T-SQL - Get last as-at date SUM(Quantity) was not negative - sql-server

I am trying to find a way to get the last date by location and product a sum was positive. The only way i can think to do it is with a cursor, and if that's the case I may as well just do it in code. Before i go down that route, i was hoping someone may have a better idea?
Product, Date, Location, Quantity
The scenario is; I find the quantity by location and product at a particular date, if it is negative i need to get the sum and date when the group was last positive.
SUM(Quantity) Qty,
SUM(Value) Value
ProductTransactions PT
Date <= #AsAtDate
group by

i am looking for the last date where the sum of the transactions previous to and including it are positive
Based on your revised question and your comment, here another solution I hope answers your question.
select Product, Location, max(Date) as Date
from (
select a.Product, a.Location, a.Date from ProductTransactions as a
join ProductTransactions as b
on a.Product = b.Product and a.Location = b.Location
where b.Date <= a.Date
group by a.Product, a.Location, a.Date
having sum(b.Value) >= 0
) as T
group by Product, Location
The subquery (table T) produces a list of {product, location, date} rows for which the sum of the values prior (and inclusive) is positive. From that set, we select the last date for each {product, location} pair.

This can be done in a set based way using windowed aggregates in order to construct the running total. Depending on the number of rows in the table this could be a bit slow but you can't really limit the time range going backwards as the last positive date is an unknown quantity.
I've used a CTE for convenience to construct the aggregated data set but converting that to a temp table should be faster. (CTEs get executed each time they are called whereas a temp table will only execute once.)
The basic theory is to construct the running totals for all of the previous days using the OVER clause to partition and order the SUM aggregates. This data set is then used and filtered to the expected date. When a row in that table has a quantity less than zero it is joined back to the aggregate data set for all previous days for that product and location where the quantity was greater than zero.
Since this may return multiple positive date rows the ROW_NUMBER() function is used to order the rows based on the date of the positive quantity day. This is done in descending order so that row number 1 is the most recent positive day. It isn't possible to use a simple MIN() here because the MIN([Date]) may not correspond to the MIN(Quantity).
SELECT [Date],
SUM(Quantity) OVER (PARTITION BY Product, [Location] ORDER BY [Date] ASC) AS Quantity,
SUM([Value]) OVER(PARTITION BY Product, [Location] ORDER BY [Date] ASC) AS [Value]
FROM ProductTransactions
WHERE [Date] <= #AsAtDate
SELECT [Date], Product, [Location], Quantity, [Value], Positive_date, Positive_date_quantity
SELECT x1.[Date], x1.Product, x1.[Location], x1.Quantity, x1.[Value],
x2.[Date] AS Positive_date, x2.[Quantity] AS Positive_date_quantity,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY x1.Product, x1.[Location] ORDER BY x2.[Date] DESC) AS Positive_date_row
FROM x AS x1
LEFT JOIN x AS x2 ON x1.Product=x2.Product AND x1.[Location]=x2.[Location]
AND x2.[Date]<x1.[Date] AND x1.Quantity<0 AND x2.Quantity>0
WHERE x1.[Date] = #AsAtDate
) AS y
WHERE Positive_date_row=1

Do you mean that you want to get the last date of positive quantity come to positive in group?
For example, If you are using SQL Server 2012+:
In following scenario, when the date going to 01/03/2017 the summary of quantity come to 1(-10+5+6).
Is it possible the quantity of following date come to negative again?
;WITH tb(Product, Location,[Date],Quantity) AS(
SELECT 'A','B','01/02/2017',5 UNION ALL
SELECT 'A','B','01/03/2017',6 UNION ALL
SELECT 'A','B','01/04/2017',2
SELECT t.Product,t.Location,SUM(t.Quantity) AS Qty,MIN(CASE WHEN t.CurrentSum>0 THEN t.Date ELSE NULL END ) AS LastPositiveDate
SELECT *,SUM(tb.Quantity)OVER(ORDER BY [Date]) AS CurrentSum FROM tb
) AS t GROUP BY t.Product,t.Location
Product Location Qty LastPositiveDate
------- -------- ----------- -----------------------
A B 3 2017-01-03 00:00:00.000


Calculating Days Between Dates in Separate Rows For Same UnitID

I am trying to calculate the time a commercial real estate space sits vacant. I have move-in & move-out dates for each tenant that has occupied that unit. It is easy to calculate the occupied time of each tenant as that data is within the same row. However, I want to calculate the vacant time: the time between move-out of the previous tenant and move-in of the next tenant. These dates appear in separate rows.
Here is a sample of what I have currently:
uni_vch_UnitNo AS UnitNumber,
uty_vch_Code AS UnitCode,
uty_int_Id AS UnitID, tul_int_FacilityId AS FacilityID,
tul_dtm_MoveInDate AS Move_In_Date,
tul_dtm_MoveOutDate AS Move_Out_Date,
DATEDIFF(day, tul_dtm_MoveInDate, tul_dtm_MoveOutDate) AS Occupancy_Days
FROM TenantUnitLeases
JOIN units
ON tul_int_UnitId = uni_int_UnitId
JOIN UnitTypes
ON uni_int_UnitTypeId = uty_int_Id
tul_int_UnitId = '26490'
ORDER BY tul_dtm_MoveInDate ASC
Is there a way to assign an id to each row in chronological, sequential order and find the difference between row 2 move-in date less row 1 move-out date and so on?
Thank you in advance for the help.
I can't really tell which tables provide which columns for your query. Please alias and dot-qualify them in the future.
If you're using SQL 2012 or later, you've got LEAD and LAG functions which do exactly what you want: bring a "leading" or "lagging" row into a current row. See if this works (hopefully it should at least get you started):
uni_vch_UnitNo AS UnitNumber,
uty_vch_Code AS UnitCode,
uty_int_Id AS UnitID, tul_int_FacilityId AS FacilityID,
tul_dtm_MoveInDate AS Move_In_Date,
tul_dtm_MoveOutDate AS Move_Out_Date,
DATEDIFF(day, tul_dtm_MoveInDate, tul_dtm_MoveOutDate) AS Occupancy_Days
, LAG(tul_dtm_MoveOutDate) over (partition by uni_vch_UnitNo order by tul_dtm_MoveOutDate) as Previous_Move_Out_Date
, DATEDIFF(day,LAG(tul_dtm_MoveOutDate) over (partition by uni_vch_UnitNo order by tul_dtm_MoveOutDate),tul_dtm_MoveInDate) as Days_Vacant
FROM TenantUnitLeases
JOIN units
ON tul_int_UnitId = uni_int_UnitId
JOIN UnitTypes
ON uni_int_UnitTypeId = uty_int_Id
tul_int_UnitId = '26490'
ORDER BY tul_dtm_MoveInDate ASC
Just comparing a value from the current row with a value in the previous row is functionality provided by the lag() function.
Try this in your query:
tul_dtm_MoveInDate AS Move_In_Date,
tul_dtm_MoveOutDate AS Move_Out_Date,
DateDiff(day, Lag(tul_dtm_MoveOutDate,1) over(partition by uty_vch_Code, tul_int_FacilityId order by tul_dtm_MoveInDate), tul_dtm_MoveInDate) DaysVacant,
This needs a window function or correlated sub query. The goal is to provide the previous move out date for each row, which is in turn a function of that row. The term 'window' in this context means to apply an aggregate function over a smaller range than the whole set.
If you had a function called GetPreviousMoveOutDate, the parameters would be the key to filter on, and the ranges to search within the filter. So we would pass the UnitID as the key and the MoveInDate for this row, and the function should return the most recent MoveOutDate for the same unit that is before the passed in date. By getting the max date before this one, we will ensure we get only the previous occupancy if it exists.
To use a sub-query in ANSI-SQL you just add the select as a column. This should work on MS-SQL as well as other DB platforms; however, it requires using aliases for the table names so they can be referenced in the query more than once. I've updated your sample SQL with aliases using the AS syntax, although it looks redundant to your table naming convention. I added a uni_dtm_UnitFirstAvailableDate to your units table to handle the first vacancy, but this can be a default:
uni.uni_vch_UnitNo AS UnitNumber,
uty.uty_vch_Code AS UnitCode,
uty.uty_int_Id AS UnitID, tul_int_FacilityId AS FacilityID,
tul.tul_dtm_MoveInDate AS Move_In_Date,
tul.tul_dtm_MoveOutDate AS Move_Out_Date,
DATEDIFF(day, tul.tul_dtm_MoveInDate, tul.tul_dtm_MoveOutDate) AS Occupancy_Days,
-- select the date:
(SELECT MAX (prev_tul.tul_dtm_MoveOutDate )
FROM TenantUnitLeases AS prev_tul
WHERE prev_tul.tul_int_UnitId = tul.tul_int_UnitId
AND prev_tul.tul_dtm_MoveOutDate > tul.tul_dtm_MoveInDate
AND prev_tul.tul_dtm_MoveOutDate is not null
) AS previous_moveout,
-- use the date in a function:
DATEDIFF(day, tul.tul_dtm_MoveInDate,
(SELECT MAX (prev_tul.tul_dtm_MoveOutDate )
FROM TenantUnitLeases AS prev_tul
WHERE prev_tul.tul_int_UnitId = tul.tul_int_UnitId
AND prev_tul.tul_dtm_MoveOutDate > tul.tul_dtm_MoveInDate
AND prev_tul.tul_dtm_MoveOutDate is not null
) , uni.uni_dtm_UnitFirstAvailableDate) -- handle first occupancy
) AS Vacancy_Days
FROM TenantUnitLeases AS tul
JOIN units AS uni
ON tul.tul_int_UnitId = uni.uni_int_UnitId
JOIN UnitTypes AS uty
ON uni.uni_int_UnitTypeId = uty.uty_int_Id
tul.tul_int_UnitId = '26490'
ORDER BY tul.tul_dtm_MoveInDate ASC

update using over order by row_number()

I found some answers to ways to update using over order by, but not anything that solved my issue. In SQL Server 2014, I have a column of DATES (with inconsistent intervals down to the millisecond) and a column of PRICE, and I would like to update the column of OFFSETPRICE with the value of PRICE from 50 rows hence (ordered by DATES). The solutions I found have the over order by in either the query or the subquery, but I think I need it in both. Or maybe I'm making it more complicated than it is.
In this simplified example, if the offset was 3 rows hence then I need to turn this:
2018-01-01, 5.01, null
2018-01-03, 8.52, null
2018-02-15, 3.17, null
2018-02-24, 4.67, null
2018-03-18, 2.54, null
2018-04-09, 7.37, null
into this:
2018-01-01, 5.01, 3.17
2018-01-03, 8.52, 4.67
2018-02-15, 3.17, 2.54
2018-02-24, 4.67, 7.37
2018-03-18, 2.54, null
2018-04-09, 7.37, null
This post was helpful, and so far I have this code which works as far as it goes:
select dates, price, row_number() over (order by dates asc) as row_num
from pricetable;
I haven't yet figured out how to point the update value to the future ordered row. Thanks in advance for any assistance.
LEAD is a useful window function for getting values from subsequent rows. (Also, LAG, which looks at preceding rows,) Here's a direct answer to your question:
;WITH cte AS (
SELECT dates, LEAD(price, 2) OVER (ORDER BY dates) AS offsetprice
FROM pricetable
UPDATE pricetable SET offsetprice = cte.offsetprice
FROM pricetable
INNER JOIN cte ON pricetable.dates = cte.dates
Since you asked about ROW_NUMBER, the following does the same thing:
;WITH cte AS (
SELECT dates, price, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dates ASC) AS row_num
FROM pricetable
cte2 AS (
SELECT dates, price, (SELECT price FROM cte AS sq_cte WHERE row_num = cte.row_num + 2) AS offsetprice
FROM cte
UPDATE pricetable SET offsetprice = cte2.offsetprice
FROM pricetable
INNER JOIN cte2 ON pricetable.dates = cte2.dates
So, you could use ROW_NUMBER to sort the rows and then use that result to select a value 2 rows ahead. LEAD just does that very thing directly.

SSRS 2005 Previous sum of date and time

I have an SSRS report which when I try to calculate the previous value the first line always gives incorrect value since there is no previous number for it to calculate.
The value of the first line comes out 1059831848.62
Is there a way to tell it to skip first line?
Because also i need to sum it all to get total which counts the first line and gives a huge total.
My query consists of the following:
SELECT ToppingCount, DriverName, COUNT(Pizza) AS Count, Date, SyncDate, BranchName, Branch
FROM System
WHERE (Date BETWEEN #datefrom AND #DateTo) AND (Branch IN (#branch)) AND (SystemSource = 'newsys') AND (SystemSource <> 'oldsys')
GROUP BY Pizza, ToppingCount, DriverName, Date, SyncDate, BranchName, Branch
ORDER BY Branch, DriverName, Date
You could add a Row_Number column to your query like so..
SELECT ToppingCount,
COUNT(Pizza) AS Count,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Branch,DriverName,Date) Rn
FROM System
WHERE (Date BETWEEN #datefrom AND #DateTo)
AND (Branch IN (#branch))
AND (SystemSource = 'newsys')
AND (SystemSource <> 'oldsys')
ORDER BY Branch,
Then just check to see if you are on Rn = 1 before you do your calculation.
=iif(Fields!Rn.Value = 1, "", CDec(format(DateDiff("s",previous(Fields!SyncDate.Value),Fields!Date.Value)/60,"0.00")))
=iif(Fields!Rn.Value = 1, 0, CDec(format(DateDiff("s",previous(Fields!SyncDate.Value),Fields!Date.Value)/60,"0.00")))
if you need to reset the Row_Number for groupings, you can add Partition By to reset the number to 1
You can check the value of the previous sync date field and output a 0 or blank if required.
=CDec(iif(IsNothing(previous(Fields!SyncDate.Value)), 0.0, format(DateDiff("s",previous(Fields!SyncDate.Value),Fields!Date.Value)/60,"0.00")))
Without row_number you can use an outer apply to get the last sync date in the query and pre-calculate the 'sync delta':
WHEN i.SynchDate IS NULL THEN 0.0
ELSE DATEDIFF(SS, l.SyncDate, p.Date) / 60.0
END AS SyncTimeDelta,
COUNT(p.Pizza) AS Count
FROM System p
-- Join clause depends on how you're grouping
-- in the report.
FROM System i
i.SystemSource = 'newsys'
AND i.Branch = p.Branch
AND i.DriverName = p.DriverName
AND i.Date < p.Date
i.SyncDate DESC
) l
(p.Date BETWEEN #datefrom AND #DateTo) AND
(p.Branch IN (#branch)) AND
(p.SystemSource = 'newsys') AND
(p.SystemSource <> 'oldsys') -- This will never be evaluated
p.Pizza, p.ToppingCount, p.DriverName, p.Date, p.SyncDate, p.BranchName, p.Branch, l.SyncDate
p.Branch, p.DriverName, p.Date
This way you can just sum the sync delta in the report. I don't know enough about the query but I've made the assumption that:
You want the time between the last sync date before the current [date] column as per your formula for the given branch and driver.
I apologize if there are syntax issues, I'm typing this up without reference.

Find the date when a bit column toggled state

I have this requirement.
My table contains a series of rows with serialnos and several bit columns and date-time.
To Simplify I will focus on 1 bit column.In essence, I need to know the recent date that this bit was toggled.
Ex: The following table depicts the bit values for 7 serials for the latest 6 days (10 to 5).
SQl Fiddle schema + query
I have succesfully managed to get the result in a sample but is taking ages on the real table containing over 30 million records and approx 300K serial nos.
Pseudo -->
For each Serial:
Get (max Date) bit value as A (latest bit value ex 1)
Get (max Date) NOT A as B ( Find most recent date that was ex 0)
Get the (Min Date) > B
Group by SNO
I am sure an optimised approach exists.
For completeness the dataset contains rows that I need to filter out etc. However I can build and add these later when getting the basic executing more efficiently.
Tks for your time!
with cte as
select *, rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY sno)
from dbo.TestCape2
select MAX(y.Device_date) as MaxDate,
from cte x
inner join cte as y
on x.rn = y.rn + 1
and x.SNo = y.SNo
and x.Cape <> y.Cape
group by y.SNo
order by SNo;
And if you're using SQL-Server 2012 and up you can make use of LAG, which will take a look at the previous row.
select max(Device_date) as MaxDate,
from (
select SNo
,LAG (Cape, 1, 0) OVER (PARTITION BY Sno ORDER BY Device_date) AS PrevCape
,LAG (Sno, 1, 0) OVER (PARTITION BY Sno ORDER BY Device_date) AS PrevSno
from dbo.TestCape2) t
where sno = PrevSno
and t.Cape <> t.PrevCape
group by sno
order by sno;

Do I need to use the dreaded sql server loop/ cursor for the result set I need?

I need a sql server result set that "breaks" on a column value, but if I order by this column in a ranking function, the order I really need is lost. This is best explained by example. The query I'm currently experimenting with is:
select RANK() over(partition by Symbol, Period order by TradeDate desc)
SymbSmaOverUnderGroup, Symbol, TradeDate, Period, Value, Low, LowMinusVal,
from #smasAndLow3
and it returns:
Rnk Symbol TradeDate Period Value Low LowMinusVal LMVSign
1 A 9/6/12 5 37.09 36.71 -.38 U
2 A 9/5/12 5 37.03 36.62 -.41 U
3 A 9/4/12 5 37.07 36.71 -.36 U
4 A 8/31/12 5 37.15 37.30 .15 O
5 A 8/30/12 5 37.22 37.40 .18 O
6 A 8/29/12 5 37.00 36.00 -1.00 U
7 A 8/28/12 5 37.10 37.00 -.10 U
The rank I need here is: 1,1,1,2,2,3,3. So I need to partition by Symbol, Period, and I need to start a new partition on LMVSign (which only contains the values U, O, and E), but it's essential that I order by TradeDate desc. Unless I'm mistaken, partitioning or ordering by LMVSign will make it impossible to sort on the date column. I hope this makes sense. I'm working like mad to do this without a cursor, but I can't get it to work.. thanks in advance.
UPDATE after clarification: I think that you are entering the world of islands and gaps. If your requirement is to group rows by Symbol, Period and LMVSign ordered descendingly by TradeDate, ranking them when any one of these columns change, you might use this (by Itzik Ben-Gan's solution to islands and gaps).
; with islandsAndGaps as
select *,
-- Create groups. Important part is order by
-- The difference remains the same as two sequences
-- run along, but the number itself is not ordered
row_number() over (partition by Symbol, Period
order by TradeDate)
- row_number() over (partition by Symbol, Period
order by LMVSign, TradeDate) grp
from Table1
grouped as
select *,
-- So to order it we use last date in group
-- (mind partition by uses changed order by from second row_number
-- and unordered group number
max(TradeDate) over(partition by LMVSign, grp) DateGroup
from islandsAndGaps
-- now we can get rank
select dense_rank() over (order by DateGroup desc) Rnk,
from grouped
order by TradeDate desc
Take a look at Sql Fiddle.
OLD answer:
Partition by restarts ranking. I think that you need order by:
dense_rank() over (order by Symbol, Period, LMVSign desc) Rnk
and then you should use TradeDate in order by:
order by Rnk, TradeDate desc
If you need it as a number, add another column:
row_number() over (order by Symbol, Period, LMVSign desc, TradeDate desc) rn
