Facebook-messenger-bot. How to implement checkboxes? - facebook-messenger

Please share the experience with how to implement checkboxes in Facebook messenger bot.
There is an idea to change the color of the button by clicking on it. But I have not found a way to edit the buttons.
Thank you in advance for any help.

Today the only way to do checkboxes is to use the webview https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/messenger-extension


How to invoke the Flow, On Button Click from LWC(Salesforce)

I have requirement where I have to load flow having different screens, on click of button in LWC.
I found only one blog related to this is :
but not working for me. Please help me on it, how we can achieve it.
Have you tried using the lightning-flow-support LWC component?
The component documentation.
I've also found a usage example.

How to click a reCAPTCHA checkbox in a robot framework?

demoqa registration page it's my first time writing here and I am having a hard time finding a way to select a checkbox in a robot framework. The site is demoqa.com/register. I can't test the registration, because I can't find a way to select the checkbox. I would really appreciate any help on this. Thanks.
It's not simple checkbox, it's reCAPTCHA to prevent bots creating fake accounts. You can't click it with RobotFramework.

How to implement toggle effect to ng-map

I am using ngmap to my project.I need to implement initially ng-map should hide,if we click button then it will visible and again click it should hide. i did using ng-hide and ng-show method,but if we click button its getting gray color and map does not working, Can some one help me, Thanks in advance
We ran into the same issue and this StackOverflow page helped us out a lot.
Google Maps Display:None Problem
We also used lazyload which worked as well.
Hopefully this helps.

mobile navigation

I am creating a tablist for a website, and am looking to modify the experience on a mobile.
I am looking to create a select list for the navigation tab items.
Is is valid to keep arai roles such as role='tab' for option's
Thanks in advance
Ok im thinking that an accordion on mobile may be a better fit. That way i can use the same aria roles, similar markup and have a better ui on the mobile.
Anyone have anything to add?

Iphone Style checbox

I am developing a WPF application an need checkbox like we do inIphone interface.
I am able to get that done with help of this.
But I want user can silder the slider as they can do in Iphone. So they can either click or silder the slider to toggle the check box.
Thanks in advance
Also found this link that enables to use WP7 togglebutton in WPF. But am unable to see any output.
