custom property in LRS & Tincan API - drupal-7

is it possible to add custom property to "Actor" via Tincan API to save it
in LRS.
i am using Learning Locker as LRS system & Tincan API of Drupal & as its known there are 3 object inside the statement record that is saved in LRS which are [Actor - Verb - Object]
now the Actor has 2 properties which are [name - mbox]
and i tried to modify the Tincan module to add custom property which is [country] but the LRS API "Learning Locker" refused it.
so is there a custom way to additional properties so that i can filter with later like [age - gender - country] or its standard API strict on the defined attributes
"version": "1.0.0",
"actor": {
"objectType": "Agent",
"name": "Creative User",
"mbox": ""
"verb": {
"id": "",
"display": {
"en-US": "action_custom_verb"
"object": {
"objectType": "Activity",
"id": "http://localhost",
"definition": {
"name": {
"en-US": "master"
"authority": {
"objectType": "Agent",
"name": "drupaladmin",
"mbox": ""
"stored": "2017-02-06T16:58:23.625600+00:00",
"timestamp": "2017-02-06T16:58:23.625600+00:00",
"id": "9c1d552b-c825-4403-9c89-a9381b8d5320"

The standard API is strict with respect to the addition of properties. And the Agent/Group objects (which are what actor can contain) do not include the ability to expand their scope.
Additional data points can be added in special properties called extensions that are available in a couple of places in the statement's objects. In this case you could use extensions in the context property's value to include your additional information about the actor. You could do this as single discrete pieces of information where each has its own extensions key, or you could use a single key that uses an object as its value and include individual pieces of information in properties of that object. For more information about extensions see:
Note that extensions keys are not filterable via the /statements stream resource, so any querying based off of their key or value will have to be done through other means than the specification's API.


Azure Cognitive Search query specific data source

I have a Azure Cognitive Search set up with two DataSources, two Indexers indexing those DataSources and one Index.
I'd like to be able to able to query/filter by DataSource. Is that possible?
This is certainly possible. You'd just need to find a way to get a field in the index that contains the name of the data source. The best way to do this depends on the data source you're using--for example, if you're using a SQL data source, you might just be able to edit the query to return the value whereas that wouldn't work for blob storage.
Another option that would work for all data sources would be to include a skillset with a conditional skill which you can use to set a default value for a field.
Off of #Derek Legenzoff serve this is how I did it...
Add all your datasources
Create skillsets for each one data source with the following skill
"#odata.type": "#Microsoft.Skills.Util.ConditionalSkill",
"name": "#1",
"description": "",
"context": "/document",
"inputs": [
"name": "condition",
"source": "= true"
"name": "whenTrue",
"source": "= 'Production'" //name of your environment
"name": "whenFalse",
"source": "= ''"
"outputs": [
"name": "output",
"targetName": "Env"
Create single index for your data model and add a Env field, and it's filterable and queriable
Create indexers for each one of your data sources that point to the index from step 3 and datasource from step 1
IMPORTANT: make sure you indexers have the following code in the defnition.
"outputFieldMappings": [
"sourceFieldName": "/document/Env",
"targetFieldName": "Env"
This will connect the product of the skill to the index

Get member emails when using delta on group

I'm trying to use the graph API to get a list of users which have been added to a specific group using the delta feature so I reduce the amount of data that passes through.
However, when I $expand on the members property, I'm only getting the id, and not the specific properties I need (mail and some other details) - despite the fact I'm $selecting it.
The url I'm using for the query is$expand=members($select=id,mail)&$select=members&$filter=id eq '<myGroupId>'
And the data I'm getting returned is:
"value": [
"id": "xxxxx-xxxx-xxx-xxx-xxxxx",
"members#delta": [
"#odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.user",
"id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
"#odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.user",
"id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
I want my members#delta to include the details of the member so I don't have to query for them seperately.
According this members#delta property contains only the ids of member objects in the group.

How do I restrict medication annotations to a specific document section via IBM Watson Annotator for Clinical Data (ACD)

I’m using the IBM Watson Annotator for Clinical Data (ACD) API hosted in IBM Cloud to detect medication mentions within discharge summary clinic notes. I’m using the out-of-the-box medication annotator provided with ACD.
I’m able to detect and extract medication mentions, but I ONLY want medications mentioned within “DISCHARGE MEDICATIONS” or “DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS” sections.
Is there a way I can restrict ACD to only return medication mentions that appear within those two sections? I’m only interested in discharge medications.
For example, given the following contrived (non-PHI) text:
“Patient was previously prescribed cisplatin.DISCHARGE MEDICATIONS: 1. Aspirin 81 mg orally once daily.”
I get two medication mentions: one over “cisplatin” and another over “aspirin” - I only want the latter, since it appears within the “DISCHARGE MEDICATIONS” section.
Since the ACD medication annotator captures the section headings as part of the mention annotations that appear within a section, you can define an inclusive filter that checks for (1) the desired normalized section heading as well as (2) a filter that checks for the existence of the section heading fields in general, should a mention appear outside of any section and not include section header fields as part of the annotation. This will filter out any medication mentions from the ACD response that don't appear within a "DISCHARGE MEDICATIONS" section. I added a couple other related normalized section headings so you can see how that's done. Feel free to modify the sample below to meet your needs.
Here's a sample flow you can persist via POST /flows and then reference on the analyze call as POST /analyze/{flow_id} - e.g. POST /analyze/discharge_med_flow
"id": "discharge_med_flow",
"name": "Disharge Medications Flow",
"description": "Detect medication mentions within DISCHARGE MEDICATIONS sections",
"annotatorFlows": [
"flow": {
"elements": [
"annotator": {
"name": "medication",
"configurations": [
"filter": {
"target": "",
"condition": {
"type": "all",
"conditions": [
"type": "all",
"conditions": [
"type": "match",
"field": "sectionNormalizedName",
"values": [
"Discharge medication",
"Discharge instructions",
"Medications on discharge"
"not": false,
"caseInsensitive": true,
"operator": "equals"
"type": "match",
"field": "sectionNormalizedName",
"operator": "fieldExists"
"async": false
See the IBM Watson Annotator for Clinical Data filtering docs for additional details.

How to get Resource Group name from within Logic App

In an Azure Logic App, how can I get the name of the Resource Group containing the current logic app?
I want to include some tracking details in the JSON output that I am sending to another system.
I can get the run Identifier ( using #{workflow()['run']['name']} ),
and the current logic app name ( using #{workflow()['name']} )
However, I cant work out how to get the name of the resource group to which the logic app is deployed.
As a last resort, I will use the resource group name used by the deployment template, but that will be wrong if the logic app is moved later.
I could also use tags, but again that could get out of step if the logic app is moved.
A simple formula may be:
split(workflow().id, "/")[4]
If you're deploying the Logic Apps using ARM templates (e.g. edit in Visual Studio, check into Azure DevOps git repo and deploy using release pipeline), you can create an ARM parameter:
"resGroup_ARM": {
"type": "string",
"defaultValue": "[resourceGroup().name]",
"metadata": {
"description": "Resouce group name"
Then, you can create a workflow parameter:
"resGroup_LA": {
"type": "string",
"defaultValue": "ResGroup LA default"
... and give it a value in the parameters initialisation section:
"resGroup_LA": {
"value": "[parameters('resGroup_ARM')]"
You can get all the other properties of resourceGroup() in a similar manner, see:
First we can create a "Initialize variable" action to get all of the data in workflow, shown as below screenshot:
Then we can find the data in workflow is:
"id": "/subscriptions/*****/resourceGroups/huryTest/providers/Microsoft.Logic/workflows/hurylogicblob",
"name": "hurylogicblob",
"type": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows",
"location": "eastus",
"tags": {},
"run": {
"id": "/subscriptions/*****/resourceGroups/huryTest/providers/Microsoft.Logic/workflows/hurylogicblob/runs/*****",
"name": "*****",
"type": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows/runs"
It contains the resource group name, so we just need to get the property "id" and substring it to get resource group name. The length of "resourceGroups/" is 15, so in the expression below I use add(,15) and sub(,15).
You can use the expression as below:
At last, I got the resource group name of the logic app:

JSON Schema: verifying object's values, without keys

Not to confuse anybody, I'll start with validating arrays...
Regarding arrays, JSON Schema can check whether elements of an (((...)sub)sub)array conform to a structure:
"type": "array",
"items": {
When validating objects, I know I can pass certain keys with their corresponding value types, such as:
"type": "object",
"properties": {
// key-value pairs, might also define subschemas
But what if I've got an object which I want to use to validate values only (without keys)?
My real-case example is that I'm configuring buttons: there might be edit, delete, add buttons and so on. They all have specific, rigid structure, which I do have JSON schema for. But I don't want to limit myself to ['edit', 'delete', 'add'] only, there might be publish or print in the future. But I know they all will conform to my subschema.
Each button is:
"routing": "...",
"params": { ... },
"className": "...",
"i18nLabel": "..."
And I've got an object (not an array) of buttons:
"edit": BUTTON,
"delete": BUTTON,
How can I write such JSON schema? Is there any way of combining object with items (I know there are object-properties and array-items relations).
You can use additionalProperties for this. If you set additionalProperties to a schema instead of a boolean, then any properties that aren't explicitly declared using the properties or patternProperties keywords must match the given schema.
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": {
