Google Calendar API FreeBusy Access Using Service Account - calendar

We have built an application that is attempting to use a Service Account to access the google Calendar API. We manage the application ourselves, but the calendars we are trying to access are on a separate GSuite account. We have had the GSuite admin follow the steps here to allow access to our app based on client ID and the auth scope of ""
Now when using the service account to attempt to access user calendar data, I'm a bit confused about how to properly format the request. Specifically, if I don't include a "sub" parameter, the request works in the sense that I am granted a token and I'm able to proceed to make a subsequent request to access calendars. However in that subsequent request, I am returned with errors on users calendars indicating not found i.e. I don't have access. Below is the request:
String jwtClaimset = '{'+
However, then if I include a specific email/username from the GSuite account to "impersonate", I am not able to request the token at all, I'm presented with the below error:
"error_description": "Client is unauthorized to retrieve access tokens using this method."
So my question is, do I need the sub parameter to access any of the users calendars in the GSuite and if so do you know why that error is being presented?

And I have no idea what happened maybe it just took time for the GSuite permissions/access to update but now this is working.
For note, we are using the sub parameter and its working using that (as we suspected we needed).


IdentityServer4: How to set a role for Google user?

I have 3 applications:
An IdentityServer4 API which provides Google authentication and also provides an access token to authorize the resource API.
A simple Resource API which provides some data from DB.
A simple Client in React which have 4 buttons:
Login, for Google auth
Get data - a simple request with the access token to the Resource API and gets the data from Db
Get user data - returns user profile and token (for debug purpose)
I didn't put any sample code because my problem is not code related, it's knowledge that I'm missing and I ask for guidance.
The workflow is working just fine: the user press the Login button, it is redirected to IdentityServer4 API for Google Auth. From there it is redirected to a Callback Page from the Client and from there to the Index page. I receive the user data and the token, I can request data from the Resource API and it's working.
My problem is: How do I give a Role to the Google Users ?
I don't have users saved in DB. I want three types of Users: SuperAdmin, Admin, Viewer and each of these roles have limited Endpoints which can access.
For limiting their access I saw that I can use Claims-based authorization or Role-based authorization.
So, my question is how ca I give a Google User who wants to login in my app, a specific Claim/Role ? What is the workflow ? I must save it first in DB ? Or there exists a service from Google where I can add an email address and select a Role for that address ?
Thank you very much !
After you get the response from Google in your callback you can handle the user and do what ever you want to do with it. Below are the some typical tasks that you can do in callback that I took from documentation page of identityserver4 link:
Handling the callback and signing in the user
On the callback page your typical tasks are:
inspect the identity returned by the external provider.
make a decision how you want to deal with that user. This might be
different based on the fact if this is a new user or a returning
new users might need additional steps and UI before they are allowed
probably create a new internal user account that is linked to the
external provider.
store the external claims that you want to keep.
delete the temporary cookie
the user
What I would do is creating an new internal user account that is linked to the external provider and add a role to that user.
If you don't want to save users in db, you can add an extra claim to user in callback method and use that claim in token. and i think this link will help with that.

How can you implement refresh tokens in a web app - angularjs

I am using token based security in my web app. The server side is wrote using c# and i am using openiddict for logging in and issuing tokens, found here. I am currencyly using Implict flow.
By default my tokens have a lifespan of 1 hour, after that you have to logging again. I have locked down my API to accept bearer tokens only and not cookies.
I wanted to implement refresh tokens but after reading many websites, it appears that implementing refresh tokens on a web app, is not a good way to go due to a hacker getting the refresh token. I know that to use refresh tokens, you must use code flow, instead of implict, which i can do.
How do people get round this situation in their web apps? I cant be the only one who wants a token to last longer than an hour in a web app?
The approach recommended by OpenID Connect is to send an authorization request in a hidden frame with the same parameters as the ones you use for the initial implicit flow request plus prompt=none and optionally, an id_token_hint corresponding to the id_token you extracted from the authorization response.
When using prompt=none, the identity provider won't display any consent form and will directly redirect the user agent to the redirect_uri you specify, with the new token appended to the URI fragment, just like for a classic implicit flow request. You can retrieve it by extracting it from the popup.location.hash property.
If the request cannot be processed (invalid request, unauthenticated user, invalid id_token_hint, consent required, etc.), an error is returned and the identity provider either redirects the user agent to the redirect_uri with an error parameter or stops processing the request.
Note that due to the same origin policy, you can't access popup.location.hash if the current location belongs to a different domain (e.g if the identity provider refuses to redirect the user agent to your client app): it will throw an access denied exception. In this case, it's always better to add a timeout to your "refresh" operation.
Sadly, there are very few libraries that can help you with this task. oidc-token-manager is one of them, but it has a few limitations that will prevent it from working OTB with OpenIddict: it doesn't support raw RSA keys (you have to explicitly use a X509 certificate in the OpenIddict options) and it doesn't send the id_token_hint parameter required by OpenIddict when sending a prompt=none request.

Secure REST Unauthenticated Account Creation

I'm designing a REST API and I've hit somewhat of an odd point. 99% of this API will be secured, but there are a few functions that need to be publicly accessible. These pertain to account creation, and initial password setting. Once they have credentials, they can access the rest of the API.
The endpoint that allows a user to create a new account via a signup form is unauthenticated. Securing this endpoint isn't really possible because I'm using AngularJS on top of nodejs, and dog-fooding my API via AJAX calls. This means I can't hide credentials anywhere to access the AccountCreation endpoint. Currently, I have the webform make an AJAX call to another endpoint and create a token that says to form is valid. Upon submission that token is validated, then removed from the database. However, this token endpoint is obviously visible in code, so not much security there. Email verification is used to 'activate' the account, then the user is given a one-time link to set their initial password, which also resides on an unauthenticated endpoint(but requires the token sent in the email).
I guess my worry is someone spamming the 'CreateAccount' endpoint, and making a bunch of accounts. In reality I guess they could simply do this via the webform as well. Is this a valid security concern? How do most places handle unauthenticated account creation webforms?
Edit: the final application will be run over https

Secure REST API without user authentification (no credentials)

I've been struggling for 2 days now on how to secure a REST API without user authentification.
What does it mean ?
In my AngularJS application I identify an user by sending a GET request to an existing service (companydomain/userinfo) which I must use. I'm not sure how this work since I am not the author of this piece of code but the point is that I get the information about the user in the response as JSON (active directory name, phone in the company...).
This is all I have to identify an user.
What I did
Now, I found a lot of resources talking about OAuth, unique token, etc. but nothing seems to match with my issue. I implemented a token system but it's plain useless since I can't be sure of the authenticity of the requester.
User open the application. Application ask the service about the information related to the user. companydomain/userinfo
Application request a token to the server (nodejs & express), based on the information returned. /api/token/get/{user_info}
Server generates an unique token and store it in memory with expiration date and owner. The server also check in the table "authorized users" if the user exists (based on the active directory name), if not a new entry is added to it.
Application send the token along each request to the API. /api/entry/delete/{entry_id}
I think you see what is wrong here, an attacker could easily make a corrupted request to the API to get a legit token. So my question is :
How can I manage to secure my API since users don't use credentials to authentify ?
I hope my question is clear enough and at this point I am not even sure I can get around this issue without adding a credentials system.
You might want to look at Passport. It is a platform that allows you to easily add authentication to your application. There are many authentication strategies available. I am using Passport in a Node.js application implementing my own hmac strategy.
To authenticate, the client request includes an API ID to identify who the caller is and also includes an signature of a specified part of the message that includes things like the HTTP method, the API ID, a date value and some other header values, like maybe content-type. What data to include in the string to sign is up to you in your implementation, but the client and server must create and sign the same strings for the authentication to work. The signature is created by doing an hmac hash of the string using a shared secret.
On the server side, you use the API ID to retrieve the shared secret (possibly from a database or the filesystem) and perform the same hash on the request. If the hmac values match then you've authenticated the request. To prevent playback attacks, the date is included in the signed part of the request and must be within a certain window of the server's current time. For example, you might reject the request if the timestamp is more than 30 seconds old.
To enable a new user of your API, you generate a new API ID and shared secret. You give both of those to your API user and you store them for look up in your database or filesystem. The user must sign the requests with the shared secret and include the ID in the request.
The Hawk strategy provides much of this functionality, but we decided to roll our own hmac strategy.
Because you say that the user info endpoint returns active directory name, I assume you're on the Windows platform.
If so, why not use Windows integrated authentication (Kerberos) to authenticate your users without asking them for credentials? This will only work within your active directory domain, but is completely transparent to your service.
You can still call the user info endpoint and verify that the info it returns is for the same user that is calling your REST service.
If you need to call services that do not support Windows integrated auth, you could generate a security token (sign it to guarantee integrity) and make the other services trust this token.

when using mirror api, how do i handle access token expiration

I am building a glass app using the PHP sample app as reference.
To my understanding, the glass app is a web app which is user facing. When the user visit the web app, they will authorize the web app (using oauth2) to access their resources, and once authorization succeeded the web app will get an access token, which is then saved in a sqlite database (there's this store_credentials() function which stores the access token).
So if I have 100 users who visit the web app and register, the database will hold 100 access tokens for these users. Let's say I have some backend code which pull from a RSS feed every hour, and whenever I find there's a new story I will push it to all registered users. Let's say I have a cron job which does this, when when this job is triggered, I will find all the access tokens in the database and use them to make mirror API calls to insert cards. But what if some of the access token is expired when I am trying to make the mirror API call? It seems I will need to ask user to re-authorized, but at this point I am not interacting with the user. If I have a refresh token, I may be able to call oauth again to get a new access token.
You pretty much answered your own question - when you request permission using OAuth, you should also request "offline" access. The first time you do this for each user it will give you a refresh token along with your access token, and you should store both. If you did not request offline access initially, you will need to revoke the tokens that have been granted and re-grant them with offline access.
If the sample app you're referring to is the one at, all this should be done for you already with the libraries included. The credentials returned from $client->getAccessToken() in oauth2callback.php should include both the access and refresh tokens, and these are saved in that same file by calling store_credentials(). The client libraries should check if the access token has expired and, if so, it gets a new one with the refresh token before making the call.
You may want to take a look at the contents of the credentials object at these various points and make sure there is a refresh token. If not, try revoking all the tokens and starting again, since it sounds like the first time you authorized the client you did so without requesting offline access.
If you are doing this yourself, best practice is to either refresh the access token if it has expired or is about to expire (since there may be some delay) before use, or (even better) attempt to make the call with an access token and, if it fails with an authentication error, get a new access token via the refresh token and try again.
