Meteor - React - Mongo project will not fetch or flash immediatly - reactjs

I am just getting started with my project using Meteor/React & MongoDB.
I have pushed my code to below URL:
I have from which insert player name into MongoDB, the insert part seems working fine and return the id and then route to the main page, on that section I do console.log from fetch method, it shows the record has been fetch, but immediately shows another console.log with empty array.
I do not have any error on console or terminal. someone can let me know which part I am doing wrong?
Here is the output of my browser log
Console Log
[Object as soon as insert into MongoDB and then flash][2]

You should go through the tutorial again, if im not mistaken that is a tutorial from right? (I took it myself like 2 weeks ago) Emmanuel Henri's work I found to be very complete.
As for your problem looking at the console it looks like you need to adjust your schema to allow for the createdAt value.
Like isreal.zinc said, you should post the code you are having issues with, people generally are not going to want to dig through an entire codebase.


I'm having an issue using set and get with session storage in React. I can see it being set but not getting. Can someone explain what I'm doing wrong?

I am currently working in React.
This is where I am setting the information if I console.log in the browser I can see the correct data is being set. Ignore the setApiError
This is where I am trying to get the information but user is never actually read.

Spring boot-Building backend of react web app

Im currently working on my backend for my website and Ive found that I need an index html. As I've done my front end in react (on Vscode) do I just copy and paste the exact same index html code I've already done in react in spring boot?
On my index page there is a search bar where users will enter text and I will pass it through to my algorithm that I've created in spring boot on eclipse and then the result will be returned on a new page. I've searched how to do this but a lot of the examples are more to do with saving items entered into a database. Im assuming I will need a controller which I have made that will link to the index page? But I don't know what else comes after that This may seem trivial but I am a complete beginner. Thanks in advance!
The class named is my algorithm. I read that I probably need an entity, repo and service but I am unsure what goes in them. Ive attached my package explorer. Sorry if this a very basic question.
package explorer

The given data was invalid React and Commerce JS

I am currently following a tutorial on how to build a web commerce website (His GitHub: and I am getting this error when submitting data:
and looking at the response I see this:
I haven't got a clue what this means and been stuck for at least 3 hours trying to fix this.
The stripe payment is actually logging it as a successful logs.
But within Commerce JS it detects the errors:
Check the information of the orderData object, something must have been misspelled, as suggested by the error "The given data was invalid".
In my case the problem was that the instructor indicated to access the property of the shippingObject as "address1", but I had that property defined as "address" without the number 1, enough to give me a delay of 20+ minutes, watch out for that and check carefully your orderData object

I could not finish a watson studio setup , I keep getting error messages "can not read property 'language_info' undefined

I was trying to set up a watson studio , but I keep getting error message that says 'can not read property 'language_info' undefined'
Same issue for a course project. No one else has seemed to encounter it.
I changed the URL I was using to http from https and it worked. This could be the solution, or I just needed to back up and try it again.
In case it saves someone a bit of time:
I ran into the same issue in the Assignment 2 of the class "Fundamentals of Scalable Data Science". The reason is that the URL we had to import as Notebook is not the first one that appears in the instructions, as it was in Assignment 1. The URL to be imported was lower on the page.
Long story short: You may be importing the wrong URL.

React hot-loading stopped self updating

I'm trying to implement a solution with react and symfony 2.8, but as I'm new to react I'm still in the tutorials step. Once I though I had a good enough knowledge from react I decided to try and integrate React with symfony and I was almost successful in that. I managed to get a symfony view to load react components but was unable to do live edits, and by that I mean, I have to restart webpack and press F5 to reload the page. So I decided to go back to the tutorials I made and see what I was doing wrong. When I start a new react project (by using "create-react-app projectName") to see where I failed, this project had the same problem, I had to reload the webpack so I could see the changes I made, and I know that this project was able to live-edits (because was the first tutorial I made and was working at the time), all I needed to do is to save the document and the page should automatically show the changes I made.
I think that showing the code its not important in this case because it's a fresh project by using the command I said before, but anything you need I can try to explain you or giving the code.
