I am working on sorting an array of objects in multiple ways. The objects are for areas, and I will be sorting data for those areas (more specifically population, concentration of water contaminants, and whether the area violates legal or health based water limits. My sorting results are almost accurate, and they are only off 5 spots out of 100.
t is a one character string that contains a keycode for how to sort the areas. For example, if t <-- "p", then it would test for population between two areas and return true or false.
statusL <-- True statusH <-- True high <-- length
Function partition(a() As Area, High As Long, Low As Long, t As String, progress As Boolean)
Dim pivot As Area
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Set pivot = a(High)
i = Low - 1
j = Low
For j = Low To High - 1
If testAreas(a(j), pivot, t) Then
i = i + 1
Call swap(a(), i, j)
End If
Next j
Call swap(a(), i + 1, High)
If progress Then
partition = i - 1
partition = i + 1
End If
End Function
Function QuickSort(a() As Area, High As Long, Low As Long, t As String, statusH As Boolean, statusL As Boolean, rounds As Long, oldPivot As Long, progress As Boolean)
Dim pivot As Long
If Low < High Then
pivot = partition(a(), High, Low, t, progress)
If rounds = 0 Then
oldPivot = pivot
End If
rounds = rounds + 1
If statusH = True Then
If pivot >= High - 1 Then
statusH = False
End If
Call QuickSort(a(), High, pivot - 1, t, statusH, statusL, rounds, oldPivot, progress)
End If
If progress = False Then
pivot = oldPivot
End If
progress = True
If statusL = True Then
If pivot <= 1 Then
statusL = False
End If
Call QuickSort(a(), pivot + 1, 0, t, statusH, statusL, rounds, oldPivot, progress)
End If
End If
End Function
Function swap(a() As Area, index1 As Long, index2 As Long)
Dim x As Area
Set x = a(index1)
Set a(index1) = a(index2)
Set a(index2) = x
End Function
Function testAreas(a As Area, b As Area, t As String)
testAreas = False
If t = "m" Then
If a.max <= b.max Then
testAreas = True
End If
End If
If t = "p" Then
Dim p1 As Double, p2 As Double
p1 = a.pop
p2 = b.pop
If p1 <= p2 Then
testAreas = True
End If
End If
If t = "l" Then
Dim L1 As Long, L2 As Long
L1 = a.ll
L2 = b.ll
If L1 <= L2 Then
testAreas = True
End If
End If
If t = "h" Then
Dim h1 As Long, h2 As Long
h1 = a.hbl
h2 = b.hbl
If h1 <= h2 Then
testAreas = True
End If
End If
If t = "s" Then
If a.state <= b.state Then
testAreas = True
End If
End If
End Function
The order I am getting looks like this:
221351,30948,20602,12300,11702,8980,2342,2300,1395,1475,1005,993,852,775,935, 904,975,654,650,600,794,650,740,493,795
...and as this goes down, it gets increasingly inaccurate then close to the end it becomes more accurate.
I don't understand the need for the progress parameter. For quicksort, if the pivot swap is using i+1, then the partition function should be returning i+1. To avoid stack overflow, use recursion on the smaller part, then loop back for the larger part. Example C++ code using Lomuto partition scheme:
void QuickSort(uint64_t a[], int lo, int hi)
while (lo < hi){
uint64_t p = a[hi];
int i = lo;
for (int j = lo; j < hi; ++j){
if (a[j] < p){
std::swap(a[j], a[i]);
std::swap(a[i], a[hi]);
if(i - lo <= hi - i){
QuickSort(a, lo, i-1);
lo = i+1;
} else {
QuickSort(a, i+1, hi);
hi = i-1;
I want to write a function that takes an array of letters as an argument and a number of those letters to select.
Say you provide an array of 8 letters and want to select 3 letters from that. Then you should get:
8! / ((8 - 3)! * 3!) = 56
Arrays (or words) in return consisting of 3 letters each.
Art of Computer Programming Volume 4: Fascicle 3 has a ton of these that might fit your particular situation better than how I describe.
Gray Codes
An issue that you will come across is of course memory and pretty quickly, you'll have problems by 20 elements in your set -- 20C3 = 1140. And if you want to iterate over the set it's best to use a modified gray code algorithm so you aren't holding all of them in memory. These generate the next combination from the previous and avoid repetitions. There are many of these for different uses. Do we want to maximize the differences between successive combinations? minimize? et cetera.
Some of the original papers describing gray codes:
Some Hamilton Paths and a Minimal Change Algorithm
Adjacent Interchange Combination Generation Algorithm
Here are some other papers covering the topic:
An Efficient Implementation of the Eades, Hickey, Read Adjacent Interchange Combination Generation Algorithm (PDF, with code in Pascal)
Combination Generators
Survey of Combinatorial Gray Codes (PostScript)
An Algorithm for Gray Codes
Chase's Twiddle (algorithm)
Phillip J Chase, `Algorithm 382: Combinations of M out of N Objects' (1970)
The algorithm in C...
Index of Combinations in Lexicographical Order (Buckles Algorithm 515)
You can also reference a combination by its index (in lexicographical order). Realizing that the index should be some amount of change from right to left based on the index we can construct something that should recover a combination.
So, we have a set {1,2,3,4,5,6}... and we want three elements. Let's say {1,2,3} we can say that the difference between the elements is one and in order and minimal. {1,2,4} has one change and is lexicographically number 2. So the number of 'changes' in the last place accounts for one change in the lexicographical ordering. The second place, with one change {1,3,4} has one change but accounts for more change since it's in the second place (proportional to the number of elements in the original set).
The method I've described is a deconstruction, as it seems, from set to the index, we need to do the reverse – which is much trickier. This is how Buckles solves the problem. I wrote some C to compute them, with minor changes – I used the index of the sets rather than a number range to represent the set, so we are always working from 0...n.
Since combinations are unordered, {1,3,2} = {1,2,3} --we order them to be lexicographical.
This method has an implicit 0 to start the set for the first difference.
Index of Combinations in Lexicographical Order (McCaffrey)
There is another way:, its concept is easier to grasp and program but it's without the optimizations of Buckles. Fortunately, it also does not produce duplicate combinations:
The set that maximizes , where .
For an example: 27 = C(6,4) + C(5,3) + C(2,2) + C(1,1). So, the 27th lexicographical combination of four things is: {1,2,5,6}, those are the indexes of whatever set you want to look at. Example below (OCaml), requires choose function, left to reader:
(* this will find the [x] combination of a [set] list when taking [k] elements *)
let combination_maccaffery set k x =
(* maximize function -- maximize a that is aCb *)
(* return largest c where c < i and choose(c,i) <= z *)
let rec maximize a b x =
if (choose a b ) <= x then a else maximize (a-1) b x
let rec iterate n x i = match i with
| 0 -> []
| i ->
let max = maximize n i x in
max :: iterate n (x - (choose max i)) (i-1)
if x < 0 then failwith "errors" else
let idxs = iterate (List.length set) x k in (List.nth set) (List.sort (-) idxs)
A small and simple combinations iterator
The following two algorithms are provided for didactic purposes. They implement an iterator and (a more general) folder overall combinations.
They are as fast as possible, having the complexity O(nCk). The memory consumption is bound by k.
We will start with the iterator, which will call a user provided function for each combination
let iter_combs n k f =
let rec iter v s j =
if j = k then f v
else for i = s to n - 1 do iter (i::v) (i+1) (j+1) done in
iter [] 0 0
A more general version will call the user provided function along with the state variable, starting from the initial state. Since we need to pass the state between different states we won't use the for-loop, but instead, use recursion,
let fold_combs n k f x =
let rec loop i s c x =
if i < n then
loop (i+1) s c ##
let c = i::c and s = s + 1 and i = i + 1 in
if s < k then loop i s c x else f c x
else x in
loop 0 0 [] x
In C#:
public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> Combinations<T>(this IEnumerable<T> elements, int k)
return k == 0 ? new[] { new T[0] } :
elements.SelectMany((e, i) =>
elements.Skip(i + 1).Combinations(k - 1).Select(c => (new[] {e}).Concat(c)));
var result = Combinations(new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }, 3);
Short java solution:
import java.util.Arrays;
public class Combination {
public static void main(String[] args){
String[] arr = {"A","B","C","D","E","F"};
combinations2(arr, 3, 0, new String[3]);
static void combinations2(String[] arr, int len, int startPosition, String[] result){
if (len == 0){
for (int i = startPosition; i <= arr.length-len; i++){
result[result.length - len] = arr[i];
combinations2(arr, len-1, i+1, result);
Result will be
[A, B, C]
[A, B, D]
[A, B, E]
[A, B, F]
[A, C, D]
[A, C, E]
[A, C, F]
[A, D, E]
[A, D, F]
[A, E, F]
[B, C, D]
[B, C, E]
[B, C, F]
[B, D, E]
[B, D, F]
[B, E, F]
[C, D, E]
[C, D, F]
[C, E, F]
[D, E, F]
May I present my recursive Python solution to this problem?
def choose_iter(elements, length):
for i in xrange(len(elements)):
if length == 1:
yield (elements[i],)
for next in choose_iter(elements[i+1:], length-1):
yield (elements[i],) + next
def choose(l, k):
return list(choose_iter(l, k))
Example usage:
>>> len(list(choose_iter("abcdefgh",3)))
I like it for its simplicity.
Lets say your array of letters looks like this: "ABCDEFGH". You have three indices (i, j, k) indicating which letters you are going to use for the current word, You start with:
^ ^ ^
i j k
First you vary k, so the next step looks like that:
^ ^ ^
i j k
If you reached the end you go on and vary j and then k again.
^ ^ ^
i j k
^ ^ ^
i j k
Once you j reached G you start also to vary i.
^ ^ ^
i j k
^ ^ ^
i j k
Written in code this look something like that
void print_combinations(const char *string)
int i, j, k;
int len = strlen(string);
for (i = 0; i < len - 2; i++)
for (j = i + 1; j < len - 1; j++)
for (k = j + 1; k < len; k++)
printf("%c%c%c\n", string[i], string[j], string[k]);
The following recursive algorithm picks all of the k-element combinations from an ordered set:
choose the first element i of your combination
combine i with each of the combinations of k-1 elements chosen recursively from the set of elements larger than i.
Iterate the above for each i in the set.
It is essential that you pick the rest of the elements as larger than i, to avoid repetition. This way [3,5] will be picked only once, as [3] combined with [5], instead of twice (the condition eliminates [5] + [3]). Without this condition you get variations instead of combinations.
Short example in Python:
def comb(sofar, rest, n):
if n == 0:
print sofar
for i in range(len(rest)):
comb(sofar + rest[i], rest[i+1:], n-1)
>>> comb("", "abcde", 3)
For explanation, the recursive method is described with the following example:
Example: A B C D E
All combinations of 3 would be:
A with all combinations of 2 from the rest (B C D E)
B with all combinations of 2 from the rest (C D E)
C with all combinations of 2 from the rest (D E)
I found this thread useful and thought I would add a Javascript solution that you can pop into Firebug. Depending on your JS engine, it could take a little time if the starting string is large.
function string_recurse(active, rest) {
if (rest.length == 0) {
} else {
string_recurse(active + rest.charAt(0), rest.substring(1, rest.length));
string_recurse(active, rest.substring(1, rest.length));
string_recurse("", "abc");
The output should be as follows:
In C++ the following routine will produce all combinations of length distance(first,k) between the range [first,last):
#include <algorithm>
template <typename Iterator>
bool next_combination(const Iterator first, Iterator k, const Iterator last)
/* Credits: Mark Nelson */
if ((first == last) || (first == k) || (last == k))
return false;
Iterator i1 = first;
Iterator i2 = last;
if (last == i1)
return false;
i1 = last;
i1 = k;
while (first != i1)
if (*--i1 < *i2)
Iterator j = k;
while (!(*i1 < *j)) ++j;
i2 = k;
while (last != j)
return true;
return false;
It can be used like this:
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
int main()
std::string s = "12345";
std::size_t comb_size = 3;
std::cout << std::string(s.begin(), s.begin() + comb_size) << std::endl;
} while (next_combination(s.begin(), s.begin() + comb_size, s.end()));
return 0;
This will print the following:
static IEnumerable<string> Combinations(List<string> characters, int length)
for (int i = 0; i < characters.Count; i++)
// only want 1 character, just return this one
if (length == 1)
yield return characters[i];
// want more than one character, return this one plus all combinations one shorter
// only use characters after the current one for the rest of the combinations
foreach (string next in Combinations(characters.GetRange(i + 1, characters.Count - (i + 1)), length - 1))
yield return characters[i] + next;
Simple recursive algorithm in Haskell
import Data.List
combinations 0 lst = [[]]
combinations n lst = do
(x:xs) <- tails lst
rest <- combinations (n-1) xs
return $ x : rest
We first define the special case, i.e. selecting zero elements. It produces a single result, which is an empty list (i.e. a list that contains an empty list).
For n > 0, x goes through every element of the list and xs is every element after x.
rest picks n - 1 elements from xs using a recursive call to combinations. The final result of the function is a list where each element is x : rest (i.e. a list which has x as head and rest as tail) for every different value of x and rest.
> combinations 3 "abcde"
And of course, since Haskell is lazy, the list is gradually generated as needed, so you can partially evaluate exponentially large combinations.
> let c = combinations 8 "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
> take 10 c
And here comes granddaddy COBOL, the much maligned language.
Let's assume an array of 34 elements of 8 bytes each (purely arbitrary selection.) The idea is to enumerate all possible 4-element combinations and load them into an array.
We use 4 indices, one each for each position in the group of 4
The array is processed like this:
idx1 = 1
idx2 = 2
idx3 = 3
idx4 = 4
We vary idx4 from 4 to the end. For each idx4 we get a unique combination
of groups of four. When idx4 comes to the end of the array, we increment idx3 by 1 and set idx4 to idx3+1. Then we run idx4 to the end again. We proceed in this manner, augmenting idx3,idx2, and idx1 respectively until the position of idx1 is less than 4 from the end of the array. That finishes the algorithm.
1 --- pos.1
2 --- pos 2
3 --- pos 3
4 --- pos 4
First iterations:
A COBOL example:
05 IDX1 PIC 99.
05 IDX2 PIC 99.
05 IDX3 PIC 99.
05 IDX4 PIC 99.
05 OUT_IDX PIC 9(9).
* Stop the search when IDX1 is on the third last array element:
Another C# version with lazy generation of the combination indices. This version maintains a single array of indices to define a mapping between the list of all values and the values for the current combination, i.e. constantly uses O(k) additional space during the entire runtime. The code generates individual combinations, including the first one, in O(k) time.
public static IEnumerable<T[]> Combinations<T>(this T[] values, int k)
if (k < 0 || values.Length < k)
yield break; // invalid parameters, no combinations possible
// generate the initial combination indices
var combIndices = new int[k];
for (var i = 0; i < k; i++)
combIndices[i] = i;
while (true)
// return next combination
var combination = new T[k];
for (var i = 0; i < k; i++)
combination[i] = values[combIndices[i]];
yield return combination;
// find first index to update
var indexToUpdate = k - 1;
while (indexToUpdate >= 0 && combIndices[indexToUpdate] >= values.Length - k + indexToUpdate)
if (indexToUpdate < 0)
yield break; // done
// update combination indices
for (var combIndex = combIndices[indexToUpdate] + 1; indexToUpdate < k; indexToUpdate++, combIndex++)
combIndices[indexToUpdate] = combIndex;
Test code:
foreach (var combination in new[] {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'}.Combinations(3))
System.Console.WriteLine(String.Join(" ", combination));
a b c
a b d
a b e
a c d
a c e
a d e
b c d
b c e
b d e
c d e
Here is an elegant, generic implementation in Scala, as described on 99 Scala Problems.
object P26 {
def flatMapSublists[A,B](ls: List[A])(f: (List[A]) => List[B]): List[B] =
ls match {
case Nil => Nil
case sublist#(_ :: tail) => f(sublist) ::: flatMapSublists(tail)(f)
def combinations[A](n: Int, ls: List[A]): List[List[A]] =
if (n == 0) List(Nil)
else flatMapSublists(ls) { sl =>
combinations(n - 1, sl.tail) map {sl.head :: _}
If you can use SQL syntax - say, if you're using LINQ to access fields of an structure or array, or directly accessing a database that has a table called "Alphabet" with just one char field "Letter", you can adapt following code:
SELECT A.Letter, B.Letter, C.Letter
FROM Alphabet AS A, Alphabet AS B, Alphabet AS C
WHERE A.Letter<>B.Letter AND A.Letter<>C.Letter AND B.Letter<>C.Letter
AND A.Letter<B.Letter AND B.Letter<C.Letter
This will return all combinations of 3 letters, notwithstanding how many letters you have in table "Alphabet" (it can be 3, 8, 10, 27, etc.).
If what you want is all permutations, rather than combinations (i.e. you want "ACB" and "ABC" to count as different, rather than appear just once) just delete the last line (the AND one) and it's done.
Post-Edit: After re-reading the question, I realise what's needed is the general algorithm, not just a specific one for the case of selecting 3 items. Adam Hughes' answer is the complete one, unfortunately I cannot vote it up (yet). This answer's simple but works only for when you want exactly 3 items.
I had a permutation algorithm I used for project euler, in python:
def missing(miss,src):
"Returns the list of items in src not present in miss"
return [i for i in src if i not in miss]
def permutation_gen(n,l):
"Generates all the permutations of n items of the l list"
for i in l:
if n<=1: yield [i]
r = [i]
for j in permutation_gen(n-1,missing([i],l)): yield r+j
you should have all combination you need without repetition, do you need it?
It is a generator, so you use it in something like this:
for comb in permutation_gen(3,list("ABCDEFGH")):
print comb
There is an implementation for JavaScript. It has functions to get k-combinations and all combinations of an array of any objects. Examples:
k_combinations([1,2,3], 2)
-> [[1,2], [1,3], [2,3]]
-> [[1],[2],[3],[1,2],[1,3],[2,3],[1,2,3]]
Lets say your array of letters looks like this: "ABCDEFGH". You have three indices (i, j, k) indicating which letters you are going to use for the current word, You start with:
^ ^ ^
i j k
First you vary k, so the next step looks like that:
^ ^ ^
i j k
If you reached the end you go on and vary j and then k again.
^ ^ ^
i j k
^ ^ ^
i j k
Once you j reached G you start also to vary i.
^ ^ ^
i j k
^ ^ ^
i j k
function initializePointers($cnt) {
$pointers = [];
for($i=0; $i<$cnt; $i++) {
$pointers[] = $i;
return $pointers;
function incrementPointers(&$pointers, &$arrLength) {
for($i=0; $i<count($pointers); $i++) {
$currentPointerIndex = count($pointers) - $i - 1;
$currentPointer = $pointers[$currentPointerIndex];
if($currentPointer < $arrLength - $i - 1) {
for($j=1; ($currentPointerIndex+$j)<count($pointers); $j++) {
$pointers[$currentPointerIndex+$j] = $pointers[$currentPointerIndex]+$j;
return true;
return false;
function getDataByPointers(&$arr, &$pointers) {
$data = [];
for($i=0; $i<count($pointers); $i++) {
$data[] = $arr[$pointers[$i]];
return $data;
function getCombinations($arr, $cnt)
$len = count($arr);
$result = [];
$pointers = initializePointers($cnt);
do {
$result[] = getDataByPointers($arr, $pointers);
} while(incrementPointers($pointers, count($arr)));
return $result;
$result = getCombinations([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 3);
Based on, but more abstract, for any size of pointers.
Here you have a lazy evaluated version of that algorithm coded in C#:
static bool nextCombination(int[] num, int n, int k)
bool finished, changed;
changed = finished = false;
if (k > 0)
for (int i = k - 1; !finished && !changed; i--)
if (num[i] < (n - 1) - (k - 1) + i)
if (i < k - 1)
for (int j = i + 1; j < k; j++)
num[j] = num[j - 1] + 1;
changed = true;
finished = (i == 0);
return changed;
static IEnumerable Combinations<T>(IEnumerable<T> elements, int k)
T[] elem = elements.ToArray();
int size = elem.Length;
if (k <= size)
int[] numbers = new int[k];
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
numbers[i] = i;
yield return numbers.Select(n => elem[n]);
while (nextCombination(numbers, size, k));
And test part:
static void Main(string[] args)
int k = 3;
var t = new[] { "dog", "cat", "mouse", "zebra"};
foreach (IEnumerable<string> i in Combinations(t, k))
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(",", i));
Hope this help you!
Another version, that forces all the first k to appear firstly, then all the first k+1 combinations, then all the first k+2 etc.. It means that if you have sorted array, the most important on the top, it would take them and expand gradually to the next ones - only when it is must do so.
private static bool NextCombinationFirstsAlwaysFirst(int[] num, int n, int k)
if (k > 1 && NextCombinationFirstsAlwaysFirst(num, num[k - 1], k - 1))
return true;
if (num[k - 1] + 1 == n)
return false;
++num[k - 1];
for (int i = 0; i < k - 1; ++i)
num[i] = i;
return true;
For instance, if you run the first method ("nextCombination") on k=3, n=5 you'll get:
0 1 2
0 1 3
0 1 4
0 2 3
0 2 4
0 3 4
1 2 3
1 2 4
1 3 4
2 3 4
But if you'll run
int[] nums = new int[k];
for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i)
nums[i] = i;
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", nums));
while (NextCombinationFirstsAlwaysFirst(nums, n, k));
You'll get this (I added empty lines for clarity):
0 1 2
0 1 3
0 2 3
1 2 3
0 1 4
0 2 4
1 2 4
0 3 4
1 3 4
2 3 4
It's adding "4" only when must to, and also after "4" was added it adds "3" again only when it must to (after doing 01, 02, 12).
Array.prototype.combs = function(num) {
var str = this,
length = str.length,
of = Math.pow(2, length) - 1,
out, combinations = [];
while(of) {
out = [];
for(var i = 0, y; i < length; i++) {
y = (1 << i);
if(y & of && (y !== of))
if (out.length >= num) {
return combinations;
Clojure version:
(defn comb [k l]
(if (= 1 k) (map vector l)
(apply concat
#(map (fn [x] (conj x %2))
(comb (dec k) (drop (inc %1) l)))
Count from 1 to 2^n.
Convert each digit to its binary representation.
Translate each 'on' bit to elements of your set, based on position.
In C#:
void Main()
var set = new [] {"A", "B", "C", "D" }; //, "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J" };
var kElement = 2;
for(var i = 1; i < Math.Pow(2, set.Length); i++) {
var result = Convert.ToString(i, 2).PadLeft(set.Length, '0');
var cnt = Regex.Matches(Regex.Escape(result), "1").Count;
if (cnt == kElement) {
for(int j = 0; j < set.Length; j++)
if ( Char.GetNumericValue(result[j]) == 1)
Why does it work?
There is a bijection between the subsets of an n-element set and n-bit sequences.
That means we can figure out how many subsets there are by counting sequences.
e.g., the four element set below can be represented by {0,1} X {0, 1} X {0, 1} X {0, 1} (or 2^4) different sequences.
So - all we have to do is count from 1 to 2^n to find all the combinations. (We ignore the empty set.) Next, translate the digits to their binary representation. Then substitute elements of your set for 'on' bits.
If you want only k element results, only print when k bits are 'on'.
(If you want all subsets instead of k length subsets, remove the cnt/kElement part.)
(For proof, see MIT free courseware Mathematics for Computer Science, Lehman et al, section 11.2.2. )
short python code, yielding index positions
def yield_combos(n,k):
# n is set size, k is combo size
i = 0
a = [0]*k
while i > -1:
for j in range(i+1, k):
a[j] = a[j-1]+1
yield a
while a[i] == i + n - k:
i -= 1
a[i] += 1
All said and and done here comes the O'caml code for that.
Algorithm is evident from the code..
let combi n lst =
let rec comb l c =
if( List.length c = n) then [c] else
match l with
[] -> []
| (h::t) -> (combi t (h::c))#(combi t c)
combi lst []
Here is a method which gives you all combinations of specified size from a random length string. Similar to quinmars' solution, but works for varied input and k.
The code can be changed to wrap around, ie 'dab' from input 'abcd' w k=3.
public void run(String data, int howMany){
choose(data, howMany, new StringBuffer(), 0);
//n choose k
private void choose(String data, int k, StringBuffer result, int startIndex){
if (result.length()==k){
for (int i=startIndex; i<data.length(); i++){
choose(data,k,result, i+1);
Output for "abcde":
abc abd abe acd ace ade bcd bce bde cde
Short javascript version (ES 5)
let combine = (list, n) =>
n == 0 ?
[[]] :
list.flatMap((e, i) =>
list.slice(i + 1),
n - 1
).map(c => [e].concat(c))
let res = combine([1,2,3,4], 3);
res.forEach(e => console.log(e.join()));
Another python recusive solution.
def combination_indicies(n, k, j = 0, stack = []):
if len(stack) == k:
yield list(stack)
for i in range(j, n):
for x in combination_indicies(n, k, i + 1, stack):
yield x
list(combination_indicies(5, 3))
[[0, 1, 2],
[0, 1, 3],
[0, 1, 4],
[0, 2, 3],
[0, 2, 4],
[0, 3, 4],
[1, 2, 3],
[1, 2, 4],
[1, 3, 4],
[2, 3, 4]]
I created a solution in SQL Server 2005 for this, and posted it on my website:
Here is an example to show usage:
SELECT * FROM dbo.fn_GetMChooseNCombos('ABCD', 2, '')
(6 row(s) affected)
Here is my proposition in C++
I tried to impose as little restriction on the iterator type as i could so this solution assumes just forward iterator, and it can be a const_iterator. This should work with any standard container. In cases where arguments don't make sense it throws std::invalid_argumnent
#include <vector>
#include <stdexcept>
template <typename Fci> // Fci - forward const iterator
std::vector<std::vector<Fci> >
enumerate_combinations(Fci begin, Fci end, unsigned int combination_size)
if(begin == end && combination_size > 0u)
throw std::invalid_argument("empty set and positive combination size!");
std::vector<std::vector<Fci> > result; // empty set of combinations
if(combination_size == 0u) return result; // there is exactly one combination of
// size 0 - emty set
std::vector<Fci> current_combination;
current_combination.reserve(combination_size + 1u); // I reserve one aditional slot
// in my vector to store
// the end sentinel there.
// The code is cleaner thanks to that
for(unsigned int i = 0u; i < combination_size && begin != end; ++i, ++begin)
current_combination.push_back(begin); // Construction of the first combination
// Since I assume the itarators support only incrementing, I have to iterate over
// the set to get its size, which is expensive. Here I had to itrate anyway to
// produce the first cobination, so I use the loop to also check the size.
if(current_combination.size() < combination_size)
throw std::invalid_argument("combination size > set size!");
result.push_back(current_combination); // Store the first combination in the results set
current_combination.push_back(end); // Here I add mentioned earlier sentinel to
// simplyfy rest of the code. If I did it
// earlier, previous statement would get ugly.
unsigned int i = combination_size;
Fci tmp; // Thanks to the sentinel I can find first
do // iterator to change, simply by scaning
{ // from right to left and looking for the
tmp = current_combination[--i]; // first "bubble". The fact, that it's
++tmp; // a forward iterator makes it ugly but I
} // can't help it.
while(i > 0u && tmp == current_combination[i + 1u]);
// Here is probably my most obfuscated expression.
// Loop above looks for a "bubble". If there is no "bubble", that means, that
// current_combination is the last combination, Expression in the if statement
// below evaluates to true and the function exits returning result.
// If the "bubble" is found however, the ststement below has a sideeffect of
// incrementing the first iterator to the left of the "bubble".
if(++current_combination[i] == current_combination[i + 1u])
return result;
// Rest of the code sets posiotons of the rest of the iterstors
// (if there are any), that are to the right of the incremented one,
// to form next combination
while(++i < combination_size)
current_combination[i] = current_combination[i - 1u];
// Below is the ugly side of using the sentinel. Well it had to haave some
// disadvantage. Try without it.
current_combination.end() - 1));
Here is a code I recently wrote in Java, which calculates and returns all the combination of "num" elements from "outOf" elements.
// author: Sourabh Bhat (
public class Testing
public static void main(String[] args)
// Test case num = 5, outOf = 8.
int num = 5;
int outOf = 8;
int[][] combinations = getCombinations(num, outOf);
for (int i = 0; i < combinations.length; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < combinations[i].length; j++)
System.out.print(combinations[i][j] + " ");
private static int[][] getCombinations(int num, int outOf)
int possibilities = get_nCr(outOf, num);
int[][] combinations = new int[possibilities][num];
int arrayPointer = 0;
int[] counter = new int[num];
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
counter[i] = i;
breakLoop: while (true)
// Initializing part
for (int i = 1; i < num; i++)
if (counter[i] >= outOf - (num - 1 - i))
counter[i] = counter[i - 1] + 1;
// Testing part
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
if (counter[i] < outOf)
} else
break breakLoop;
// Innermost part
combinations[arrayPointer] = counter.clone();
// Incrementing part
counter[num - 1]++;
for (int i = num - 1; i >= 1; i--)
if (counter[i] >= outOf - (num - 1 - i))
counter[i - 1]++;
return combinations;
private static int get_nCr(int n, int r)
if(r > n)
throw new ArithmeticException("r is greater then n");
long numerator = 1;
long denominator = 1;
for (int i = n; i >= r + 1; i--)
numerator *= i;
for (int i = 2; i <= n - r; i++)
denominator *= i;
return (int) (numerator / denominator);
Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post.
Closed 7 years ago.
Improve this question
I am trying to generate random data based on some criteria. I am stuck on how to start so I don't have any code.
I just want some guide on how I can achieve that. You need not provide complete code.
So, coming to the problem, lets say we have this existing data:
Total - 10
Won - 7
Lost - 3
Longest Winning Streak - 5
Longest Losing Streak - 2
Now I need to generate an array of random boolean values (true representing a win and false representing a loss) which fulfills the above criteria.
So, in this case the output can be any of the following:
Its the streak part that bothers me. If it weren't for the streak, I could have generated seven 1(s) and three 0(s) and then randomly shuffled them.
Note: I would prefer solutions in C#, VB.NET, JavaScript, or Python but any language is welcome.
I'd suggest a genetic algorithm.
class Program
static int len = 10;
static int win = 7;
static int lws = 5;
static int lls = 2;
static Random rnd = new Random();
static void Main(string[] args)
int genSz = 15;
var generation = new List<Chromosome>();
Helper.Repeat(() => generation.Add(new Chromosome()), genSz);
int gen = 1;
while (generation.First().Fitness != 0)
Helper.Repeat(() => {
int x1 = rnd.Next(genSz / 2);
int x2 = rnd.Next(genSz);
generation.Add(new Chromosome(generation[x1], generation[x2]));
}, genSz);
generation = generation.OrderBy(x => x.Fitness).Take(genSz).ToList();
Console.WriteLine("GENERATION " + gen++);
foreach (var x in generation)
class Chromosome
bool[] genes = new bool[len];
public Chromosome() { }
public Chromosome(Chromosome p1, Chromosome p2)
rnd.Shuffle(ref p1, ref p2); //may reorder parents or not
var x = rnd.Next(len);
Array.Copy(p1.genes, 0, genes, 0, x);
Array.Copy(p2.genes, x, genes, x, len - x);
if (rnd.Flip())
x = rnd.Next(len);
genes[x] = !genes[x];
public int Fitness
int w = genes.Count(g => g);
int l = len - w;
int ws = genes.LongestStreak(g => g);
int ls = genes.LongestStreak(g => !g);
return Math.Abs(w - win) + Math.Abs(lws - ws) + Math.Abs(lls - ls);
public override string ToString()
return "[" + new string(genes.Select(g => g ? '*' : '.').ToArray()) + "] " + Fitness.ToString();
public static class Helper
public static bool Flip(this Random rnd) => rnd.Next(2) == 0;
public static void Shuffle<T>(this Random rnd, ref T a, ref T b, bool allowNoChange = true)
if (allowNoChange && rnd.Flip()) return; //no reordering
T tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp;
public static int LongestStreak<T>(this IEnumerable<T> sequence, Predicate<T> selector)
int current = 0;
int longest = 0;
foreach (T x in sequence)
if (selector(x))
if (current > longest) longest = current;
current = 0;
return longest;
public static void Repeat(this Action action, int N)
for (int n = 0; n < N; n++) action();
Second variant - brute force. Can be used if the sequence is short. Also you can get all possible variants with it.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var res = new[] { true, false }.Words(10).Where(w => {
w.Count(g => g) == 7 &&
w.LongestStreak(g => g) == 5 &&
w.LongestStreak(g => !g) == 2;
foreach (var v in res)
foreach (var b in v)
Console.Write(b ? "*" : ".");
public static class Helper
public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> Words<T>(this IEnumerable<T> alphabet, int len)
foreach (var l in alphabet)
if (len == 1)
yield return l.Yield();
foreach (var w in alphabet.Words(len - 1))
yield return w.Prepend(l);
public static IEnumerable<T> Yield<T>(this T item)
yield return item;
static IEnumerable<T> Prepend<T>(this IEnumerable<T> rest, T first)
yield return first;
foreach (var item in rest)
yield return item;
public static int LongestStreak<T>(this IEnumerable<T> sequence, Predicate<T> selector)
int current = 0;
int longest = 0;
foreach (T x in sequence)
if (selector(x))
if (current > longest) longest = current;
current = 0;
return longest;
My suggestion would be to use an algorithm to select k bits (your won number) from a length-n (your total number) string. Here, I use the kbits(n, k) function written by #foglebird. You can then filter out the undesired permutations using a list comprehension.
import itertools
def kbits(n, k):
result = []
for bits in itertools.combinations(range(n), k):
s = ['0'] * n
for bit in bits:
s[bit] = '1'
return result
total = 10
won = 7
lost = 3
max_win = 5
max_lose = 2
answer = [x for x in kbits(total, won) if '1'*(max_win+1) not in x and '0'*(max_lose+1) not in x]
I had an answer posted, then noticed I was missed some key requirements. I added and changed some stuff to address those missing elements.
The core method fails most of the time, but it does so quickly enough that you can do it in a loop until you get a good answer. Depending on the actual values, in cases where there are very few legal results, it seems like you need to luck out.
The steps used:
Pick a random spot for the longest streak (Win in the example)
Bracket the streak with losses to prevent extending it when setting leftovers
Find the indices with enough consecutive slots to hold the loss streak
Pick a random one and set the loss streak (returns if there are none)
Set all the Leftovers as Not the value at n-1 to avoid extending or creating a new streak
So, it becomes hit or miss whether then WinCount and LossCount are correct. That seems easier to stumble upon than streaks of the right size. A wrapper method tests the result to reject and rerun. With the given values, it usually find a winner in the first 10 or so times.
The core method to construct a string representation, and a helper:
' ToDo change to return Bool() = string is easier to read
Private Function FarhamStreaks(winStrk As Int32, loseStrk As Int32, total As Int32) As String
' -1 == not set
Dim result = Enumerable.Repeat(-1, total).ToArray
' set longest streak first
Dim wNDX = RNG.Next(0, total + 1 - winStrk)
For n As Int32 = 0 To winStrk - 1
result(wNDX + n) = 1
' bracket with losers so the w streak cant extend
If wNDX > 0 Then result(wNDX - 1) = 0
If wNDX + winStrk < result.Length - 1 Then result(wNDX + winStrk) = 0
' look for eligible consecutive starting slots
' might be none
Dim lossNdx As New List(Of Int32)
For n As Int32 = 0 To result.Count - 1
Dim count = CountConsecutiveLooserSlotsFrom(n, result)
If (n + 1) < result.Count AndAlso count >= loseStrk Then
End If
If lossNdx.Count = 0 Then
' do over
' the code has never gotten here
' but depends on the mix of values
Return ""
End If
' set losses
Dim lNdx = lossNdx(RNG.Next(0, lossNdx.Count))
For n As Int32 = 0 To loseStrk - 1
result(lNdx + n) = 0
' set the leftovers based on next value to avoid
' extending streaks
For n As Int32 = 0 To result.Length - 1
If result(n) = -1 Then
If n > 0 Then
result(n) = If(result(n - 1) = 0, 1, 0)
result(n) = If(result(n + 1) = 0, 1, 0)
End If
End If
Dim resultString = String.Join(",", result)
' convert to boolean
Dim realResult(total) As Boolean
For n As Int32 = 0 To total - 1
realResult(n) = Convert.ToBoolean(result(n))
Return resultString
End Function
' find candidate slots for the shorter streak:
Private Function CountConsecutiveLooserSlotsFrom(ndx As Integer, theArray As Int32()) As Int32
Dim count As Int32 = 1 ' including ndx
For n As Int32 = ndx To theArray.Length - 2
If theArray(n) <> 1 AndAlso theArray(n + 1) <> 1 Then
count += 1
Exit For
End If
Return count
End Function
The method to validate a result candidate (and performance metrics):
Private Function MakeFarhamStreak(wins As Int32, winStreak As Int32,
lossStreak As Int32,
total As Int32) As String
Const MaxTries As Int32 = 999
Dim losses = (total - wins)
Dim reverse As Boolean = (lossStreak > winStreak)
Dim candidate As String
Dim sw As New Stopwatch
Dim pass, fail As Int32
Dim count As Int32
For n As Int32 = 0 To MaxTries
If reverse Then
candidate = FarhamStreaks(lossStreak, winStreak, total)
' to do: un-reverse (Not) the results -
candidate = FarhamStreaks(winStreak, lossStreak, total)
End If
Dim result = candidate.Split(","c)
' test win count
count = candidate.Where(Function(f) f = "1").Count
If count <> wins Then
fail += 1
Continue For
End If
' test loss count
count = candidate.Where(Function(f) f = "0").Count
If count <> losses Then
fail += 1
Continue For
End If
Dim tmp = candidate.Replace(","c, "")
' test win streak size
Dim wstreaks = tmp.Select(Function(c, i) tmp.Substring(i).
TakeWhile(Function(q) q = c AndAlso q = "1").
If wstreaks <> winStreak Then
fail += 1
Continue For
End If
Dim lstreaks = tmp.Select(Function(c, i) tmp.Substring(i).
TakeWhile(Function(q) q = c AndAlso q = "0").
If lstreaks <> lossStreak Then
fail += 1
Continue For
End If
pass += 1
If pass = 1 Then
Console.WriteLine("First Pass in {0}ms (try # {1} = {2})",
sw.ElapsedMilliseconds, n, candidate)
' normally, return at this point
End If
End Function
It is easier to fit the shorter streak around the longer one, so it reverses the parm order as needed. There isnt code to flip/Not the results.
First Pass in 18ms (try # 4 = 1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,0,1)
Total FAILURES 753 75.38%
Total Pass 247 24.72%
Total time for 999 candidates 29ms
It found the first passing value on try #4 - with the 10, 7w, 5ws, 2ls values it usually finds one in the first 10.
var a = [1,2,3]
var b = [1,2,3]
var c = [1,2,3,4]
Each array inside take out a number of a three digits.
A total of 36 kinds of combination of the above.
I want to compute the position of the each combination.
[1,1,1] position is 1
[1,1,2] position is 2
[2,2,4] position is?
I want to ask how much the position of a combination of them, is there a specific formula?
Write three nested for loops. First one is for array a,second for b and third for c. That way you will first change the c for a new permutation than b, than a. Before going to for loop declare a variable called count which is 1. At the third loop increase that variable by one. Example:
int first,second,third,count=1;
for(int i=0;i<a.size();i++)
for(int k=0;k<b.size();k++)
for(int g=0;g<c.size();g++)
count=count+1; //count++
This is written in C++. But you get the idea.You can put if statements inbetween to find the number of the permutation that you are looking for.
var a = [1,2,3];
var b = [1,2,3];
var c = [1,2,3,4];
var all = [a,b,c];
var allCount = [b.length * c.length, c.length, 0];
function getIndex(combo) {
var count = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < combo.length; i++) {
var pos = all[i].indexOf(combo[i]);
if (pos < 0) {
throw new Error(combo[i] + "Not effective elements");
count += allCount[i] * pos;
count += combo[combo.length - 1];
return count;
console.log("index of [2,2,4] is " + getIndex([2,2,4]));
console.log("index of [1,1,1] is " + getIndex([1,1,1]));
console.log("index of [3,3,4] is " + getIndex([3,3,4]));
console.log("index of [1,2,3] is " + getIndex([1,2,3]));
console.log("index of [3,2,1] is " + getIndex([3,2,1]));
The output:
index of [2,2,4] is 20
index of [1,1,1] is 1
index of [3,3,4] is 36
index of [1,2,3] is 7
index of [3,2,1] is 29
This is a interview question: given an array of integers find the max. and min. using minimum comparisons.
Obviously, I can loop over the array twice and use ~2n comparisons in the worst case but I would like to do better.
1. Pick 2 elements(a, b), compare them. (say a > b)
2. Update min by comparing (min, b)
3. Update max by comparing (max, a)
This way you would do 3 comparisons for 2 elements, amounting to 3N/2 total comparisons for N elements.
Trying to improve on the answer by srbh.kmr. Say we have the sequence:
A = [a1, a2, a3, a4, a5]
Compare a1 & a2 and calculate min12, max12:
if (a1 > a2)
min12 = a2
max12 = a1
min12 = a1
max12 = a2
Similarly calculate min34, max34. Since a5 is alone, keep it as it is...
Now compare min12 & min34 and calculate min14, similarly calculate max14. Finally compare min14 & a5 to calculate min15. Similarly calculate max15.
Altogether it's only 6 comparisons!
This solution can be extended to an array of arbitrary length. Probably can be implemented by a similar approach to merge-sort (break the array in half and calculate min max for each half).
UPDATE: Here's the recursive code in C:
#include <stdio.h>
void minmax (int* a, int i, int j, int* min, int* max) {
int lmin, lmax, rmin, rmax, mid;
if (i == j) {
*min = a[i];
*max = a[j];
} else if (j == i + 1) {
if (a[i] > a[j]) {
*min = a[j];
*max = a[i];
} else {
*min = a[i];
*max = a[j];
} else {
mid = (i + j) / 2;
minmax(a, i, mid, &lmin, &lmax);
minmax(a, mid + 1, j, &rmin, &rmax);
*min = (lmin > rmin) ? rmin : lmin;
*max = (lmax > rmax) ? lmax : rmax;
void main () {
int a [] = {3, 4, 2, 6, 8, 1, 9, 12, 15, 11};
int min, max;
minmax (a, 0, 9, &min, &max);
printf ("Min : %d, Max: %d\n", min, max);
Now I cannot make out the exact number of comparisons in terms of N (the number of elements in the array). But it's hard to see how one can go below this many comparisons.
UPDATE: We can work out the number of comparisons like below:
At the bottom of this tree of computations, we form pairs of integers from the original array. So we have N / 2 leaf nodes. For each of these leaf nodes we do exactly 1 comparison.
By referring to the properties of a perfect-binary-tree, we have:
leaf nodes (L) = N / 2 // known
total nodes (n) = 2L - 1 = N - 1
internal nodes = n - L = N / 2 - 1
For each internal node we do 2 comparisons. Therefore, we have N - 2 comparisons. Along with the N / 2 comparisons at the leaf nodes, we have (3N / 2) - 2 total comparisons.
So, may be this is the solution srbh.kmr implied in his answer.
A somewhat different approach, which uses integer arithmetic instead of comparisons (which wasn't explicitly prohibited)
for(int i=0;i<N;i++) {
xmin += x[i]-xmin & x[i]-xmin>>31;
xmax += x[i]-xmax & xmax-x[i]>>31;
go for divide and conquer !
for this finding min,max will take 6 comparisons
but divide them
1,3 ---> will give min 1 and max 3 in one comparison
2,5 ---> will give min 2 and max 5 in one comparison
now we can compare two mins and maxs
min(1,2) --> will give the final min as 1 (one comparison)
max(3,5) ---> will give the final max as 5 (one comparison)
so totally four comparisons to find both min and max.
After reading the question and answers, I decided to try a few versions (in C#).
I thought the fastest would be Anton Knyazyev's one (branch free),
it isn't (on my box).
/* comp. time(ns)
minmax0 3n/2 855
minmax1 2n 805
minmax2 2n 1315
minmax3 2n 685 */
Why are minmax1 and minmax3 faster?
Probably because the "branch predictor" does a nice job,
each iteration the chance, a new min (or max) is found, decreases,
so predictions become better.
All in all it's a simple test. I do realize my conclusions may be:
-not valid for different platforms.
Let's say they're indicative.
Edit: Break-even point minmax0, minmax3: ~100 items,
10,000 items: minmax3 ~3.5 times faster than minmax0.
using System;
using sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch;
class Program
static void Main()
int n = 1000;
int[] a = buildA(n);
sw sw = new sw();
for (int i = 1000000; i > 0; i--) minMax3(a);
static int[] minMax0(int[] a) // ~3j/2 comp.
int j = a.Length - 1;
if (j < 2) return j < 0 ? null :
j < 1 ? new int[] { a[0], a[0] } :
a[0] < a[1] ? new int[] { a[0], a[1] } :
new int[] { a[1], a[0] };
int a0 = a[0], a1 = a[1], ai = a0;
if (a1 < a0) { a0 = a1; a1 = ai; }
int i = 2;
for (int aj; i < j; i += 2)
if ((ai = a[i]) < (aj = a[i + 1])) // hard to predict
{ if (ai < a0) a0 = ai; if (aj > a1) a1 = aj; }
{ if (aj < a0) a0 = aj; if (ai > a1) a1 = ai; }
if (i <= j)
{ if ((ai = a[i]) < a0) a0 = ai; else if (ai > a1) a1 = ai; }
return new int[] { a0, a1 };
static int[] minMax1(int[] a) // ~2j comp.
int j = a.Length;
if (j < 3) return j < 1 ? null :
j < 2 ? new int[] { a[0], a[0] } :
a[0] < a[1] ? new int[] { a[0], a[1] } :
new int[] { a[1], a[0] };
int a0 = a[0], a1 = a0, ai = a0;
for (int i = 1; i < j; i++)
if ((ai = a[i]) < a0) a0 = ai;
else if (ai > a1) a1 = ai;
return new int[] { a0, a1 };
static int[] minMax2(int[] a) // ~2j comp.
int j = a.Length;
if (j < 2) return j == 0 ? null : new int[] { a[0], a[0] };
int a0 = a[0], a1 = a0;
for (int i = 1, ai = a[1], aj = ai; ; aj = ai = a[i])
ai -= a0; a0 += ai & ai >> 31;
aj -= a1; a1 += aj & -aj >> 31;
i++; if (i >= j) break;
return new int[] { a0, a1 };
static int[] minMax3(int[] a) // ~2j comp.
int j = a.Length - 1;
if (j < 2) return j < 0 ? null :
j < 1 ? new int[] { a[0], a[0] } :
a[0] < a[1] ? new int[] { a[0], a[1] } :
new int[] { a[1], a[0] };
int a0 = a[0], a1 = a[1], ai = a0;
if (a1 < a0) { a0 = a1; a1 = ai; }
int i = 2;
for (j -= 2; i < j; i += 3)
ai = a[i + 0]; if (ai < a0) a0 = ai; if (ai > a1) a1 = ai;
ai = a[i + 1]; if (ai < a0) a0 = ai; if (ai > a1) a1 = ai;
ai = a[i + 2]; if (ai < a0) a0 = ai; if (ai > a1) a1 = ai;
for (j += 2; i <= j; i++)
{ if ((ai = a[i]) < a0) a0 = ai; else if (ai > a1) a1 = ai; }
return new int[] { a0, a1 };
static int[] buildA(int n)
int[] a = new int[n--]; Random rand = new Random(0);
for (int j = n; n >= 0; n--) a[n] = rand.Next(-1 * j, 1 * j);
return a;
Brute-force is FASTER!
I would love someone to show me the error of my ways, here, but, …
I compared the actual run times of the brute-force method vs. the (more beautiful) recursive divide and conquer. Typical results (in 10,000,000 calls to each function):
Brute force :
0.657 seconds 10 values => 16 comparisons. Min # 8, Max # 10
0.604 seconds 1000000 values => 1999985 comparisons. Min # 983277, Max # 794659
Recursive :
1.879 seconds 10 values => 13 comparisons. Min # 8, Max # 10
2.041 seconds 1000000 values => 1499998 comparisons. Min # 983277, Max # 794659
Surprisingly, the brute-force method was about 2.9 times faster for an array of 10 items, and 3.4 times faster for an array of 1,000,000 items.
Evidently, the number of comparisons is not the problem, but possibly the number of re-assignments, and the overhead of calling a recursive function (I have no idea why 1,000,000 values ran faster than 10 values, but it did!).
Caveats : I did this in VBA, not C, and I was comparing double-precision numbers and returning the index into the array of the Min and Max values.
Here is the code I used (class cPerformanceCounter is not included here but uses QueryPerformanceCounter for high-resolution timing) :
Option Explicit
Private Const MIN_LONG As Long = -2147483648#
Private m_l_NumberOfComparisons As Long
Sub Time_MinMax()
Const LBOUND_VALUES As Long = 1
Dim l_pcOverall As cPerformanceCounter
Dim l_d_Values() As Double
Dim i As Long, _
k As Long, _
l_l_UBoundValues As Long, _
l_l_NumberOfIterations As Long, _
l_l_IndexOfMin As Long, _
l_l_IndexOfMax As Long
Set l_pcOverall = New cPerformanceCounter
For k = 1 To 2
l_l_UBoundValues = IIf(k = 1, 10, 1000000)
ReDim l_d_Values(LBOUND_VALUES To l_l_UBoundValues)
'Assign random values
Randomize '1 '1 => the same random values to be used each time
For i = LBOUND_VALUES To l_l_UBoundValues
l_d_Values(i) = Rnd
Next i
For i = LBOUND_VALUES To l_l_UBoundValues
l_d_Values(i) = Rnd
Next i
'This keeps the total run time in the one-second neighborhood
l_l_NumberOfIterations = 10000000 / l_l_UBoundValues
'——————— Time Brute Force Method —————————————————————————————————————————
For i = 1 To l_l_NumberOfIterations
m_l_NumberOfComparisons = 0
IndexOfMinAndMaxDoubleBruteForce _
l_d_Values, _
l_l_UBoundValues, _
l_l_IndexOfMin, _
l_pcOverall.ElapsedSecondsDebugPrint _
3.3, , _
" seconds Brute-Force " & l_l_UBoundValues & " values => " _
& m_l_NumberOfComparisons & " comparisons. " _
& " Min # " & l_l_IndexOfMin _
& ", Max # " & l_l_IndexOfMax, _
'——————— End Time Brute Force Method —————————————————————————————————————
'——————— Time Brute Force Using Individual Calls —————————————————————————
For i = 1 To l_l_NumberOfIterations
m_l_NumberOfComparisons = 0
l_l_IndexOfMin = IndexOfMinDouble(l_d_Values)
l_l_IndexOfMax = IndexOfMaxDouble(l_d_Values)
l_pcOverall.ElapsedSecondsDebugPrint _
3.3, , _
" seconds Individual " & l_l_UBoundValues & " values => " _
& m_l_NumberOfComparisons & " comparisons. " _
& " Min # " & l_l_IndexOfMin _
& ", Max # " & l_l_IndexOfMax, _
'——————— End Time Brute Force Using Individual Calls —————————————————————
'——————— Time Recursive Divide and Conquer Method ————————————————————————
For i = 1 To l_l_NumberOfIterations
m_l_NumberOfComparisons = 0
IndexOfMinAndMaxDoubleRecursiveDivideAndConquer _
l_d_Values, _
l_l_UBoundValues, _
l_l_IndexOfMin, l_l_IndexOfMax
l_pcOverall.ElapsedSecondsDebugPrint _
3.3, , _
" seconds Recursive " & l_l_UBoundValues & " values => " _
& m_l_NumberOfComparisons & " comparisons. " _
& " Min # " & l_l_IndexOfMin _
& ", Max # " & l_l_IndexOfMax, _
'——————— End Time Recursive Divide and Conquer Method ————————————————————
Next k
End Sub
'Recursive divide and conquer
Sub IndexOfMinAndMaxDoubleRecursiveDivideAndConquer( _
i_dArray() As Double, _
i_l_LBound As Long, _
i_l_UBound As Long, _
o_l_IndexOfMin As Long, _
o_l_IndexOfMax As Long)
Dim l_l_IndexOfLeftMin As Long, _
l_l_IndexOfLeftMax As Long, _
l_l_IndexOfRightMin As Long, _
l_l_IndexOfRightMax As Long, _
l_l_IndexOfMidPoint As Long
If (i_l_LBound = i_l_UBound) Then 'Only one element
o_l_IndexOfMin = i_l_LBound
o_l_IndexOfMax = i_l_LBound
ElseIf (i_l_UBound = (i_l_LBound + 1)) Then 'Only two elements
If (i_dArray(i_l_LBound) > i_dArray(i_l_UBound)) Then
o_l_IndexOfMin = i_l_UBound
o_l_IndexOfMax = i_l_LBound
o_l_IndexOfMin = i_l_LBound
o_l_IndexOfMax = i_l_UBound
End If
m_l_NumberOfComparisons = m_l_NumberOfComparisons + 1
Else 'More than two elements => recurse
l_l_IndexOfMidPoint = (i_l_LBound + i_l_UBound) / 2
'Find the min of the elements in the left half
IndexOfMinAndMaxDoubleRecursiveDivideAndConquer _
i_dArray, _
i_l_LBound, _
l_l_IndexOfMidPoint, _
l_l_IndexOfLeftMin, _
'Find the min of the elements in the right half
IndexOfMinAndMaxDoubleRecursiveDivideAndConquer i_dArray, _
l_l_IndexOfMidPoint + 1, _
i_l_UBound, _
l_l_IndexOfRightMin, _
'Return the index of the lower of the two values returned
If (i_dArray(l_l_IndexOfLeftMin) > i_dArray(l_l_IndexOfRightMin)) Then
o_l_IndexOfMin = l_l_IndexOfRightMin
o_l_IndexOfMin = l_l_IndexOfLeftMin
End If
m_l_NumberOfComparisons = m_l_NumberOfComparisons + 1
'Return the index of the lower of the two values returned
If (i_dArray(l_l_IndexOfLeftMax) > i_dArray(l_l_IndexOfRightMax)) Then
o_l_IndexOfMax = l_l_IndexOfLeftMax
o_l_IndexOfMax = l_l_IndexOfRightMax
End If
m_l_NumberOfComparisons = m_l_NumberOfComparisons + 1
End If
End Sub
Sub IndexOfMinAndMaxDoubleBruteForce( _
i_dArray() As Double, _
i_l_LBound As Long, _
i_l_UBound As Long, _
o_l_IndexOfMin As Long, _
o_l_IndexOfMax As Long)
Dim i As Long
o_l_IndexOfMin = i_l_LBound
o_l_IndexOfMax = o_l_IndexOfMin
For i = i_l_LBound + 1 To i_l_UBound
'Usually we will do two comparisons
m_l_NumberOfComparisons = m_l_NumberOfComparisons + 2
If (i_dArray(i) < i_dArray(o_l_IndexOfMin)) Then
o_l_IndexOfMin = i
'We don't need to do the ElseIf comparison
m_l_NumberOfComparisons = m_l_NumberOfComparisons - 1
ElseIf (i_dArray(i) > i_dArray(o_l_IndexOfMax)) Then
o_l_IndexOfMax = i
End If
Next i
End Sub
Function IndexOfMinDouble( _
i_dArray() As Double _
) As Long
Dim i As Long
On Error GoTo EWE
IndexOfMinDouble = LBound(i_dArray)
For i = IndexOfMinDouble + 1 To UBound(i_dArray)
If (i_dArray(i) < i_dArray(IndexOfMinDouble)) Then
IndexOfMinDouble = i
End If
m_l_NumberOfComparisons = m_l_NumberOfComparisons + 1
Next i
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Function
On Error GoTo 0
IndexOfMinDouble = MIN_LONG
End Function
Function IndexOfMaxDouble( _
i_dArray() As Double _
) As Long
Dim i As Long
On Error GoTo EWE
IndexOfMaxDouble = LBound(i_dArray)
For i = IndexOfMaxDouble + 1 To UBound(i_dArray)
If (i_dArray(i) > i_dArray(IndexOfMaxDouble)) Then
IndexOfMaxDouble = i
End If
m_l_NumberOfComparisons = m_l_NumberOfComparisons + 1
Next i
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Function
On Error GoTo 0
IndexOfMaxDouble = MIN_LONG
End Function
A simple pseudo code for the recursive algorithm:
Function MAXMIN (A, low, high)
if (high − low + 1 = 2) then
if (A[low] < A[high]) then
max = A[high]; min = A[low].
return((max, min)).
max = A[low]; min = A[high].
return((max, min)).
end if
mid = low+high/2
(max_l , min_l ) = MAXMIN(A, low, mid).
(max_r , min_r ) =MAXMIN(A, mid + 1, high).
end if
Set max to the larger of max_l and max_r ;
likewise, set min to the smaller of min_l and min_r .
return((max, min)).
import java.util.*;
class Maxmin
public static void main(String args[])
int[] arr = new int[10];
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
int i, min=0, max=0;
for(i=0; i<=9; i++)
System.out.print("Enter any number: ");
arr[i] = in.nextInt();
min = arr[0];
for(i=0; i<=9; i++)
if(arr[i] > max)
max = arr[i];
if(arr[i] < min)
min = arr[i];
System.out.println("Maximum is: " + max);
System.out.println("Minimum is: " + min);
My divide & conquer approach with java so far:
public class code {
static int[] A = {444,9,8,6,199,3,0,5,3,200};
static int min = A[0], max = A[1];
static int count = 0;
public void minMax(int[] A, int i, int j) {
if(i==j) {
count = count + 2;
min = Math.min(min, A[i]);
max = Math.max(max, A[i]);
else if(j == i+1) {
if(A[i] > A[j]) {
count = count + 3;
min = Math.min(min, A[j]);
max = Math.max(max, A[i]);
else {
count = count + 3;
min = Math.min(min, A[i]);
max = Math.max(max, A[j]);
else {
public static void main(String[] args) {
code c = new code();
if(Math.min(A[0], A[1]) == A[0]) {
min = A[0];
max = A[1];
else {
min = A[1];
max = A[0];
System.out.println("Min: "+min+" Max: "+max);
System.out.println("Total comparisons: " + count);
public static int[] minMax(int[] array){
int [] empty = {-1,-1};
if(array==null || array.length==0){
return empty;
int lo =0, hi = array.length-1;
return minMax(array,lo, hi);
private static int[] minMax(int []array, int lo, int hi){
int [] result = {array[lo], array[hi]};
return result;
}else if(lo+1==hi){
int [] result = new int[2];
result[0] = Math.min(array[lo], array[hi]);
result[1] = Math.max(array[lo], array[hi]);
return result;
int mid = lo+(hi-lo)/2;
int [] left = minMax(array, lo, mid);
int [] right = minMax(array, mid+1, hi);
int []result = new int[2];
result[0] = Math.min(left[0], right[0]);
result[1] = Math.max(left[1], right[1]);
return result;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int []array = {1,2,3,4,100};
System.out.println("min and max values are "+Arrays.toString(minMax(array)));
using namespace std;
int main()
int n;
set<int> t;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
int x;
set<int>::iterator s,b;
cout<< *s<<" "<<*b<<endl;
enter code here
return 0;
// this can be done in log(n) complexity!!!
if (numbers.Length <= 0)
Console.WriteLine("There are no elements");
if (numbers.Length == 1)
Console.WriteLine($"There is only one element. So min and max of this
array is: {numbers[0]}");
if (numbers.Length == 2)
if (numbers[0] > numbers[1])
Console.WriteLine($"min = {numbers[1]}, max = {numbers[0]}");
Console.WriteLine($"min = {numbers[0]}, max = {numbers[1]}");
int i = 0;
int j = numbers.Length - 1;
int min = numbers[i];
int max = numbers[j];
while (i <= j)
if(numbers[i] > numbers[j])
if (numbers[j] < min) min = numbers[j];
if (numbers[i] > max) max = numbers[i];
if (numbers[i] < min) min = numbers[i];
if (numbers[j] > max) max = numbers[j];
It's a solution written in C#. I find this method of burning the candle at both ends to be a good contender as a solution.
Compare in Pairs will work best for minimum comparisons
# Initialization #
- if len(arr) is even, min = min(arr[0], arr[1]), max = max(arr[0], arr[1])
- if len(arr) is odd, min = min = arr[0], max = arr[0]
# Loop over pairs #
- Compare bigger of the element with the max, and smaller with min,
- if smaller element less than min, update min, similarly with max.
Total Number of comparisons -
For size = odd, 3(n - 1) / 2 where n is size of array
For size = even, 1 + 3*(n - 2)/2 = 3n/2 - 2
Below is the python code for the above pseudo-code
class Solution(object):
def min_max(self, arr):
size = len(arr)
if size == 1:
return arr[0], arr[0]
if size == 2:
return arr[0], arr[1]
min_n = None
max_n = None
index = None
if size % 2 == 0: # One comparison
min_n = min(arr[0], arr[1])
max_n = max(arr[0], arr[1])
st_index = 2
min_n = arr[0]
max_n = arr[0]
st_index = 1
for index in range(st_index, size, 2):
if arr[index] < arr[index + 1]:
min_n = min(arr[index], min_n)
max_n = max(arr[index + 1], max_n)
min_n = min(arr[index + 1], min_n)
max_n = max(arr[index], max_n)
return min_n, max_n
Just loop over the array once, keeping track of the max and min so far.