View Engine (ViewNotFoundException) Error using Nancy - nancy

I am trying to use View Engine to return an HTML page in my window application. URL gets called but when i try to return a View, i get ViewNotFoundException error.
In an error message, I cant see the extensions available and locations inspected but i still get an error as Below:
Nancy.RequestExecutionException: Oh noes! ---> Nancy.ViewEngines.ViewNotFoundException: Unable to locate view 'test' Currently available view engine extensions: sshtml,html,htm,cshtml,vbhtml
I have checked the Demo project on git and it works fine but that's a web project whereas mine is window service (i might be missing something). Has anyone tried to implement View Engine in windows service and got it working.
Error is quite self-explanatory but i cant seems to get my head around where the test file should go for it to work.
Nancy version: 1.4.2
I tried var foo = typeof(RazorViewEngine); and it does return all the View Engine values with locations inspected and all that.
My Project structure is:
---- myModule.cs
---- Test.cshtml
views/test is in locations inspected but it looks like, its looking somewhere instead of my structure.
Thanks in advance


CakePHP only localises part of the page

Locally everything is working. But when I create a container and push it to cloud parts of website don't get localized. So far have no idea why as there are no errors thrown.
What is the best way to figure this out?
I checked the po files and they look OK.

Localhost points to different address

I have an app developed with CakePHP and it is working just fine on my local machine. Now, I wanted to develop another app with CakePHP. I installed cake in a different folder, configured vhost and server block and did everything like for the first app. I created an empty app, just basic controller and view and when I type the address for the second app I get the first app!!! Weird thing is that all links are working and when I click I get in browser url like secondapp/companies but the content is firstapp/companies. Once more, the second app is empty, no controllers, views and models, just a basic one. Then I did all that in htdocs, and the same problem occurs (none of the apps wasn't in htdocs, but in folders on E partition).
Can someone please give me some help before I kill myself?
Thank you...
If the problem is not on the database configuration, maybe cache problems ? Try it on a private browser/incognito ?

How do I get my Selenium Grid Hub log

I have a selenium grid2 set up on an AWS instance, and I was wondering if there's a way I could view the logs on my local machine?
I understand I can visit: http://MyServerAddress/grid/console and view all of the nodes but I want the actual log.
Its a bit of a pain having to remote desktop to the server each time I want to view it.
I was thinking something like http://MyServerAddress/grid/log but alas, it doesnt seem to be an option.
There's nothing available out of the box. But you can build this on your own.
You would first need to enable logging for your Grid and have the logs dumped to a specific folder.
You would now need to build a custom Servlet and inject it into the servlet (See here for details on how to do it )
Assuming that your servlet is called "HubLogServlet", you should be able to access it via the link http://localhost:4444/grid/admin/HubLogServlet
You can refer to this LogServlet for a sample.

IBM Worklight - App only starts once; gives error after saying Failed to load webpage

I created an iphone app in IBM Worklight using Angularjs, generated by yeoman. Everything works fine in the simulator, but when I deploy to my physical device, the app will open only once. Using the iphone configuration utility, the error reported merely says Failed to load webpage at that url.
I do not understand why it would only work one time.
It don't think this has got anything to do with angularjs and/or yeoman.
It sounds like you've changed the HTML filename in the common folder and the mainFile value in application-descriptor.xml. Changing the mainFile value used to cause a bug after launching the app a second time - it wouldn't find the resource, the HTML file.
If you indeed did the above, try the following:
Rename the application folder name to match the renaming you've done above
update the ID attribute of the application element in application-descriptor.xml to match as well
Make sure to delete the native folder
Re-build and deploy the app
This should now make the app launch a second, third, ... time as well.
Fixed in the upcoming Worklight 6.1.0.

qooxdoo package not loading

I have just started evaluating qooxdoo + phonegap for a mobile application and have completed the getting started manual and created a test application which works as expected. The default app created has page1 with a button to navigate to page2 and back.
I have edited application.js to show a list by copying the list sample script into it but the list creation fails with error TypeError: Cannot read property 'List' of undefined
I have tried looking into the documentation to see if i have to make any changes to the app to load the list package but have not able to find anything. Can someone point me in the right direction?
Did you call
./ source
after adding the qx.Mobile list to your application?
Calling ./ source did not help ./ source-all did the trick
