bitwise shift with logical OR in C - c

My original code to take x and turn it into the largest negative int was
*x = 1 <<31 | ~ 1<<31;
which works but when I tried just using
*x = 1 <<31;
It returned the same answer can someone explain why this is so?

If your int is on 32 bits on your architecture, the largest negative int value is obviously 0x80000000.
Let's look at your code and add parenthesis to show the precedence of operators (this is the key here):
*x = 1 <<31 | ~ 1<<31 = (1 << 31) | ((~1) << 31)
The evaluation of the expression ((~1) << 31) gives the result 0x00000000.
So the final result is 1 << 31 = 0x80000000.

Well if you know two's complement, then you know that for a 32 bit integer, 0x80000000 must be the largest negative value, because if you flip the bits and add one from 0x80000000, you get 0x7fffffff. add one and you get 0x80000000, the largest negative number possible with 32 bits. This has a 1 in the MSB, and there is no way to get larger than this, given that the initial number needs to save a bit for the sign. Your original code just fills the int with 1's and then shifts over 31 resulting in the same final value as *x = 1 <<31;


Rotate bits in cryptography

I need explanation what exaclty means this operation in C language.
I know this is doing a bit shift to left by n, but I don't understand this code:
| (a >> (32 - n)).
This is full code below:
uint32_t rot_l(uint32_t a, uint8_t n)
return (a << n) | (a >> (32 - n));
Please help me understand this.
Given a sample 32 bit integer a:
a << n will shift the entire sequence to the left by n bits. Any bits that are shifted to the left of the first bit are removed. Any new bits added on the right are 0. So, say we shift this by n = 3, we'll get:
Then, a >> (32 - n) will shift a to the right by 32 - n. Note that 32 is the size in bits of a, so 32 - n will shift all the bits that didn't get truncated to the right. For n = 3 again, we'll get:
(the 110 is the first 3 most significant bits of n)
Finally, the | is the bitwise or operator, and this will compute the result of every using or on every bit in the two results.
================================ |
So what happens is, first the bits of a are shifted to the left by n. This results in the n most significant bits being truncated. Then these n most signifcant bits are shifted all the way to the right, to fill up the space that was originally filled with 0 from the left shift.
The result is then combined using the |. This simulates the entire string of bits in the integer being rotated to the left. This makes sense given the name of the function is rot_l :)

Formula to convert byte array representing signed integer into integer

This question is more generic without a particular language. I am more interested in solving this generally across languages. Every answer I find references a built-in method of something like getInt32 to extract an integer from a byte array.
I have a byte array which contains the big-endian representation of a signed integer.
1 -> [0, 0, 0, 1]
-1 -> [255, 255, 255, 255]
-65535 -> [255, 255, 0, 1]
Getting the values for the positive cases are easy:
arr[3] | arr[2] << 8 | arr[1] << 16 | arr[0] << 24
What I would like to figure out is the more general case. I have been reading about 2s complement, which lead me to the python function from Wikipedia:
def twos_complement(input_value, num_bits):
'''Calculates a two's complement integer from the given input value's bits'''
mask = 2**(num_bits - 1) - 1
return -(input_value & mask) + (input_value & ~mask)
which in turn lead me to produce this function:
# Note that the mask from the wiki function has an additional - 1
mask = 2**(32 - 1)
def arr_to_int(arr):
uint_val = arr[3] | arr[2] << 8 | arr[1] << 16 | arr[0] << 24
if (determine_if_negative(uint_val)):
return -(uint_val & mask) + (uint_val & ~mask)
return uint_val
In order for my function to work I need to fill in determine_if_negative (I should mask the signed bit and check if it is 1). But is there a standard formula to handle this? One thing I found is that in some languages, like Go, the bitshift might overflow the int value.
This is pretty hard to search because I get a thousand results explaining the difference between big-endian and little-endian or results explaining twos complement, and many more giving examples of using the standard library but I haven't seen a complete formula for bitwise functions.
Is there a canonical example in C or similar language of converting a char array using only array access and bitwise functions (ie, no memcpy or pointer casting or tricky stuff)
The bitwise method only works properly for unsigned values so you will need to build the unsigned integer and then convert to signed. The code could be:
int32_t val( uint8_t *s )
uint32_t x = ((uint32_t)s[0] << 24) + ((uint32_t)s[1] << 16) + ((uint32_t)s[2] << 8) + s[3];
return x;
Note, this assumes you are on a 2's complement system which also defines unsigned->signed conversion as no change in repesentation. If you want to support other systems too , it would be more complicated.
The casts are necessary so that the shift is performed over the right width.
Even c might be too high level for this. After all, the exact representation of int is machine dependent. On top of that, not all integer types on all systems are 2s complement.
When you mention a byte array and converting it to integer you must specify what format that byte array implies.
If you assume 2s complement and little endian (like intel/amd). Then the last byte contains the sign.
For simplicity's sake lets start with a 4 digit 2s complement integer,then byte byte, then 2 byte integers and then 4.
000 0 0
001 1 1
010 2 2
100 -4(oops) 4
101 -3 5
110 -1 6
111 -1 7
let each bit be b3,b2,b1, where b1 is the most significant bit(and sign)
then the formula would be:
for a byte we have 4 bits and the formula would look like this:
b4*2^3 + b3*2^2+b2*2^1-b1*2^3
for 2 bytes it is the same but we have to multiple the most significant byte by 256 and the negative value would be 256^2 or 2^16.
* returns calculated value of 2s complement bit string.
* expects string of bits 0or1. if a chanracter is not 1 it is considered 0.
public static long twosComplementFromBitArray(String input) {
if(input.length()<2) throw new RuntimeException("intput too short ");
int sign=input.charAt(0)=='1'?1:0;
long unsignedComplementSum=1;
long unsignedSum=0;
for(int i=1;i<input.length();++i) {
char c=input.charAt(i);
int val=(c=='1')?1:0;
return unsignedSum-sign*unsignedComplementSum;
public static void main(String[] args) {

Finding if a value falls within a range, using bitwise operators in C

So i am working on this method, but am restricted to using ONLY these operators:
<<, >>, !, ~, &, ^, |, +
I need to find if a given int parameter can be represented using 2's complement arithmetic in a given amount of bits.
Here is what I have so far:
int validRange(int val, int bits){
int minInRange = ~(1<<(bits + ~0 ))+1; //the smallest 2's comp value possible with this many bits
int maxInRange = (1<<(bits+~0))+~0; //largest 2's comp value possible
This is what I have so far, and all I need to do now is figure out how to tell if minInRange <= val <=maxInRange. I wish I could use the greater than or less than operator, but we are not allowed. What is the bitwise way to check this?
Thanks for any help!
Two's complement negative numbers always have a '1' in their high bit.
You can convert from negative to positive (and vice versa) by converting from FF -> 00 -> 01. That is, invert the bits, add 1. (01 -> FE -> FF also works: invert the bits, add 1)
A positive number can be represented if the highest set bit in the number is within your range. (nbits - 1: 7 bits for an 8 bit signed char, etc.)
I'm not sure if your constraints allow you to use arrays. They would speed up some things but can be replaced with loops or if statements.
Anyway, if 1 << (NUM_INT_BITS-1) is set on your input, then it's negative.
Invert, add one.
Now, consider 0. Zero is a constant, and it's always the same no matter how many bits. But if you invert 0, you get "all the bits" which changes by architecture. So, ALL_BITS = ~0.
If you want to know if a positive number can be represented in 2 bits, check to see if any bits greater than or equal to bit 2 are set. Example:
two_bits = 0b00000011
any_other_bits = ~two_bits # Result: 0b11...11100
if positive_number & any_other_bits
this number is too fat for these bits!
But how do you know what ~two_bits should be? Well, it's "all set bits except the bottom however-many". And you can construct that by starting with "all set bits" and shifting them upwards (aka, "left") however-many places:
any_other_bits = ~0 << 2 # where "2" is the number of bits to check
All together now:
if (val & ((unsigned)INT_MAX + 1))
val = ~val + 1;
mask = ~0 << bits;
too_wide = val & mask;
return !too_wide;
To test if a number can be represented in a N-bit 2s compliment number: Simply test that either
The number bitwise-and'ed with the compliment of a word with the low (N-1) bits set is equal to zero
OR The high InputBitWidth-(N-1) bits of the number are 1s.
mask=(1<<(bits-1))-1; return ( !(val&mask) | !((val&~mask)^~mask) );

how do I set up an if statement

How would I go about setting up an if statement using only the following bitwise operations:
As an example: "if x is negative then add 15"
This would mean that if the input was x = 0xF0000000, then we would produce 0xF000000F. If the input was x = 0x00000004, we would produce 0x00000004.
You can add 15 to a number if it is negative, and 0 otherwise as follows. Shifting a negative number right will shift in 1's if the value is negative, and 0's otherwise. Shifting by 31 will fill the int with either 1's or 0's. ANDing by 0xF will set the summand to 15 if it is negative, and 0 otherwise, resulting in no change to x.
x += (x >> 31) & 0xF;
If you're worried about the implementation dependent behavior of shifting a signed number to the right. You can do the same thing with the following code, however you still are depending on a two's complement representation of the number. The shift results in 0 or 1, the multiplication scales the number to the appropriate value.
x += (((unsigned)x >> 31) * 0xF);

Need help understanding "getbits()" method in Chapter 2 of K&R C

In chapter 2, the section on bitwise operators (section 2.9), I'm having trouble understanding how one of the sample methods works.
Here's the method provided:
unsigned int getbits(unsigned int x, int p, int n) {
return (x >> (p + 1 - n)) & ~(~0 << n);
The idea is that, for the given number x, it will return the n bits starting at position p, counting from the right (with the farthest right bit being position 0). Given the following main() method:
int main(void) {
int x = 0xF994, p = 4, n = 3;
int z = getbits(x, p, n);
printf("getbits(%u (%x), %d, %d) = %u (%X)\n", x, x, p, n, z, z);
return 0;
The output is:
getbits(63892 (f994), 4, 3) = 5 (5)
I get portions of this, but am having trouble with the "big picture," mostly because of the bits (no pun intended) that I don't understand.
The part I'm specifically having issues with is the complements piece: ~(~0 << n). I think I get the first part, dealing with x; it's this part (and then the mask) that I'm struggling with -- and how it all comes together to actually retrieve those bits. (Which I've verified it is doing, both with code and checking my results using calc.exe -- thank God it has a binary view!)
Any help?
Let's use 16 bits for our example. In that case, ~0 is equal to
When we left-shift this n bits (3 in your case), we get:
because the 1s at the left are discarded and 0s are fed in at the right. Then re-complementing it gives:
so it's just a clever way to get n 1-bits in the least significant part of the number.
The "x bit" you describe has shifted the given number (f994 = 1111 1001 1001 0100) right far enough so that the least significant 3 bits are the ones you want. In this example, the input bits you're requesting are there, all other input bits are marked . since they're not important to the final result:
ff94 ...........101.. # original number
>> p+1-n [2] .............101 # shift desired bits to right
& ~(~0 << n) [7] 0000000000000101 # clear all the other (left) bits
As you can see, you now have the relevant bits, in the rightmost bit positions.
I would say the best thing to do is to do a problem out by hand, that way you'll understand how it works.
Here is what I did using an 8-bit unsigned int.
Our number is 75 we want the 4 bits starting from position 6.
the call for the function would be getbits(75,6,4);
75 in binary is 0100 1011
So we create a mask that is 4 bits long starting with the lowest order bit this is done as such.
~0 = 1111 1111
<<4 = 1111 0000
~ = 0000 1111
Okay we got our mask.
Now, we push the bits we want out of the number into the lowest order bits so
we shift binary 75 by 6+1-4=3.
0100 1011 >>3 0000 1001
Now we have a mask of the correct number of bits in the low order and the bits we want out of the original number in the low order.
so we & them
0000 1001
& 0000 1111
0000 1001
so the answer is decimal 9.
Note: the higher order nibble just happens to be all zeros, making the masking redundant in this case but it could have been anything depending on the value of the number we started with.
~(~0 << n) creates a mask that will have the n right-most bits turned on.
~0 << 4
~(~0 << 4)
ANDing the result with something else will return what's in those n bits.
Edit: I wanted to point out this programmer's calculator I've been using forever: AnalogX PCalc.
Nobody mentioned it yet, but in ANSI C ~0 << n causes undefined behaviour.
This is because ~0 is a negative number and left-shifting negative numbers is undefined.
Reference: C11 6.5.7/4 (earlier versions had similar text)
The result of E1 << E2 is E1 left-shifted E2 bit positions; vacated bits are filled with zeros. [...] If E1 has a signed
type and nonnegative value, and E1 × 2E2 is representable in the result type, then that is the resulting value; otherwise, the behavior is undefined.
In K&R C this code would have relied on the particular class of system that K&R developed on, naively shifting 1 bits off the left when performing left-shift of a signed number (and this code also relies on 2's complement representation), but some other systems don't share those properties so the C standardization process did not define this behaviour.
So this example is really only interesting as a historical curiosity, it should not be used in any real code since 1989 (if not earlier).
Using the example:
int x = 0xF994, p = 4, n = 3;
int z = getbits(x, p, n);
and focusing on this set of operations
~(~0 << n)
for any bit set (10010011 etc) you want to generate a "mask" that pulls only the bits you want to see. So 10010011 or 0x03, I'm interested in xxxxx011. What is the mask that will extract that set ? 00000111 Now I want to be sizeof int independent, I'll let the machine do the work i.e. start with 0 for a byte machine it's 0x00 for a word machine it's 0x0000 etc. 64 bit machine would represent by 64 bits or 0x0000000000000000
Now apply "not" (~0) and get 11111111
shift right (<<) by n and get 11111000
and "not" that and get 00000111
so 10010011 & 00000111 = 00000011
You remember how boolean operations work ?
In ANSI C ~0 >> n causes undefined behavior
// the post about left shifting causing a problem is wrong.
unsigned char m,l;
m = ~0 >> 4; is producing 255 and its equal to ~0 but,
m = ~0;
l = m >> 4; is producing correct value 15 same as:
m = 255 >> 4;
there is no problem with left shifting negative ~0 << whatsoever
