How to assign app.user data to SonataAdminBundle SideMenu - sonata-admin

I'm trying to dynamically assign menu items in the SonataAdminBundle SideBar menu based on data from the logged in user such as
Do you have any idea how to do that ?

You need to use ROLES to the user so you can manage the menus


custom navigation menu napili by profile in a community salesforce

I want to know if it's possible to limit the visible Menu Items in a Community with Profiles (where certain community users can see some Menu Items, while others cannot). How to do it?
If your menu items are the objects, you can use profıles to create different menu ıtems. Profile A can reach object X,Y,Z and see the menu items X,Y,Z, but Profile B can only reach object X, can see only X menu item.

React-router working with list

I have a list of users and a sidebar
after clicking on a list item, i get a full information about user in a sidebar, but i don't know how to change "url" when a user is being clicked.
I don,t need to render another page, i just need to change window "href" after clicking on a user, this link should be reusable, i mean i can send it to someone and he will see the clicked before user.
react-router-redux package give you a reducer, actions to do what you want.

drupal 7 disable nolink menu item with hook

I user Drupal 7 with superfish.
I use one menu for logged and annonymus users.
Superfish not show link to annonymus user if the page has logged in role.
But the parent menu item has any.
So drupal show 4 nolink menu item and no children for annonymus users.
How can i disable programicaly the 4 menu item when user is not logged in?
I think about hook_menu_alter, but i don't know the url for nolink menu item.
with Menu per role modul i can show/hide menu item / role,
It worked but they said the is not final verzion.

Salesforce Action buttons in enhancedlist

Is there a way to add a custom button to the action section of the apex:enhancedlist?
To my knowledge you cannot create an <apex:commandbutton> from which you can invoke controller actions, however you can create a 'Custom Buttons and Links' style button from the setup menu. If you go to the Custom Buttons and Links section for the sObject that you are feeding to the type attribute of your enchanced list, you can create a button whose display type is 'List Button'. Then it will show up on any enhanced list component of that sObject type. As I mentioned, you can't invoke a controller action, but you can navigate to an arbitrary URL, display a Visualforce page, or run arbitrary javascript that way. Hope that help you.

Save the state of Collapse/Expand Groups in Grid Panel in ExtJS

Iam working on a grid Panel.Iam using a grouping store in the grid panel.I wanted to save the state of groups (expanded /Collapsed states) in grid panel. Is there a way to save the state when the page is refreshed?.
I appreciate any help.
The GroupingView is already set up to be stateful, but you must have configured the StateManager with a valid provider in order for it to be in effect. See the linked doc page for an example using the built-in CookieProvider.
