AngularJS qTip Without jQuery UI - angularjs

I am looking for an AngularJS directive that creates tooltips similar to que ones on qTip but I do not want to bring jQuery UI into my component. Does anyone know where I can find this?


Angular js dir-paginate with animations

I am using dir-paginate with filtering and ordering.I want to implement animations for better UI and i cant seem to find a reference.
I am aware of but this seems to work for ng-repeat not for dir-paginate.
What am i missing.
I am not using Bootstrap, instead materializecss.

Angularjs - How to load views into a popup

What's the best way to have my views appear in a popup modal?
I have the main dashboard of my app, and then whenever the user wants to add or edit an item on the dashboard I want this to be done via a form in a popup modal.
I know I can use jquery to handle the showing and hiding of the popup. But is there an angular way to do this, or is jquery acceptable in this scenario?
Check this out and go down to the modal section. This looks nice and clean. There is an example of the html and javascript there for you. Your view is a template and can be a html file or inline html inside the javascript.
Much like everything in Angular, there are a number of ways you could do this. Perhaps the most simple way would be to have the HTML of the modal be hidden by either ng-show or ng-hidein conjunction with ng-mouseover.
I'm actually doing this right now and decided to use jquery ui for the modal. Dragging and resizing is hard to do and my modal requires that. I wrap the modal call in a directive so modal pops up onclick. The mistake I made was using jquery append to add new html. Don't do this. Use template or templateUrl and then put that in your modal. This will ensure all scope vars in your modal will communicate with your controllers.

Contenteditable directive not working with Angular UI Bootstrap Tabs

I am trying to create two tabs using Angular UI (Bootstrap), in which one tab lets the user input HTML, and the other tab serves as a "Preview", rendering the HTML provided.
To handle the preview, I am using the contenteditable directive demonstrated here.
However, this directive does not seem to be working using Angular UI tabs. I believe there may be a scope issue at play, but I haven't been able to track it down. I have already found examples of "gotchas" here, but this doesn't seem to be the issue in my case.
A Plunker of non-working code can be found here. In this example, not only is the HTML not getting rendered, but the scope updates seem to be sporadic.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
You can do this without that directive at all. You just need to use the $sce service in angular. See this plunk

Modal popup in Angular JS without Bootstrap CSS

I'm looking for a plugin for a modal directive in Angular but there is a requirement not to use the Bootstrap CSS. Angular-UI looks nice but obviously depends on Bootstrap. Any pointers?
In case of Angular-UI you can define your own templates and in case of CSS you can for sure use your own files.
Here are standard templates for modal. The only dependencies on Bootstrap I found are: modal and modal-backdrop so just rename them for your needs or add them to your CSS to get custom styling.
Btw: Angular-UI is modular so you can just use these directives which you really need.
I don't know existing plugin to achieve this without Bootstrap (I use Angular-UI), but you can easily create your own directive using jQuery UI modal.
There are lots of tuto on the internet to create directive for jQuery UI.
I have found a JSFiddle in this Google Group (you have to follow the link in the answer of January 4). User has made a simple directive based on jQuery.
I think it will put you on the right way.

Can't use ng-click into a ng-repeat

i'am using a popOver that show a list of bottons, those buttons have a simple ng-click that is not working. can someone help me?
here a simple example:
You're cloning the HTML and rendering it outside of Angular, so it's not going to have any of the bindings you'd expect. Instead of using Twitter's Bootstrap directly in your Angular application, I would recommend using Angular's UI Bootstrap instead. It has its own popOver that was written to work with Angular:
