Specman UVM Scoreboard basic questions - uvm

I've built the next (working correctly) Scoreboard/Monitor environment:
// Scoreboard : like uvm_scoreboard
scbd_port packet_add : add packet_s;
scbd_port packet_match : match packet_s;
My ADD flow:
// Monitor:
expected_packet_o : out interface_port of tlm_analysis of packet_s is instance;
connect_ports() is also {
add_to_Scoreboard() is {
// ... collecting packet logic ...
// Actually adding the packet to SB:
My MATCH flow:
// Monitor:
collect_DUT_output() is {
// ... receiving packet logic ...
My questions are: is it the right way Specman's UVM scrb ports should be used?
Why could not I add the expected packet directly through packet_add, something like this: Scoreboard.packet_add$.write(expected_packet)? The only way I've found to add packet to Scoreboard is to connect another TLM port to packet_add, as it is written in the code.
Is there some add method like match_in_scbd in match flow?
Thank you for any clarifications about Specman Scoreboard add and match flows

Think of it this way, the TLM port is just a fancy wrapper of "function pointer" (as in C++) that points to the implemented method. Nothing stop you from calling the implemented method of the instance of the scoreboard instance directly. The only problem is you have to know which instance of the scoreboard to call in the caller.


Bluetooth gatt connection global variable not changing

I have an issue of an if statement not passing whilst my system gatt connection is not made.
I have a BLE system using a NRF52840-dk board programmed in C. I also have a mobile application which, communicates with this board via a Gatt connection. I have a single service with a single characteristic. I write to this characteristic from my mobile application and, from this do some processing. At the moment I can send over a timestamp and begin storing data. However, I need to then send data back to my mobile device by this connection.
So what I have is a command to be sent from the phone to ask for some data. This should then send data back to the phone by changing the characteristic value.
Before I can change the value I need to see if the command has been issued. However, due to the priorities and constraints of the device I need to do this processing in the main function not in the BLE interrupt that I have done my time stamping in. This is due to the data I will be transmitting eventually will be large.
My issue however is, I receive the command to send some data back to the phone and update a global int value (changed from 0 to 1). Then in my main loop test this value and, if it is 1 write to the terminal and change the value back. I would then use this point of the code to run a function to send the data.
But this statement does not pass.
This is my main loop code
if(GATT_CONNECTED == false)//This works!
//Do some functions here
else if (GATT_CONNECTED == true)// GATT_CONNECTED = true
NRF_LOG_INFO("Test1 passed");//Testing variable this does not print
if(main_test == 1)
NRF_LOG_INFO("Test2 passed");//This does not print either irrelevant of value
main_test = 0;//False
I don't know if the issue is the way I have defined my variable or due to interrupt priorities or something like that. But, when my Gatt connection is made the loop of (GATT_CONNECTED == true) does not seem to process.
My variable is defined in another file where my GATT connection is handled. The GATT connected variable is handled in main. my main_test variable is defined in another c file as int main_test = 0;. In the header declared as extern int main_test;.
I know the GATT_CONNECTED variable works as I have code in it that only runs when my gatt is not connected. I have omitted it for simplicity.
Any ideas,
Ps Hope you are all keeping well and, safe
Added code for simplicity
bool GATT_CONNECTED = false;
int main(void)
Process_data();//This runs if the gatt is not connected if statement inside
if(GATT_CONNECTED == true)//This does not run true when the gatt is connected
NRF_LOG_INFO("check gatt connectedpassed");//Testing variable.
nrf_gpio_pin_set(LED_4);//Turn an LED on once led 4 does not work

How can I use bulkhead in feignClient?

1、Can I use bulkhead pattern in feignClient?
2、I have some confusion about hystrix.
For example,if I only have three feign clients "a","b","c"。The "a" calls "b" and "c".
I know I can easily use circuit breaker with fallback parameter and some Configuration like this:
#FeignClient(name = "b", fallback = bFallback.class)
protected interface HystrixClient {
//some methods
#FeignClient(name = "c", fallback = cFallback.class)
protected interface HystrixClient {
//some methods
In another way,I could use #HystrixCommand to wrap my remote call with some Configuration like this:
public Object get(#PathVariable("id") long id) {
In addition I can configure some parameter in #HystrixCommand or application.yml,and I also can add threadPoolKey in in #HystrixCommand
Q1:I have learn that Hystrix wrapped remote call to achieve purpose,I can understand on the latter way,but the former way likes wrapping callee?
I found in document that:
Feign will wrap all methods with a circuit break
Is this mean FeignClient seems adding #Hystrixcommand on every method in interface in essence?
Q2:If the Feign client "b" have three remote call,how can I let them run in bulkhead to avoid one method consuming all thread? to Combine the feignClient and #HystrixCommand? will them conflict?
Because I do not found the parameter likes threadPoolKey in feignClient. Auto bulkhead?
Q3:If my hystrix configuration is in application.yml ,the feignClient pattern and #HytirxCommand pattern whether have the same configuration pattern? like this:
but what's the follow Timeout?
connectTimeout: 5000
readTimeout: 5000
1、Can I use bulkhead pattern in feignClient?
Java doc of setterFactory() method of HystrixFeign class says:
* Allows you to override hystrix properties such as thread pools and command keys.
public Builder setterFactory(SetterFactory setterFactory) {
this.setterFactory = setterFactory;
return this;
https://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-netflix/multi/multi_spring-cloud-feign.html says:
Spring Cloud Netflix does not provide the following beans by default for feign, but still looks up beans of these types from the application context to create the feign client:
• Logger.Level
• Retryer
• ErrorDecoder
• Request.Options
• Collection
• SetterFactory
So we should create setterFactory and specifying thread pool there. You can create a Bean like this:
public SetterFactory feignHystrixSetterFactory() {
return (target, method) -> {
String groupKey = target.name();
String commandKey = Feign.configKey(target.type(), method);
return HystrixCommand.Setter
.andThreadPoolKey(HystrixThreadPoolKey.Factory.asKey( target.type().getSimpleName() ));
but what's the follow Timeout?
Feign client timeout is similar to ribbon timeout and specifies the properties of httpconnectin but you can define different timeouts for different feignclient.
feign.client.config.bar.readTimeout //this configuration will apply to bar client
feign.client.config.default.readTimeout // this configuration will apply to all feign
How did I found that? if you debug your application and put breakpoints on the following code of RetryableFeignLoadBalancer class:
final Request.Options options;
if (configOverride != null) {
RibbonProperties ribbon = RibbonProperties.from(configOverride);
options = new Request.Options(ribbon.connectTimeout(this.connectTimeout),
else {
options = new Request.Options(this.connectTimeout, this.readTimeout);
you will see these value will be used as properties of HTTPConection.pls have a look at feign.Client class.

Wrapping interfaces in array

I am working with interfaces array used to bind parametrized modules.
My problem is that I cannot directly concatenate several simple interfaces into an array of interfaces.
Here is a light version of the interface that I use:
interface channel ();
wire req;
wire ack;
modport in (input req output ack);
modport out(input ack output req);
What I want to do would be:
Channel array[2]();
Channel elem0();
Channel elem1();
"assign" array = '{elem0,elem1};
I found a workaround using a module that assigns each wire independently:
module passthrough (Channel.in from, Channel.out to );
assign to.req = from.req;
assign from.ack = to.ack;
Using it, I have to 'cast' each member element into each array member. Using the previous example:
passthrough pass0( .from(elem0), .to(array[0]));
passthrough pass1( .from(elem1), .to(array[1]));
I do not like it though as the primary idea about using parametrized modules was to make my RTL clearer, shorter and maintainable.
I naturally put the instantiation of this passthroughmodule in a macro but still, I am not satisfied.
I then stumbled on tasks embeded in interfaces. Although I am not quite familiar with tasks in (S)Verilog so I do not think that my idea would work. Here is however what I tried:
interface channel ();
reg req;
reg ack;
modport in (input req output ack);
modport out(input ack output req);
task wrap_from (Channel.in I);
always#* begin
req = I.req;
I.ack = ack;
The advantage of this method would be that I would not need to create a module each time I need to connect 2 channels. The code line would also be shorter.
Unfortunately, my compiler(ncsim) does not recognize channel as an interface inside the its own declaration(I guess it needs the endinterface keyword to consider it in the namespace).
I would be extremely grateful if anyone has a cleaner than solution than me for this problem.
One last thing, everything needs to be synthetisable.
I'm struggling with why you want to unroll an array of interfaces. Why do elem0 and elem1 even exist? As suggested, there is no way to "assign" interfaces to each other. My recommendation is to just use Channel array[2] everywhere. You can bind to each instance and you can connect each to a module. Maybe if you shared to what you are trying to connect I could help out more?
I'm doubtful that module tasks are synthesizeable. That looks like a dead end to me.

Download File (using Thread class)

Ok, I understand that maybe very stupid question, but i never did it before, so i ask this question. How can i download file (let's say, from the internet) using Thread class?
What do you mean with "using Thread class"? I guess you want to download a file threaded so it does not block your UI or some other part of your program.
Ill assume that your using C++ and WINAPI.
First create a thread. This tutorial provides good information about WIN32 threads.
This thread will be responsible for downloading the file. To do this you simply connect to the webserver on port 80 and send a HTTP GET request for the file you want. It could look similar to this (note the newline characters):
GET /path/to/your/file.jpg HTTP/1.1\r\n
Host: www.host.com\r\n
Connection: close\r\n
The server will then answer with a HTTP response containing the file with a preceding header. Parse this header and read the contents.
More information on HTTP can be found here.
If would suggest that you do not use threads for downloading files. It's better to use asynchronous constructs that are more targeted towards I/O, since they will incur a lower overhead than threads. I don't know what version of the .NET Framework you are working with, but in 4.5, something like this should work:
private static Task DownloadFileAsync(string uri, string localPath)
// Get the http request
HttpWebRequest webRequest = WebRequest.CreateHttp(uri);
// Get the http response asynchronously
return webRequest.GetResponseAsync()
.ContinueWith(task =>
// When the GetResponseAsync task is finished, we will come
// into this contiuation (which is an anonymous method).
// Check if the GetResponseAsync task failed.
if (task.IsFaulted)
return null;
// Get the web response.
WebResponse response = task.Result;
// Open a file stream for the local file.
FileStream localStream = File.OpenWrite(localPath);
// Copy the contents from the response stream to the
// local file stream asynchronously.
return response.GetResponseStream().CopyToAsync(localStream)
.ContinueWith(streamTask =>
// When the CopyToAsync task is finished, we come
// to this continuation (which is also an anonymous
// method).
// Flush and dispose the local file stream. There
// is a FlushAsync method that will flush
// asychronously, returning yet another task, but
// for the sake of brevity I use the synchronous
// method here.
// Don't forget to check if the previous task
// failed or not.
// All Task exceptions must be observed.
if (streamTask.IsFaulted)
// since we end up with a task returning a task we should
// call Unwrap to return a single task representing the
// entire operation
You would want to elaborate a bit on the error handling. What this code does is in short:
See the code comments for more detailed explanations of how it works.

Sharing a DNSServiceRef using kDNSServiceFlagsShareConnection stalls my program

I'm building a client using dns-sd api from Bonjour. I notice that there is a flag called kDNSServiceFlagsShareConnection that it is used to share the connection of one DNSServiceRef.
Apple site says
For efficiency, clients that perform many concurrent operations may want to use a single Unix Domain Socket connection with the background daemon, instead of having a separate connection for each independent operation. To use this mode, clients first call DNSServiceCreateConnection(&MainRef) to initialize the main DNSServiceRef. For each subsequent operation that is to share that same connection, the client copies the MainRef, and then passes the address of that copy, setting the ShareConnection flag to tell the library that this DNSServiceRef is not a typical uninitialized DNSServiceRef; it's a copy of an existing DNSServiceRef whose connection information should be reused.
There is even an example that shows how to use the flag. The problem i'm having is when I run the program it stays like waiting for something whenever I call a function with the flag. Here is the code:
DNSServiceErrorType error;
DNSServiceRef MainRef, BrowseRef;
error = DNSServiceCreateConnection(&MainRef);
BrowseRef = MainRef;
//I'm omitting when I check for errors
error = DNSServiceBrowse(&MainRef, kDNSServiceFlagsShareConnection, 0, "_http._tcp", "local", browse_reply, NULL);
// After this call the program stays waiting for I don't know what
//I'm omitting when I check for errors
error = DNSServiceBrowse(&BrowseRef, kDNSServiceFlagsShareConnection, 0, "_http._tcp", "local", browse_reply, NULL);
//I'm omitting when i check for errors
DNSServiceRefDeallocate(BrowseRef); // Terminate the browse operation
DNSServiceRefDeallocate(MainRef); // Terminate the shared connection
Any ideas? thoughts? suggestion?
Since there are conflicting answers, I dug up the source - annotations by me.
// If sharing...
if (flags & kDNSServiceFlagsShareConnection)
// There must be something to share (can't use this on the first call)
if (!*ref)
return kDNSServiceErr_BadParam;
// Ref must look valid (specifically, ref->fd)
if (!DNSServiceRefValid(*ref) ||
// Most operations cannot be shared.
((*ref)->op != connection_request &&
(*ref)->op != connection_delegate_request) ||
// When sharing, pass the ref from the original call.
return kDNSServiceErr_BadReference;
The primary fiels is explained elsewhere:
// When using kDNSServiceFlagsShareConnection, there is one primary _DNSServiceOp_t, and zero or more subordinates
// For the primary, the 'next' field points to the first subordinate, and its 'next' field points to the next, and so on.
// For the primary, the 'primary' field is NULL; for subordinates the 'primary' field points back to the associated primary
The problem with the question is that DNSServiceBrowse maps to ref->op==browse_request which causes a kDNSServiceErr_BadReference.
It looks like kDNSServiceFlagsShareConnection is half-implemented, because I've also seen cases in which it works - this source was found by tracing back when it didn't work.
Service referenses for browsing and resolving may unfortunately not be shared. See the comments in the Bonjour documentation for the kDNSServiceFlagsShareConnection-flag. Since you only browse twice I would just let them have separate service-refs instead.
So both DNSServiceBrowse() and DNSServiceResolve() require an unallocated service-ref as first parameter.
I can't explain why your program chokes though. The first DNSServiceBrowse() call in your example should return immediately with an error code.
Although an old question, but it should help people looking around for answers now.
The answer by vidtige is incorrect, the may be shared for any operation, provided you pass the 'kDNSServiceFlagsShareConnection' flag along with the arguments. Sample below -
m_dnsrefsearch = m_dnsservice;
DNSServiceErrorType mdnserr = DNSServiceBrowse(&m_dnsrefsearch,kDNSServiceFlagsShareConnection,0,
Reference - http://osxr.org/android/source/external/mdnsresponder/mDNSShared/dns_sd.h#0267
