Indexing and searching words and word-parts - solr

I just indexed a bunch of text data from our products DB. My goal is evaluating Apache Solr for production use.
This is a document example:
"color":"MATTE BLACK",
"model":"CLUBMASTER RX 5154",
The most important thing in our search app is fuzzy matching, because inaccurate search terms are very frequent.
So, I'm a little disappointed with results found by Solr.
For example:
clubmaster -> many results
club master -> no results
ray ban -> many results
rayban -> no results
I also tried putting ~1 or even ~2 after my term, with no luck!
All fields are indexed '*_txt_en' predefined field.

You can't just run a serious production setup without customizing schema/solrconfig to fit your specific needs. From what I can guess, you would get the results you want by:
copy your text fields into different versions with different analysis, for example:
one as a string type, hard to match
one field that is using EdgeNgram to match prefixes.
another with WordDelimiterFilterFactory to match ray-ban/rayban
using edismax as the query parser
in edismax, there are many things to tweak in it. But the most important is: search on all the fields above, but weight then in different way, the less analysis, the more weight


Solr negative boost

I'm looking into the possibility of de-boosting a set of documents during
query time. In my application, when I search for e.g. "preferences", I want
to de-boost content tagged with ContentGroup:"Developer" or in other words,
push those content back in the order. Here's the catch. I've the following
weights on query fields and boost query on source
qf=text^6 title^15 IndexTerm^8
As you can see, title has a higher weight.
Now, a bunch of content tagged with ContentGroup:"Developer" consists of a
title like "Preferences.material" or "Preferences Property" or
"". The boost on title pushes these documents at the
What I'm looking is to see if there's a way to deboost all documents that are
tagged with ContentGroup:"Developer" irrespective of the term occurrence is
text or title. I tried something like, but didn't make any difference.
Source:simplecontent^10 Source:Help^20 (-ContentGroup-local:("Developer"))^99
I'm using edismax query parser.
Any pointers will be appreciated.
You're onto something with your last attempt, but you have to start with *:*, so that you actually have something to subtract the documents from. The resulting set of documents (those not matching your query) can then be boosted.
From the Solr Relevancy FAQ
How do I give a negative (or very low) boost to documents that match a query?
True negative boosts are not supported, but you can use a very "low" numeric boost value on query clauses. In general the problem that confuses people is that a "low" boost is still a boost, it can only improve the score of documents that match. For example, if you want to find all docs matching "foo" or "bar" but penalize the scores of documents matching "xxx" you might be tempted to try...
q = foo^100 bar^100 xxx^0.00001 # NOT WHAT YOU WANT
...but this will still help a document matching all three clauses score higher then a document matching only the first two. One way to fake a "negative boost" is to give a large boost to everything that does not match. For example...
q = foo^100 bar^100 (*:* -xxx)^999
NOTE: When using (e)dismax, people sometimes expect that specifying a pure negative query with a large boost in the "bq" param will work (since Solr automatically makes top level purely negative positive queries by adding an implicit ":" -- but this doesn't work with "bq", because of how queries specified via "bq" are added directly to the main query. You need to be explicit...
?defType=dismax&q=foo bar&bq=(*:* -xxx)^999

No result return by Solr when query contains word that is not in the collection

I am trying to set up Solr but encountered the problem mentioned in the title. I just downloaded Solr and used the built-in example. When I used a query with words occurred in the example documents, such as "ipod". Solr worked properly. However, when I added some words that are not in these documents, such as "what". Solr does not return anything. For me, it is weird since the relevance scores should be computed to query terms separately and added up. Non-existing query term should not affect the ranking (even though the coord norm is affected, thus the scores of documents will change).
Could anyone tell me what might be the issue? Thanks.
There are several ways of configuring how you want this behavior. I'll assume that you're using the edismax query handler for these examples, although some of these also apply to the standard lucene query parser.
The reason for not always wanting "ipod what" to retrieve the same subset sa "ipod" is that you'll get a poor result set and user experience for terms that are more general than "ipod" (i.e. searching for "microsoft windows" will not be perceived as a good search result if you're showing only general hits for anything about windows - it's usually better to say "we didn't find anything" in those cases). It all depends on your use case.
First, you can do it yourself, by applying either AND or OR between terms to get the exact kind of matching you're looking for.
You can use q.op to configure wether each term should be AND-ed together (all required) or OR-ed together (any one is sufficient). This overrides the (now deprecated) value from <solrQueryParser defaultOperator=".."/> in schema.xml.
For (e)dismax, there's the mm parameter, which allows you do more specific, but in a general way, handling of how you want matches to be performed. mm allows you to say "at least 50% of the terms should match" or "if there's only two terms, both should match, but any over that should be optional" or "match everything up to four, and 75% after that".

Solr/Lucene - partial fuzzy match

How do you set up partial (substring) fuzzy match in Solr 4.2.1?
For example, if you have a list of US cities indexed, I would like a search term "Alber" to match "Alburquerque".
I have tried using the NGramFilterFactory on the <fieldType> and rebuilt the index but queries do not return results as expected - they still work as if I had just done the standard text_general defaults. Exact matches work, and explicit fuzzy searches would work given sufficient similarity (for example "Alberquerque~" with one misspelling would work.)
I did go to the analyzer tool in the Solr admin and saw that my ngrams were indeed being generated.
Is there something i'm missing from the query side?
Or should I take a different approach altogether?
And can this work with dismax? (Multiple fields indexed like this with different weights)

Haystack/Solr boosting results if the query is found in a specific field

We're having issues with non relevant results being returned as the highest results in our search and we're trying to improve that behavior, but not really sure how.
We have SearchIndex with about a dozen fields. The document=True field is a template backed field that we have placed the majority of the content into. Some of the stuff found in there is much less relevant than other stuff, even if it's still useful.
To give a concrete example: if a user searches for "red rose", we want to return red roses as the top results...even better if lower results are just roses or just red, or even are described as being "rose red" in color.
The issue is our document=True field has a ton of items that are described as being "rose red". Worse the actual red roses don't have "red" and "rose" particularly close to each other as those values would come from disparate fields. As a result we get the top few hundred results that are completely irrelevant.
What we would like to do is either:
A. Search the primary document and then search each of our other fields and boost (but not hard filter) accordingly. If the term "rose" appears in one of the items names and "red" appears as one of it's attribute values than that result should have a higher score. This gives us the optimal results in theory sorted by relevancy.
B. Search all fields at once and boost if the value is any of the "boosted" fields.
It seems like using field boost should be the answer, but we can't figure out how to express it since filtering based on a field is a harsh exclude and we want it to only impact the relevance scoring.
The result of both of these is effectively the same. We just can't figure out how to do either of them with Haystack. Or if we'd have to fall back to raw queries how to write a solr query that accomplishes this.
I can give you some pointers, as I did not get the exact use case :-
You can check on Solr edismax query parser to configure:-
Fields you want to search on - Mainly to select the results
Variable boost on fields for relevancy - To determine the importance on fields
Variable boost for different words combination e.g. single words, phrase match, shingle match with slop to determine relevancy
Provide additional boost on other fields
This will help you to filter the results and order them accordingly as per the field and word combination matches

SOLR index time boost depending on the field value

Is it possible to boost a document on the indexing stage depending on the field value?
I'm indexing a text field pulled from the database. I would like to boost results that are shorter over the longer ones. So the value of boost should depend on the length of the text field.
This is needed to alter the standard SOLR behavior that in my case tends to return documents with multiple matches first.
Considering I have a field that stores the length of the document, the equivalent in the query of what I need at indexing would be:
q={!boost b=sqrt(length)}text:abcd
I have two items in the DB:
I always want to get ABCD first for the 'BC' query even though the other item contains the search query twice.
The other solution to the problem would be ability to 'switch off' the feature that scores multiple matches higher at query time. Don't know if that is possible either...
Doing this at index time is important as the hardware I run the SOLR on is not too powerful and trying to boost on query time returns with OutOfMemory Exception. (Even If I could work around that increasing memory for java I prefer to be on the safe side and implement the index the most efficient way possible.)
Yes and no - but how you do it depends on how you're indexing your documents.
As far as I know there's no way of resolving this only on the solr server side at the moment.
If you're using the regular XML based interface to submit documents, let the code that generates the submitted XML add boost=".." values to the field or to the document depending on the length of the text field.
You can check upon DIH Special Commands which has a $docBoost command
$docBoost : Boost the current doc. The value can be a number or the
toString of a number
However, there seems no $fieldBoost Command.
For you case though, if you are using DefaultSimilarity, shorter fields are boosted higher then longer fields in the Score calculation.
You can surely implement your own Simiarity class with a changed TF (Term Frequency) and LengthNorm Calculation as your needs.
