Understanding Cost Estimate for Google Cloud Platform MicroServices Architecture Design - google-app-engine

I'm redesigning a monolith application into a MicroServices architecture and am hoping to use Google Cloud Platform (GCP) to host the entire solution. I'm having a very hard time understanding their costing breakdown, and am concerned that my costs will be uncontrollable after I build it. This is for a personal project but I'm hoping will have many users after I launch so I want to get the underlying architecture right and at the same time have reasonable costs initially when I launch.
Here is my architecture:
MicroServices 1 - 4 (Total 4 API Services):
Runs on App Engine
Exposes a REST API and saves data to DataStore
Initially each API should get hit around 200 times a day
MicroService 5 (Events triggered API Service):
Runs on App Engine
Listens for PubSub events and saves to DataStore (basically I have a sensor that pushes data to this Service for storage)
Initially the PubSub should receive events around 200 times a day
MicroService 6-7 (Total 2 UI Services):
Runs on App Engine
These are UIs so people can login and use the systems. The UIs are lightweight frond end apps that use the REST Services above to populate user data in a nice way.
Each UI Service should be used around 3 hours a day
So in Total I have 7 MicroServices with each running as AppEngine "Services" in a single GCP "Project". A DataStore is shared between these APIs within this Project.
As I have 7 App Engine instances running, and they only need to be operational for a short period of time per day, how does the pricing work?
I want to use App Engine because it's completely Managed, which is one of my design requirements. But I'm hoping AppEngine has some kind of Sleep Mode, so that when there is no usage it does not bill?
Any help in understanding what my monthly costs would be would be appreciated.
Thanks very much.
Update 8/2/2017
I've decided to stay out of GCP for now. As I hope to have 7 App Engines Services running in Flex (as they are node.js) I don't seem to get access to a free tier or the ability to scale idle services to 0 instances.
This means I'll be paying full price for these services. (i.e. 7 X Full App Engine VM Cost per Monthly :O )
This is an expense I cant have just for a POC of a proper MicroService design. Instead I'm going to continue with my MicroService design but use a 10$ DigitalOcean box and Dokku to containerise my Services. If this works well and I have a need I will migrate this design to GCP (or AWS)

The full outline of App Engine instance handling is available at https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/python/how-instances-are-managed .
In short, your best bet is to enable automatic scaling and set
max_idle_instances = 0
in your app.yaml.
That means that your app will autoscale to handle traffic as needed and shut down the instances afterwards. Also
When settling back to normal levels after a load spike, the number of idle instances can temporarily exceed your specified maximum. However, you will not be charged for more instances than the maximum number you've specified.
Later - when load time becomes more important you can set min_idle_instances to a more suitable number - this allows for responsive apps.

am concerned that my costs will be uncontrollable after I build it
You should be aware that automatically scalable GAE apps always have cost components dependent on the external user request patterns which are not controllable.
For example, in the standard GAE env, the way those 200 requests/day are distributed matters significantly:
if they are evenly distributed they will come in less than 15 min apart - the minimum billed time per instance lifetime, so the respective service will be billed for minimum 24 instance hours per day (very close to the daily 28 free instance-hours/day for billed apps, only a single-service app using the smallest instance class can fit in it).
if they are all received within a 15 minutes interval the service will be billed for 0.5 instance hours daily (which can easily fit in the free daily quota even with multiple services and/or with more powerfull instance classes).
The actual scalability configuration of each service can matter as well. See, for example,
The only way to keep costs under strict control is via the daily budget configuration (but hitting that limit means your app's functionality will be temporarily crippled).
All other usage-based costs being equal due to the functionality being performed you have some (potentially significant) control over costs via:
the GAE environment type selected for each service:
the standard env is billed by instance hours and includes a free daily quota
the flex env has no free daily quota.
the number of services: you could start with fewer services by combining their functionalities (you can still keep them modularized for later split). The expected initial load you describe can easily fit within the free daily budget with just a single standard env service.
Once the app usage picks up and the free daily quotas percentage in the total costs become neglijible you can gradually split the app into multiple services as needed. In general this can be a relatively simple task if the app is properly modularized.


Host An application in google app engine to work on particular time

I want to host an application in the google engine, the purpose of my application is to get data from a different server once in a day. So I don't want my application to work full time in day(As it is costlier). I just want to run the application for an hour in a day and pay only on that basis. Is it possible to do it in that way?
All depend of your needs. App Engine standard has 28H free per day of F1 instance type, and 9H of B1 instance type (depend of your scaling type).
App Engine flexible doesn't have free quota -> This is expensive for some hours per days.
If App Engine standard matches your need, take care of the timeout. Each request can last more than 60 secondes. You can use Cloud Task to defer background task. By the way, a task can last up to 24h.
If App Engine standard doesn't match, because of language limitation, third party library/binary limitation and you need to have a container and that's why you need to run on App Engine Flexible, you can consider Cloud Run. However, the request are limited to 15 minutes and you have a generous free tier.
So, provide more inputs if you want more advice.

Limit/Reduce number of Core in App Engine Flex Instance

I'm hosting my back end project on Google Cloud (App Engine Flex Instance), for now I have only 10 users but they charge me 250$ per month now, because I use several core, and so I used 2400 hours of accumulated instance time. Insane for only 10 users and not so much traffic!
Can I reduce or limit the number of core used by my back end?
As you can see here, the price for App Engine Flexible is computed as vCPU per core hour of usage. Basically, it does not matter if users reach your back-end project. It matters only if many users reach your App Engine Flexible deployment, increasing the number of resources required to serve them, thus increasing the price.
Yes, you can reduce the number of cores used in the back end, through the resource settings of your app.yaml configuration file. You might also want to check service scaling settings, to control the way App Engine Flexible assigns more resources based on your service's demands.

google appstore, how to split fees per datastore namespace

I'd like to make a GAE app multi-tenant to cater to different clients (companies), database namespaces seems like a GAE endorsed solution. Is there a meaningful way to split GAE fees among client/namespaces? GAE costs for app are mainly depends on user activities - backend instances up time, because new instances are created or (after 15 min delay) terminated proportionally to the server load, not total volume of data user has or created. Ideally the way the fees are split should be meaningful and could be explained to the clients.
I guess the most fair fee splitting solution is just create a new app for a new client, so all costs reported separately, yet total cost will grow up, I expect few apps running on same instances will use server resources more economically.
Every app engine request is logged with a rough estimated cost measurement. It is possible to log the namespace/client associated with every request and query the logs to add up the estimated instance costs for that namespace. Note that the estimated cost field is deprecated and may be inaccurate. It is mostly useful as a rough guide to the proportion of instance cost associated with each client.
As far as datastore pricing goes, the cloud console will tell you how much data has been stored in each namespace, and you can calculate costs from that. For reads/writes, we have set up a logging system to help us track reads and writes per namespace (i.e. every request tracks the number of datastore reads and writes it does in each namespace and logs these numbers at the end of the request).
The bottom line is that with some investments into infrastructure and logging, it is possible to roughly track costs per namespace. But no, App Engine does not make this easy, and it may be impossible to calculate very accurate cost estimates.

Is 'Google App Engine' far more expensive than 'Google Compute Engine'?

I would like to setup server for 'image processing' activity on my website. What is the comparable power in GAE if I use 'n1-standard-1' instance in GCE? It is because I miscalculated it, or the price difference is substantial between the two for the same power?
App Engine instances are more expensive than Compute Engine instances on a per hour basis. If you have a constant load, it's cheaper to keep a GCE instance running.
App Engine has an advantage that it can scale down to zero instances after 15 minutes of inactivity. If you have no load during long stretches of time (night, weekends) or few requests that come less frequently than ~ once per hour, App Engine instance maybe a more efficient solution.
Also, take a look at Google Cloud Functions. This is a Node.js runtime that is priced to 100 milliseconds. There are no instances to start or shutdown, no ongoing costs at all - you pay only when you process a request. And you get a free daily quota. The only limitation is that an individual request should be completed in 9 minutes.

How to configure App Engine for minimal cost?

I'm doing a prototype backend and in the near future I expect little traffic but while testing I consumed all my 300$ free trail.
How can I configure my app to consume the least possible resources? I need things like limiting the number of instances to 1, using a cheap machine, sleep whenever possible, I've read something about Client vs Backend intances.
With time I'll learn the config that best suits me, but now I need the CHEAPEST config to get going.
BTW: I am using managed-vms with Dart.
I've been recommended to configure my app.yaml file, what options would you recommend to confront this issue?
There are two train of thought for your issue.
1) Optimization of code: This is very difficult for us as we are not privy to your App's usage and client-base and architecture. In general, it depends on what Google App Engine product you use the most, for example: Datastore API call (fetch, write, delete... etc...), BigQuery and Cloud SQL. Even after optimization, you can still incur a lot of cost depending on traffic.
2) Enforcing cheap operation: This is easier and I think this is what you want. You can manually enforce a daily budget (in your billing setup page) so the App never cost more than a certain amount per day. You can also artificially lower the maximum amount of idling instances to 0 and use the smallest instance possible (F1 for frontend).
For pricing details see this article - https://cloud.google.com/appengine/pricing#Billable_Resource_Unit_Costs
If you use managed VM -- you'll be billed for Compute Engine Instance prices, not for App Engine Instances, and, as I know, the minimum possible instance to use as Managed VM is "g1-small" which costs you $0.023 per hour full sustained usage (if it will be turned on all month), so you minimum bill will be 0.023 * 24 * 30 = $16.56 only for instance hours. Excluding disk and traffic. With minimum amount of datastore operations you may stay on free quota.
Every application consumes resources differently. To minimize your cost, you need to know what resources used the majority of your expenses and go from there.
If it is spent on extra instances that were just sitting there - then trim the number of instances to the minimum required and use a lower class instance. If you are seeing a lot of expense on datastore calls - then look at optimizing your entities and take advantage of memcache.
Lowest Cost for a simple app:
Use App Engine Standard. It scales to zero instances, so will not cost anything if there is no traffic. With App Engine Flex you will pay for the instance hours and the Flex (GCE) instances are bigger.
Use autoscaling with max instances, F1 instance class:
With autoscaling you do not need to guess how many instances you need. F1 are the smallest instances. Set the max instances in case you get DoS'd or more traffic than you can afford.
Stop Instances:
You can stop the App Engine versions when you do not expect the app to be used. The will be no charge for instance hours for either Standard or Flex. For Flex there will be disk charges. The app will be ready to go when you need it again.
App Engine Version Cleanup:
Versions are easy to create and harder to remove. Here is a post on project cleanup. See this post on App Engine cleanup
