How can I add a method to Eigen3 library for solving an equation system - eigen3

I am new with Eigen3 and I think it is very good C++ implementation for linear algebra. I would like to add some extra methods to the standard Matrix class for simplifying the use, for instance, for solving an equations system we can make (from the Eigen web):
Matrix3f A;
Vector3f b;
A << 1,2,3, 4,5,6, 7,8,10;
b << 3, 3, 4;
cout << "Here is the matrix A:\n" << A << endl;
cout << "Here is the vector b:\n" << b << endl;
Vector3f x = A.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(b);
cout << "The solution is:\n" << x << endl;
And it solve the equations system:
Here is the matrix A:
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 10
Here is the vector b:
The solution is:
It is ok. I would like to create a new method named solveSystem() to the
Matrix class. For that I have discovered that it can be done creating an
extra header with the new methods and then use the define #define EIGEN_MATRIXBASE_PLUGIN "MatrixBaseAddons.h". Then I try to code this as:
template<typename OtherDerived>
MatrixBase<Derived> solveQr(const Eigen::MatrixBase<OtherDerived>& b)
MatrixXd solution = this->colPivHouseholderQr().solve(b);
return solution;
I have a lot of compilation errors in multiple templates. I suposse it is because I am doing something wrong. Anyone knows how pass properly other matrices and return a matrix and how to program this simple method?
Thanks in advance.

The problem with your plugin is that it tries to convert a MatrixXd to a MatrixBase<Matrix3f> (if you apply it to the problem at the top).
Generally, you can't create pure MatrixBase<...> classes (these are just to be used as base classes). Also, you can't implicitly convert a double matrix to a float matrix.
To solve your problem, something like this should work:
template<typename OtherDerived>
Matrix<Scalar, RowsAtCompileTime, OtherDerived::ColsAtCompileTime> solveQr(const MatrixBase<OtherDerived>& b)
return this->colPivHouseholderQr().solve(b);
If you want to mix real matrices and complex b, you need to write something more sophisticated.


How to convert a log2(n) based value to n shifts in a #define statement in C?

I have a definition of the following type in C:
I want to refer to this definition and use it also for shift operations, such as
a = b >> 3
The value 3 comes from log2(8) = 3.
So I wish there was something like
But obviously the above definition doesn't work. Is there a nifty way to get this accomplished?
Most commonly, you would just do the defines the other way around:
This forces you to keep the number of channels a power of two.
Answered by #EricPostpischil in a comment:
If b is known to be nonnegative, simply use b / NUM_OF_CHANNELS. Any
decent compiler will optimize it to a shift.
The compiler will translate the following C code into assembly code performing a 3-bit long right-shift.

How to add two numbers without using + operator in C using bit manipulation

I recently came across this interview question and I'm not good in bit manipulation. Can you guys explain what the function 'f' does. I'm not sure what this recursive function does.
unsigned int f (unsigned int a , unsigned int b)
return a ? f ( (a&b) << 1, a ^b) : b;
I tried to paste the code in Visual Studio to test the logic but compiler is throwing some error message "cannot implicitly convert type 'uint' to 'bool'. Is the condition statement (a ?) in the return missing something? but I'm sure the interview question was exactly same as mentioned above
Well already a few people in the comments mentioning this just adds two numbers. I'm not sure of a better way to figure that out than just try some inputs and note the results.
f(5,1) --> returns f(2,4) --> returns f(0,6) --> returns 6
1.) 5&1 = 1 bit shifted = 2: 5^1 = 4
2.) 2&4 = 0 bit shifted = 0: 2^4 = 6
3.) a = 0 so return b of 6
f(4,3) --> returns f(0,7) --> returns 7
1.) 4&3 = 0 bit shifted = 0: 4^3 = 7
2.) a = 0 so return b of 7
After you show a few examples of the output I suppose you could postulate f returns the two inputs added together.
The prospective employer is either very thorough, or enjoys cruel & unusual punishment.
For the answer to the question, a review of the freely available chapter 2 from HackersDelight is worth its weight in gold. The addition operator in the function is taken from HAKMEM memo -- Item 23 and substitutes a left-shift in place of multiplying by 2. The original HAKMEM memo proposes:
(A AND B) + (A OR B) = A + B = (A XOR B) + 2 (A AND B)
or re-written in C:
x + y = (x ^ y) + 2 * (x & y)
The creative employer then uses (x & y) << 1 in place of 2 * (x & y) and recursion to compute to sum and or a and b until a = 0 at which time b is returned.
Glad it wasn't my interview.

Having issues with some homework, C programming stuff

So the problem is to add 3 numbers together(2's complement) in C. Normally should be very simple, but the hard part of this problem is that you can only use the ops ! ~ & ^ | << >>, no kind of loops, or function calls, or anything fancy. Just those ops. He gives us a function that adds 2 words together. The return of the function I'm writing (sum3) is return sum(word1, word2). My responsibility is to determine what to set word1 and word2 to in order for the call to the sum function to give me the proper answer. Oh, and also I can only use 16 total of those ops up there.
I tried setting word1 to x ^ y, and word2 to (x & y) << 1 to see if I at least got the right answer from that for the first 2 numbers, and it always ends up correct. However, I have no idea how to throw z into the mix without messing everything up. I think this is is the biggest problem...somebody please help, I messed up and didn't realize this was due in 5 hours from now, so I'm freaking out. At least a good hint...something, anything.
Just a hint: a + b == (a ^ b) + ((a & b) << 1). Here a & b is the expression for carry.
As you can see, by this transformation you reduce an add on N bits to some logical operations and an add on N-1 bits. If the N is given, you could manually unroll the loop and the whole result will contain only XOR, AND and SHL(1).

How to map a long integer number to a N-dimensional vector of smaller integers (and fast inverse)?

Given a N-dimensional vector of small integers is there any simple way to map it with one-to-one correspondence to a large integer number?
Say, we have N=3 vector space. Can we represent a vector X=[(int16)x1,(int16)x2,(int16)x3] using an integer (int48)y? The obvious answer is "Yes, we can". But the question is: "What is the fastest way to do this and its inverse operation?"
Will this new 1-dimensional space possess some very special useful properties?
For the above example you have 3 * 32 = 96 bits of information, so without any a priori knowledge you need 96 bits for the equivalent long integer.
However, if you know that your x1, x2, x3, values will always fit within, say, 16 bits each, then you can pack them all into a 48 bit integer.
In either case the technique is very simple you just use shift, mask and bitwise or operations to pack/unpack the values.
Just to make this concrete, if you have a 3-dimensional vector of 8-bit numbers, like this:
uint8_t vector[3] = { 1, 2, 3 };
then you can join them into a single (24-bit number) like so:
uint32_t all = (vector[0] << 16) | (vector[1] << 8) | vector[2];
This number would, if printed using this statement:
printf("the vector was packed into %06x", (unsigned int) all);
produce the output
the vector was packed into 010203
The reverse operation would look like this:
uint8_t v2[3];
v2[0] = (all >> 16) & 0xff;
v2[1] = (all >> 8) & 0xff;
v2[2] = all & 0xff;
Of course this all depends on the size of the individual numbers in the vector and the length of the vector together not exceeding the size of an available integer type, otherwise you can't represent the "packed" vector as a single number.
If you have sets Si, i=1..n of size Ci = |Si|, then the cartesian product set S = S1 x S2 x ... x Sn has size C = C1 * C2 * ... * Cn.
This motivates an obvious way to do the packing one-to-one. If you have elements e1,...,en from each set, each in the range 0 to Ci-1, then you give the element e=(e1,...,en) the value e1+C1*(e2 + C2*(e3 + C3*(...Cn*en...))).
You can do any permutation of this packing if you feel like it, but unless the values are perfectly correlated, the size of the full set must be the product of the sizes of the component sets.
In the particular case of three 32 bit integers, if they can take on any value, you should treat them as one 96 bit integer.
If you particularly want to, you can map small values to small values through any number of means (e.g. filling out spheres with the L1 norm), but you have to specify what properties you want to have.
(For example, one can map (n,m) to (max(n,m)-1)^2 + k where k=n if n<=m and k=n+m if n>m--you can draw this as a picture of filling in a square like so:
1 2 5 | draw along the edge of the square this way
4 3 6 v
8 7
if you start counting from 1 and only worry about positive values; for integers, you can spiral around the origin.)
I'm writing this without having time to check details, but I suspect the best way is to represent your long integer via modular arithmetic, using k different integers which are mutually prime. The original integer can then be reconstructed using the Chinese remainder theorem. Sorry this is a bit sketchy, but hope it helps.
To expand on Rex Kerr's generalised form, in C you can pack the numbers like so:
X = e[n];
X *= MAX_E[n-1] + 1;
X += e[n-1];
/* ... */
X *= MAX_E[0] + 1;
X += e[0];
And unpack them with:
e[0] = X % (MAX_E[0] + 1);
X /= (MAX_E[0] + 1);
e[1] = X % (MAX_E[1] + 1);
X /= (MAX_E[1] + 1);
/* ... */
e[n] = X;
(Where MAX_E[n] is the greatest value that e[n] can have). Note that these maximum values are likely to be constants, and may be the same for every e, which will simplify things a little.
The shifting / masking implementations given in the other answers are a generalisation of this, for cases where the MAX_E + 1 values are powers of 2 (and thus the multiplication and division can be done with a shift, the addition with a bitwise-or and the modulus with a bitwise-and).
There is some totally non portable ways to make this real fast using packed unions and direct accesses to memory. That you really need this kind of speed is suspicious. Methods using shifts and masks should be fast enough for most purposes. If not, consider using specialized processors like GPU for wich vector support is optimized (parallel).
This naive storage does not possess any usefull property than I can foresee, except you can perform some computations (add, sub, logical bitwise operators) on the three coordinates at once as long as you use positive integers only and you don't overflow for add and sub.
You'd better be quite sure you won't overflow (or won't go negative for sub) or the vector will become garbage.
#include <stdint.h> // for uint8_t
long x;
uint8_t * p = &x;
union X {
long L;
uint8_t A[sizeof(long)/sizeof(uint8_t)];
works if you don't care about the endian. In my experience compilers generate better code with the union because it doesn't set of their "you took the address of this, so I must keep it in RAM" rules as quick. These rules will get set off if you try to index the array with stuff that the compiler can't optimize away.
If you do care about the endian then you need to mask and shift.
I think what you want can be solved using multi-dimensional space filling curves. The link gives a lot of references on this, which in turn give different methods and insights. Here's a specific example of an invertible mapping. It works for any dimension N.
As for useful properties, these mappings are related to Gray codes.
Hard to say whether this was what you were looking for, or whether the "pack 3 16-bit ints into a 48-bit int" does the trick for you.

implementation of rand()

I am writing some embedded code in C and need to use the rand() function. Unfortunately, rand() is not supported in the library for the controller. I need a simple implementation that is fast, but more importantly has little space overhead, that produces relatively high-quality random numbers. Does anyone know which algorithm to use or sample code?
EDIT: It's for image processing, so "relatively high quality" means decent cycle length and good uniform properties.
Check out this collection of random number generators from George Marsaglia. He's a leading expert in random number generation, so I'd be confident using anything he recommends. The generators in that list are tiny, some requiring only a couple unsigned longs as state.
Marsaglia's generators are definitely "high quality" by your standards of long period and good uniform distribution. They pass stringent statistical tests, though they wouldn't do for cryptography.
Use the C code for LFSR113 from L'écuyer:
unsigned int lfsr113_Bits (void)
static unsigned int z1 = 12345, z2 = 12345, z3 = 12345, z4 = 12345;
unsigned int b;
b = ((z1 << 6) ^ z1) >> 13;
z1 = ((z1 & 4294967294U) << 18) ^ b;
b = ((z2 << 2) ^ z2) >> 27;
z2 = ((z2 & 4294967288U) << 2) ^ b;
b = ((z3 << 13) ^ z3) >> 21;
z3 = ((z3 & 4294967280U) << 7) ^ b;
b = ((z4 << 3) ^ z4) >> 12;
z4 = ((z4 & 4294967168U) << 13) ^ b;
return (z1 ^ z2 ^ z3 ^ z4);
Very high quality and fast. Do NOT use rand() for anything.
It is worse than useless.
Here is a link to a ANSI C implementation of a few random number generators.
I've made a collection of random number generators, "simplerandom", that are compact and suitable for embedded systems. The collection is available in C and Python.
I've looked around for a bunch of simple and decent ones I could find, and put them together in a small package. They include several Marsaglia generators (KISS, MWC, SHR3), and a couple of L'Ecuyer LFSR ones.
All the generators return an unsigned 32-bit integer, and typically have a state made of 1 to 4 32-bit unsigned integers.
Interestingly, I found a few issues with the Marsaglia generators, and I've tried to fix/improve all those issues. Those issues were:
SHR3 generator (component of Marsaglia's 1999 KISS generator) was broken.
MWC low 16 bits have only an approx 229.1 period. So I made a slightly improved MWC, which gives the low 16 bits a 259.3 period, which is the overall period of this generator.
I uncovered a few issues with seeding, and tried to make robust seeding (initialisation) procedures, so they won't break if you give them a "bad" seed value.
I recommend the academic paper Two Fast Implementations of the Minimal Standard Random Number Generator by David Carta. You can find free PDF through Google. The original paper on the Minimal Standard Random Number Generator is also worth reading.
Carta's code gives fast, high-quality random numbers on 32-bit machines. For a more thorough evaluation, see the paper.
Mersenne twister
A bit from Wikipedia:
It was designed to have a period of 219937 − 1 (the creators of the algorithm proved this property). In practice, there is little reason to use a larger period, as most applications do not require 219937 unique combinations (219937 is approximately 4.3 × 106001; this is many orders of magnitude larger than the estimated number of particles in the observable universe, which is 1080).
It has a very high order of dimensional equidistribution (see linear congruential generator). This implies that there is negligible serial correlation between successive values in the output sequence.
It passes numerous tests for statistical randomness, including the Diehard tests. It passes most, but not all, of the even more stringent TestU01 Crush randomness tests.
source code for many languages available on the link.
I'd take one from the GNU C library, the source is available to browse online.
But if you have any concern at all about the quality of the random numbers, you should probably look at more carefully written mathematically libraries. It's a big subject and the standard rand implementations aren't highly thought of by experts.
Here's another possibility:
(If you find you have too many options, you could always pick one at random.)
I found this: Simple Random Number Generation, by John D. Cook.
It should be easy to adapt to C, given that it's only a few lines of code.
Edit: and you could clarify what you mean by "relatively high-quality". Are you generating encryption keys for nuclear launch codes, or random numbers for a game of poker?
Better yet, use multiple linear feedback shift registers combine them together.
Assuming that sizeof(unsigned) == 4:
unsigned t1 = 0, t2 = 0;
unsigned random()
unsigned b;
b = t1 ^ (t1 >> 2) ^ (t1 >> 6) ^ (t1 >> 7);
t1 = (t1 >> 1) | (~b << 31);
b = (t2 << 1) ^ (t2 << 2) ^ (t1 << 3) ^ (t2 << 4);
t2 = (t2 << 1) | (~b >> 31);
return t1 ^ t2;
The standard solution is to use a linear feedback shift register.
There is one simple RNG named KISS, it is one random number generator according to three numbers.
/* Implementation of a 32-bit KISS generator which uses no multiply instructions */
static unsigned int x=123456789,y=234567891,z=345678912,w=456789123,c=0;
unsigned int JKISS32() {
int t;
y ^= (y<<5); y ^= (y>>7); y ^= (y<<22);
t = z+w+c; z = w; c = t < 0; w = t&2147483647;
x += 1411392427;
return x + y + w;
Also there is one web site to test RNG
