Can't use ng-click into a ng-repeat - angularjs

i'am using a popOver that show a list of bottons, those buttons have a simple ng-click that is not working. can someone help me?
here a simple example:

You're cloning the HTML and rendering it outside of Angular, so it's not going to have any of the bindings you'd expect. Instead of using Twitter's Bootstrap directly in your Angular application, I would recommend using Angular's UI Bootstrap instead. It has its own popOver that was written to work with Angular:


AngularJS qTip Without jQuery UI

I am looking for an AngularJS directive that creates tooltips similar to que ones on qTip but I do not want to bring jQuery UI into my component. Does anyone know where I can find this?

Angular js dir-paginate with animations

I am using dir-paginate with filtering and ordering.I want to implement animations for better UI and i cant seem to find a reference.
I am aware of but this seems to work for ng-repeat not for dir-paginate.
What am i missing.
I am not using Bootstrap, instead materializecss.

Angularjs directive for bootstrap datepicker plugin

I am using this bootstrap daterange component at my webpage. But, I have to put it with angular way. I don't know angular well. That's why, I have tried to search angularjs directive for that plugin. It seems that I can't find the exact one at online. Is there any available directive for that plugin?
Thanks in advance
JQuery demo
I would suggest using this directive:

Contenteditable directive not working with Angular UI Bootstrap Tabs

I am trying to create two tabs using Angular UI (Bootstrap), in which one tab lets the user input HTML, and the other tab serves as a "Preview", rendering the HTML provided.
To handle the preview, I am using the contenteditable directive demonstrated here.
However, this directive does not seem to be working using Angular UI tabs. I believe there may be a scope issue at play, but I haven't been able to track it down. I have already found examples of "gotchas" here, but this doesn't seem to be the issue in my case.
A Plunker of non-working code can be found here. In this example, not only is the HTML not getting rendered, but the scope updates seem to be sporadic.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
You can do this without that directive at all. You just need to use the $sce service in angular. See this plunk

AngularJS ng-repeat alternative

I'm new to angularjS.
I have angularJS working in parallel with jQuery Mobile.
In my case ng-repeat is not allowing JQM styles(specifically Slider Style), to get applied.
Just want to know is there an alternative for ng-repeat in angularJS to use.
Thanks in Advance
