to take two parameters instead of one. If two parameters are declared, Redux will call that mapState function with the props that were given to the wrapper component. So, the mapState function for a list item would be:
const mapState = (state, ownProps) => {
const book = state.books[ownProps.index];
return {book}
My blog post Practical Redux, Part 6: Connected Lists, Forms, and Performance shows some examples of how to do that, and also discusses the key considerations for application performance in Redux.
You can connect any component you like. There is no hard and fast rule that you can only connect top level components.
While there is a performance hit to connecting top level components and passing the props down I have not witnessed it have a noticeable detrimental effect. The benefit in being able to trace the data through the code is always worth it in my opinion. There is a discussion on it here.
React updates only changed fields
While it's true that render function is called each time you update a book, that doesn't mean that the whole list is re-rendered.
Remember, that in React we are using Virtual DOM. It allows us to update only the elements that are actually changed.
Take a look at this article (it's short and has working code example on codeopen)
and this one (a little more detailed)
If you have read those articles, you know that all you need is to inspect your app and see what is actually rendered at each change.

Where should I load data from server in Redux + ReactJS?

For example I have two components - ListOfGroupsPage and GroupPage.
In ListOfGroupsPage I load list of groups from the server and store it to the state.groups
In route I have mapping like ‘group/:id’ for GroupPage
When this address is loaded, the app shows GroupPage, and here I get the data for group from state.groups (try to find group in state via id).
All works fine.
But if I reload page, I'm still on page /group/2, so GroupPage is shown. But state is empty, so the app can't find the group.
What is the proper way to load data in React + Redux? I can see this ways:
1) Load all data in root component. It will be very big overhead from traffic side
2) Don't rely on store, try to load required data on each component. It's more safe way. But I don't think that load the same data for each component - it's cool idea. Then we don't need the state - because each component will fetch the data from server
3) ??? Probably add some kind of checking in each component - first try to find required data in store. If can't - load from the server. But it requires much of logic in each component.
So, is there the best solution to fetch data from server in case of usage Redux + ReactJS?
One approach to this is to use redux-thunk to check if the data exist in the redux store and if not, send a server request to load the missing info.
Your GroupPage component will look something like
class GroupPage extends Component {
componentWillMount() {
const groupId = this.props.params.groupId
And in your action...
const loadGroupPage = (groupId) => (dispatch, getState) => {
// check if data is in redux store
// assuming your state.groups is object with ids as property
const {
groups: {
[groupId]: groupPageData = false
} = getState();
if (!groupPageData) {
//fetch data from the server
I recommend caching the information on the client using localstorage. Persist your Redux state, or important parts of it, to localstorage on state change, and check for existing records in localstorage on load. Since the data would be on the client, it would be simple and quick to retrieve.
The way I approach this is to fetch from the server straight after the store has been created. I do this by dispatching actions. I also use thunks to set isFetching = true upon a *_REQUEST and set that back to false after a *_SUCCESS or *_FAILURE. This allows me to display the user things like a progress bar or spinner. I think you're probably overestimating the 'traffic' issue because it will be executed asynchronosly as long as you structure your components in a way that won't break if that particular part of the store is empty.
The issue you're seeing of "can't get groups of undefined" (you mentioned in a comment) is probably because you've got an object and are doing .groups on it. That object is most likely empty because it hasn't been populated. There are couple of things to consider here:
Using ternary operators in your components to check that someObject.groups isn't null; or
Detailing in the initialState for someObject.groups to be an empty array. That way if you were to do .map it would not error.
Use selectors to retrieve the list of groups and if someObject.groups is null return an empty array.
You can see an example of how I did this in a small test app. Have a look at specifically:
/src/index.js for the initial dispatch
/src/redux/modules/characters.js for the use of thunks
/src/redux/selectors/characters.js for the population of the comics, series, etc. which are used in the CharacterDetails component
