working with new channel creation limits - google-app-engine

Google app engine seems to have recently made a huge decrease in free quotas for channel creation from 8640 to 100 per day. I would appreciate some suggestions for optimizing channel creation, for a hobby project where I am unwilling to use the paid plans.
It is specifically mentioned in the docs that there can be only one client per channel ID. It would help if there were a way around this, even if it were only for multiple clients on one computer (such as multiple tabs)
It occurred to me I might be able to simulate channel functionality by repeatedly sending XHR requests to the server to check for new messages, therefore bypassing limits. However, I fear this method might be too slow. Are there any existing libraries that work on this principle?

One Client per Channel
There's not an easy way around the one client per channel ID limitation, unfortunately. We actually allow two, but this is to handle the case where a user refreshes his page, not for actual fan-out.
That said, you could certainly implement your own workaround for this. One trick I've seen is to use cookies to communicate between browser tabs. Then you can elect one tab the "owner" of the channel and fan out data via cookies. See this question for info on how to implement the inter-tab communication: Javascript communication between browser tabs/windows
Polling vs. Channel
You could poll instead of using the Channel API if you're willing to accept some performance trade-offs. Channel API deliver speed is on the order of 100-200ms; if you could accept 500ms average then you could poll every second. Depending on the type of data you're sending, and how much you can fit in memcache, this might be a workable solution. My guess is your biggest problem is going to be instance-hours.
For example, if you have, say, 100 clients you'll be looking at 100qps. You should experiment and see if you can serve 100 requests in a second for the data you need to serve without spinning up a second instance. If not, keep increasing your latency (ie., decreasing your polling frequency) until you get to 1 instance able to serve your requests.
Hope that helps.


About ringpop, application layer sharding, used in Uber
To my understanding, the sharding can be implemented in some library routines, and the application programs are just linked with the library. If the library is a RPC client, the sharding can be queried from the server side in real-time. So, even if there is a new partition, it is transparent to the applications.
Ringpop is application-layer sharding strategy, based on SWIM membership protocol. I wonder what is the major advantage at the application layer?
What is the other side, say the sharding in the system layer?
Maybe a bit late for this reply, but maybe someone still needs this information.
Ringpop has introduced the idea of 'sharding' inside application rather then data. It works more or less like an application level middleware, but with the advantage that it offers an easy way to build scalabale and fault-tolerance applications.
The things that Ringpop shards are the requests coming from clients to a specific service. This is one of its major advantages (there are mores, keep reading).
In a traditional SOA architecure, all requests for a specific serveice goes to a unique system that dispatch them among the workers for load balancing. These workers do not know each other, they are indipendent entities and cannot communicate between them. They do their job and sent back a reply.
Ringpop is the opposite: the workers know each other and can discover new ones, regularly talk among them to check their healthy status, and spread this information with the other workers.
How Ringpop shard the request?
It uses the concept of keyspaces. A keyspace is just a range of number, e.g. you are free to choice the range you like, but the obvious choice is hash the IDs of the objects in the application and use the hashing-function's codomain as range.
A keyspace can be imaginated as an hash "ring", but in practice is just a 4 or 8 byte integer.
A worker, e.g. a node that can serve a request for a specific service, is 'virtually' placed on this ring, e.g. it owns a contiguous portion of the ring. In practice, it has assigned a sub-range. A worker is in charge to handle all the requests belonging to its sub-range. Handle a request means two things:
- process the request and provide a response, or
- forward the request to another service that actually knows how to serve it
Every application is build with this behaviour embedded. There is the logic to handle a request or just forward it to another service that can handle it. The forwarding mechanism is nothing more than a remote call procedure, which is actually made using TChannel, the Uber's high performance forwarding for general RPC.
If you think on this, you can figure out that Ringpop is actually offering a very nice thing that traditionals SOA architecture do not have. The clients don't need to know or care about the correct instance that can serve their request. They can just send a request anywhere in Ringpop, and the receiver worker will serve it or forward to the rigth owner.
Ringpop has another interesting feature. New workers can dinamically enter the ring and old workers can leave the ring (e.g. because a crash or just a shutdown) without any service interrputions.
Ringpop implements a membership protocol based on SWIM.
It enable workers to discover each another and exclude a broken worker from the ring using a tcp-based gossip protocol. When a new worker is discovered by another worker, a new connection is established between them. Every worker map the status of the other workers sending a ping request at regular time intervals, and spread the status information with the other workers if a ping does not get a reply (e.g. piggyback membership update on a ping / gossip based)
These 3 elements consistent hashing, request forwarding and a membership protocol, make Ringpop an interesting solution to promote scalability and fault tolerance at application layer while keeping the complexity and operational overhead to a minimum.

When is it better to use polling instead of the channel api?

I have an application where users can collaborate on photo albums. I currently use polling on the client to check for new content every 30 seconds. There can be any number of people uploading and viewing an album at any given time.
On the server side, I cache the data to return (so the query for new content is cheap). I assume that polling every 30 seconds from multiple clients will cause more instances to stay active (and thus increase costs).
Would it be overkill to use the channel api for the above use case instead of polling?
Does the channel api keep instances alive too?
Are there any use cases where polling is preferable instead of using the channel api?
I'm using channels but I'm finding they're not great. If a channel times out from a network disconnect, it somehow screws up the history on my browser. I've filed a bug a bit over a week ago, but it hasn't been acknowledged. There's another bug filed over a month ago that hasn't been acknowledged either - so don't expect quick support on channel issues.
Channels are nice to have - you can notify users in less than a second if status of some sort changes, but they're not reliable. Sometimes the disconnect event doesn't occur, but the channel just stops working. My current system uses channels, but also polls every 5-10 seconds. Because of the unreliability, I wouldn't use channels as a replacement for polling, just a way to give faster response.
Even then you'll have to work out whether it'll save you money. If you're expecting users to leave your app open for 15 minutes without hitting the server, then maybe you'll save some instance time. However, if your users are hitting the server anyways, your instances probably wouldn't get time to shut down. And keeping your instances up actually helps reduce cold starts a bit too.

how many users in a GAE instance?

I'm using the Python 2.5 runtime on Google App Engine. Needless to say I'm a bit worried about the new costs so I want to get a better idea of what kind of traffic volume I will experience.
If 10 users simultaneously access my application at, will that spawn 10 instances?
If no, how many users in an instance? Is it even measured that way?
I've already looked at but I just wanted to make sure that my interpretation is correct.
"Users" is a fairly meaningless term from an HTTP point of view. What's important is how many requests you can serve in a given time interval. This depends primarily on how long your app takes to serve a given request. Obviously, if it takes 200 milliseconds for you to serve a request, then one instance can serve at most 5 requests per second.
When a request is handled by App Engine, it is added to a queue. Any time an instance is available to do work, it takes the oldest item from the queue and serves that request. If the time that a request has been waiting in the queue ('pending latency') is more than the threshold you set in your admin console, the scheduler will start up another instance and start sending requests to it.
This is grossly simplified, obviously, but gives you a broad idea how the scheduler works.
First, no.
An instance per user is unreasonable and doesn't happen.
So you're asking how does my app scale to more instances? Depends on the load.
If you have much much requests per second then you'll get (automatically) another instance so the load is distributed.
That's the core idea behind App Engine.

Google App Engine Channels API and sending heartbeat signals from client

Working on a GAE project and one requirement we have is that we want to in a timely manner be able to determine if a user has left the application. Currently we have this working, but is unreliable so I am researching alternatives.
The way we do this now is we have a function setup to run in JS on an interval that sends a heartbeat signal to the GAE app using an AJAX call. This works relatively well, but is generating a lot of traffic and CPU usage. If we don't hear a heartbeat from a client for several minutes, we determine they have left the application. We also have the unload function wired up to send a part message, again through an AJAX call. This works less then well, but most of the time not at all.
We are also making use of the Channels API. One thing I have noticed is that our app when using an open channel, the client seems to also be sending a heartbeat signal in the form of a call to I believe this is happening from the iFrame and/or JS that gets loaded when opening channel in the client.
My question is, can my app on the server side some how hook in to these calls to and use this as the heartbeat signal? Is there a better way to detect if a client is still connected even if they aren't actively doing anything in the client?
Google have added this feature:
Tracking Client Connections and Disconnections
Applications may register to be notified when a client connects to or
disconnects from a channel.
You can enable this inbound service in appengine-web.xml:
Currently the channel API bills you up-front for all the CPU time the channel will consume for two hours, so it's probably cheaper to send messages to a dead channel than to send a bunch of heartbeat messages to the server.
What I would try is attach a "please acknowledge" parameter to every Nth message (staggered to avoid every client acknowledging a single message). If 2 of these are ignored mute the channel until you hear from that client.
You can't currently use the Channel API to determine if a user is still online or not. Your best option for now depends on how important it is to know as soon as a user goes offline.
If you simply want to know they're offline so you can stop sending messages, or it's otherwise not vital you know immediately, you can simply piggyback pings on regular interactions. Whenever you send the client an update and you haven't heard anything from them in a while, tag the message with a 'ping request', and have the client send an HTTP ping whenever it gets such a tagged message. This way, you'll know they're gone shortly after you send them a message. You're also not imposing a lot of extra overhead, as they only need to send explicit pings if you're not hearing anything else from them.
If you expect long periods of inactivity and it's important to know promptly when they go offline, you'll have to have them send pings on a schedule, as you suggested. You can still use the trick of piggybacking pings on other requests to minimize them, and you should set the interval between pings as long as you can manage, to reduce load.
I do not have a good solution to your core problem of "hooking" the client to server. But I do have an interesting thought on your current problem of "traffic and CPU usage" for periodic pings.
I assume you have a predefined heart-beat interval time, say 1 min. So, if there are 120 clients, your server would process heart beats at an average rate of 2 per second. Not good if half of them are "idle clients".
Lets assume a client is idle for 15 minutes already. Does this client browser still need to send heart-beats at the constant pre-defined interval of 1 min?? Why not make it variable?
My proposal is simple: Vary the heart-beats depending on activity levels of client.
When the client is "active", heart-beats work at 1 per minute. When the client is "inactive" for more than 5 minutes, heart-beat rate slows down to 50% (one after every 2 minutes). Another 10 minutes, and heart-beat rate goes down another 50% (1 after every 4 minutes)... At some threshold point, consider the client as "unhooked".
In this method, "idle clients" would not be troubling the server with frequent heartbeats, allowing your app server to focus on "active clients".
Its a lot of javascript to do, but probably worth if you are having trouble with traffic and CPU usage :-)

Is a real-time multiplayer game using Google App Engine feasible?

I am currently developing a real-time multiplayer game, and have been evaluating various cloud-based hosting solutions. I am unsure whether App Engine fits my needs, and would be grateful for any feedback.
In essence, I want the system to work like this: Player A calculates round n, and generates a hash out of the game state at the end of that round. He then sends his commands for that round, and the hash, as a http POST to the server. Player B does the same thing, in parallel.
The server, while handling the POST from a player, first writes the received hash code to the memcache. If the hash from the other player is not yet in the memcache, it waits and periodically checks the memcache for the other players hash. As soon as both hashes are in the memcache, it compares them for equality. If they are equal, the server sends the commands of each player to the respectively other one as the http response.
A round like that should last around half a second, meaning two requests per player per second.
Of course, this way of doing it will only work if there are at least two instances of the application running, as two requests must be dealt with in parallel. Also, the memory cache must be consistent over all instances, be fairly reliable, and update immediately.
I cannot use XMPP because I want my game to be able to run within restricted networks, so it has to be limited to http on port 80.
Is there a way to enforce that two instances of the app are always running? Are there glaringly obvious flaws in my design? Do you think an architecture like this might work on App Engine? If not, what cloud based solution would you suggest?
I believe this could work. The key API for you to learn about / test would probably be the Channel API. That is what would allow back and forth communication between the client and server.
The next issue to worry about would be memcache. In general, it is reliable, but in the strictest sense we are supposed to assume that memcached data could disappear at any time.
If you decide that you can't risk losing the data like that, then you need to persist it in the datastore, which means you will have to experiment to make sure you can sustain 2 moves per turn. I think this is possible, but not trivially so. If you had said 1 move every 3 seconds I would say "no problem." But multiple updates to one entity per second start to bump up against the practical limit on writes per second, especially if they are transactional.
Having multiple instances running will not be a problem - you can pay to keep instances warm if necessary.
