How to use relations in Kibi, when creating a visualisation? - sql-server

After moving our MSSQL DB to an ELK stack version 5.2, we realised we needed a relatiopnal visauliser. By then downgrading to 2.4.1 we were able to link Kibi.
I have created the relations between the tables as shown below;
However, when trying to build a simple line graph to compare the tables tblaccounts and aspnetusers , it simply uses the values in tblaccountusers. None of the Kibi documentation seems to help, from what I have seen.
The problem with this is I need the actual values to be used from both tables, through the child table of tblaccountusers, as to display account names rather than the ID number such as 1,2... etc.
If anyone has any guidance or links to help with this, please comment below.


Azure Data Factory- Referencing Lookup activities in Queries

I'm following a tutorial on Azure Data Factory migration from Azure SQL to Blob through pipelines. While most of the concepts make sense, the 'Copy Data' query is a bit confusing. I have a background in writing Oracle SQL, but Azure SQL on ADF is pretty different and I'm struggling to find specific technical documentation, probably because it's not widely adopted yet.
Pipeline configuration shown below:
Query is posted below:
SELECT data_source_table.PersonID,data_source_table.Name,data_source_table.Age,
FROM data_source_table
AS CT ON data_source_table.PersonID = CT.PersonID
Output to the sink Blob as a result of the 'Copy Data' query:
Couple questions I had:
There's a lot of external referencing from other activities in the 'Copy Data' query like #{activity('...').output.firstRow.CurrentChangeTrackingVersion. Is there a way to know the appropriate syntax to referencing external activities? Can't find any good documentation the syntax, like what .firstRow is or what the changetable output looks like. I can't replicate this query in SSMS, which makes it a bit of a black box for me.
SYS_CHANGE_OPERATION appears in the SELECT with no table name prefix. Is this directly querying from the table in SourceDataset? (It points to data_source_table, which has table tracking enabled) My main confusion stems from how table tracking information is stored in the enabled tables. Is there a way to show all the table's tracked changes in SSMS? I see some documentation on what the return values, but it's hard for me to visualize it without seeing it on the table, so an output query of some return values would be nice.
LookupLastChangeTracking activity queries in all rows from a table (which when I checked, is just one row), but LookupCurrentChangeTracking activity uses a CHANGE_TRACKING function to pull the version of the data sink in table_store_ChangeTracking_version. Why does it use a function when the data sink's version is already recorded in table_store_ChangeTracking_version?
Sorry for the many questions, but I can't find any way to make this learning curve a bit less steep. Any guides or resources would be awesome!
There is an article to get the same thing done from the UI and it will help you understand it better . .
1 . These are the Lookup activity ,. very straight forward , please read about them here .
2.SYS_CHANGE_OPERATION is a column on data_source_table and so that should be fine . Regarding the details on the how the change tracking (CT) is stored , I am not sure if all the system table are exposed on Azure SQL , but we did had few table on the on-prem version of the SQL which could be queried if needed . But for this exercise I think that will be an over kill .

Querying the Audit Log through Database [SQL Server]

I would like to take the Audit History provided by Enterprise Architect and create a SQL query to report through a BI tool that will allow myself and other users to search the history of an object but I am having a little trouble understanding the audit table: t_snapshot.
From what I can tell, t_snapshot has a Style column that contains "INSERT," "UPDATE," and "DELETE" which would tell me what is happening and the Notes column can tell me what object it is referencing but so far I've only been able to get a partial picture. What I have not been able to deduce is when any event occurred or which user made the change.
If anyone has encountered this problem in the past, your input would be appreciated.
Well, I don't know whether you really want to touch that.
There's a column called BinContent which contains what you are looking for. It looks like
<LogItem><Row Number="0"><Column Name="object_id"><Old Value="1797"/><New Value="1797"/></Column><Column Name="name"><Old Value="CB"/><New Value="CBc"/></Column><Column Name="modifieddate"><Old Value="07.12.2018"/><New Value="11.12.2018"/></Column><appliesTo><Element Type="Action"/></appliesTo></Row><Details User="Thomas" DateTime="2018-12-11 08:22:59"/></LogItem>
So basically some XML describing the change including the plain text user name.
The bincontent column(s) are actually zips which contain a single file str.dat holding the above information.
Good luck.

Populating a Column in a Relation Using SQL Update Table and Set Commands in MS Access

I am using MS Access 2016 to learn SQL as part of a class on the fundamentals of databases. I am tasked with adding a new column to a table and then populating that column. The column should reveal whether an account is paid in full or if a balance remains to be paid. Based on that criteria it contains only 'Yes' or 'No.' The formula relies on data from two tables (ENROLLMENT and COURSE).
Here are the tables I created:
I have been researching the problem here and on other sites but not finding the logic and only getting syntax errors.
Here are a couple ways I have tried
I am looking for the direction to go to approach the issue and not asking for someone to do the coding for me. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
The following should help populate the column you want to create:
SELECT ENROLMENT.AmountPaid, IIf([ENROLMENT]![AmountPaid]>0,"Yes","No") AS Paid

Can't add column to Crate table

I have an existing table created some time ago. The table is on a Crate cluster with 3 nodes. All notes are running version 0.54.9. When I run the following command:
ALTER TABLE my_table ADD COLUMN size integer
I get the following error involving the names of existing columns:
SQLActionException[Merge failed with failures {[mapper [location] of different type, current_type [ip], merged_type [ArrayMapper]]}]
The table has an ARRAY(ip) column called "locations" but I don't understand how this is related.
When I ran the same command on a local instance with the same schema, it ran fine. A search online showed that the nearest error like the above that other people have come across has been related to Elasticsearch indexes. This suggests to me that the table (or its mapping in ES) may be corrupt but I'm not sure how to fix that as the cluster is currently in production.
Does anyone have any ideas how one might check / repair this?
This is a known bug at Crate's 0.54 releases. Its already fixed but not yet released, see:
Please be patient, upgrade to 0.55.0 (testing) or build Crate from source by yourself.

Database table in Magento does not exist: sales_flat_shipment_grid

We're using Magento and want to use an extension from a 3rd party developer. The extension does not work, because of a join to the table "sales_flat_shipment_grid":
$collection = $model->getCollection()->join('sales/shipment_grid', 'increment_id=shipment', array('order_increment_id'=>'order_increment_id', 'shipping_name' =>'shipping_name'), null,'left');
Unfortunately this table does not exist n our database. So the error "Can't retrieve entity config: sales/shipment_grid" appears. If I comment this part out, the extension is working, but I guess, it does not proper work.
Does anybody know something about this table? There are a backend-option for the catalog to use the "flat table" option, but this is only for the catalog. And the tables already exists, no matter which option is checked.
As it is obvious from table name, this table contains information about shipments and is used in grid on backend. The problem is that this table was created in, so you won't find it in your store.
I see 3 ways of solving the problem:
You can create this table and write some script, that will fill it
with necessary data by cron
You can rewrite SQL-query in that 3rd party extension so that it took necessary data from other sources
You can upgrade your Magento at least to (highly recommended)
