omnet++ inet multi destination for udp packet (ini file) - ini

my network is a mesh one. i want to send data from hostA* to hostB* .
a range is 3 (hostA0, hostA1, hostA2, hostA3), destination hosts are (hostB0, hostB1).
(hosts are in inet.node.inet.INetworkNode type).
how i set this property with wild card in scenario .ini file?
i try with
*.hostA*.udpApp[0].destAddresses = "hostB*"
*.hostA*.udpApp[0].destAddresses = "hostB0, hostB1"
*.hostA*.udpApp[0].destAddresses = "hostB0 hostB1"
*.hostA*.udpApp[0].destAddresses = "hostB${0,1}"
but they don't work. thanks.

You cannot use wildcard inside a string constant. Wildcards can be used only in the keys. The reason is that wildcards are not expanded like they are on a shell command line. Instead they work in a way that whenever you read in a parameter in omnet, it scans the INI file and returns the first matching parameter defined (taking into account the wildcard). So its rather matching the parameters instead of expanding them.
According the the docs of BasicUDPApp the space separated one (third one) should be used.


How to convert a .dm3 file (with annotation and scale bar) to .jpg/jpeg image?

I wonder how to convert a dm3 file into .jpg/jpeg images? there is test annotation and scale bar on the image. I setup a script but it always show that "the format cannot contain the data to be saved". This can be done via file/batch convert function. So how to realize the same function in script? Thanks
image test:=IntegerImage("test",2,1,100,100)
image frontimage:=GetFrontImage()
string filename=getname(frontimage)
imagedisplay disp = frontImage.ImageGetImageDisplay(0)
ImageDocument frontDoc = GetFrontImageDocument()
string directoryname, pathname
number length
if(!SaveAsDialog("","Do Not Change Me",directoryname)) exit(0)
frontDoc.ImageDocumentSaveToFile( "JPG Format", pathname )
To convert to jpg you have to use "JPEG/JFIF Format" as the handler (=format).
It has to be exactly this string in the ImageDocument.ImageDocumentSaveToFile() function. Other formats are mentioned in the help (F1 > Scripting > Objects > Document Object Model > ImageDocument Object > ImageDocumentSaveToFile() function). Those are (for example):
'Gatan Format'
'Gatan 3 Format'
'GIF Format'
'BMP Format'
'JPEG/JFIF Format'
'Enhanced Metafile Format'
In your code you are using the SaveAsDialog() to get a directory. This is not necessary. You can use GetDirectoryDialog() to get a directory. This saves you the name operation for the directoryname and avoids problems when users do change your filename.
Also for concatinating paths I prefer using PathConcatenate(). On the first hand this makes your code a lot more readable since its name tells what you are doing. On the other hand this also takes care of the directory ending with \ or not and other path related things.
The following code is what I think you need:
Image test := IntegerImage("test", 2, 1, 100, 100);
Image frontimage := GetFrontImage();
ImageDisplay disp = frontImage.ImageGetImageDisplay(0);
ImageDocument frontDoc = GetFrontImageDocument();
string directoryname;
if(!GetDirectoryDialog("Select directory", "C:\\\\", directoryname)){
// ↑
// You can of course use something else as the start point for selection here
string filename = GetName(frontimage);
string pathname = directoryname.PathConcatenate(filename);
frontDoc.ImageDocumentSaveToFile("JPEG/JFIF Format", pathname);
This answer is correct and should be accepted. Your problem is the wrong file-type string. You want to use "JPEG/JFIF Format"
A bit more general information on image file saving in DigitalMicrograph.
One doesn't save images but always imageDocuments that can contain one, more, or even zero image objects in them. Script-commands that save an image like SaveAsGatan() really just call things like: ImageGetOrCreateImageDocument().ImageDocumentSaveToFile()
The difference doesn't really matter for simple one-image-in-document type images, but it can make a difference when there are multiple images in a document, or when a single image is displayed multiple times simultaneously (which can be done.) So it is always good to know what "really" goes on.
ImageDocuments contain some properties relating to saving:
A save format (“Gatan Format”, “TIFF Format”, …)
Default value: What it was opened with, or last used save-format in case of creation
Script commands: ImageDocumentGetCurrentFileSaveFormat() ImageDocumentSetCurrentFileSaveFormat()
A current file path:
Default value: What it was opened from, or empty
Script commands: ImageDocumentGetCurrentFile() ImageDocumentSetCurrentFile()
A dirty-state:
Default value: clean when opened, dirty when created
Script commands: ImageDocumentIsDirty() ImageDocumentClean()
A linked-to-file state:
Default value: true when opened, false when created
Script commands: ImageDocumentIsLinkedToFile()
There are two ways of saving an imageDocument:
Saving the current document itself to disc:
void ImageDocumentSave( ImageDocument imgDoc, Number save_style ) This utilizes the current properties of the imageDocument to save it to current path in current format, marking it clean in the process. The save_style parameter determines how the program deals with missing info:
0 = never ask for path
1 = ask if not linked (or empty path)
2 = always ask
Saving a copy of the current document to disc:
void ImageDocumentSaveToFile( ImageDocument imgDoc, String handler, String fileName ) This makes a copy and save the file under provided path in the provided format. The imageDocument in memory does not change its properties. Most noticeable: It does not become clean, and it is not linked to the provided file on disc. The filename parameter specifies the saving location including the filename. If a file extension is provided, it has to match the file-format, but it can be left out. The handler parameter specified the file-format and can be anything GMS currently supports, such as:
Gatan Format
Gatan 3 Format
GIF Format
BMP Format
Enhanced Metafile Format
In short:
To save the currently opened imageDocument with a different format, you would want to do:
imageDocument doc = GetFrontImageDocument()
doc.ImageDocumentSetCurrentFileSaveFormat("TIFF Format")
While to just save a copy of the current state you would use:
imageDocument doc = GetFrontImageDocument()
string path = doc.ImageDocumentGetCurrentFile() // full path including extension!
path = PathExtractDirectory(path,0) + PathExtractBaseName(path,0) // path without file extension
doc.ImageDocumentSaveToFile("TIFF Format", path )

VBSCRIPT REPLACE not removing spaces from Decrypted fields

Got quite a head-scratcher....
I'm using the VBScript function REPLACE to replace spaces in a decrypted field from a MSSQL DB with "/".
But the REPLACE function isn't "seeing" the spaces.
For example, if I run any one of the following, where the decrypted value of the field "ITF_U_ClientName_Denc" is "Johnny Carson":
REPLACE(ITF_U_Ledger.Fields("ITF_U_ClientName_Denc")," ","/")
REPLACE(ITF_U_Ledger.Fields("ITF_U_ClientName_Denc")," ","/")
REPLACE(CSTR(ITF_U_Ledger.Fields("ITF_U_ClientName_Denc"))," ","/")
REPLACE(ITF_U_Ledger.Fields("ITF_U_ClientName_Denc")," ","/",1,-1,1)
REPLACE(ITF_U_Ledger.Fields("ITF_U_ClientName_Denc")," ","/",1,-1,0)
The returned value is "Johnny Carson" (space not replaced with /)
The issue seems to be exclusively with spaces, because when I run this:
I get "Johnny C/rson".
Also, the issue seems to be exclusively with spaces in the decrypted value, because when I run this:
REPLACE("Johnny Carson"," ","/")
Of course, the returned value is "Johnny/Carson".
I have checked what is being written to the source of the page and it is simply "Johnny Carson" with no encoding or special characters.
I have also tried the SPLIT function to see if it would "see" the space, but it doesn't.
Finally, thanks to a helpful comment, I tried VBS REGEX searching for \s.
Set regExp = New RegExp
regExp.IgnoreCase = True
regExp.Global = True
regExp.Pattern = "\s" 'Add here every character you don't consider as special character
strProcessed = regExp.Replace(ITF_U_Ledger.Fields("ITF_U_ClientName_Denc"), "?")
Unfortunately, strProcessed retruns "Johnny Carson" (ie. spaces not detected/removed).
If I replace regExp.Pattern = "a", strProcessed returns "Johnny C?rson".
Many thanks for your help!!
As we found, the right character code is 160, and that did the trick:
replace(..., ChrW(160), "...")
This seems to be data specific and, additionally, as an alternative you can try to get same encoding of the source script (i.e. save with Save As with Encoding), or convert received database value into a different target encoding.

Import timeseries via loop (pot. generic)

Solved, now working example!
I have a set of time series that is populated in a folder structure as follows:
And in each file there is a first line containing a character, followed by lines containing the data. E.g.
Now, I would like to import all those files (at best, without specifying ex post the number of configs and seeds, at worst with supplying it) into single time series of the like: “AggQuant_config_seed” where config relates to the config ID and seed to the seed id.
I tried the following (using the non-preferred way), but “parsing” the “path” does not work / I do not know how to do it.
string base = "TimeSeriesData/Config_"
string middle = "/seed_"
string endd = "/Aggregate_Quantity.txt"
string path = ""
loop for (i=0;i<=58;i+=1)
loop for (j=1;j<=10;j+=1)
path = ""
sprintf path "%s%06d%s%03d%s",base,i,middle,j,endd
append #path #will be named share
rename share Agg_Q_$i_$j #rename
To sum up the problem, the following does not work:
string path="somwhere/a_file.txt" #string holding path
#wrong: append $path #use append on string
append #path #works!
And if possible, a way to search recursively through a set of folders, using the folder information together with file-information for the variable name, would be nice. Is that possible within gretl?
I realize that in many cases I would like to refer to a specific “help” section like those for functions and commands, but for operators instead (like “$”, which is obviously wrong here).

Locating a dynamic string in a text file

Hello, I have been struggling recently in my programming endeavours. I have managed to receive the output below from Google Speech to Text, but I cannot figure out how draw data from this block.
Excerpt 1:
[VoiceMain]: Successfully initialized
{"result":[{"alternative":[{"transcript":"hello","confidence":0.46152416},{"transcript":"how low"},{"transcript":"how lo"},{"transcript":"how long"},{"transcript":"Polo"}],"final":true}],"result_index":0}
[VoiceMain]: Successfully initialized
{"result":[{"alternative":[{"transcript":"hello"},{"transcript":"how long"},{"transcript":"how low"},{"transcript":"howlong"}],"final":true}],"result_index":0}
My goal is to extract the string "hello" (without the quotation marks) from the first transcript of each block and set it equal to a variable. The problem arises when I do not know what the phrase will be. Instead of "hello", the phrase may be a string of any length. Even if it is a different string, I would still like to set it to the same variable to which the phrase "hello" would have been set to.
Furthermore, I would like to extract the number after the word "confidence". In this case, it is 0.46152416. Data type does not matter for the confidence variable. The confidence variable appears to be more difficult to extract from the blocks because it may or may not be present. If it is not present, it must be ignored. If it is present however, it must be detected and stored as a variable.
Also please note that this text block is stored within a file named "CurlOutput.txt".
All help or advice related to solving this problem is greatly appreciated.
You could do this with regex, but then I am assuming you will want to use this as a dict later in your code. So here is a python approach to building this result as a dictionary.
import json
with open('CurlOutput.txt') as f:
lines =
flag = '{"result":[]} '
for line in lines: # Loop through each lin in file
if flag in line: # check if this is a line with data on it
results = json.loads(line.replace(flag, ''))['result'] # Load data as a dict
# If you just want to change first index of alternative
# results[0]['alternative'][0]['transcript'] = 'myNewString'
# If you want to check all alternative for confidence and transcript
for result in results[0]['alternative']: # Loop over each alternative
transcript = result['transcript']
confidence = None
if 'confidence' in result:
confidence = result['confidence']
# now do whatever you want with confidence and transcript.

Hash-based logger for embedded application

Currently I am sending the UART the strings I want to log and reading it on the host with any terminal.
In order to reduce the logging time and hopefully the image size as well (my flash is tiny), I figured out that the strings are unused in the embedded system, so why storing them on the flash?
I want to implement a server, whom I can send a hashed-key of any string (for example - it's ROM address) and the string will be output to file or screen.
My questions are:
How to create the key2string converter out of the image file (the OS is CMX, but can be answered generally)
Is there a recomended way to generate image, that will know the strings addresses but will exclude them from ROM?
Is there a known generic (open-source or other) that implemented a similar logger?
Rather than holding hard-coded strings, then trying to hash the answers and sent it via a UART, then somehow remove the strings from the resulting image, I suggest the following.
Just send an index for an error code. The PC side can look up that index and determine what the string is for that condition. If you want the device code to be more clear, the index can be an enumeration.
For example:
enum errorStrings
ES_valueOutOfLimits = 1,
ES_wowItsGettingWarm = 2,
ES_randomError = 3,
ES_passwordFailure = 4
So, if you were sending data to the UART via printf, you could do the following:
Then your PC software just needs to decode the "2" that comes across the UART back into a useful string of "Wow it's getting warm."
This keeps the firmware small, but you need to manually keep the file containing the enum and the file with the strings in sync.
My solution is sending file name and line (which should be 14-20 Byte) and having a source parser on the server side, which will generate map of the actual texts. This way the actual code will contain no "format" strings, but single "filename" string for each file. Furthermore, file names can be easily replaced with enum (unlike replacing every string in the code) to reduce the COMM throughput.
I hope the sample psaudo-code will help clarifying the idea:
/* target code */
#define PRINT(format,...) send(__FILE__,__LINE__,__VA_ARGS__)
/* host code (c++) */
void PrintComm(istream& in)
string fileName;
int line,nParams;
int* params;
if (nParams>0)
params = new int[nParams];
for (int i=0; i<nParams; ++i)
const char* format = FindFormat(fileName,line);
delete[] params;
