Loading sonata_type_colletion field via ajax - sonata-admin

I'm using sonata admin in my project I have two entities, Order and Delivery which are related in a oneToMany relationship. Each of these has a oneToMany relationship with OrderItem and DeliveryItem respectively.
I would like to make it easier when creating a Delivery by loading corresponding Order Items by pre-populating the items delivered through an ajax call based on Order item selected.
I extended the edit theme and can make the ajax call which populates fine, however when trying to save, I get the error in relation to my form having extra fields even though I've followed sonata admin's naming convention to the letter.
Is there a way to do this?

when calling formMapper->add() you can pass the 'allow_extra_fields' => true option.


Field Type of entity-query not working, correctly retrieves list of content-items but incorrectly stores them as 'Empty Slot"

I have an Authors App which has x amount of authors. I have another app and have configured an Field Input-Type entity-query in it which pulls from the Authors App. It does this correctly and I can select multiple authors. However upon save, when I go to retrieve a content item which should contain the selected authors, I am given "empty slot" for the place of each author
Real entity fields are Entity relations, and they enforce validity. So they only work with entities in the same app, as that's kind of a sealed scope. This is important that Apps can ensure export/import and still work for all standard use cases.
To reference entities of another app you must use strings instead. This can be done using the string-query field which has the same functionality.
The only downside is that your code will need to then look up the entity in the other app using the id or guid (whichever you store) in Razor.

ManyToManyField is not getting saved in Wagtail Page

I have a subclass of Wagtail Page class that has field of django ManyToManyField type. When I try to create a new instance of my page object, I get a list of objects that the the ManyToManyField points to and I am able select multiple items. However, after creating that page when I try to edit the same page, it seems no data got saved for the ManyToMany field. I know in Django ModelAdmin one have to override the save_related() to save ManyToMany field data. Is there a similar method for the Wagtail Page model?
You should define the field as a ParentalManyToManyField relation, as per the example here: http://docs.wagtail.io/en/v1.13.1/getting_started/tutorial.html#categories
This is a variant of ManyToManyField which is able to keep track of the relation in memory, allowing it to work in situations such as previewing and saving as draft (where it doesn't get saved to the normal database records).
I was able to use the 'after_edit_page' and 'after_create_page' hooks to save the data for the page's ManyToMany fields.

Why isn't my ExtJS Store Association Working

I'm having issues. I want to use the nice ExtJS associations, but they're not working properly.
no association showing in the model
no data showing up after load
What are the quirks to watch out for?
I recently went through a very painful learning curve with the ExtJS associations, and came across some useful articles, as well as my own gotchas. Here is the summary for those who run into the same pains.
Rules for HasMany Associations in ExtJS
Always put your Proxies in your Models, not your Stores, unless you
have a very good reason not to [1]
Always require your child models if
using them in hasMany relationships. [2]
Always use foreignKey if you want to load the children at will
Always use associationKey if you return the children in the same response as the parent
You can use both foreignKey and associationKey if you like
Always name your hasMany relationships
Always use fully qualified model names in your hasMany relationship
Consider giving the reader root a meaningful name (other than "data")
The child model does not need a belongsTo relationship for the hasMany to work
[1] The store will inherit its model's proxy, and you can always override it
[2] To make it easy, and avoid potential circular references, you can require them in app.js
Rules for HasOne and BelongsTo Associations in ExtJS
Put the proxy in the model, unless you have a very good reason not to
Always use fully qualified model name
Always set the getterName
Always set the setterName
Always set the associationKey, if the foreign object is returned in the same response as this object
Always set the foreignKey, if you want to load the foreign object at will
Consider changing the instanceName to something shorter
The getter behaves differently depending on whether the foreign object is loaded
or not. If it's loaded, the foreign object is returned. Otherwise,
you need to pass in a callback to get it.
You should set the name property if you plan to override this association.
You do not need a belongsTo relationship for a hasMany to work
Set the primaryKey property if the id field of the parent model is not "id"
Sometimes you need to use uses or requires for the belongsTo association. Watch
out for circular references though.
Calling setter() function does
not seem to set the instance. Set object.belongsToInstance = obj if
calling the setter().
If you're applying your data to a grid, make sure you call reconfigure() on the grid using the new store
Your "foreignKey" property will be applied as a local filter to the ExtJS store; if you see the data loading over the network, but
not showing in your grid, make sure your model has the foreignKey
value defined as a field, or the local filter will exclude the data
quiety. To test if this is the case, hook into the store's "load"
event and call store.clearFilters(), and see if your data shows up

Django: form that updates X amount of models

I have a page where it displays a filtered model instance list and allows users to update some fields of it or add new fields as a form.
I am curious what wpuld be a clever way of doing this, to delete and resave all the input data or make comparison for each data and save edited / new fields& entities.
I would like to mind you that I use postgres for saving these values and I display around 20 entries for this form.
The QuerySet object has the update() method - it's used in ie. Admin Panel for bulk updating multiple selected objects from change lists. Here is the method reference at django's official documentation.
How to use it:
Just create queryset with the models you want to update (assumng that MyModel has field named 'my_field'):
qs = MyModel.objects.all()
That's it - remember that update() method will not send any signals like the save() method - it will just run query directly to database.
As for 'adding fields via form' - I don't know if I got it right? You want to add additional related models or dynamically add fields to the model table on database?
If you want to add related models then use InlineFormset (http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/forms/modelforms/#inline-form) - it's quite easy to handle.
Otherwise you have to add fields to models' _meta as described here: How dynamic add custom field to model.

two independent dropdowns with xml binded data - cakephp - best method?

What's best method within cakephp site for-
two dropdowns
one listing cds, one listing artists
on select of either cd or artist I need my additional text to appear below dropdowns
I have been searching through tutorials and manual - with no success. I am looking to learn by basic example - from form/view and controller.
latest try was something along this example to get dropdown [Dropdown select list in CakePHP
Although CakePHP techniques apply, the way that I'd do this in CakePHP is the same way I'd do it in any app. I'd use Javascript (the jQuery framework in my case) to:
Bind an event handler to the change event of each dropdown
Make an Ajax call to a URI that returns the "additional text" to be displayed below the dropdown
Display said text
In the CakePHP context, I'd create methods in my CdsController and ArtistsController (I'm guessing at your naming convention, of course) to respond to the Ajax request.
