Ionic App aborting request with response status -1 - angularjs

I'm using Ionic platform for my mobile application. Using angular
$http for sending requests to server.
Intermittently when Mobile app tries to access server $http goes to it's errorCallback with response status -1 only no other
When I check log on server, not able to see any hit.
I've changed timeout of application to 2 minutes using interceptors.
I have used chrome debugger but it won't show anything apart from
request it forms, shows nothing in response and preview columns.
I got that in Ionic we use pre-flight to check if server is alive
before sending actual request. But it's for CORS; we have enabled
CORS on server and thats why app is working good since last 15 days.
Thought of using network packet tracer tool but if call not logged on
server no use of it. as Status -1 says $http aborted the request.
My Question is why it's aborting when I click once and do send
when I click same button again.
Please me help to figure out an issue.

After lots of debugging and surfing over internet for issue.
I guess that an issue was like mobile app sending pre-flight messages and so $http aborting the request and even some time Server played a culprit here how will tell you;
We have server hosted on AWS in where we had Load balancer in different zone and actual API server is in different zone. After changing them to same zone ask, production people to test now they are not getting this issue.
The another reason was we were using unstable mobile networks to test.
If any one have any thing else on this please let me know.


Network request failed from fetch in reactjs app

I am using fetch in a NodeJS application. Technically, I have a ReactJS front-end calling the NodeJS backend (as a proxy), and then the proxy calls out to backend services on a different domain.
However, from logging errors from consumers (I haven't been able to reproduce this issue myself) I see that a lot of these proxy calls (using fetch) throw an error that just says Network Request Failed, which is of no help. Some context:
This only occurs on a subset of all total calls (lets say 5% of traffic)
Users that encounter this error can often make the same call again some time later (next couple minutes/hours/days) and it will go through
From Application Insights, I can see no correlation between browsers, locations, etc
Calls often return fast, like < 100 ms
All calls are HTTPS, non are HTTP
We have a fetch polyfill from fetch-ponyfill that will take over if fetch is not available (Internet Explorer). I did test this package itself and the calls went through fine. I also mentioned that this error does occur on browsers that do support fetch, so I don't think this is the error.
Fetch settings for all requests
Method is set per request, but I've seen it fail on different types (GET, POST, etc)
Mode is set to 'same-origin'. I thought this was odd, since we were sending a request from one domain to another, but I tried to set it differently and it didn't affect anything. Also, why would some requests work for some, but not for others?
Body is set per request, based on the data being sent.
Headers is usually just Accept and Content-Type, both set to JSON.
I have tried researching this topic before, but most posts I found referenced React native applications running on iOS, where you have to set some security permissions in the plist file to allow HTTP requests or something to do with transport security.
I have implement logging specific points for the data in Application Insights, and I can see that fetch() was called, but then() was never reached; it went straight to the .catch(). So it's not even reaching code that parses the request, because apparently no request came back (we then parse the JSON response and call other functions, but like I said, it doesn't even reach this point).
Which is also odd, since the request never comes back, but it fails (often) within 100 ms.
My suspicions:
Some consumers have some sort of add-on for there browser that is messing with the request. Although, I run with uBlock Origin and HTTPS Everywhere and I have not seen this error. I'm not sure what else could be modifying requests that would cause it to immediately fail.
The call goes through, which then reaches an Azure Application Gateway, which might fail for some reason (too many connected clients, not enough ports, etc) and returns a response that immediately fails the fetch call without running the .then() on the response.
For #2, I remember I had traced a network call that failed and returned Network Request Failed: Made it through the proxy -> made it through the Application Gateway -> hit the backend services -> backend services sent a response. I am currently requesting access to backend service logs in order to verify this on some more recent calls (last time I did this, I did it through a screenshare with a backend developer), and hopefully clear up the path back to the client (the ReactJS application). I do remember though that it made it to the backend services successfully.
So I'm honestly not sure what's going on here. Does anyone have any insight?
Based on your excellent description and detective work, it's clear that the problem is between your Node app and the other domain. The other domain is throwing an error and your proxy has no choice but to say that there's an error on the server. That's why it's always throwing a 500-series error, the Network Request Failed error that you're seeing.
It's an intermittent problem, so the error is inconsistent. It's a waste of your time to continue to look at the browser because the problem will have been created beyond that, either in your proxy translating that request or on the remote server. You have to find that error.
Here's what I'd do...
Implement brute-force logging in your Node app. You can use Bunyan, or Winston or just require(fs) and write out to some file when an error occurs. Then look at the results. Only log it out when the response code from the other server is in the 400 or 500 ranges. Log the request object and the response object.
Something like this with Bunyan:
.then(res => res.json())
.then(res => whateverElseYoureDoing(res))
.catch(err => {
// Get the request & response to the remote server{request: req, response: res, err: err});
where the res in this case is the response we just got from the other domain and req is our request to them.
The logs on your Azure server will then have the entire request and response. From this you can find commonalities. and (🤞) the cause of the problem.

ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR after authentication is done

I'm trying to use ITfoxtec.Identity.Saml2.MvcCore on a .NET Core 3.1 web application using an in-house IdP.
It works great on our test server (Windows Server 2012, hosted in the IIS) but I can't get it to work on any other server.
This is what happens:
The initial call to the website is correctly identified as a non authenticated call and the user is being sent to the IdP where the user logs in as usual. The SAML-token is then posted back to the web applications assertion consumer service where everything seems like it does what its supposed to, saml2AuthnResponse.Status has statuscode Saml2StatusCodes.Success and the logfile says "AuthenticationScheme: saml2 signed in". Then it reads the ReturnUrl-parameter and log something like "Executing RedirectResult" but then it just stops. Nothing in the logfile, nothing in the IIS-logs. The user is met by the message
This site can’t be reached
In short, every controller that has the [Authorize]-attribute gives the ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR-error. When I remove all [Authorize]-attributes the application works great, although without authentication.
I've also tried the example TestWebAppCore-application from ITfoxtec.Identity.Saml2's github-page and it gives the same error. It works on our 2012 test-server but nowhere else.
Any ideas that I can try?
I think you need to trace the calls to see the actual http request and responses send between the browser and server. I usually use Fiddler for tracing the requests/response. Remember to enable Fiddler for https tracing.
My first thought is that the problem can have something to do with cookies. But it is only a guess...
You might be on to something, we disabled http/2 on the server and was greeted instead by this message:
Bad Request - Request Too Long
HTTP Error 400. The size of the request headers is too long.
It uses 5 cookie-chunks for the SAML-data for a total of 19941 bytes which is a bit to much. I've tried to make the application save the sessiondata in classic session objects instead but I cant seem to get it to work.
This is what I added to StartUp.cs:
In ConfigureService:
services.AddSession(options =>
options.Cookie.IsEssential = true
services.Configure<CookiePolicyOptions>(options =>
options.CheckConsentNeeded = context => false;
options.MinimumSameSitePolicy = SameSiteMode.None;
In Configure:
But it still fills up the header with cookies. What am I doing wrong? Is there a another way to make the session cookies smaller?

Siteminder: 'Unable to process SMSESSION cookie' for only GET requests

I have integrated siteminder with my spring application which runs on Tomcat and the front end is developed on AngularJS.
The problem is that after 20 minutes of logging in I am getting error in webagent.log saying 'Unable to process SMSESSION cookie'.
Interesting point is that it is happening only for GET requests and apache is throwing 302 for these requests, trying to redirect to SSO login page.
However, for POST requests, I am getting 200 with proper response.
When user is redirected to SSO login page, SSO again redirects to the application without asking to enter login credentials again. And again application works fine for next 20 minutes until GET requests starts failing again.
Does anyone know root-cause/solution of this issue?
Do you have different rules created for GET and POST requests.. What is the idle and maximum timeout value set for the rules.
If you are in a position to enable debug on the webagent, that will tell you exactly why the request is being rejected although from the sound of it, it seems to be an obvious case of session timing out.

getting ng-token-auth and devise_token_auth to work with OAuth in ionic InAppBrowser

When I test the setup on my laptop Chrome browser everything works just fine using both sameWindow and newWindow: I am able to login though for example Facebook and the user is authorized and can use my app.
However, when I try to deploy the app to android and use the inAppBrowser things break. When selecting the 'login through FB' button in my app I can see the inAppBrowser frame come up with the Facebook mobile site asking to login. When I inspect that specific window through Chrome inspect, I can see that the callback from FB coming in to omniauth on my server including state and code in the querystring:
This request receives a 302 redirect to the following URL:
This follow-up request receives a 200 response. So far it all seems fine and the inAppBrowser window closes, we get back to my mobile app and I see the ng-token-auth "auth:login-success" event passing by.
However, any subsequent API requests to my server receive a 401 Not Authorized response. When I look at the request headers of those API requests I don't see any of the headers that Chrome on my laptop is sending to the server such as: access-token, client, expiry, token-type and uid.
I would be very grateful for any advice on where to look or what I am missing here.
Turns out that when working with ionic and I assume it is the same with cordova, storing the tokens according to default behavior in the cookie does not work. However, once you configure it to work with localStorage it works great!
For more info see this issue I opened at the GitHub project.

Issue with AngularJS and 3G conneciton

I developed an AngularJS and I have a issue I can't fix, in a desktop the app works fine and in a mobile with Wi-Fi connection too.
But when I use it in a mobile with 3G connection it fails 'cause it doesn't do a GET request to the server, I've thought it was the cache but I disabled it in app config ($http.defaults.cache = false) and it doesn't work.
I have three nested request, one POST and two GET in order to refresh the shown data. The request in what I have the issue is the first GET, it doesn´t send the request to the server but treat the response as it had returned 200 OK.
Example code:
.then(refreshFirstData) (problem here)
Does anyone know what can be happening?
I could get a capture from the request when using 3G connection and it loads the data from cache... I think I disabled this option..
I found the solution in nginx, I needed to add 'expires -1' to the config of my site.
