How do I save chromepass data via batch file? - batch-file

I tried to save the data from chromepass with /stext command, which should work according to their site.
Start chromepass.exe /stext chromepass.txt

You might be using the version that has no support for command line.
Command-line options removed from the official release of my password-recovery tools, it's constantly detected by many Antivirus programs as malware/Trojan/Virus or as a security risk.
According to his blog
You can find a version with command line supported here.
Hope this was helpful to you :)


Installing applications Silent via batch file

My office has purchased 50 computers including Windows 8.1. I want to install supporting applications like office application, browser, 7-zip, pdf reader and others with silent installation. cause, installing applications into the computer as much as it, would take much time.
My script is :
7-zip.exe /S /norestart
If I run the script above, 7-zip.exe successfully installed but not for adobe_reader.exe
How to use the silent installation correctly?
In order to automate the installation of something like 7-zip.. go to your command prompt and run a command like the following:
\\Apps\dsp\7z458.exe /S
For more information, visit the following link... it'll hopefully give you an idea of how to automate application deployment using batch files.
In future, please elaborate on your questions. It's rather annoying when someone posts a question with no substance.
Hope this helps,

Windows Bitsadmin Alternative

because Bitsadmin is getting deprecated I would like to hear if you know about an alternative to Download files from within a batch script.
Best would be an alternative that already comes with windows so I don't need to download extra stuff.
Bacon Bits and I had the same idea at the same time. Here's an example using PowerShell's BitsTransfer module. Save this as a .bat file and run it.
#echo off
set "URL="
set "SaveAs=sprites.svg"
powershell "Import-Module BitsTransfer; Start-BitsTransfer '%URL%' '%SaveAs%'"
Good news -- BitsAdmin isn't being deprecated.
(I work for the BITS team at Microsoft)
The best alternative to BITSAdmin.exe is to use PowerShell.
If you cannot use PowerShell, you're pretty much stuck with copy, xcopy.exe, and robocopy.exe.
How can I download a file with batch file without using any external tools? - you can check this
Probably the powershell is the best alternative Though you still can find vista and XP machines without powershell - if portability is important for you
go to WSH.
.I don't think MSXML2.XMLHTTP and WinHTTPRequest (here I've a little bit more powerful tool based on winhttprequest - and more tested ) are going to be deprecated any time soon but they will require WSH or jscript or vbscript or powershell. and webclient will work better for bigger files.

Batch file to install software silently (or without user interaction)

I am trying to make batch file for installing software silently. Is there a way to make it automatically select Next and Finish during the installing process?
We need more details to answere your question. what is exactly sw?? is it shockwave player, in this case follow these instructions by adding the /s argument.
Usually with most programs you can add the command /silent or /verysilent when installing them through the command line. I know this works with UltraVNC. If it is your own program then you would have to add that option using Inno Setup or something like that.
If the application does not support silent installation, you will need to look at something like AuotIt. You can use it to automate pressing buttons and entering keystrokes.

Calling Tortoise from command line and build if new code (how to know if tortoise updated anything)?

I am writing a batch file which is supposed to update the source files from tortoise and - if anything new was gotten - build the solution. Should be a very simple task.
My batchfile looks like this (I've removed the non-essentials)
set updatepath=%1
set solution=%2
set output=%3.txt
call TortoiseProc.exe /command:update /path:%updatepath% /closeonend:2
call %devenv% %solution% /Build Debug /Out %output%
Now, I'd like to know if tortoise actually got new code for me and the not build if it didn't. How do I do this?
I am running Windows Vista
(The batch script is called from another batch script about 7 times - one for each project I need updated and - perhaps - build).
Using tortoise is probably not the best way to resolve the problem.
To begin with, it would help knowing which SCM you're using (Mercurial, Subversion, CVS...). Most (all?) SCM tools come with a command-line interface, as opposed to the tortoise shell extension. If you used e.g. mercurial, this is how you would check if the local files need updating:
d:\projects\myproj> hg incoming <main repository path>
You could then parse the output to check if there are pending changes. A similar approach would work with other SCMs.
TortoiseProc is not meant for this kind of automation:
Remember that TortoiseSVN is a GUI client, and this automation guide
shows you how to make the TortoiseSVN dialogs appear to collect user
input. If you want to write a script which requires no input, you
should use the official Subversion command line client instead.
So, first, get the command line client ( SlikSVN is my favourite). Note that update in TortoiseProc doesn't bring the dialog in the way you are using, but calling it seven times, you are better off using svn command line client.
Second, use svn status -u to see if there are updates in the repo. --show-updates or -u places an asterisk next to items that are out of date. You can probably grep it.
If so, use svn update to update your working copy.

Winzip hanging up in scheduled task batch file

I have a simple batch file as seen below that should extract a zip file to the root of E:. The zip file is valid and I can run the batch file from the command line just fine.
Instead of completing the task, it continues to inform me that the Status is "Running". The problem is, it is not running and the file never gets unzipped.
The task is running as a Domain Admin that has been specifically added as an Admin on the box.
Are there any known problems with using zip files in Scheduled Tasks. I actually have this same problem on 3 out of the 12 boxes this task runs on, but there is no rhyme nor reason as to why some servers work, and others don't.
Any ideas on how to debug what is going on, or a solution would be very helpful.
Here is the batch file I'm attempting to run.
SET RootPath=E:
SET WinzipLocation=E:\Program Files\WinZip
"%WinzipLocation%\winzip32" -e -o %CD%\ %RootPath%
Try to use the WinZip Command Line Support Add-on.
what if you use 7-zip in command line?
I realized after posting that the "bad" servers were all 64-bit. I was running the 32-bit version of winzip. Since the company I work for doesn't see the benefit in purchasing any software, I had no other option but to starting using 7-zip. I have not tested for any performance increases or hits, but I do not that it works, regardless of the environment.
Thanks for the answers, but it looks like without the 64-bit version of winzip....i have no other options.
