MS SQL Server Management Studio 2014, with older (2012) version of SQL server - sql-server

I am using locally the MS SQL Server Management Studio 2012 with SQL server 2012 database engine.
I have the following question:
Can I upgrade ONLY the SQL Server Management Studio 2012 (TOOLS) to 2014 version, and leave my old 2012 already installed database engine version?

Yes, you can.
But install SSMS 2014 as standalone (instead of trying to upgrade tools).
From SSMS 2014 SP1 release notes you can see that it vitally supported SQL Server 2012. See how many compatibility fixes for 2012 were delivered.
Generally I'd recommend to prefer latest release of SSMS 2016 which
works with all supported versions of SQL Server (SQL Server 2008 - SQL Server 2016)
(Besides that I tried to find similar statement for SSMS 2014 (there was one), but I couldn't.)
I'm using SSMS 2008 + SSMS 2016 side by side and they are running just fine. In similar way, I was using SSMS 2008 + SSMS 2014 before the upgrade.

You can download and install SQL Server Management Studio using the links provided in: Scott Hanselman's website
There are links to various SSMS versions (2012, 2014, for x86, x64), as well as links to various SQL-Server Express versions.
By the way, you can use the latest SSMS 2014 to manage your 2012 database.

You could simply install new SSMS 2014 version and leave the 2012 version installed ONLY IF they are all 32-bit or 64-bit. You cannot upgrade 32-bit 2012 to 64-bit 2014 and vice versa. Ideally you could use 2014 version SSMS to access databases created in 2012 before because of the compatible level allows you to do that, but it will raise another problem for restoring the databases since you cannot restore any backup files that backed up from old(2012) to (2014) because of the database version did not match.

SSMS is now a separate free product that works with all versions from 2008 and up. The current version is 16.5.3
For older versions:
There is no explicit block for SQL Server 2000 or SQL Server 2005, but some features may not work properly.
You'll have to download the RC version if you want to connect to SQL Server vNext, eg to SQL Server on Linux


Determine SQL Server instance being used by TFS 2015

I have a server that has TFS 2015. Originally, it was running against SQL Server 2012. I backed up the databases and then upgraded to SQL Server 2016. After upgrading to SQL Server 2016 TFS seems to work fine but I still see several entries in programs and features for SQL Server 2012.
My question: How do I check TFS 2015 to verify that it is indeed now running against SQL Server 2016?
If not, I'm guessing that if both SQL Server 2012 and 2016 are installed I have the ability to make TFS switch from one to the other?

Is SQL Server Management Studio 17.1 compatible with SQL Server 2016 (Developer Edition)?

I've installed SQL Server 2016 Developer Edition, because Microsoft states:
SSDT database projects in Visual Studio 2017 currently support up to SQL Server 2016. Support for SQL Server 2017 will be coming soon in a Visual Studio 2017 update.
My question is: Should I install exclusively SSMS 2016 or SQL Server Management Studio 17.1 is compatible with SQL Server 2016 Developer Edition as well ?
Thank you #scsimon for giving me an air of confidence.
I've installed SSMS 2017.1. It's compatible with SQL Server 2016, it works like a charm and, to be honest, it is much faster then SSMS 2016.

How do you upgrade a SQL Server Express instance from 2012 to 2014

I performed what I thought was an upgrade from SQL Server Express 2012 to 2014 by running the 64-bit executable. Everything seemed to be working fine during installation as it recognized my existing server instance (2012) which I presumed would be upgraded to 2014.
However, when I try to restore a 2014 DB from my web host, I get the following error:
The database was backed up on a server running version 12.00.2000.
That version is incompatible with this server, which is running
version 11.00.5343. Either restore the database on a server that
supports the backup, or use a backup that is compatible with this
I definitely have 2014 installed, but when I view my instance from inside SMS 2014 it looks to still be running on SQL version which I presume is 2012 (the name of the instance is the same as it was when I was running 2012).
Did I do something wrong during the installation? How do I upgrade my instance to 2014 so that I can restore my DB locally? helps to find the correct download of SQL Server Express from MS Download Center. You need the one that contains the SQL Server Engine, not just Management Studio. has a full list of SQL Server versions and builds.
Using it we can see that you are running Management Studio 2014 (build 12.0.2000.0), but you are connecting to SQL Server 2012 engine (build 11.0.5343).
Maybe you now have two engines running (both 2012 and 2014). You can check the list of running processes and verify if two instances of sqlservr.exe are running.
It should be possible to upgrade the engine in place by installing 2014 on top of 2012. I don't know why it didn't happen in your case. You could have chosen to install only Management Studio even if you had a full installer.
One long, but sure way to clean up would be to uninstall everything related to SQL Server and install 2014 again. Make proper backups of databases at first, of course.

SQL Server 2016 RTM Download

Does anyone know when is SQL Server 2016 going to become available for download via MSDN? I thought it was today. As I type we still only have RC3 on there.
SQL Server 2016 released on MSDN:
SQL Server 2016 Database engine & core features (MSDN)
SQL Server Management Studio 2016
SQL Server Data Tools 2016 (June 2016)
The new download of sql 2016 management studio is an august release, you can find it here:
When you download this installer, you can see Releaswe 16.3 in the set up. I came to this question because if you install the previous release of the management studio(the one in the accepted answer) you will get an error.
Latest update

SQL Server Managment Studio 2012 With Other Versions Of SQL Server

I know it might sound naïve but is there's anyway to use the SSMS 2012 with SQL Server 2008 as it's our deployment server but I really hate the absence of Intellisense SSMS 2008 and it makes me waste a lot of time that makes using the GUI much more reasonable option
You need to install SSMS 2012 from the installation media of SQL Server 2012. Or as an alternative you can download and use SSMS 2016, which is still in beta, but can be downloaded and updated separately from a database engine - It has all features of SSMS 2012 and more.
Yes, I've used SSMS 2012 and 2014 against our production 2008 and 2008R2 SQL server instances.
I have used SSMS2012 against multiple versions of SQL Server (2008R2, 2012 and even 2014) and I have not encountered any problems so far. Anyway, I expect to be fully backward compatible, so it should work fine with 2008R2.
