hello everyone I am new to programming and I would like some help on this issue I am facing.
I have two tables clients and box.
clients (id,name....boxnum)
what I am trying to do is get the available box in the box table according to a rule that (availablebox=total-used) where used is counted in the clients table
client box
a 1
b 2
c 1
what I need is to count each time the box num repeated in clients table and get the value of it to use it in the box table as usedbox.
Use Count Aggregate and Group By clause
Select Box,count(*) as Box_Count
From Yourtable
Group by Box
If you want to insert the count result into another table then use Insert into..select syntax
Insert into Target_table(Box,Box_Count)
Select Box,count(*) as Box_Count
From Yourtable
Group by Box
I am looking for a way to highlight duplicates in a NetSuite saved search. The duplicates are in a column called "ACCOUNT" populated with text values.
NetSuite permits adding fields (columns) to the search using a stripped down version of SQL Server. It also permits conditional highlighting of entire rows using the same code. However I don't see an obvious way to compare values between rows of data.
Although duplicates can be grouped together in a summary report and identified by a count of 2 or more, I want to show duplicate lines separately and highlight each.
The closest thing I found was a clever formula that calculates a running total here:
sum/* comment */({amount})
ORDER BY {internalid}
I wonder if it's possible to sort results by the field being checked for duplicates and adapt this code to identify changes in the "ACCOUNT" field between a row and the previous row.
Any ideas? Thanks!
This post has been edited. I have left the progression as a learning experience about NetSuite.
Original - plain SQL way - not suitable for NetSuite
Does something like this meet your needs? The test data assumes looking for duplicates on id1 and id2. Note: This does not work in NetSuite as it supports limited SQL functions. See comments for links.
declare #table table (id1 int, id2 int, value int);
insert #table values
--select * from #table order by id1, id2;
select t.*,
case when dups.id1 is not null then 1 else 0 end is_dup --identify dups when there is a matching dup record
from #table t
left join ( --subquery to find duplicates
select id1, id2
from #table
group by id1, id2
having count(1) > 1
) dups
on dups.id1 = t.id1
and dups.id2 = t.id2
order by t.id1, t.id2;
First Edit - NetSuite target but in SQL.
This was a SQL test based on the example available syntax provided in the question since I do not have NetSuite to test against. This will give you a value greater than 1 on each duplicate row using a similar syntax. Note: This will give the appropriate answer but not in NetSuite.
select t.*,
sum(1) over (partition by id1, id2)
from #table t
order by t.id1, t.id2;
Second Edit - Working NetSuite version
After some back and forth here is a version that works in NetSuite:
sum/* comment */(1) OVER(PARTITION BY {name})
This will also give a value greater than 1 on any row that is a duplicate.
This works by summing the value 1 on each row included in the partition. The partition column(s) should be what you consider a duplicate. If only one column makes a duplicate (e.g. user ID) then use as above. If multiple columns make a duplicate (e.g. first name, last name, city) then use a comma-separated list in the partition. SQL will basically group the rows by the partition and add up the 1s in the sum/* comment */(1). The example provided in the question sums an actual column. By summing 1 instead we will get the value 1 when there is only 1 ID in the partition. Anything higher is a duplicate. I guess you could call this field duplicate count.
I've searched for long time for getting last entered data in a table. But I got same answer.
SELECT TOP 1 CustomerName FROM Customers
My scenario is, how to get last data if that Customers table is having CustomerName column only? No other columns such as ID or createdDate I entered four names in following order.
Now I want to select last entered CustomerName, i.e., Bryen. How can I get it..?
If the table is not properly designed (IDENTITY, TIMESTAMP, identifier generated using SEQUENCE etc.), INSERT order is not kept by SQL Server. So, "last" record is meaningless without some criteria to use for ordering.
One possible workaround is if, by chance, records in this table are linked to some other table records (FKs, 1:1 or 1:n connection) and that table has a timestamp or something similar and you can deduct insertion order.
More details about "ordering without criteria" can be found here and here.
; with cte_new as (
select *,row_number() over(order by(select 1000)) as new from tablename
select * from cte_new where new=4
I would like to do data mining. But my data is not useful.
my table structure is something like:
date customerid age residence prosubsclassid productid
21.11.2001 123232323 a b 2099 23232322
amount asset sales
4 34 56
Now I have to show the data in this way:
prosubsclassid 130207 130208 130209
------ ------ ------
1413232 1 3 1
3435545 2 1 2
3534344 3 1 sum(amount)
I want to convert to tabular form in my data.
There is no automatic way to do this. There are support for pivot in SQL server, but the columns still needs to be specified.
Depending on if you want to have a text report or a table with dynamic columns I would group the data per date and prosubsclassid and then using a cursor to build the data.
If you want a dynaic table build a dynamic sql query based on the grouped data and run Exec.
If you want text report, just concatenate the string data the way you want per line into
a temp table with one textcolumn and when you are done, select the table.
Inserting one table's complete column data to a particular column in another table in SQL SERVER
I have two tables i.e AuditCalendar, ScheduleAudit
Audit Calendar has two columns Taskid, TaskTypeId
Schedule Audit has two columns Scheduleid, Taskid
Audit Calendar looks like this
Taskid (Auto increment) TaskTypeId
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 1
5 1
But I want Taskid column data from Audit Calendar table based on TaskTypeId .Columns
After completion of query, the ScheduleAudit table should look like this
Scheuleid (AutoIncrement) Taskid
1 1
2 1
3 1
I have to run this query seems to look like a error
Subquery returns more than one value
Query is:
INSERT INTO ScheduleAudit(TaskId)
VALUES ((SELECT TaskId FROM AuditCalendar Where TaskTypeId = 1))
Please can you suggest how I can do this approach I am new to SQL Server but someone says that use cursors.... I am really confused last 1 week on words. And also search google but not get it now...Please can you give me any one valuable suggestions.
insert ... values is supposed to insert a single row. So what you have in the parentheses is supposed to produce a single row, or else it would fail.
There's no need to use insert ... values, when you can use insert ... select:
INSERT INTO ScheduleAudit(TaskId)
SELECT TaskId FROM AuditCalendar Where TaskTypeId=1
...however, that would produce
1 1
2 4
3 5
I'm not sure I understand the logic behind producing your example output.
How can I show the number of rows in a table in a way that when a new record is added the number representing the row goes higher and when a record is deleted the number gets updated accordingly?
To be more clear,suppose I have a simple table like this :
ID int (primary key) Name varchar(5)
The ID is set to get incremented by itself (using identity specification) so it can't represent the number of row(record) since if I have for example 3 records as:
1 Alex
2 Scott
3 Sara
and I delete Alex and Scott and add a new record it will be:
3 Sara
4 Mina
So basically I'm looking for a sql-side solution for doing this so that I don't change anything else in the source code in multiple places.
I tried to write something to get the job done but it failes. Here it is :
SELECT COUNT(*) AS [row number],Name
FROM dbo.Test
This shows as:
row number Name
1 Alex
1 Scott
1 Sara
while I want it to get shown as:
row number Name
1 Alex
2 Scott
3 Sara
If you just want the number against the rows while selecting the data and not in the database then you can use this
select row_number() over(order by id) from dbo.Test
This will give the row number n for nth row.
SELECT id, name, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY id) AS RowNumber
FROM MyTable
What you want is called an auto increment.
For SQL-Server this is achieved by adding the IDENTITY(1,1) attribute to the table definition.
Other RDBMS use a different syntax. Firebird for example has generators, which do the counting. In a BEFORE-INSERT trigger you would assign the ID-field to the current value of the generator (which will be increased automatically).
I had this exact problem a while ago, but I was using SQL Server 2000, so although row number() is the best solution, in SQL Server 2000, this isn't available. A workaround for this is to create a temporary table, insert all the values with auto increment, and replace the current table with the new table in T-SQL.