drupal 7 disable nolink menu item with hook - drupal-7

I user Drupal 7 with superfish.
I use one menu for logged and annonymus users.
Superfish not show link to annonymus user if the page has logged in role.
But the parent menu item has any.
So drupal show 4 nolink menu item and no children for annonymus users.
How can i disable programicaly the 4 menu item when user is not logged in?
I think about hook_menu_alter, but i don't know the url for nolink menu item.

with Menu per role modul i can show/hide menu item / role,
It worked but they said the is not final verzion.


render conditional sidebar in react by roles

I'm trying to filter items in a sidebar according to roles, I tried to do a conditional render in the login submit but I think it didn't work for me, I logged in and showed the items according to role but I clicked on the sidebar and it showed everything again. it eliminated routes but it appeared in the sidebar (it clicked and "page not found" appeared) but the sidebar item did not disappear. I don't know if I should do something in the sidebar or in the routes or login.
You could have the roles into an array and when rendering, check if the user has a specific role.
{ props.userRoles.indexOf("admin") >= 0? <Component/>:null}

how to create dynamic menu in extjs3?

I have Ex. 10 menu in menu header and each of this has permission base so if user have permission for particular menu then that menu will be show for that user only in menu header.
If particular user have all menu(ex...10) permission so in that case application menu header part have not sufficient width so i want like after 5 menu, more menu/button kind of thing show and 6-10 menus are appearing in that more menu/button.
After I Appling all 10 menu permission to particular user, then when I remove 1 menu permission from 1 to 5 at that time 6th menu come out from the more menu and display in menu header and if I again give permission for that remove menu then 6th menu remove from the header and put it into more menu/button.
Assuming you need the 6-10 menu to overflow to to a menu:
just set enableOverflow:true on the toolbar the menus (or splitbuttons) are located in... this works for any amount of toolbar items, not just menus

How to assign app.user data to SonataAdminBundle SideMenu

I'm trying to dynamically assign menu items in the SonataAdminBundle SideBar menu based on data from the logged in user such as app.user.id
Do you have any idea how to do that ?
You need to use ROLES to the user so you can manage the menus

Don't want BrowserPageTitle to be default with Menu Item Title name in Joomla

How to disable the default value for the Menu Item Title in the Browser Page Title?
You also can change this value, follow this simple steps:
Go to your Menu Item,
From here you can see a Tab called Page Display,
Add your custom Title in the field Browser Page Title.

how to maintain the relation between tabs opened in a WPF Application

we have a wpf application..in the Home page we have Work,Help,Approve
Search tabs..
When user clicks on the Approve tab and selects a student..if student is
not qualified then ApproveStudent option is enabled,when clicks StudentApprove
screen opens in a newtab and there the user can approve the student.
In the StudentApprove screen there Approve and Disqualify buttons, so when they
click the approve the student is approved once he is approved the StudentApprove
screen should close and take back to the screen from which he come i.e ApproveStudent screen
This is like Ribbonbar
Work,Approve,Search, Help
under these ..when they select any option..under these new tab opens, let say search has 3 options..
when selects Approve ..students list is displayed....when clicked on any student another screen is opened...when they click Approve button ..this tab should be closed and take back to Approve screen
I would use ItemsList and specify
when you export your views.
Why do you need TabContainer if order is important?
