location extracted from wit.ai is blank in facebook messenger - facebook-messenger

I'm using Wit.ai to extract the location from a sentence. When I execute the bot in Wit.ai to reflect the location it works perfectly
how is the weather in California?
You asked about the weather in California
But when I connect the Wit.ai API to my node JS app (simple, straight forward app using "RunActions") to connect to facebook messenger I get
how is the weather in California?
You asked about the weather in
There is a blank. Any ideas?

It will work in Console because we emulate a function to manage the context. But you will have to implement a function on your side to carry/update the context. We removed the mandatory "merge" but you can use or even create your own merge function that will look at the entities and eventually update the context when some entities exist
Look at the fetchWeather example here: https://wit-ai.github.io/witty-fiddle/?id=5a387f6ccb4be4a1f77f2113747a558a


Where do I find my fullfillment URL to the google home action?

I've just been started integrating assistant to smarthome project that i'm working on. And I've initially experimenting the assistant by implementing account linking flow and sync intent. I tested the account linking by testing with the google developer tool for oauth flow and confirmed it worked. Whereas, in the smarthome app, upon account linking, as soon as it completes the account linking flow I keep receiving an error message stating "Couldn't update your settings, Check your connection". Didn't find much clue with the logs for troubleshoot. And also, the solutions they were on the other posts does not seem to be working out for me as well. Would appreciate if anyone could help resolve this.
Also, I'd like to know the place where I can find the fulfillment URL that needs to be entered when creating the smarthome action. I've been using firebase to deploy my cloud functions. Moreover, I suspect weather the fulfillment URL I entered that was provided by codelabs sample were invalid thus assisant unable reach the fulfillment.
Your fulfillment URLs are the functions that you've created. For Firebase, there's a specific pattern that you can follow. If you visit your Firebase console, in the functions section, you'll see the full URL which you can copy and paste into the Fulfillment URL input.
In my example, I have a cloud function named "about_info" with the pattern https://us-central1.PROJECT_ID.cloudfunctions.net/FUNCTION_NAME. So you can use a similar scheme to identify what your function names will be.

Firebase Realtime array populate div

Okay so I’m need guidance on where to start.
What I want to do is upon clicking a button in my web app which will be labelled “search” the web app will connect to my realism database and search the data base for the “search criteria” and the once found all matching cases it will create div blocks with the information inside it, in a list view and assign the ID of the div to the UID it gets back from the database.
--> Country
--------> Users informantion
Welcome to StackOverflow!
A great place to get started is the Firebase Realtime Database doocumentation or searching for Firecasts on YouTube (linked below).
As requested, here are some questions to ask yourself to get started and help scope out and define your new Firebase project.
What language are you going to use?
Are you planning on using any frameworks/libraries? e.g. For Javascript, these would include things like jQuery, Polymer, and React
What information are you storing in your database? e.g. user profiles, private user data/settings, public indexes, username lists, etc.
How is your database structured?
What data is being searched? The entire database? Values in a certain location?
What data needs to be displayed in your view?
Is the data accessible for just the current user or is it a public database that anyone can use?
What search criteria will be used? Is it just one filter at a time or many?
The answers to these questions aren't set in stone, but are to help you start thinking about the future of your project. They can be changed at any time as this isn't SQL where everything has to have its own schema.
If you intend on using "advanced searches" where you'll filter by multiple parameters at the same time, consider using Cloud Firestore instead.
I recommend looking at some Firecasts to help guide you through these questions. Here are some links to them:
Firebase YouTube Channel
Video: Getting Started with the Firebase Realtime Database on the Web
Playlist: Firebase on the Web

2 apps with the same database in Firebase

My project is to create an app similar to Uber.
There are 2 APPs, one for partners and the other for clients and I saw that I can create more than one app within the same Firebase project,that way I can use the same database for both APPs.
What I did not understand, how to do is differentiate the partners and the clients?
In the "Auth" menu, I would have to differentiate them with a Boolean.
Can I do this using Firebase? If not, does anyone know show me another way to do? or another database?
Another question I have is in relation to part of the payment, How I store the data of the credit card at Firebase? It support for this? Does anyone know show me a library to make payments straight through the app?
I don't think you can do that from the "Auth" Menu. This "Auth" function is only there for the sole purpose of letting user signup and login to your app.
You just need to implement the user category in your Real time database.
Store the user's uID, with key:value "userType":"client" or "userType":"partner".
And whenever the associated uID logs into your app succesfully. you need to read from the Real Time database to determine whether this user is a "client" or "partner" and show the appropriate functionality accordingly (or direct them to a different View controller eg: ClientViewController / PartnerViewController). Or if you have 2 entirely separate apps. Then this can act as a verification, just to make sure if this user is indeed a partner / client.
I'm not sure what to do with the payment system. But you can look at library like Braintree or something.

Integrate SurveyMonkey in an existing community

I have a cakePHP community. User are able to signup and login. I like to create a survey using SurveyMonkey.
Therefor I create the survey and make it available to my members using the direct URL. In my member database I have to save the information "did completed the survey = yes/no".
Is there any way to identify the user filling in the survey and write this information into the database?
SurveyMonkey has an API https://developer.surveymonkey.com/ , that let you collect info from your survey (completedf or not).
This is the only way i think, (if it s not include in your website).
I know that you can simply do this with Examinare Survey Tool. What you do first is that you use the API inside Examinare to add a recipient for all the users in the survey base.
Use the PHP Wrapper library in their developer site.
Loop it through and use the https://developer.examinare.com/php-wrapper-library/ and use the example code.
If you let people register with same email more than 1 time then save the ContactID into your database on the recipient.
Then to not create an email invite you use this : markrecipientstosurvey
The surveyID is available inside the Examinare account.
When you done this script part then make it as a cronjob for instance inside the crontab -e
I would run it every 30 minutes or 1 per hour.
Next part you create a page for the survey redirect where you use the function: listsurveysbyuser
to get the survey version and url
(there is a special link for the mobile user that even works for the normal mobile phone NOT only smartphones)
Now you just redirect them to the survey. If you want them to return to your site after then you use the redirect_url parameter that is added to the url or use the redirect inside your account. Ask support about that if you need :) They are fast... Never had to wait more than a couple of minutes.
When the person return then just check if they are marked as complete with the same api call: listsurveysbyuser
Looks much but it is very easy to implement and if you have any problems then just ask the support at support#examinare.com I have asked alot and never had them to say that it can not be done. Really nice!
I see that they just released a tutorial much better than my example:
One option:
Use unique Custom Variables in the URL that is visited by each member of the community
For example, https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/your_survey?userid=$my_user_id
Note that you can create weblink or email collectors with the API (endpoints: create_flow or create_collector).
Then track the responses using the get_respondent_list or get_responses endpoints of the API.
Note: Please confirm with the Survey Monkey API team that the custom variables can be read via the API.
Another option:
Use the email collector (create_flow) API endpoint and send it to your members' email addresses.

Do I need back-end and database for single page app using Facebook Connect?

I want to create a one page site that will use Facebook Connect and allow my friends to reserve a spot for an upcoming event. Using there Facebook ID I would like my friends to pay(reserve) a spot and then show their Facebook picture in the spot they reserved. Sort of like Meetup.com when you RSVP except its a one page site and for a one time event. Can I build this only using front-end technologies or do I need a backend?
The answer is yes, you will need a back end system to store the paid registrants, print out a list of paid users to have at the door of the event to make sure they paid, store the user id to be able to display their picture, etc. etc. etc.
