How to display recommended items on product details with angularjs? - angularjs

Iam displaying the product details when we click on product name.The product details iam getting from the json file.i want to show the similar items in my product details can i achieve it?

Make a service that return the similar items based on the similarity criteria(i.e key-vale you are using in your JSON which are similar)

In a website I sorted festivals with same months or regions, You can extract them out and show them in your similar list.
click here to see implementation, click on "All Packages"
This was very basic implementation but you might get a basic idea :)


How to show variable's value in Dialog Name (Einstein Bot)

I need to show the Product's Name in the Menu, I think image says it all:
Click here to see the image
I have a menu, with two options, and the first show a text with a variable, but {!Product} don't works, there is a way of this work?
When I put {!Product} in Message or Question, this works normal...
I didn't find any solution for showing the variable in the title dialog, my solution was to change the message to "Know more about this product", I left a generic message.
Old topic but the answer might help someone.
There's a great article explaining how to get some dynamic information
In your case, I guess you need to
Query your products (the out-of-the-box Einstein Bot query is simple and has a limit of 3 items but you could call a flow or apex to get better granularity on the filter/logic and control le size)
Store the query result in a Custom record list Variable
Query data with a flow
Use a dynamic question and merge fields to display what you want
Top configuration of the dynamic question
Down configuration of the dynamic question

Automation script for website in loop

Below is the screenshot of the web pages, I need to write a script that add the product automatically, suppose 15 times.
I achieved this for one single entry but i need to write it in a loop.
Challenge here is that i need to select different categories based on which there are different sub-categories and based on sub-categories there are different sub-sub-category so can anyone suggest how to achieve this.
If the fields and dropdown itself don't change you can create some kind of collection for each of the category options and sub options. Then with some mapping from one category to other you can achieve this.
Eg. CategoryArray will have [Item1, Item2, Item2] selection of this choice will guide which subcategory array you will access like Item1SubCategoryArray then so on and so forth.

How to show recently record list on my custom visualforce page?

The sObject's record list
Hey, I have a question, when I click a sObject's tab it will present a standard page. The picture shows the recently record list, is it a standard function like "apex:listViews" mark-up tag? I want to achieve this function in my own custom page. How do I do this?
I don't think there's a dedicated VF tag for it (aside from some very specialised cases like Knowledge and Ideas-related tags). But you can manually query it from database and display in <apex:pageBlockTable>.
There's a table with "recently viewed everything, across all objects" (think of it like "Recent Items" sidebar in clasic SF UI):
And also most objects will have a LastViewedDate field so you should be able to do
FROM Restaurant__c
WHERE LastViewedDate != null
ORDER BY LastViewedDate DESC

DecisionTree Selector in AngularJS

I am trying to find a smart way to create a multi-level decision tree selector in angularjs. So, basically what I am looking for is:
If I select Maingroup "GroupA" from a dropdown list, than I should only see the properties from subgroup1 related to GroupA. The subgroup1 should be also a dropdownlist. Then, refining the selection by another dropdownlist, should display only the possible selections based on Maingroup+Subgroup1.
Finally, the value should be displayed.
I have put a screenshot and the json file on github.
Thanks, any suggestion is welcome.
Take a look at angular-ui-tree connected trees demo. The structure can be reused to achieve your goals.

Drupal 7 displaying different user content

I have searched and searched and cannot find a solution to my specific problem...
I have a site that users join, and can upload their own videos. I crated a specific video type to handle this upload.
Other users can log in and see this content, they get to the content by clicking on a "profile" link for a specific user, and then it should display all the videos that user uploaded. Currently all I can get to work is display ALL of that content type, or none... I cannot figure out how to just get the user being looked for.
In my URL i have the user name being sent, because other info on the profile page that loads is driven off of that ( looked up in mysql tables and displayed with PHP).
As I mentioned I have a filter that limits to playervideo ( which is my content type) and that works, but as mentioned it displays all not just the user I am looking for.
any help would be much appreciated!!
I think your question is "How do I make a page for all users that lists content authored by a specific user"
I'd do this with the Views module.
Add a view for all your nodes.
Then add a "relationship" for "Content: Author".
Now add a "contextual filter" for the field "user: uid" with a default argument the userid from the URL.
Or you could try to add a contextual filter of "Content: User posted or commented" with the default value as the UID from the URL.
