How to set chrome driver path for centos - selenium-webdriver

I am triying to run my testcase on centos but unable to set the path for driver can anyone help me to come out from this situation
I have one jar file which I want to run on sentos I have installed chrome driver on sentos server but. It is not taking driver path

If you're using the Java bindings for Selenium, you will have to specify the path to the ChromeDriver executable via the system property. Depending on how you actually run your tests you can do this for example via the -D command line switch of the java executable:
java -jar mytests.jar


SSH Agent Plugin v1.17 with Jenkins Declaritive Pipeline not working with Windows

I have been having issues getting my multibranch pipeline to perform git commands with an SSH key via the SSH Agent plugin on Windows.
I am able to successfully perform a git clone with the ssh from Git Bash on windows server that is running Jenkins.
In my pipeline log I am getting the following error when trying to use the sshagent plugin:
[ssh-agent] Looking for ssh-agent implementation... Could not find
ssh-agent: IOException: Cannot run program "ssh-agent": CreateProcess
error=2, The system cannot find the file specified Check if ssh-agent
is installed and in PATH [ssh-agent] FATAL: Could not find a suitable
ssh-agent provider
I have seen that installing Apache Tomcat Native libraries has helped some people, but the steps for doing so are not very descriptive.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

Unable to open URL in chrome on virtual machine using batch file

I have automated a flow using selenium webDriver. When I am running this using batch file from my system, it is running properly. But when tried to run the same batch from virtual machine, it is invoking browser but with blank URL. I am not able to run batch from virtual machine for Chrome driver.
Selenium Version: Selenium 3.4.0
I know, I am missing something but not able to find it.
Could anyone help me with solution.
Code inside batch:
start javaw -jar Example.jar

How to setup the proxy info in yypkg for sherpa.exe when installing Win-builds Project

I am trying to install the latest GCC compiler on windows 7 by using "Win-builds Project". Since the company I am working for has proxy. When I run the command win-install.bat. I got an error:
2014-02-21 11:39:44 ERROR 407: Proxy Authentication Required.
In the batch file, I found code:
yypkg -init
yypkg -config -setpreds host=%_YY_ARCH%-w64-mingw32
yypkg -config -setpreds target=%_YY_ARCH%-w64-mingw32
sherpa -set-mirror
I think the yypkg.exe does the initialization work and configs sherpa and let sherpa.exe to download and install files.
My question is how can config yypkg my username and password? I did google search, but I cannot find any info about yypkg nor how to config sherpa.
[enter code here][1]Proxy set up can be done via command line
How can I set a proxy server for gem?
set http_proxy=http://your_proxy:your_port
set http_proxy=http://username:password#your_proxy:your_port
set https_proxy=https://your_proxy:your_port
set https_proxy=https://username:password#your_proxy:your_port
These command snippets need to be entered on 'cmd.exe', and before running the wget, to download files manually via portable wget as described on page:
few IMPORTANT Pointers, after the packages have been downloaded manually, and running the 'yypkg-1.5.0.exe'
At first the Application UI is unresponsive, DO NOT CLOSE IT
After some time, change mirror dialog appears where you would need to type/paste the Local folders location(this is the folder where files were downloaded manually)
Local folder path needs to be similar to the following where 'package_list.el.tar.xz' file resides.
after that all works fine

Launch chrome browser

I am trying to launch chrome browser (version 26.0) using webdriver.
I am getting the following error message.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: The path to the driver executable must be set by the system property; for more information, see
at org.openqa.selenium.remote.service.DriverService.findExecutable(
at googleSearch.main(
Code I used:
driver = new ChromeDriver();
I use mac 10.8.2.
For this to work, you need to:
Install Chrome
Install Chrome Web Driver
Make sure you have the chrome web driver in you path, for example on Windows something pointing to chromedriver2_win32_0.8. You can put that in your path by either: (a) Modifying your windows path environment variable, or; (b) adding the following to your java command line options:'/path/to/driver'
In case of using selenium grid'/path/to/driver'
has to be added while creating a node from command line.
1) In case of using selenium without GRID:
driver = new ChromeDriver();
does the job.
2) In case of using selenium with GRID:
driver = new ChromeDriver();
And from command line, while creating a node for chrome browser one needs to pass'/absolute/path/to/chromedriver'
The above two changes did the job for me, apart from this I was getting this not found error which I solved by creating a symlink of present in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ folder to /usr/lib/
ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/
PS: Also make sure that you are using 64bit OR 32bit version of chrome driver as per your system.
For chrome to work with selenium-webdriver you need to have not only a working chrome browser installed, but also the chromedriver executable. Note that these are TWO different executable files that both need to be specified.
change the permission of file and then run your code again.
Open command prompt and navigate to directory where your chrome exe exists and write
chmod 777 filename
Hope it will solve your problem.

Getting Error while deploying to App Engine

Unable to locate the JVM for project scrapbook1. Please verify that you have a project-level JVM installed by inspecting your project's build path.
I get this error in the console when i debug my web application in Eclipse
Please help !!!
Have you installed JVM/JDK? Assuming you are on Windows, go to command prompt and type
This should the path to JDK. If it does not, then you need to install JDK and set the parameter JAVA_HOME in environment variables.
Once you have installed JDK and set the variable, check following: Go to Java build path of your project (Hit Alt+Enter on your project) and see if it shows JRE system library as shown in image:
I had the same problem, but the JDK was installed. I just updated all the libraries 'Help -> Check for Updates' and then restarted Eclipse. After that, everything worked.
