two independent dropdowns with xml binded data - cakephp - best method? - cakephp

What's best method within cakephp site for-
two dropdowns
one listing cds, one listing artists
on select of either cd or artist I need my additional text to appear below dropdowns
I have been searching through tutorials and manual - with no success. I am looking to learn by basic example - from form/view and controller.
latest try was something along this example to get dropdown [Dropdown select list in CakePHP

Although CakePHP techniques apply, the way that I'd do this in CakePHP is the same way I'd do it in any app. I'd use Javascript (the jQuery framework in my case) to:
Bind an event handler to the change event of each dropdown
Make an Ajax call to a URI that returns the "additional text" to be displayed below the dropdown
Display said text
In the CakePHP context, I'd create methods in my CdsController and ArtistsController (I'm guessing at your naming convention, of course) to respond to the Ajax request.


Functional Test With ExtJS 6

I'm using HP UFT for functional tests.
Because of dynamic id definition of ExtJS, I can't use UFT Recording feature.
I've tried many ways for assigning dynamic IDs to staticly.
I tried to change id: function() in ext-all-debug.js file.
I tried to change Components getId() function in ext-all-debug.js file.
I tried override components with afterRender method to change ids aswell.
Sometimes I achieved to change id's using component's properties (text, fieldLabel, overflowText, etc.), but for some components I couldn't achieve to assign ID's since the components properties seem empty.
Above, I listed my actions to assign static ID. So, I want to know your opinions about my actions and if you found them incorrect or not sufficient, could you offer me new approaches for using HP UFT recording feature with ExtJS6.
You can't change the dynamic id of the dom elements which represents ExtJS components. That's really bad thing and I think you would break the whole app.
The easiest way to test ExtJS app is to use already created frameworks/tools like:
Siesta by Bryntum
Sencha Test by Sencha
The Siesta is free. It has some pro features which requires the license. But you can use it for free.
If you still insists on doing it your way. You need to dynamically get the IDs of the dom elements created by ExtJS components. Basically write your own API.
You need to execute the ExtJS JS code, which will return you the ID of the component. So you need to get the ExtJS component and call getId() function on it to get the dom id.
Here is the example code:
You will definetely need:
And keep in mind that the query can be pretty advanced and you can use all the configs which are set on the ExtJS elements such as name, xtype, etc
You can find some other info in my other anwser

Specify Angular Schema Form Select drop down options using scope

I've been looking at using Angular Schema Form to define all my forms for my project but one thing that stood out to me massively is that when we define a select/drop-down element, the values have to be specified then and there in the JSON. This doesn't strike me as very flexible as I want these values to be retrieved from my Angular controller/factory as they are currently available on the scope.
I've done quite a bit of searching on how to get round this but haven't found a definitive solution or anything that worked for me so I decided to try to extend the Select myself and add a mapping to the schemaFormDecoratorsProvider.
I have followed the documentation for Extending Schema Form, and now have an HTML snippet which defines my Select control and this is being rendered when I define it in my JSON schema. What I want to be able to do is to specify the ng-options attribute either in part as a whole via the JSON schema. I have tried to do this but nothing seems to result in the select options being rendered.
Here is part of my select control:
<select ng-model="$$value$$"
ng-options="item.value as for item in form.titleMap"
Where ng-options is defined, I want to be able to either specify titleMap in my JSON and it be resolved to an object on my scope or I can pass the name of the collection in my JSON and then pass that in where form.titleMap currently sits.
Anybody had any experience doing this? To me is seems like a fairly reasonable requirement but can't find much help on the web about it.
Many thanks.
There are add-ons designed to support dynamic data selection, the library has no preference and leaves it up to the developer to select the most appropriate for their needs, however I built the Material Design decorator to include the capabilities of angular-schema-form-external-options in the decorator so the add-on is not needed. The bootstrap decorator does not have this capability at this stage.
The angular-schema-form-external-options library is basic but covers most requirements for simple dynamic drop down data population
The angular-schema-form-dynamic-select is a more robust and feature full option with a variety of configurable options.

Drupal 7 contextual filter and exposed filter in calendar views

I've created a calendar views wherein i can see all the events I've created. I also add contextual filter(start_date_of_event) to set the date to current on the first load of the page. It is working fine but my problem is that when i put an exposed filter(start_date_of_event) same field i use in my contextual filter, and tried to run it ? it seems it wont work.
To further explain. Below are the sample link:
1. with contextual filter (working) :
2. with contextual filter and exposed filter (not working) :
What i did so far is used filter harmonizer but no luck.I also tried to used hook_form_alter to redirect the page the link i want but not working also. can you please suggest what is the best thing to do? or what are things i am missing ? thanks for your help.

Angularjs: how to pass entire object to another controller?

OK, I'm very new to AngularJS. I'm converting a rather rough-app (that I've been writing for a couple of days) from using mostly jQuery over to using Angular. [ I discovered Angular "mid-stream", while researching how to alleviate all the bookmark and back-button headaches I was running into.]
On my main page, I have a table of search results. (If the user arrives without passing any parameters, a default search is called to build the table. And, of course, they can use a search form on that page to show themselves a different set of results.)
Now, when the user clicks on a table item, I want that table to more or less "become" a drop-down menu on the Item Details page that can be used to navigate from one table item to the next. (The list will usually be less than 20 items long at any given time.) Same data, same sort order, just in a different control.
Rather than build that "Child" page so that (in addition to making Ajax calls to pull up the item details) it runs the exact same query AGAIN and then builds a drop-down out of it... I thought perhaps there was some more-efficient way to do it.
Perhaps, pass the entire object of objects from the search results on to the Details controller? (I would somehow have to also pass an id for whichever item the user actually clicked on for details as well.)
[With jQuery, I had been building both the drop-down and the table of results on the same page...and then just use show() and hide() to alternate which one I was displaying. And I would fetch the Item Details data and populate/show hidden details divs whenever a table row or drop-down option was selected.]
First I think you should use some kind of routing, maybe this can be helpful
And second one, if you want to access same object with multiple controllers, you should use factory with your object, and all you need is to inject that factory into your controllers, and you will have access to the same object from multiple controllers. Here is the short tutorial, it's very easy to understand:
And third option, but it's not nice, is to emit or broadcast event and send object from one controller, and in another one you can put a listener for that event, here you can find more information:

Pyrocms Getting Values at front end

I am new to pyrocms.
How can I get database values on pages of pyrocms. In website of pyrocms I had created a listing page now I want to display database values from pyro database table.
I got your question, you want to create a listing on your front-end page for some database table values which you want to access through your custom module controller. there are many ways to get these values but the simplest way is to use ajax. you already have Jquery added in pyrocms so you can simply make a call to your controller method in ajax and get your required output as HTML and display it in the div element on your page.
In your controller create a method which get data from database and print it using echo create some listing table etc what you want.
i think you will get my point. if confuse then get back to me
You need to be more specific as PyroCMS has lots of components and each module (blogs, variables, widgets, file uploads etc.) uses specific tags you insert into the page. You may come across references to 'Lex' - that's the name of the parser used to display them.
Tags documentation
PyroCMS (the Professional edition) also has a feature called "Streams" which allows you to build custom databases and this in turn has it's own series of tags.
