Gmail - get mailbox delegations in latest API - gmail-api

I am attempting to get a list of mail delegates for each user within a domain on gmail to display to our users at . I am authenticating as a service account with domain wide delegation. I pull a list of users, and then authenticate using the service account as each user in the domain to access their gmail data.
Unfortunately it looks like I cannot access delegation information with the latest API, but the functionality exists in the old (now deprecated) API. When will this functionality be moved to the latest API? Or is there a different endpoint that I should be using?
I have also attempted to work around this by delegating user B's gmail to user A, authenticating as user A and then attempting to list messages within user B's mailbox which results in an error:
{ [Error: Delegation denied for <email redacted>]
code: 403,
[ { domain: 'global',
reason: 'forbidden',
message: 'Delegation denied for <email redacted>' } ] }
Thanks for your help.

As of now we will just have to wait for the Gmail API to add the delegation feature from the deprecated Email Settings API:
Managing delegation
Delegation settings are not yet available via the API.

Disclaimer: I work on Gmail and the Gmail API platform.
Managing Delegation Settings
We're happy to announce that we have now released the new Gmail API delegate settings methods, effectively replacing the long since deprecated Email Settings API delegation settings methods.
You can now use the standard libraries and tools found at to interact with the new Gmail delegate settings methods.
We will be publishing a blog post at raising the visibility of the new delegate settings methods in the coming weeks, but I wanted to personally give you a courtesy heads-up.
Overview/introduction guide:
Reference documentation:
Migration guide (from the deprecated Email Settings API delegation settings methods):


Azure Active Directory B2C AADB2C90051: No suitable claims providers were found

I have created custom policies with SSO and account migration (you can view them on GitHub here, Note: I removed/edited values for security reasons). I want users to be able to sign in with a social provider OR local account for the first time. I will then migrate their account from the legacy identity provider to AAD B2C. The following goes wrong at the moment though.
The biggest problem is when the account is migrated and the user can sign in, then when trying to link social accounts, I get the following error.
AADB2C90051: No suitable claims providers were found.
Correlation ID: 4491cd4a-2f98-4a86-8d65-da3f7f26e890
Timestamp: 2022-11-20 10:38:05Z
The weird thing is, if I first sign-in using Google or Facebook (which then migrates the account) then sign-in with Microsoft or the local account, it will work. But when first signing in with either Microsoft or a local account, I get the error.
I've seen this and other posts but cannot find what I am missing. I know the policies are very big, so to start, look in CUSTOM_USERJOURNEY.xml for ProvisionOrSignInNewSocialAccount on GitHub.
By default, the hasPassword property doesn't exist by for existing local B2C user profiles. It is introduced by the linking Custom Policy. You will need to manually (or by script) add value true for that property, and it will start working.
You can use Graph API to add value, so basically PATCH to user endpoint:
PATCH /v1.0/users/12bda93c-f782-431c-b962-52c5304c0668 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0...
"extension_67a963aa6ce74511923b85511f0f8dad_hasPassword" : true
See here for full discussion:
Slightly related to this question, but scenario is different: AAD-FindLocalAccountWithSocialEmail produces No suitable claims providers were found

Retrieving Emails from Office365 using OAuth2.0

I am looking for a complete Step-by-step to accomplish the following objective. I have been looking around and trying many, many ways, but not one of them works.
Objective: using C# .net core code (in Azure Functions) connect to a shared mailbox of Office 365 to retrieve emails [with date filter] to do some processing, then move that email from Inbox into another folder (Processed). I want to use MailKit (or something similar
that is free and has MIT license) to retrieve, load and parse the emails.
What I have done, but of course, I can be way off…
In Azure Active Directory, I have created an App Registration
In API Permissions, I have added and granted (I am an admin) a lot of permissions (everything I guess may be related to this, from
Email, to IMAP, SMTP, POP, Application, User and a bunch of other permissions.
In Certificates & Secrets, I created a client secret and recorded the secret (Value)
From Overview, I recorded the Client ID, Tenant ID, etc.
Code (I tried several variation of this…)
string[] scopes = {"" }
for scopes, I have also tried:
var authority = authority + tenant;
for authority, I have also tried:
“”, etc…
var client = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder
.WithAuthority(new Uri(authority))
/* Fails every time! */
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default;
var authResult = await app.AcquireTokenForClient(scopes)
/* MailKit to retrieve emails… */
any step-by-step code using MailKit to
accomplish the Objective would be much appreciated.
Firstly, you should not use this method to get the access token.
var client = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder
.WithAuthority(new Uri(authority))
This method is using client credential flow which is not supported to use IMAP.AccessAsUser.All delegated permission.
This method mentioned by jstedfast is using Interactive provider. The interactive flow is used by mobile applications (Xamarin and UWP) and desktops applications to call Microsoft Graph.
So if configuring "http://localhost" as a Public client (mobile & desktop) redirect URI for your application doesn't work, I don't think you could implement it in the C# .net core Azure Function app. Azure Function app doesn't support login interactively within it. You can only use it in a console app.
But there are 2 workarounds which allow you to get the user access token for Microsoft Graph.
Implement Username/password provider to generate the client and access token. But it is using ROPC flow which is not recommended by Microsoft. See details on Warning tip.
Configure additional Login Params in App service to get the access token to call Microsoft Graph. Please refer to CONFIGURING AN APP SERVICE TO GET AN ACCESS TOKEN FOR AAD GRAPH API. The key point is changing the additionaloginparams to the following [“response_type=code id_token”, “resource=”]. Related official document here.

Gmail API - Wrong exception fired when user's Gmail account is disabled

I'm working on a C# project that use Gmail API in single-user mode to retrieve user's mail. The application is working nicely.
Recently, we got a strange behavior from this API. When the user hasn't a #gmail account with Gmail disabled and try to use our product, for some we got a "Bad Request 400" with "Mail service not enabled" exception and for other users, we got "Bad Request 400" with "failedPrecondition" exception.
The users are on the same domain name. I searched through Gmail API documentation and I found nothing that can explain this.
Our thoughts are that maybe some users have different settings in their Google account that can cause the "general" "failedPrecondition".
Any advice?

How to configure on-behalf-of authentication in multi-tenant environment?

I have a native client that calls a service I wrote-- that in turn calls the Graph API (using the original caller's credentials).
This is exactly like the 'onbehalfof' sample found here (my code fails the same way as the sample):
When logging in as a user from the same tenant as the service (tenant A), everything works fine (just like the onbehalf of sample). When logging in as a user from a different tenant (tenant B), I get an exception on this line in the service:
result = await authContext.AcquireTokenAsync(GraphResourceId, clientCred, userAssertion);
(this is line 153 from TodoListController.cs in the onbehalfof sample).
The exception is this:
AADSTS65001: The user or administrator has not consented to use the
application with ID 'de2fb28b-83f8-419d-9b00-3fbce0a60bf4'. Send an
interactive authorization request for this user and resource.\r\nTrace
ID: 6865c420-674a-4adf-a070-3d9b9c500200\r\nCorrelation ID:
7e088563-d7fe-4131-a05c-cbe04dbb2bbd\r\nTimestamp: 2017-03-29
The application id above refers to the service I wrote (which is the same line in the TodoListService in the onbehalfofsample).
I configured everything for multi-tenant authentication. But it's the additional call that my service is making to another service (Graph API) that's causing the problem. What additional configuration do I need to do in the Azure portal to make this work?
In the instructions written for the sample you linked above, they address this issue with the following section:
Configure known client applications
For the middle tier web API to be able to call the downstream web API,
the user must grant the middle tier permission to do so in the form of
consent. Because the middle tier has no interactive UI of its own, you
need to explicitly bind the client app registration in Azure AD with
the registration for the web API, which merges the consent required by
both the client & middle tier into a single dialog. You can do so by
adding the "Client ID" of the client app, to the manifest of the web
API in the knownClientApplications property. Here's how:
Navigate to your 'TodoListService' app registration, and open the manifest editor.
In the manifest, locate the knownClientApplications array property, and add the Client ID of your client application as an element.
Your code should look like the following after you're done:
"knownClientApplications": ["94da0930-763f-45c7-8d26-04d5938baab2"]
Save the TodoListService manifest by clicking the "Save" button.
My assumption is that because you are running into this problem, that you have not done this special configuration.
The other option you have is to explicitly request consent between the middle tier and the AAD Graph API. You can do this by having a tenant administrator 'login' and consent to your middle tier service. All you need to do is generate a login url with the middle tier App ID.
However, I strongly recommend you do it the documented way, since this will provide a better experience for your users.
It's working now. I had to make two changes to get it working.
First, on the service side switch to using "common" as the tenant. I had switched to common on the client but didn't realize you had to do this on the service side as well:
<add key="ida:Tenant" value="common" />
Second, change the GraphUserUrl on the service to the following URL:
<add key="ida:GraphUserUrl" value="" />
The original URL in the sample didn't work (at least for users in another tenant).
Here's the consent dialog that appears when a user from another tenant logs in:
Consent Dialog
Here's my client manifest...
Client Manifest
...and my service manifest...
Service Manifest

Gmail API - Delegating domain-wide authority to the service account to single user

I am trying to access emails of an email address in custom domain( in google apps. I created service account but I get following error message when trying to read e-mails:
Error:"unauthorized_client", Description:"Unauthorized client or scope
in request.", Uri:""
I found that I have to delegate domain-wide authority to the service account. According to my understanding, after delegating, the service account will have access to all e-mail addresses in the domain(eg;, ...). Is my understanding correct. If yes, is there a way that service account has access (can be impersonated) to only one e-mail address in the domain?
Have you authorized the Client Name and the API scopes in the GSuite admin console? It is required for the service account to work and the error you received seems to be related to the API access permissions.
More info at:
