Issue with AngularJS and 3G conneciton - angularjs

I developed an AngularJS and I have a issue I can't fix, in a desktop the app works fine and in a mobile with Wi-Fi connection too.
But when I use it in a mobile with 3G connection it fails 'cause it doesn't do a GET request to the server, I've thought it was the cache but I disabled it in app config ($http.defaults.cache = false) and it doesn't work.
I have three nested request, one POST and two GET in order to refresh the shown data. The request in what I have the issue is the first GET, it doesn´t send the request to the server but treat the response as it had returned 200 OK.
Example code:
.then(refreshFirstData) (problem here)
Does anyone know what can be happening?
I could get a capture from the request when using 3G connection and it loads the data from cache... I think I disabled this option..
I found the solution in nginx, I needed to add 'expires -1' to the config of my site.


HTTP Requests with cookies on chrome extension

I have been several days trying to understand how a chrome extension is working when a HTTP request is made.
I am using YARC (Yet Another Rest Client) Chrome extension. But I guess it works same for all. Even Postman.
First thing I see is when I make the request if I am using an http traffic viewer like fiddler, I can see the host is the same I am making the request (Like and if I make an Ajax request or a php request the host is the same i have the script (like localhost).
The other thing is that I am making a POST request to a site to make a login that set a cookie. If I make it with the chrome extension, the cookie is set on my browser and then I could navigate normally on that page and the cookie is set and I am logged in. If I make this post with Ajax or PHP i´ts impossible to set this cookie because my host is in a different domain (localhost).
I can see I could make a submit post for this, but then I got redirected after the submit and it´s impossible to avoid that. I would like to manage the response like the extension as it was an Ajax call.
The main thing I see here is that thy host is always on same domain and this could avoid all this problems. But HOW? Looking for YARC code I can see they make this request as a regular http angularjs, it means Ajax I am almost sure. Anywhay not even trying with angularjs http I can get this to work.
What I actually would need to do is how this Chrome extension could make this and how to set this cookie when I make this POST, I mean, the Host set the cookie on their own domain, cause I can get the cookie but not to set it and I know it is impossible from a different domain.
Thanks in advance for all your help.

Ionic App aborting request with response status -1

I'm using Ionic platform for my mobile application. Using angular
$http for sending requests to server.
Intermittently when Mobile app tries to access server $http goes to it's errorCallback with response status -1 only no other
When I check log on server, not able to see any hit.
I've changed timeout of application to 2 minutes using interceptors.
I have used chrome debugger but it won't show anything apart from
request it forms, shows nothing in response and preview columns.
I got that in Ionic we use pre-flight to check if server is alive
before sending actual request. But it's for CORS; we have enabled
CORS on server and thats why app is working good since last 15 days.
Thought of using network packet tracer tool but if call not logged on
server no use of it. as Status -1 says $http aborted the request.
My Question is why it's aborting when I click once and do send
when I click same button again.
Please me help to figure out an issue.
After lots of debugging and surfing over internet for issue.
I guess that an issue was like mobile app sending pre-flight messages and so $http aborting the request and even some time Server played a culprit here how will tell you;
We have server hosted on AWS in where we had Load balancer in different zone and actual API server is in different zone. After changing them to same zone ask, production people to test now they are not getting this issue.
The another reason was we were using unstable mobile networks to test.
If any one have any thing else on this please let me know.

$ cross domain request not working in Internet explorer (Network Error 0x80070005, Access is denied)

When I make an $ request and set the "withCredentials" property to true.
My request works fine in Chrome and Fiefox. However, I'm getting the error below in IE:
XMLHttpRequest: Network Error 0x80070005, Access is denied.
I noticed that if I enable the "Access data resources across domains" setting in IE, The error gets resolved. However I need to find an alternative solution because I can't ask the users to enable that setting obviously.
I noticed that a $http.get request to the same domain is working in IE with no issue, the issue is only with the $ request, the Options request is getting a 500 internal server and I see the request and response headers below:
I do have the necessary custom headers, and I can see them in Chrome when the OPTIONS request succeeds. The headers that I see in Chrome are listed below:
Could you please let me know if I'm missing something that would make the request work in IE without having to enable Access data sources across domains?
Internet Explorer 9 doesn't support cookies in CORS requests. The withCredentials property of the $http arguments attempts to send cookies. I don't think there's any way to fix it with headers. IE10+ should work by default, just be sure that you are not in compatibility mode. CORS isn't fully implemented in IE10 either, but the type of request you are trying to do should work.
You didn't mention what the nature of your web app is, but it impacts the type of workaround you will need for IE9. If possible, see if you can refactor your code to use a GET request instead (again, I don't know what you are trying to do via AJAX so this may be impossible).
You may be able to use Modernizr or something similar to detect if the browser supports CORS. If it is not supported, send the request without AJAX and have a page refresh.
Another alternative if you really want to use AJAX is to set up a proxy on your web server, i.e. the server on the same domain. Instead of making the cross-origin request directly, you make the AJAX request to your same-origin server, which then makes the request to the cross-origin server for you. The server won't have CORS issues. This solution assumes, of course, that you have some server-side scripting going on such as PHP, Node or Java.

Apigility and https

I got a problem with apigility and https.
To enable https communication between AngularJs frontend and Apigility backend, I used this tutorial: Almost everything works fine, but REST webservices doesn't respond via https.
When, using Advanced REST Client, I'm sending request e.g.
NO RESPONSE appears.
Does anyone know where might be the problem?
For defiantly it is server fault. My apigility instances are working perfectly normal on production server with SSL. Could you give some more information.
Can you open your apiglity admin panel by browser? Is it working?
Is there any error in response headers or some other clue? Are you sending "Accept" header?
What is your apigility and zf2 versions?

multiple DNS queries in one web page request

I am working on a web proxy.The logic is client sends request to proxy, proxy sends the same request to server, and sends the answer back to the client.
For example, i want to visit I get "" in the GET: package, which is used to send a dns request, then i get the ip of "", establish the socket between proxy and server.
The question is when I use wireshark to capture normal packages not with proxy, i find that there is more dns request queries visting "" except query for It will query for and in different sockets.But there is no signal to let me to initiate these DNS queries, not like query for "",in which i can initiate it when i detect "Host:". Can someone help me ? thank u.
This is not how this should be working probably in first place.
Imagine i hit in my browser, which sends traffic via your proxy. For your proxy currently, is the only thing to lookup for.
When my browser end up receiving html chunk for this request, received html/js code then loads requests for some images which comes from Similarly requests for other resources (css, js, images) can be made. In turn they all again go through your proxy and then their you will be doing your usual dns query.
