How to connect each element of array individually by using react redux - reactjs

The current approach is to connect whole book list into Book List Component. However, it is not an efficient to render huge components by changing only several fields in state. I dont know how to map each book component connect to each individual Book state.
The project is using redux. The application global state like this
"books": [
"field1": "field1",
"field2": "field2",
"field3": "field3",
} ...
In the Book List component, we connect list with it by using react redux
export default connect(state => ({
books: state.books
Now the requirement changes, fields in book will not be changed frequently. The issue is, if one field is changed, it will update the whole BookListComponent. That is not performant component I am expecting.
I would like to push connect logic down to individual Book Component in order to use reselect
The state doesnt have index of the book, I dont know how to write connect to make it work
export default connect(state => ({
books[index]: state.books[index]
Thanks for advance and all options are welcome

Your second example is almost correct. A mapState function can be declared to take two parameters instead of one. If two parameters are declared, Redux will call that mapState function with the props that were given to the wrapper component. So, the mapState function for a list item would be:
const mapState = (state, ownProps) => {
const book = state.books[ownProps.index];
return {book}
My blog post Practical Redux, Part 6: Connected Lists, Forms, and Performance shows some examples of how to do that, and also discusses the key considerations for application performance in Redux.

You can connect any component you like. There is no hard and fast rule that you can only connect top level components.
While there is a performance hit to connecting top level components and passing the props down I have not witnessed it have a noticeable detrimental effect. The benefit in being able to trace the data through the code is always worth it in my opinion. There is a discussion on it here.

React updates only changed fields
While it's true that render function is called each time you update a book, that doesn't mean that the whole list is re-rendered.
Remember, that in React we are using Virtual DOM. It allows us to update only the elements that are actually changed.
Take a look at this article (it's short and has working code example on codeopen)
and this one (a little more detailed)
If you have read those articles, you know that all you need is to inspect your app and see what is actually rendered at each change.


Do I have to save every React component state property to the Redux store?

I have read multiple articles on the need to use Redux and have built two fully-functioning React+Redux applications. I have even posted the question on Quora I still cannot have a final answer to my question:
Do I have to save every component state property to the Redux store?
The first project, I have built by following a tutorial where he basically saves everything to the store.
Here's the Github link.
Since I was learning React and Redux, I did not question this approach and went on with it. But, it does seem somewhat unnecessary to save everything to the store
For example, there's an action that saves the comment data to the store:
// Add Comment
export const addComment = (postId, commentData) => dispatch => {
.post(`/api/posts/comment/${postId}`, commentData)
.then(res =>
type: GET_POST,
.catch(err =>
And it is called like this:
onSubmit(e) {
const { user } = this.props.auth;
const { postId } = this.props;
const newComment = {
text: this.state.text,
avatar: user.avatar
this.props.addComment(postId, newComment);
this.setState({ text: '' });
If I were working on my own project, I would've kept the message data stored locally at the component level:
The second project was a personal project, where the only data I saved in the store, is the user account information because I would need it in different components throughout the app to send it in some backend API requests.
All the other components are basically independent or the flow between them does not go beyond two or three components. So I really could not see why I would make myself code all the actions, reducers...etc for all of the components. So I simply pass the props and functions between components in the plain old react way of doing things.
Most of the answers that I found do not go into this specific detail mentioned in my question. All of them talk from a high-level perspective.
Before going ahead and working on other projects, I would like to :
A clear answer to my question
Whether the approach I used for my personal project is okay. In other words, can I use Redux simply for the user account information and for the rest of the components not use it?
I just want to clear this confusion so that when I am using Redux, I am 100% sure, I am using it because I actually need it.
Do I have to save every component state property to the Redux store?
Short answer: No you don't.
Longer answer: To quote Dan Abramov on a similar question:
Use React for ephemeral state that doesn't matter to the app globally and doesn't mutate in complex ways. For example, a toggle in some UI element, a form input state.
Use Redux for state that matters globally or is mutated in complex ways. For example, cached users, or a post draft.
There is nothing wrong with the approach taken in your personal project. Redux is great for storing/sharing global application state, such as the user info you describe.
Before putting state into Redux I'd ask:
Will this state be consumed by other components independent to this one?
If the answer to #1 is yes: then ask how often?
If the answer to #2 is frequently: then ask is a single source of truth (the Redux store) the best way to share this particular piece of state? Would
other techniques (hooks / render props / higher order components) be more appropriate?
Another quote from Dan in the same linked thread is:
If it gets tedious and frustrating don’t be afraid to put state into the components. My point is that use single state tree unless it is awkward, and only do this when it simplifies things for you rather than complicates them. That’s the only guideline.
The mantra Yagni (You Aren't Gonna Need It) springs to mind.
If you're unsure whether state should be abstracted from a component into Redux, then the chances are it's too early todo so. This helps avoid making design decisions too early, whilst keeping your Redux state lean and intentional (i.e: not convoluted with unnecessary single use concerns).
Ultimately the cost of putting state into Redux needs to pay off.

Passing more parameters to a pure render function in React

Lately I've been trying to write my React components as "Pure Functions" and I've noticed that sometimes I want to have something which feels a lot like state. I was thinking about passing my state as a second parameter to my component. I can achieve this by calling my component as a normal function with two parameters, props and state.
For example:
// abstracted to it's own module
const useState = (Component, state = {}) => {
return class extends React.Component {
state = createState(this, state); // will traverse and update the state
render() {
const { props, state } = this;
return Component(props, state); // <-- call the Component directly
const Component = (props, { index, increase }) => (
<div onClick={increase} {...props}>
Click me to increase: {index}
const componentState = {
index: 0,
increase: (event, state) => ({ ...state, index: state.index + 1 })
const StatefullComponent = useState(Component, componentState);
<StatefullComponent style={{ color: "purple" }} />;
I have a CodeSandbox example:
My questions are:
Will this pattern harm performance?
I'm no longer extending the props with state values, this might be a good thing
I am messing with the way components are rendered by default, this might be a bad thing
Will this Pattern break things like shouldComponentUpdate? (I have a sinking feeling this is modelling the old context api)
How worried should I be that future react updates will break this code?
Is there a more "Reacty" way of using State in a Pure function without resorting to libraries like Redux?
Am I trying to solve something which should not be solved?
Note: I'm using state in this example, but it could also be a theme, authorisation rules or other things you might want passed into your component.
EDIT 19-03-2018: I have noticed that people seem to be confused about what I'm asking. I'm not looking for a new framework or a conversation about "why do you want to separate your concerns?". I am quite sure this pattern will clean up my code and make it more testable and "cleaner" in general. I really want to know if the React framework will in any way hinder this pattern.
At first glanced when I checked your code I had a question:
"Why do you make it so complicated? When you can simply make it with a class declaration".
But later when I have splitted your code I found it really worth to do that.
Question 1: Doesn't really make a difference, it is the way how HOC does the composition.
I'm no longer extending the props with state values, this might be a good thing
Why/When might it be a good thing?
I am messing with the way components are rendered by default, this might be a bad thing
I don't see that you break or mess the rendering by default, I think the HOC pattern promotes the same philosophy, the difference you separate state from props.
Question 2: If a developer decide to use a stateless component then he/she should realize all “lifecycle methods” or references ref will be not available.
Your pattern make stateless component as “statefull” but in stateless declaration - amazing 😋.
Like in JSX you write in JS an "HTML" and inside it JS code with another "HTML":
{ => <li>text</li>)} // I know there should be used key
Mr. Baudin pattern (state-full like stateless):
import React from 'react'
import {useState} from './lib'
const state = {
index: 0,
increase: (event, state) => ({index: state.index + 1})
const Component = (props, state) => (
<div onClick={state.increase} {...props}>
Click me to increase: {state.index}
export default useState(Component, state)
Question 3: It depends what break changes will be in coming versions.
Question 4: Well... I don't think the offered pattern (implemented library) can be considered as application state management but it can be used within any state management like Redux or Mobx because it deals with internal component state.
Question 5: No, I don't think. Your solution makes code less and clean. Functional components are good for very simple or representational components and now it can be extended with state.
While this question has been open I've done some painful research on the subject and I'd like to share this research with you.
Question 1: Performance; Calling your components as functions or even as constructor functions doesn't really make a difference. You simply get your component instead of a type.
// the component
const MyComponent = () => (<div>This is my page</div>);
console.log(new MyComponent());
console.log(<MyComponent />);
Pen (Don't forget to inspect the developer tools!)
What I've noticed is that when you call a component directly you lose a little information, for example, when I use JSX the type information is preserved:
React.createElement(MyComponent).type === MyComponent // <- true
MyComponent() // <- Now way to find out what constructed this...
This doesn't seem like a big deal because the MyComponent() is seen as a normal div so it should render correctly; but I can imagine that React might do some lookup on the type of the component and calling your function like this that might interfere with the performance.
Haven't found anything in the documentation nor in the source code to suggest that this is the case, so I see no reason to worry about performance at this point.
Question 2: Does this break shouldComponentUpdate; the answer is "maybe not", but not because I need to write a class as was suggested. The problem is that React does a shallow compare on the props when you use a PureComponent and with pure functions just expects that with the same props you get the same result. In my case, because of the second parameter it might think the component doesn't need to update but actually it should. Because of some magic in my implementation this seems to work for child components of a root component wrapped with the useState function.
This is as I expected the same problem as with the original implementation of the context api. And as such I should be able to solve it using some reactive techniques.
Question 3: Seeing how "just calling a component as a function" seems to be the entire idea behind react and seeing how it results in almost exactly the same component without the original type information I see no reason why this should break in the future.
Question 4/5: No, there is no more "Reacty" way of really solving this problem. There is how ever a more functional way. I could use a state monad and lift the entire thing up; but that would envolve a lot of work and I really can't see the benefit of doing that. Passing state as a second parameter seems, at least for now, as something which might be strange but viable and actually feasable.
Question 5: When I started looking around I didn't find a lot os answers to these questions, but now that I've really dug myself in I can see a few other libraries doing the same thing. For example: recompose which calls itself "lodash for react". They seem to use this pattern of wrapping your component in a function and returning a class a lot. (Their withState implementation).
Extra information: My conclusion is that this pattern (because it's nothing more than a pattern) is valid and does not break any fundamental rules of React. Just to give a little bit of extra information Bernardo Ferreira Bastos Braga wrote that I needed to use a class to do it "the React way". I fail to see how wrapping your function and returning a class with state is anything other than "using a class".
I do however realise that wrapping a function increases complexity, but not by much; function calls are really optimised and because you write for maintainability and optimise later.
One of my biggest fears is that when the software gets more and more complocated and we get more cross-cutting concerns to deal with, it will get harder and harder to handle every concern as a parameter. In this case it might be good to use a destructuring pattern to get the concerns which you need from a "concerns" obejct passed as the second parameter.
One last thing about this pattern. I've done a small test (Just selenium rendering a page a 100 times) and this pattern, on a small scale, is faster than using Redux. The bigger your redux state gets and the more components you connect the faster this pattern becomes. The down side is that you are now doing a bit of manual state management, this comes with a real cost in complexity. Just remember to weigh all options.
A few examples of why this state component
Applications which interact with users, require that you try to keep track of the interactions they have. These interactions can be modeled in different ways but I really like a stateful approach. This means that you 'thread' state through your application. Now in react you have a few ways of creating components. The three I want o mention are:
create a class and extend from Component
create a class and extend from PureComponent
create a stateless function
I really like the last option but, to be honest, it's a pain keeping your code performant. There are a lot of articles our there explaining how lambda expression will create a new function every time your component is called, breaking the shallow compare of the props done by PureComponent.
To counteract this I use a pattern where I wrap my stateless component in a HoC where I pass my component and my state object. This HoC does some magic and passes the state as a second parameter to the stateless function, ensuring that when the props are tested by the compare of the PureComponent it should work.
Now to make the wrapper even better I memoize the lambdas so that only a single reference to that function exists so that even if you were to test the function by reference it should still be OK.
The code I use for this is:
return Object.entries(_state).reduce(
(acc, entry) => {
const [key, value] = entry;
if (value instanceof Function) {
acc[key] = _.memoize(item => (...args) => {
const newState = value.apply(null, [...args, root.state, root.props]);
} else {
acc[key] = value;
return acc;
As you can see I memoize the function and call it proxying the arguments and passing in the state and the props. This works as long as you can call these functions with a unique object like so:
const MyComponent = useState((props, { items, setTitle }) => {
return (
{ => (
<Component key={} item={item} changeItem={setTitle(item)} />
}, state);
1- Will this pattern harm performance?
Performance is usually not a black/white, rather it is better / worse in different scenarios. Since React already has a standard way of doing this, it it plausible that you'll be missing out on internal optimizations.
2-Will this Pattern break things like shouldComponentUpdate? (I have a sinking feeling this is modelling the old context api)
Yes, you should be using the class declaration if you need to write shouldComponentUpdate functions
3- How worried should I be that future react updates will break this code?
I think is fair to say that you should, since there are obvious and documented ways of doing the same using classes.
4 - Is there a more "Reacty" way of using State in a Pure function without resorting to libraries like Redux?
you could have a container component that has state and pass down callback functions to update the state
5- Am I trying to solve something which should not be solved?
yes, since there is already a mainstream and documented way of archieving what you need using the Component class. You should probably resort to functional components only for very simple or presentational components

React & Redux with dynamic elements

I am currently developing an analytics dashboard in React/Redux that is similar to this:
Users of the dashboard will be able to add and remove tiles to customise the dashboard to their own needs, and the configuration of the tiles is stored and retrieved in an API.
The storing of the data for the configuration of tiles seems to fit well with the global state model:
On load, the dashboard component dispatches a 'loadTiles' action
The action fetches the tiles data and passes it to the 'tiles' reducer
From there it goes into the store/global state.
In mapStateToProps, the data is accessed from
However, a problem arises when populating the data for each tile. The number of tiles and nature of the data is dynamic, so reducers can't be set up ahead of time.
This could be solved by each component managing their own state (as in pure/traditional React using componentWillMount etc) but this will violate some of the architectural principals that have been laid out for the rest of the project (ideally everything is to be managed in global state).
The only way I can see of storing the data is global state would be to have an analytics with a dynamic array of the various data sets, which sounds messy to me.
Is local component state the best solution here? or can this be done in global state cleanly? Are there any example of Redux using queries that are dynamically specified?
One thing you can do is the usage of an ID for each Tile. So your state could look like that:
tiles: {
tile1: {},
tile100: {}
Than, in the mapStateToProps() function you can use own props like so:
function mapStateToProps(state, ownProps) {
//test if it exists
if (state.tiles[]) {
return { tileData: state.tiles[] }
return { tileData: <default state> }
The important part is to hand over a unique ID for each tile, when those are created, one way could be that:
<Tile id={uuid()} other="stuff" />
whereby the uuid() method can be created as described here
I once had an similar issue, have a look here if you want to see a more complicated solution using an higher order component (its my own unaccepted answer). All in all, the above is the simplest solution IMHO.

React Redux: More containers v.s. less containers

As I get further into implementing redux + react into a fairly complex app which depends on many API requests to load a single page, I'm having trouble deciding whether it's better to have a single container component at the root of the page which handles all async stuff and passes props down to dumb components, v.s. having multiple container components which concern themselves only with the data they need, as well as fetching the data they need. I've gone back and forth between these two patterns and found that they each have pros/cons:
If I put a single container component at the top:
pro: All isFetching props and fetchSomeDependency() actions can be handled in one place.
con: the downside which is really annoying is that I find myself having to forward props and callbacks through multiple components, and certain components in the middle of the tree end up being tied up to this.
Here's a visual example of the issue that shows the relationships required props-wise:
{!isFetchingData &&
<SomethingThatDependsOnData someData={props.someData} />
<SomeButtonThatFetchesData onClick={props.fetchData} />
As you can see, <MyModal /> and <MyModalContent /> now need to be concerned with props that have nothing to do with it, seeing as a modal should be able to be re-used and only be concerned with stylistic qualities of a modal.
At first the above seemed great but once I got to 100+ components it all felt very tangled, and I found the complexity of these top-level container components to be too high for my liking, seeing as most of them (in the app I'm working on) depend on responses from 3+ API requests.
Then I decided to try multiple containers:
pro: Completely removes the need to forward props. It still makes sense to do it in some cases, but it's a lot more flexible.
pro: Way easier to refactor. I'm surprised at how I can significantly move around and refactor components without anything breaking, whereas in the other pattern things broke a lot.
pro: The complexity of each container component is much less. My mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps is more specific to the purpose of the component it's in.
con: Any component that depends on async stuff will always need to handle isFetching state in itself. This adds complexity that is not necessary in the pattern where its handled in a single container component.
So the main dilemma is that if I use one container, I get this un-necessary complexity in components between the root container and the leaf components. If I use multiple containers, I get more complexity in the leaf components, and end up with buttons that need to worry about isFetching even though a button should not be concerned about that.
I'd like to know if anyone has found a way to avoid both cons, and if so, what is the "rule of thumb" you follow to avoid this?
The way I have always seen it is to have your containers at the top most component of a logical components group other than your root/app component.
So if we have a simple search app that display results and lets assume the component heiarchy is such
<Root> <- setup the app
<Search/> <- search input
<Results/> <- results table
I would make Search and Results redux aware containers. Because react component are suppose to be composable. You might have other components or pages that need display Results or Search. If you delegate the data fetch and store awareness to the root or app component, it make the components become dependent on each other/app. This make it harder down the line when you have to implement changes, now you have to change all the places that use them.
The exception to this is probably if you do have really tightly coupled logic between components. Even then, I would say then you should create a container that wraps your tightly coupled components since they won't be abled to be used realistically without each other.
Redux author Dan Abramov suggests that you use container components when you need them. That is, once you get to have too many props wiring up and down between components it's time to use containers.
He calls it an "ongoing process of refactoring".
See this article:
I wouldn't even consider using a single container approach. It pretty much entirely negates all advantages of redux. There is no need whatsoever to have a state management system if all your state is in one place and all your callbacks are in one place (root component).
I think there's a thin line to walk, though. I'm making an app where I've been at it for about 5 weeks (part time) and it's up to 3000 lines right now. It has 3 levels of view nesting, a routing mechanism i implemented myself, and components that are 10+ levels of nesting deep that need to modify state. I basically have one redux container for each big screen and it works marvelously.
However, if I click on my "clients" view, I get a clients listing which is fine, since my clients view is inside a redux container and gets the list of clients passed as props. However, when I click on one client, I'm really hesitant to do another redux container for the individual client's profile since it's only one additional level of passing props. It seems that depending on the scope of the app, you might want to pass props up to 1-2 levels past the redux container and if it's any more than that, then just create another redux container. Then again, if it's an even more complex app, then the mixing of sometimes using redux containers and some other times not using them could be even worse for maintainability. In short, my opinion is trying to minimize redux containers wherever possible but definitely not at the expense of complex prop chains, since that's the main point of using redux to begin with.
So it's been over 2 years since I've posted this question, and this whole time
I have been consistently working with React/Redux. My general rule of thumb now
is the following: Use more containers, but try to write components in such a way where they don't need to know about isFetching.
For example, here is a typical example of how I would have built a to-do list before:
function Todos({ isFetching, items }) {
if (isFetching) return <div>Loading...</div>
return (
{ =>
<li key={}>...</li>
Now I would do something more like:
function Todos({ items }) {
if (!items.length) return <div>No items!</div>
return (
{ =>
<li key={}>...</li>
This way, you only have to connect the data, and the component has no concerns about states of asynchronous API calls.
Most things can be written this way. I rarely need isFetching, but when I do it is typically because:
I need to prevent, for example, a submit button from being clicked a second time, which makes an API call, in which case the prop should probably be called disableSubmit rather than isFetching, or
I want to explicitly show a loader when something is waiting for an asynchronous response.
Now, you might think, "wouldn't you want to show a loader when items are being fetched in the above todos example?" but in practice, actually I wouldn't.
The reason for this is that in the above example, let's say you were polling for new todos, or when you add a todo, you "refetch" the todos. What would happen in the first example is that every time this happened, the todos would disappear and get replaced with "Loading..." frequently.
However, in the second example that is not concerned with isFetching, the new items are simply appended/removed. This is much better UX in my opinion.
In fact, before posting this, I went through all the UI code for an exchange interface I wrote which is quite complex and did not find a single instance of having to connect isFetching to a container component that I wrote.
You don't have to dispatch AND load your state in the same place.
In other words, your button can dispatch the async request, while another component can check if you're loading.
So for example:
// < SomeButtonThatFetchesData.js>
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => ({
onLoad: (payload) =>
dispatch({ type: DATA_LOADED, payload })
You'll need to have some middleware to handle a loading state. It needs to update isFetching when you're passing an async payload.
For example:
const promiseMiddleware = store => next => action => {
if (isPromise(action.payload)) {
store.dispatch({ type: ASYNC_START, subtype: action.type });
Then you can use it wherever you want:
// <MyContainer.js>
const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({
isFetching: state.isFetching
And load the data in your inner nested component:
// <SomethingThatDependsOnData.js>
const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({
someData: state.someData

Avoid re-rendering a big list of items with react-redux

I am using redux with react and typescript for my application. I am working with many items used at different places of my app. My state looks like this:
items: {42: {}, 53: {}, ... }, //A large dictionary of items
itemPage1: {
itemsId: [ 42, 34, 4 ],
itemPage2: { ...
The user can modify some attributes of the items dispatching some actions. When this happen I need to redraw the components that have been modified in each pages. The issue is that my items are quite big and I cant afford to redraw all of them at each small modification. I was wondering is this approach would work:
I have a fist component <ItemPage1> which connects to the store to get all of the states stored in the tree under itemPage1 e.g. the list of items id: itemsId.
Inside <ItemPage1>, I loop over the itemsId property to generate multiple FilterItem components: itemId => return <FilterItem id=itemId>);
Finally each Item is connected using ownProps to get the correct part of the state:
const mapStateToItemProps = (state, ownProps) => {
return {
item: state.items[],
const mapDispatchToItemProps = (dispatch, ownProps) => {
return null;
const FilterItem = connect(
Can you confirm or refute that if I update the item of id 42, then only this item is going to be re-rendered ?
When rendering big list you need to take into considerations few things :
Lower the total number of DOM elements that you need to render (by not rendering items that are not actually visible on the screen, also known as virtualization)
Don't re-render items that have not changed
Basically, what you want to avoid is a complete re-render of your list (or your page) when the user edits one single row. This can be achieved exactly how you did it, i.e : by passing to the list container only the ids of items that need to be rendered, and to map over these ids to connect each component by using ownProps. If you have a dump <Item/> component, your <ItemPage/> component will create connected connect(<Item/>) component.
This is going to work, if your put a console.log('item rendered') in your <Item/> component class you will notice that there is only one call.
BUT (and it's a big but), what is not obvious when working with react-redux is that all connected components that depends on their ownProps will always rerender if any part of the state change. In your case, even if the <Item/> components will not re-render, their wrapped component connect(Item) will ! If you have few dozens of items, you might encounter some latency if actions need to be dispatched quickly (for example when typing in an input). How to avoid that ? Use a factory function to use ownProps as the initial props :
const mapStateToItemProps = (_, initialProps) => (state) => {
return {
item: state.items[], // we're not relying on the second parameters "ownProps" here, so the wrapper component will not rerender
const mapDispatchToItemProps = (dispatch, ownProps) => {
return null;
const FilterItem = connect(
I suggest you to take a look to this other answer.
You might also be interested in these excellent slides : Big List High Performance React & Redux
And finally, you should definitively take a look to react-virtualized to perform the virtualization of your list (i.e, displaying only the item that the user can actually see).
Ok, I've found this discussion:
At the bottom it is clearly stated (from multiple protagonists):
[...] react-redux takes care of this. It lets you specify specific parts of the state you care about, and takes care to bail out of updating React components when the relevant parts have not changed.
[...] Just wanted to fully understand that what's going on under the hood here, So if the Redux store gets updated but one specific component state hasn't changed, Redux won't trigger the forceUpdate() method for that component? [...]
The wrapper component generated by React-Redux's connect() function does a several checks to try to minimize the number of times your actual component has to re-render. This includes a default implementation of shouldComponentUpdate, and doing shallow equality checks on the props going into your component (including what's returned from mapStateToProps). So yes, as a general rule a connected component will only re-render when the values it's extracting from state have changed.
So I believe my implementation is good, it won't re-render all the items since only one item will see its properties modified.
