latency calculation of service bus queue - angularjs

we have the several component in the application which communicate via service bus queue and topics. We wanted to build the analytics on top of it using the angular JS. We wanted to show the queue length and average time of latency at every min and hour depending upon the selection. kindly let me know how we can get this information ... from angula we need to call web api which calculates the data and show it in liner charts or we need to use the stream analytics Below is the sample screen where x-axis will be time and Y- axis will be total number of count of messages

Check out ASB's Metrics REST API:
Though I am not sure it will provide everything you want out of the box. Specifically latency info is not there - have a feeling you'd need to collect and store it yourself.
Also take a look at 3rd party ASB monitoring products e.g. - though I personally have not used them.


springboot micrometer how to collect method execution time,not max time

use Timer as timer.record(), and get results like below
method_metrics_seconds_max{application="mydemo",class="com.demo.service.Impl.MetricsDemoService2Impl",method="getMethod1",} 0.21
method_metrics_seconds_count{application="mydemo",class="com.demo.service.Impl.MetricsDemoService2Impl",method="getMethod4",} 1.0
method_metrics_seconds_sum{application="mydemo",class="com.demo.service.Impl.MetricsDemoService2Impl",method="getMethod4",} 3.603
but I want to get the real execution time
I looked for a lot of information, but couldn't find
Metrics are basically aggregated datapoints in time. I think what you are asking is the raw data (not aggregated).
Even though metric libraries will not give the raw data to you (because they are aggregating the data), you have a couple of options:
You can use Percentile histograms (recommended) so that you can see the number of requests that for example fall between 100 and 200ms, you can also calculate percentiles from this on the backend side
You can use Client-side percentiles (not recommended) so that you can see the percentile values
Push the data into your logs (not recommended)
Use Spring Cloud Sleuth which is our Distributed Tracing solution and it can record the duration of the separate HTTP requests
You can use Micrometer's new Observation API and record the data however you please (will be recommended once it is released: around the end of 2022, also Spring Boot 3 will support this)

big data load in salesforce

I came across weird constraint, want to hear if anyone has resolved this issue.
Problem statement: load data in salesforce from outside. volume of data is 1 million record in a burst, every 3 hrs.
my source orchestration tool (NiFi) is capable of making this many REST API, but salesforce has asked not to use REST with this much throughput. I am not sure if its a limit of salesforce or product team has created a artificial ceiling.
they have suggested use dataloader, which seems to be a batch loader for salesforce, but it is not that fast either. also it has different issues. I cant trigger dataloader, when i get the data, so not that helpful either.
Long time back i have used Informatica to connect to salesforce, and we used to pass similar amount of data, and with no issue. Can someone answer how informatica connector has solved this bottleneck issue ?what does it use underneath?
also any other way to push this much data to salesforce?
Short answer: rethink your use case. Rewrite your app to use different mechanism of connecting to SF.
Long answer: Standard Salesforce API (SOAP or REST, doesn't matter) is synchronous. Request-response, job done. It's limited to 200 records max in one API call. Your volumes are better suited for bulk API. That one is REST-only (although it can accept XML, JSON or CSV), up to 10K records in one API call. The key difference is that it's asynchronous. You submit the job, you get back the job's id, you can check it (every 10 seconds? every minute?) "is it done yet? if it is - give me back my success/failure results". But every of these checks will of course consume 1 API call too. In meantime SF received a bunch of zipped files from you and will work on unzipping and processing them as fast as resources allow.
So (ignoring the initial login call) let's talk about limits. In sandboxes the 24h rolling limit of API calls is 5 million calls. Massive. In production it's 15K API calls + 1K per every full license user you have (sales cloud, service cloud) + you can buy more capacity... Or just go to Setup -> Company Information and check your limit.
let's say you have 5 users so 20K calls/day in production. In 24h at max capacity you'll be able to push 10K * 20K = 200M inserts/updates. Well, bit less because of login calls and checking the status and pulling down the results file but still - pretty good. If that's not enough - you have bigger problems ;) Using standard API would let you go 200 * 20K = mere 4M records.
SF support told you to use Data Loader because in DL it's just ticking a checkbox to use bulk API. You don't care that backend mechanism is different. You could even script Data Loader to run from commandline ( chapter 4). Or if it's a Java application - just reuse the JAR file on top of which DL UI is built.
These might help too:

10,000 HTTP requests per minute performance

I'm fairly experienced with web crawlers, however, this question is in regards to performance and scale. I'm needing to request and crawl 150,000 urls over an interval(most urls are every 15 minutes which makes it about 10,000 requests per minute). These pages have a decent amount of data(around 200kb per page). Each of the 150,000 urls exist in our database(MSSQL) with a timestamp of the last crawl date, and an interval for so we know when to crawl again.
This is where we get an extra layer of complexity. They do have an API which allows for up to 10 items per call. The information we need exists partially only in the API, and partially only on the web page. The owner is allowing us to make web calls and their servers can handle it, however, they can not update their API or provide direct data access.
So the flow should be something like: Get 10 records from the database that intervals have passed and need to be crawled, then hit the API. Then each item in the batch of 10 needs their own separate web-requests. Once the request returns the HTML we parse it and update records in our database.
I am interested in getting some advice on the correct way to handle the infrastructure. Assuming a multi-server environment some business requirements:
Once a URL record is ready to be crawled, we want to ensure it is only grabbed and ran by a single server. If two servers check it out simultaneously and run, it can corrupt our data.
The workload can vary, currently, it is 150,000 url records, but that can go much lower or much higher. While I don't expect more than a 10% change per day, having some sort of auto-scale would be nice.
After each request returns the HTML we need to parse it and update records in our database with the individual data pieces. Some host providers allow free incoming data but charge for outgoing. So ideally the code base that requests the webpage and then parses the data also has direct SQL access. (As opposed to a micro-service approach)
Something like a multi-server blocking collection(Azure queue?), autoscaling VMs that poll the queue, single database host server which is also queried by MVC app that displays data to users.
Any advice or critique is greatly appreciated.
I echo Evandro's comment and would explore Service Bus Message Queues of Event Hubs for loading a queue to be processed by your compute nodes. Message Queues support record locking which based on your write up might be attractive.
Compute Options
I also agree that Azure Functions would provide a good platform for scaling your compute/processing operations (calling the API & scraping HTML). In addition Azure Functions can be triggered by Message Queues, Event Hubs OR Event Grid. [Note: Event Grid allows you to connect various Azure services (pub/sub) with durable messaging. So it might play a helpful middle-man role in your scenario.]
Another option for compute could be Azure Container Instances (ACI) as you could spin up containers on demand to process your records. This does not have the same auto-scaling capability that Functions does though and also does not support the direct binding operations.
Data Processing Concern (Ingress/Egress)
Indeed Azure does not charge for data ingress but any data leaving Azure will have an egress charge after the initial 5 GB each month. []
You should be able to have the Azure Functions handle calling the API, scraping the HTML and writing to the database. You might have to break those up into separated Functions but you can chain Functions together easily either directly or with LogicApps.

DynamoDB - Do I need lots of read capacities to handle multiple getItem-calls per page?

I'm using DynamoDB to store items that are necessary to deliver a specific webpage. However, for one page load, the web server may easily need hundreds of items from about 2-5 different tables. If I have only one read capacity I can only make 2 eventually consistent DB calls per second. Of course if I need to get these items to deliver a webpage, I cannot wait one second for every DB call.
I already use batchGetItems to reduce the workload. Do I now need just lots of more read capacities or am I getting something wrong?
You should be thinking caching, not fetching.
Either AWS ElasticSearch (memcached) or Varnish-like caching.
You can also implement an in-process caching using Google Guava
It's possible to tune your read capacity based on usage and that's one of the advantages of using a hosted solution like DynamoDB. You can setup CloudWatch alarms, receive notifications through a SNS topic and create a simple app to increase/decrease your capacity. There is a nice post about it at:

working with new channel creation limits

Google app engine seems to have recently made a huge decrease in free quotas for channel creation from 8640 to 100 per day. I would appreciate some suggestions for optimizing channel creation, for a hobby project where I am unwilling to use the paid plans.
It is specifically mentioned in the docs that there can be only one client per channel ID. It would help if there were a way around this, even if it were only for multiple clients on one computer (such as multiple tabs)
It occurred to me I might be able to simulate channel functionality by repeatedly sending XHR requests to the server to check for new messages, therefore bypassing limits. However, I fear this method might be too slow. Are there any existing libraries that work on this principle?
One Client per Channel
There's not an easy way around the one client per channel ID limitation, unfortunately. We actually allow two, but this is to handle the case where a user refreshes his page, not for actual fan-out.
That said, you could certainly implement your own workaround for this. One trick I've seen is to use cookies to communicate between browser tabs. Then you can elect one tab the "owner" of the channel and fan out data via cookies. See this question for info on how to implement the inter-tab communication: Javascript communication between browser tabs/windows
Polling vs. Channel
You could poll instead of using the Channel API if you're willing to accept some performance trade-offs. Channel API deliver speed is on the order of 100-200ms; if you could accept 500ms average then you could poll every second. Depending on the type of data you're sending, and how much you can fit in memcache, this might be a workable solution. My guess is your biggest problem is going to be instance-hours.
For example, if you have, say, 100 clients you'll be looking at 100qps. You should experiment and see if you can serve 100 requests in a second for the data you need to serve without spinning up a second instance. If not, keep increasing your latency (ie., decreasing your polling frequency) until you get to 1 instance able to serve your requests.
Hope that helps.
