WPF How can I control height of RibbonTab? - wpf

I use the RibbonControl in WPF but I can't change RibbonTab Height.
I want to control the height of the section marked with the red arrow.

Microsoft Ribbon have fixed height so you cant change it. The ribbon control dynamically resizes as the width of the application window changes
You can bind the heights of RibbonTabs and RibbonGroups to your windows and tabs so that they have same size.
Read this article for more


How to change WPF Ribbon Menu AuxiliaryPaneContent width

In WPF Ribbon menu, width of AuxiliaryPaneContent (in RibbonApplicationMenu) is not available. How to change its width based on the items present in it?
There is no direct property to set the Width or Height of AuxiliaryPaneContent. The solution given here may help: AuxilaryPane Size.

Animation for SizeToContent resizing

In WPF window, I have specified SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight".
I have a number of panels stacked up, of which I change the visibility (to Visible or Collapsed) as required. My window resizes itself according to the panel that I have set visible. No issues here.
My problem is with the resizing, that the window resizes with a jerk to the final size.
I want to animate this such that the resizing is smooth. And i want to do this in my XAML file.
Is there any solution for this???
P.S. - I have not set any Width or Height property in the window and I want to restrict myself from doing that.

How to specify z-index for a panel

Hi I'm new to WPF and I want to place a Panel upon a StackPanel and show and hide it in my window without using Canvas and changing positions and size of other controls or the window.
Something like the fallowing image which the solution explorer is opened on another Panel, and as we see the user even can change the position of the Panel.
If you have a Grid as the Root Layout and a StackPanel on that, you can still use Canvas.
Canvas.SetZIndex(<YourPanelYouWantInFront>, <LargeValue (100)>);

WinForm designer and right snapline for controls in container when resizing it

Using Visual Studio 2008 WinForm designer, I have a container (form, panel, groupbox, whatever) and some controls in it.
The container is set to not automatically resize or dock in any way. When placing a control in the container I can use the snaplines to help in positioning the control.
However, the snaplines does not appear when I resize the container to the edge of the contained controls...
Is there a simple way to have the designer show me the snaplines of the contained controls when resizing the container?
The designer will only show the snap lines when moving a child control within a container. You can demonstrate it by moving a GroupBox around a Form and see that it shows snap lines when the GroupBox gets close to the edge of the Form, but if you were to resize the Form you won't see the snap lines appear.
If you're just looking to get all of the controls to line up in a uniform fashion, I'd suggest switching to SnapToGrid mode and using the grid lines to align your controls. You can set the SnapToGrid mode by going to Tools->Options->Windows Forms Designer->LayoutMode. Open your designer and you should see the grid appear, after that you can line your controls up with the grid.
After setting the layout of the form, you can also set anchoring property to all child controls appropriately, to right and bottom (or top and left), depending on the resizing you are making. Anchor property will hold child controls to same distance from the edges of the container (parent control).
In the WinForms designer, there is no support for snaplines when resizing the container control. The best way to work around this issue is to first size the container to the size you would like to use and then add controls. Optionally, you can change the Margin property of the container so that when moving controls inside the container, they will snap to the margin of the container, keeping it uniform.
container.AutoSize = true
container.AutoSizeMode = GrowAndShrink
container.Padding.All = 5

Dynamically resizing a window in Xaml

Is there a way for me to have the Window of my WPF application resize dynamically with the content? I tried setting the width and height to auto, but no go.
Set SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight" on the window and the window will dynamically resize based on its content size.
Use a resizable control like Grid and put all the controls in Rows/Columns. Also set HorizontalAlignment to stretch for each control inside the Grid.
