String conversion in sql server - sql-server

In Sql server, I want to convert a string 'EN,ES,FR'to ISNULL('EN','') + ISNULL('FR','') + ISNULL('ES',''). What is the easiest way to do that. Thanks in advance.

Is this what you mean?
declare #list nvarchar(20)
set #list = 'EN,FR,ES'
print 'ISNULL(''' + replace(#list, ',', ''','''') + ISNULL(''') + ''','''')'
Output is
ISNULL('EN','') + ISNULL('FR','') + ISNULL('ES','')
...or have I got completely the wrong end of the stick?!


My R code is not fetching data from SQL Server

While the normal Select statements used on R are fetching the data, I am not able to fetch the data using SQL on the following query:
The SQL part is working on SQL Server 2008. Also, I am using RStudio
Any suggestions what is wrong here?
qf<-sqlQuery(mycon,"USE MDM_STAT
+ ;
+ ;
+ ;
+ where OP.Sales_Year=#FISCALRUNYEAR
I suggest you to follow the following steps:
1) You should make sure the the connection string is set correctly for establishing the correct connection with the database.
a quite good explanation appears here: short youtube tutorial
2) in R write:
channel = odbcConnect("The_database_name_your_are_connecting_to")
sqlQuery(channel ,"your query here")
I suggest you to start with the simplest query and after you made sure it worked,
go with a more complex query
hope it would work for you, good luck!

MS SQL REPLACE based on 1 character to the left of the $

I am not a SQL expert so please forgive me if this is SQL 101 :).
In a select statement there are 2 replace functions. They look for a Servername and it's admin share d$ by it's UNC path. Example '\SERVERNAME\d$'
It then replaces '\SERVERNAME\d$' with 'D:'.
Here is the query currently:
select Replace(p.Path,'\\SERVERNAME\d$','D:') as searchpath
,p.path as fullpath
From Paths As p
Left Outer Join Shares as s on
Replace(p.Path,'\\SERVERNAME\d$','D:') Like s.SharePath + '\%'
Up until now it has always been d$.
Today my needs have changed and I need the query to find ANY servername UNC path admin share regardless of share letter (c$, d$, e$, f$...etc) and replace it with it's respective drive letter (D:, E:, F:... etc).
My thought is replace function could find the $ and look one character to the left of it to get the proper share letter, then use that for the replace. The issue I have, not being a SQL professional, is that I know SQL can likley do what I need it to do...I just don't know how to get there. I've googled and found some examples, but haven't had any luck in getting them to work.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You can use a combination of STUFF, PATINDEX, LEN to get what you want.
Sample Query
DECLARE #ReplaceChar VARCHAR(100) = '[prefixcharacters]\\SERVERNAME\d$[postcharacter]'
DECLARE #SearchString VARCHAR(100) = '\\SERVERNAME\_$'
STUFF(#ReplaceChar,PATINDEX('%' + #SearchString + '%',#ReplaceChar),LEN(#SearchString),
UPPER(SUBSTRING(#ReplaceChar,PATINDEX('%' + #SearchString + '%',#ReplaceChar) + LEN(#SearchString) - 2,1)) + ':') as searchpath
WHERE PATINDEX('%' + #SearchString + '%',#ReplaceChar) > 0
Alternate Query
You can shorten the query if you want to get the previous character before $ as per your title. Something like this
DECLARE #ReplaceChar VARCHAR(100) = '[prefixcharacters]\\SERVERNAME\d$[postcharacter]'
DECLARE #SearchString VARCHAR(100) = '\\SERVERNAME\_$'
UPPER(SUBSTRING(#ReplaceChar,CHARINDEX('$',#ReplaceChar) -1,1)) + ':')
WHERE PATINDEX('%'+#SearchString+'%',#ReplaceChar) > 0
In this query
STUFF replaces your pattern with with the character before $ + ':'
Start of pattern is identified by PATINDEX('%'+#SearchString+'%',#ReplaceChar)
D is identified by getting the charindex of '$' and then getting the previous character using SUBSTRING
What about ΒΈ
select Replace(SUBSTRING(p.path, 14, Len(#spath)-14),'$',':') as searchpath
,p.path as fullpath
From Paths As p
Left Outer Join Shares as s on
Replace(SUBSTRING(p.path, 14, Len(#spath)-14),'$',':') Like s.SharePath + '\%
select as searchpath
DECLARE #str nvarchar (100)
SET #str = '\\SERVERNAME\d$'
SET #str = UPPER(SUBSTRING(#str, 14, 1)) + ':'
Starting from previous, something like
select UPPER(SUBSTRING(p.path, 14, 1)) + ':' as searchpath
,p.path as fullpath
From Paths As p
Left Outer Join Shares as s on
SUBSTRING(p.path, 14, 1) + ':' Like s.SharePath + '\%'
I am no mysql expert either :)
Based on the logic you mentioned in the last part of the question, I have used concat and substring to get to the drive letter in the column.
Hope this helps
select replace(path, concat(substring(path, 1, locate('$', path) - 2), substring(path, locate('$', path) - 1, 1) , '$'), concat(substring(path, locate('$', path) - 1, 1) , ':')) as searchpath ...
The remaining part of the query would be the same.

error converting varchar to numeric : SQL Server 2008

I have this SQL statement but it return : "error converting varchar to numeric"
ADOTailles.SQL.Text := 'INSERT INTO tailles (numOF, taille, quantite, prixVente) VALUES(''' + numOF.Text + ''',''' + C.Caption + ''',''' + Q.Text + ''',''' + P.Text + ''')';
The numeric field is prixVente;
I used this but still the same error:
ADOTailles.SQL.Text := 'INSERT INTO tailles (numOF, taille, quantite, prixVente) VALUES(''' + numOF.Text + ''',''' + C.Caption + ''',''' + Q.Text + ''',CAST(''' + P.Text + ''' AS numeric(5, 2)))');
NOTE: If I put an INTEGER there is no error
The full code is:
I: Int8;
C: TCheckBox;
Q, P: TEdit;
for I := 1 to 16 do Begin
C := FindComponent('T' + IntToStr(I)) as TCheckBox;
Q := FindComponent('Q' + IntToStr(I)) as TEdit;
P := FindComponent('P' + IntToStr(I)) as TEdit;
if C.Checked = True then begin
ADOTailles.SQL.Text := 'INSERT INTO tailles (numOF, taille, quantite, prixVente) VALUES(''' + numOF.Text + ''',''' + C.Caption + ''',''' + Q.Text + ''',''' + P.Text + ''')';
there is no SQL injection because I use this code:
StringReplace(aricleFilter.Text, '''', '', [rfReplaceAll]);
Don't create a SQL query by appending text; use parameters.
Or you'll fall into the Bobby Tables SQL injection trap.
It makes it way easier to get rid of these errors too.
Maybe your string contains not numeric symbols or incorrect decimal separator (for example "," instead of ".").
You are putting the value for the price between quotes
... ''',''' + P.Text + ''')';
This is what causes SQLServer to try a conversion from varchar to a number. To prevent that, you will have to leave of the quotes:
... ''',' + P.Text + ')';
and make sure that P.Text contains the decimal and thousands separators that SQL Server expects. Preferably only the decimal separator. You can always do the conversion yourself using StrToFloat or StrToFloatDef with P.Text as the input and then reformat that for SQLServer.
From what I can remember, SQL Server expects the US separators in SQL statements, which means you need to use a point as the decimal separator.

Toad and SQL Server 2005

where a.system_nr =''''5300'''' and
a.external_status_cd = '''''''' and
a.cust_acct_id = b.rel_cust_acct_id and
b.cust_acct_id = c.cust_acct_id and
c.cust_acct_id = d.cust_acct_id and
d.acct_status_cd = ''''OPEN'''' and
d.time_mnth_gen_id =''''' + #BegDate + ''''' and
a.cust_acct_id = e.cust_acct_id and
e.tran_dt >=''''' + #BegDate + ''''' and
e.tran_dt<=''''' + #EndDate + ''''' and
d.portfolio_cd = ''''HEQ'''' and
a.time_mnth_gen_id =''''' + #BegDate + ''''' '')'
Here is the where condition which is already written and I need to make changes.
Can you please tell me why they are using '''''+#begdate'''''? Can i use '+Bedate'?
I mean why they are using ''''' each side?
Try this in SQL Server:
select '''''someval'''''
You notice that item gives:
In SQL Server '' will equate to a single quote character, so the above line is
select [open string][single quote][single quote]someval[single quote][single quote][close string]
Without seeing the rest of the SQL, my guesses would be:
for use in dynamic SQL as #BegDate is a variable and you have the statement ending with a single quote
the data contains a bunch of single quotes
You should not be able to just '+BegDate' because it's a variable and stripping the # would cause it to be evaluated as a field.
If you meant to just reduce the number of single quotes, I would imagine the original author put them there for a reason. You can run the query with the original single quotes and again with the reduced single quotes and see if you get the same result set.

Returning non-printable sybol (enter) to SQL Server from C# via CLR

I have the following CLR function:
public static SqlString PrintText(SqlString text)
// Put your code here
return new SqlString(text.Value);
And I want to get an enter symbol when passing '\r\n'
to it. But insteat I get '\r\n'
Could you please tell me what's wrong with this code.
Thank you.
In T-SQL you don't write a line break as \r\n. Instead you just use a line break:
is a
in SQL
line breaks'
If you pass a string with \r\n to the C# code, nothing magical happens, it doesn't automatically get converted. The backslash character is just a character like any other. It's when you use the backslash in a literal string in the code that the compiler uses it as an escape code, and puts the control characters in the actual string.
You could always:
return new SqlString(text.Value.Replace("\\r\\n", "\r\n"));
From the SQL side, you could insert char(13) + char(10) into your T-SQL literals like so:
DECLARE #text varchar(100)
SET #test = 'this' + char(13) + char(10)
+ 'is a' + char(13) + char(10)
+ 'string' + char(13) + char(10)
+ 'in SQL' + char(13) + char(10)
+ 'with' + char(13) + char(10)
+ 'line breaks'
Though this works, it is much more verbose than Guffa's answer.
However, this technique can also be used to insert any character of the default code page into a string. The Function CHAR(int) accepts any integer between 0 and 255. Values outside that range cause it to return null. The function NCHAR(int) accepts values up to 65535 and inserts the corresponding unicode characters into a unicode string. Functions ASCII(char) and UNICODE(nchar) perform the inverse operations.
