Cant use InternetAddress with umlauts anymore after switching to com.sun.mail:javax.mail - jakarta-mail

we recently switched from javax.mail:mail to com.sun.mail:javax.mail.
Since then the following code fails:
new InternetAddress("chr#mö", false).validate();
Caught: javax.mail.internet.AddressException: Domain contains control or whitespace in string ``chr#mö''
javax.mail.internet.AddressException: Domain contains control or whitespace in string ``chr#mö''
The implementation of InternetAddress#validate() has obviously changed. A few additional lines concerning CRLF checks are followed by this snippet:
else if (c <= 040 || c >= 0177) {
throw new AddressException(
"Domain contains control or whitespace", addr);
Every char >= 177 is treated as control or whitespace - which is wrong, e.g. for umlauts (ö = 246).
So the exception message is misleading.
Did the change of validate() introduce a bug?
By now, Internet email addresses may contain umlauts encoded in punycode. Thats why i expected to be safe passing a string with umlauts.
Is InternetAddress intended to be used with an encoded String in this case?
Thanks in advance
Update to Bill Shannons answer
The nicely formatted Groovy script mentioned in my comment:
#GrabResolver(name='snapshots', root='', m2Compatible='true')
import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress
new InternetAddress("chr#mö", false)
Update: test with latest snapshot
import org.junit.Test;
import javax.mail.internet.AddressException;
import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
public class ValidateEmailTest {
public void test() throws AddressException {
new InternetAddress("chr#mö", true).validate();
new InternetAddress("chr#mö", false).validate();
The test runs successfully (not throwing an AddressException) with the latest snapshot 1.6.0-SNAPSHOT that is currently from Tue Feb 21.

Use of non-ASCII characters in domain names requires support for RFC 6530, RFC 6531, and RFC 6532. Both the client and the server need to support these new standards. I've added such support to JavaMail 1.6; you can download a development SNAPSHOT release as described on the JavaMail web page. You need to ensure that the server supports the SMTPUTF8 extension, and you need to set the Session property mail.mime.allowutf8 to true.
If you're able to test this new support for internationalized email addresses using a real mail server, please let me know your experiences, good or bad, at Thanks.


CVE-2021-20289 - migrate from Resteasy jaxrs 3 to RESTEasy > 4.6.0

The vulnerability scan system detects a CVE regarding RestEasy 3.7.0: CVE-2021-20289, which states RESTEasy should upgrade to above 4.6.0.Final. But, here comes the question: RESTEasy > 4 does not contains this submodule.
I noticed that in, it is stated that
the big resteasy-jaxrs and resteasy-client modules have been split into resteasy-core-spi, resteasy-client-api, resteasy-core and resteasy-client, with the first and second ones to be considered as public modules, for which we're expected to retain backward compatibility till next major release.
If I comment out the resteasy-jaxrs dependency from pom.xml, I will get error of cannot access class org/jboss/resteasy/microprofile/config/ResteasyConfigFactory. But I cannot find it in resteasy-core-spi or rest-client-api module. The nearest is resteasy-4.7.4.Final/resteasy-core-spi/src/main/java/org/jboss/resteasy/spi/config/ But if the class name changed, there would not be easy migration. Or am I missing something?
Actually according to, this CVE is fixed in 3.15.2. So I am lost.
At last I
migrate from resteasy 3 to 4, abandon resteasy-jaxrs and introduce resteasy-client-api and resteasy-client
switch from org.jboss.resteasy.client.jaxrs.ResteasyClientBuilder to org.jboss.resteasy.client.jaxrs.internal.ResteasyClientBuilderImpl, even though it's under internal package, it's a public class and Javadoc does not suggest against using it directly. And this implementation is quite standard, and introduces the minimal fraction while migrating. I also compared the default values set in the class, such as connectionPoolSize and so on, they are the same as in resteasy-jaxrs 3.
The code change is minimal:
// before
private ResteasyClient client = new ResteasyClientBuilder()
// after
private ResteasyClient client = new ResteasyClientBuilderImpl()
And the provider:
I am receiving content type text/plain. In Resteasy-jaxrs 3, I used ResteasyJackson2Provider and it implements MessageBodyReader and MessageBodyWriter, and it worked. Now, in Restyeasy 4, the content type check seems to be stricter and isReadable() of this same named class only accepts Content-Type of null or contains json. As I receive text/plain, it no longer works.
For reading plain text, I suggest using StringTextStar. A new class in Resteasy 4.7.5, and it seems to work. Reading inputstream and write as string, just what I need. Check its impl.
ResteasyClient client1 = new ResteasyClient()
.register(new ResteasyJackson2Provider()) // for JSON
ResteasyClient client2 = new ResteasyClient()
.register(new StringTextStar()) // for text/plain
And the auto-closeable client:
Now you need to use try-finally or try-with-resources to close it. It will be closed automatically if you don't, but you receive a warning: Closing an instance of ApacheHttpClient43Engine for you and so.

Need to supply DB password to run evolutions at run time - Play + Slick

I need to avoid storing plain text passwords in config files, and so I'm storing the Postgres password externally (in AWS Secrets Manager).
Similarly to the solution provided here:
Encrypted database password in Play + Slick + HikariCP application, I've been able to override dbConfig and supply the password to my DAO classes like this:
trait MyDaoSlick extends MyTableDefinitions with HasDatabaseConfig[MyPostgresDriver] {
protected val dbConfigProvider: DatabaseConfigProvider
override protected val dbConfig: DatabaseConfig[MyPostgresDriver] = secretDbConfig(dbConfigProvider)
def secretDbConfig(dbConfigProvider: DatabaseConfigProvider): DatabaseConfig[MyPostgresDriver] = {
DatabaseConfig.forConfig[MyPostgresDriver]("", dbConfigProvider.get[MyPostgresDriver].config
.withValue("db.user", ConfigValueFactory.fromAnyRef(getUN))
.withValue("db.password", ConfigValueFactory.fromAnyRef(getPWD)))
This works great for regular DB queries, however evolutions bypass this and still expect the username and the password to be in application.conf, which kind of defeats the purpose of the password being a secret.
Any advice on how evolutions could get the DB credentials from a function?
I ran into the same issue, and I managed to resolve it like this:
Create a custom application loader, as shown here:
Inside the custom loader's builder, append the DB configuration parameters for Slick:
val extra = Seq(
"slick.dbs.default.db.url" -> secrets.url,
"slick.dbs.default.db.user" -> secrets.user,
"slick.dbs.default.db.password" -> secrets.pass
Nothing else needs to be changed, as you've basically added the configuration needed for anything Slick, evolutions included.
On older versions of Play, we used to do this inside GlobalSettings.onLoadConfig, but, at some point, that has been deprecated in favour of DI. More details here:

javamail throws unknown-8bit

There were some emails that I try to read using javamail lib. When the email contains the MIME header (Content-Type: text/plain; charset="unknown-8bit"), I get this error: unknown-8bit
Any ideas why is this happening?
Because "unknown-8bit" is not a known charset name. This is explained in the JavaMail FAQ, along with alternatives for handling this problem. I've copied the answer here but note that this may become out of date. Please be sure to search the JavaMail FAQ for any other JavaMail problems you might have.
Q: Why do I get the UnsupportedEncodingException when I invoke getContent() on a bodypart that contains text data?
A: Textual bodyparts (i.e., bodyparts whose type is "text/plain", "text/html", or "text/xml") return Unicode String objects when getContent() is used. Typically, such bodyparts internally hold their textual data in some non Unicode charset. JavaMail (through the corresponding DataContentHandler) attempts to convert that data into a Unicode string. The underlying JDK's charset converters are used to do this. If the JDK does not support a particular charset, then the UnsupportedEncodingException is thrown. In this case, you can use the getInputStream() method to retrieve the content as a stream of bytes. For example:
String s;
if (part.isMimeType("text/plain")) {
try {
s = part.getContent();
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uex) {
InputStream is = part.getInputStream();
* Read the input stream into a byte array.
* Choose a charset in some heuristic manner, use
* that charset in the java.lang.String constructor
* to convert the byte array into a String.
s = convert_to_string(is);
} catch (Exception ex) {
// Handle other exceptions appropriately
There are some commonly used charsets that the JDK does not yet support. You can find support for some of these additional charsets in the JCharset package at
You can also add an alias for an existing charset already supported by the JDK so that it will be known by an additional name. You can create a charset provider for the "bad" charset name that simply redirects to an existing charset provider; see the following code. Create an appropriate CharsetProvider subclass and include it along with the META-INF/services file and the JDK will find it. Obviously you could get significantly more clever and redirect all unknown charsets to "us-ascii", for instance.
==> <==
import java.nio.charset.*;
import java.nio.charset.spi.*;
import java.util.*;
public class UnknownCharsetProvider extends CharsetProvider {
private static final String badCharset = "x-unknown";
private static final String goodCharset = "iso-8859-1";
public Charset charsetForName(String charset) {
if (charset.equalsIgnoreCase(badCharset))
return Charset.forName(goodCharset);
return null;
public Iterator<Charset> charsets() {
return Collections.emptyIterator();
==> META-INF/services/java.nio.charset.spi.CharsetProvider <==

Is there any way to trace\log the sql using Dapper?

Is there a way to dump the generated sql to the Debug log or something? I'm using it in a winforms solution so the mini-profiler idea won't work for me.
I got the same issue and implemented some code after doing some search but having no ready-to-use stuff. There is a package on nuget MiniProfiler.Integrations I would like to share.
Update V2: it supports to work with other database servers, for MySQL it requires to have MiniProfiler.Integrations.MySql
Below are steps to work with SQL Server:
1.Instantiate the connection
var factory = new SqlServerDbConnectionFactory(_connectionString);
using (var connection = ProfiledDbConnectionFactory.New(factory, CustomDbProfiler.Current))
// your code
2.After all works done, write all commands to a file if you want
File.WriteAllText("SqlScripts.txt", CustomDbProfiler.Current.ProfilerContext.BuildCommands());
Dapper does not currently have an instrumentation point here. This is perhaps due, as you note, to the fact that we (as the authors) use mini-profiler to handle this. However, if it helps, the core parts of mini-profiler are actually designed to be architecture neutral, and I know of other people using it with winforms, wpf, wcf, etc - which would give you access to the profiling / tracing connection wrapper.
In theory, it would be perfectly possible to add some blanket capture-point, but I'm concerned about two things:
(primarily) security: since dapper doesn't have a concept of a context, it would be really really easy for malign code to attach quietly to sniff all sql traffic that goes via dapper; I really don't like the sound of that (this isn't an issue with the "decorator" approach, as the caller owns the connection, hence the logging context)
(secondary) performance: but... in truth, it is hard to say that a simple delegate-check (which would presumably be null in most cases) would have much impact
Of course, the other thing you could do is: steal the connection wrapper code from mini-profiler, and replace the profiler-context stuff with just: Debug.WriteLine etc.
You should consider using SQL profiler located in the menu of SQL Management Studio → Extras → SQL Server Profiler (no Dapper extensions needed - may work with other RDBMS when they got a SQL profiler tool too).
Then, start a new session.
You'll get something like this for example (you see all parameters and the complete SQL string):
exec sp_executesql N'SELECT * FROM Updates WHERE CAST(Product_ID as VARCHAR(50)) = #appId AND (Blocked IS NULL OR Blocked = 0)
AND (Beta IS NULL OR Beta = 0 OR #includeBeta = 1) AND (LangCode IS NULL OR LangCode IN (SELECT * FROM STRING_SPLIT(#langCode, '','')))',N'#appId nvarchar(4000),#includeBeta bit,#langCode nvarchar(4000)',#appId=N'fea5b0a7-1da6-4394-b8c8-05e7cb979161',#includeBeta=0,#langCode=N'de'
Try Dapper.Logging.
You can get it from NuGet. The way it works is you pass your code that creates your actual database connection into a factory that creates wrapped connections. Whenever a wrapped connection is opened or closed or you run a query against it, it will be logged. You can configure the logging message templates and other settings like whether SQL parameters are saved. Elapsed time is also saved.
In my opinion, the only downside is that the documentation is sparse, but I think that's just because it's a new project (as of this writing). I had to dig through the repo for a bit to understand it and to get it configured to my liking, but now it's working great.
From the documentation:
The tool consists of simple decorators for the DbConnection and
DbCommand which track the execution time and write messages to the
ILogger<T>. The ILogger<T> can be handled by any logging framework
(e.g. Serilog). The result is similar to the default EF Core logging
The lib declares a helper method for registering the
IDbConnectionFactory in the IoC container. The connection factory is
SQL Provider agnostic. That's why you have to specify the real factory
services.AddDbConnectionFactory(prv => new SqlConnection(conStr));
After registration, the IDbConnectionFactory can be injected into
classes that need a SQL connection.
private readonly IDbConnectionFactory _connectionFactory;
public GetProductsHandler(IDbConnectionFactory connectionFactory)
_connectionFactory = connectionFactory;
The IDbConnectionFactory.CreateConnection will return a decorated
version that logs the activity.
using (DbConnection db = _connectionFactory.CreateConnection())
This is not exhaustive and is essentially a bit of hack, but if you have your SQL and you want to initialize your parameters, it's useful for basic debugging. Set up this extension method, then call it anywhere as desired.
public static class DapperExtensions
public static string ArgsAsSql(this DynamicParameters args)
if (args is null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(args));
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var name in args.ParameterNames)
var pValue = args.Get<dynamic>(name);
var type = pValue.GetType();
if (type == typeof(DateTime))
sb.AppendFormat("DECLARE #{0} DATETIME ='{1}'\n", name, pValue.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff"));
else if (type == typeof(bool))
sb.AppendFormat("DECLARE #{0} BIT = {1}\n", name, (bool)pValue ? 1 : 0);
else if (type == typeof(int))
sb.AppendFormat("DECLARE #{0} INT = {1}\n", name, pValue);
else if (type == typeof(List<int>))
sb.AppendFormat("-- REPLACE #{0} IN SQL: ({1})\n", name, string.Join(",", (List<int>)pValue));
sb.AppendFormat("DECLARE #{0} NVARCHAR(MAX) = '{1}'\n", name, pValue.ToString());
return sb.ToString();
You can then just use this in the immediate or watch windows to grab the SQL.
Just to add an update here since I see this question still get's quite a few hits - these days I use either Glimpse (seems it's dead now) or Stackify Prefix which both have sql command trace capabilities.
It's not exactly what I was looking for when I asked the original question but solve the same problem.

Windows Phone 7 App Quits when I attempt to deserialize JSON

I'm developing my first windows phone 7 app, and I've hit a snag. basically it's just reading a json string of events and binding that to a list (using the list app starting point)
public void Load()
// form the URI
UriBuilder uri = new UriBuilder("");
WebClient proxy = new WebClient();
proxy.OpenReadCompleted += new OpenReadCompletedEventHandler(OnReadCompleted);
void OnReadCompleted(object sender, OpenReadCompletedEventArgs e)
if (e.Error == null)
var serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(EventList));
var events = (EventList)serializer.ReadObject(e.Result);
foreach (var ev in events)
public ObservableCollection<EventDetails> Items { get; private set; }
EventDetails is my class that wraps the json string. this class has to be correct because it is an exact copy of the class used by that website internally from which the json is generated...
I get the json string correctly from the webclient call (I read the memorystream and the json is indeed there) but as soon as I attempt to deserialize the string, the application exits and the debugger stops.
I get no error message or any indication that anything happen, it just stops. This happens if I type the deserialize method into the watch window as well...
I have already tried using in fact I thought maybe it was a problem with so I converted it to use the native deserializer in the .net framework but the error is the same either way.
why would the application just quit? shouldn't it give me SOME kind of error message?
what could I be doing wrong?
many thanks!
Firstly, the fact that you have some string there that looks like JSON does not mean that you have a valid JSON. Try converting a simple one.
If your JSON is valid, it might be that your JSON implementation does not know how to convert a list to EventList. Give it a try with ArrayList instead and let me know.
The application closes because an unhandled exception happens. If check the App.xaml.cs file you will find the code that closes your app. What you need to do is try catch your deserialization process and handle it locally. So most likely you have some JSON the DataContractJsonSerializer does not like. I have been having issue with it deserializing WCF JSON and have had to go other routes.
You may want to check to ensure your JSON is valid, just because your website likes it does not mean it is actually valid, the code on your site may be helping to correct the issue. Drop a copy of your JSON object (the string) in to see if it is valid or not. Crokford (the guy who created JSON) wrote this site to validate JSON, so I would rely on it more than your site ;) This little site has really helped me out of some issues over the past year.
I ran into this same kind of problem when trying to migrate some existing WM code to run on WP7. I believe that the WP7 app crashes whenever it loads an assembly (or class?) that references something that's not available in WP7. In my case, I think it was Assembly.Load or something in the System.IO namespace, related to file access via paths.
While your case might be something completely different, the symptoms were exactly the same.
The only thing I can recommend is to go through the JSON library and see if it's referencing base classes that are not allowed in WP7. Note that it doesn't even have to hit the line of code that's causing the issue - it'll crash as soon as it tries to hit the class that contains the bad reference.
If you can step into the JSON library, you can get a better idea of which class is causing the problem, because as soon as the code references it, the whole app will crash and the debugger will stop.
