How to change WPF Ribbon Menu AuxiliaryPaneContent width - wpf

In WPF Ribbon menu, width of AuxiliaryPaneContent (in RibbonApplicationMenu) is not available. How to change its width based on the items present in it?

There is no direct property to set the Width or Height of AuxiliaryPaneContent. The solution given here may help: AuxilaryPane Size.


WPF How can I control height of RibbonTab?

I use the RibbonControl in WPF but I can't change RibbonTab Height.
I want to control the height of the section marked with the red arrow.
Microsoft Ribbon have fixed height so you cant change it. The ribbon control dynamically resizes as the width of the application window changes
You can bind the heights of RibbonTabs and RibbonGroups to your windows and tabs so that they have same size.
Read this article for more

ComboBox width different from popup width

How to make a ComboBox change its width based on content but make the popup list with items to be of constant width?
I've figured it out. I created a new ItemContainerStyle and set the width of items there, and have not specified the width for the ComboBox.

How can the width of a chart in wpf be adjusted?

I am using the chart control from the WPF Toolkit. My question is simple, when my chart is displayed, the column is expanded to the width of the screen.
Is there a way to specify a maximum width? Thanks in advance.
You can specify a width explicitly via the Width property, or allow an element to expand up to a certain size via the MaxWidth property. These properties are common to all UI elements, not just charts.
See the FrameworkElement documentation.

Silverlight - Setting width of inner control based on width of container control

I have a peculiar requirement related to setting width of controls in silverlight. Generally when UI renders in Silverlight, width of container control is calculated based on widths of child controls. I have a requirement where layout of the application can change drastically. One of the scenarios is that I have a Grid cotaining listboxes in each column. These column can have several user controls. Now I want to set width of user controls to expand as much as possible to stretch for width of listbox control. Is there some way to do this? If I set fixed width of user controls, it could leave some area blank on UI or horizontal scroll in listbox may appear. If I set "Auto" width of user control, there could be some unused space in UI. Is there any way to deal with this issue?
Set the HorizontalAlignment of your usercontrols to System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Stretch. Note that you should leave your Width unset if you do this, as it takes precedence over HorizontalAlignment.

WPF Window MinWidth depending on size of toolbar

Before asking this question I have looked at all related questions, but have not found anything relevant.
In my application I have toolbox style bar, which is basically stack panel with bunch of buttons. User may change which buttons are shown in toolbar.
Window width may be changed, but it can not be smaller then width of toolbar.
At first I was hoping to bind the MinWidth property to the StackPanel Width property and create converter that adds few pixels to Width of the StackPanel. The problem is that my converter does not get Width of StackPanel, just NaN as value :(
Unfortunately, StackPanel width is set to Auto and I can not change that.
Is there any way I can make my Window MinWidth dependable on Width of StackPanel?
Use ActualWidth, not Width.
Width is the requested width, or NaN for "Auto", ActualWidth is the, well, actual width after all the layout is calculated.
