Solr/Lucene - partial fuzzy match - solr

How do you set up partial (substring) fuzzy match in Solr 4.2.1?
For example, if you have a list of US cities indexed, I would like a search term "Alber" to match "Alburquerque".
I have tried using the NGramFilterFactory on the <fieldType> and rebuilt the index but queries do not return results as expected - they still work as if I had just done the standard text_general defaults. Exact matches work, and explicit fuzzy searches would work given sufficient similarity (for example "Alberquerque~" with one misspelling would work.)
I did go to the analyzer tool in the Solr admin and saw that my ngrams were indeed being generated.
Is there something i'm missing from the query side?
Or should I take a different approach altogether?
And can this work with dismax? (Multiple fields indexed like this with different weights)


How do you create Solr Queries with wildcard seaches and scoring, fuzzy search, distance searching and other features

I am trying to build a search over my domain with solr, and I am having trouble producing a keyword search that fulfils our requirements. My issue;
When my users search, the requirement is that the search must return results with partial token matches. For example:
Consider the text field: "CA-1234-ABCD California project"
The following keyword searches (what the user puts in the search field) should match this field:
With a text_en field (as configured in the example schema), the tokenization, stemming and grammar processing will allow non-wildcard searches to work for partial words/tokens in many cases, but Solr still seems limited to exact token match in many situations. For example, the following query does not match:
The only way I have found to get the user experience that is required is to use a wildcard search:
The problem with this is that tf scoring (and it seems other functionality like fuzzy searches) don't work with a wildcard search.
The question is, is there a way to get partial token matching (for all tokens not just those that have common stems/etc.) while retaining tf scoring and other advanced query functionality?
My best workaround at the moment is a query that includes both wildcard and non-wildcard clauses, such as:
name:cali OR name:*cali*
but I don't know if that is a good strategy here. Does SOLR provide a way?

Solr 3.6.2 spellcheck multi-word phrase: how to get collations without ignored stopwords?

I'm having a problem with the Solr 3.6.2 default (field based) spellchecker configured with query time parameters
on a field type which has a solr.StopFilterFactory filter on its analyzers.
The suggestion phase works as intended :
the indexed field does not contain any stopword
no suggestion is provided for a given stopword
But the resulting collation always contains the ignored stopwords, which I don't want: I'd prefer a raw suggestion of combined terms over something which looks like a "sort of" natural language answer.
For instance, searching for "handfum of perries", I'd prefer "handful berry" over "handful of berry".
I don't think that the stopwords excluded from spellchecking suggestions because of the field query analyzer are "marked" for preservation like the official documentation goes about other query elements :
Note that the non-spellcheckable terms such as those for range
queries, prefix queries etc. are detected and excluded for
spellchecking. Such non-spellcheckable terms are preserved in the
collated output so that the original query can be run again, as is.
It seems two solutions would be
either having a custom query converter so the stopwords are ignored right from the start: not sure it is possible in 3.6.2
or having a custom spellchecker that would not try to find any suggestion for a stopword (or would always suggest an "empty" string), without messing up the collation process
Am I missing something ?

Indexing and searching words and word-parts

I just indexed a bunch of text data from our products DB. My goal is evaluating Apache Solr for production use.
This is a document example:
"color":"MATTE BLACK",
"model":"CLUBMASTER RX 5154",
The most important thing in our search app is fuzzy matching, because inaccurate search terms are very frequent.
So, I'm a little disappointed with results found by Solr.
For example:
clubmaster -> many results
club master -> no results
ray ban -> many results
rayban -> no results
I also tried putting ~1 or even ~2 after my term, with no luck!
All fields are indexed '*_txt_en' predefined field.
You can't just run a serious production setup without customizing schema/solrconfig to fit your specific needs. From what I can guess, you would get the results you want by:
copy your text fields into different versions with different analysis, for example:
one as a string type, hard to match
one field that is using EdgeNgram to match prefixes.
another with WordDelimiterFilterFactory to match ray-ban/rayban
using edismax as the query parser
in edismax, there are many things to tweak in it. But the most important is: search on all the fields above, but weight then in different way, the less analysis, the more weight

How to perform an exact search in Solr

I implementing Solr search using an API. When I call it using the parameters as, "Chillout Lounge", it returns me the collection which are same/similar to the string "Chillout Lounge".
But when I search for "Chillout Lounge Box", it returns me results which don't have any of these three words.(in the DB there are values which have these 3 values, but they are not returned.)
According to me, Solr uses Fuzzy search, but when it is done it should return me some values, which will have at least one these value.
Or what could be the possible changes I should to my schema.XML, such that is would give me proper values.
First of all - "Fuzzy search" is a feature you'll have to ask for (by using ~ in standard Lucene query syntax).
If you're talking about regular searches, you can use q.op to select which operator to use. q.op=AND will make sure that all the terms match, while q.op=OR will make any document that contain at least one of the terms be returned. As long as you aren't using fq for this, the documents that match more terms should be scored higher (as the score will add up across multiple terms), and thus, be shown higher in the result set.
You can use the debug query feature in the web interface to see scores for each term for a document, and find out why the document was returned at all. If the document doesn't match any terms, it shouldn't be returned, unless you're asking for all documents to be returned.
Be aware that the analyzer chain defined for the field you're searching might affect what's considered a match and not.
You'll have to add a proper example to get a more detailed answer.

Solr query results using *

I want to provide for partial matching, so I am tacking on * to the end of search queries. What I've noticed is that a search query of gatorade will return 12 results whereas gatorade* returns 7. So * seems to be 1 or many as opposed to 0 or many ... how can I achieve this? Am I going about partial matching in Solr all wrong? Thanks.
First, I think Solr wildcards are better summarized by "0 or many" than "1 or many". I doubt that's the source of your problem. (For example, see the javadocs for WildcardQuery.)
Second, are you using stemming, because my first guess is that you're dealing with a stemming issue. Solr wildcards can behave kind of oddly with stemming. This is because wildcard expansion is based by searching through the list of terms stored in the inverted index; these terms are going to be in stemmed form (perhaps something like "gatorad"), rather than the words from the original source text (perhaps "gatorade" or "gatorades").
For example, suppose you have a stemmer that maps both "gatorade" and "gatorades" to the stem "gatorad". This means your inverted index will not contain either "gatorade" or "gatorades", only "gatorad". If you then issue the query gatorade*, Solr will walk the term index looking for all the stems beginning with "gatorade". But there are no such stems, so you won't get any matches. Similarly, if you searched gatorades*, Solr will look for all stems beginning with "gatorades". But there are no such stems, so you won't get any matches.
Third, for optimal help, I'd suggest posting some more information, in particular:
Some particular query URLs you are submitting to Solr
An excerpt from your schema.xml file. In particular, include A) the field elements for the fields you are having trouble with, and B) the field type definitions corresponding to those fields
so what I was looking for is to make the search term for 'gatorade' -> 'gatorade OR gatorade*' which will give me all the matches i'm looking for.
If you want a query to return all documents that match either a stemmed form of gatorade or words that begin with gatorade, you'll need to construct the query yourself: +(gatorade gatorade*). You could alternatively extend the SolrParser to do this, but that's more work.
Another alternative is to use NGrams and TokenFilterFactories, specifically the EdgeNGramFilterFactory. .
This will create indexes for ngrams or parts of words. Documents, with a min ngram size of 5 and max ngram size of 8, would index: Docum Docume Document Documents
There is a bit of a tradeoff for index size and time. One of the Solr books quotes as a rough guide: Indexing takes 10 times longer Uses 5 times more disk space Creates 6 times more distinct terms.
However, the EdgeNGram will do better than that.
You do need to make sure that you don't submit wildcard character in your queries. As you aren't doing a wildcard search, you are matching a search term on ngrams(parts of words).
My guess is the missing matches are "Gatorade" (with a capital 'G'), and you have a lowercase filter on your field. The idea is that you have filters in your schema.xml that preprocess the input data, but wildcard queries do not use them;
see this about how Solr deals with wildcard queries:
("Solr and wildcard handling").
From what I've read the wildcards only matched words with additional characters after the search term. "Gatorade*" would match Gatorades but not Gatorade itself. It appears there's been an update to Solr in version 3.6 that takes this into account by using the 'multiterm' field type instead of the 'text' field.
A better description is here:
