Why does cookiecutter-django ask for your postgresql version? - cookiecutter-django

Why does cookiecutter-django ask which version of Postgresql is installed on your machine? What does it do with this information? Update the docs? Set some settings? It appears to do nothing with this variable.

cookiecutter-django uses the information to create the postgres database in a container from the corresponding docker image at docker hub. It doesn't have any other impact on the generated boilerplate. Since you are not using docker this option has no impact on your described setup.
If you are still curious where this variable is being used take a look here.


When I do a git pull origin master from Pantheon, it doesn't seem to pull the database

I'm new to this workflow using Git, and I feel like I'm missing one piece of information that's just not obvious to me. I setup a sandbox on Pantheon and did a Drupal install thru Pantheon. Works fine on dev. Then I cloned it to my local, but when I open my local up in a browser it wants to install Drupal, like it was never setup on Pantheon. My best guess is that it's not pulling the database, can't find it, and figures it's a fresh install. But how do I connect the dots here? Thanks!!
You are correct, the database does not pull down with git, only code.
You will either need to manually download the database from their UI or use their command line tool named Terminus. If you're comfortable with the command line, Terminus is the most convenient.
Another option would be to use Kalabox. This is a local dev environment tool which was just released. I haven't tried the latest release yet but have read users reporting it integrates with Pantheon nicely.

Check the Database of a typo3-Website

it might be a strange question, but does anybody know how to
check the name of the database which is used for a typo3 website?
Because I need this DB but I can't remember its name and I have got a lot DBs.
Thanks if Somebody knows the answer.
You can log into the install tool, via url (/typo3/install) or Backend Module.
Depending on TYPO3 Version you will find it in different places there.
In latest version you will see the information directly after accessing the install tool.
Log into the install tool, either under typo3/install, or via the menu in the backend when logged in as admin.
Go to "all configuration", and check the settings under $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['DB'] - everything database related is listed there.
Open the Install Tool of your TYPO3 installation with the following link (only a example): http://example.com/typo3/install. Make sure your Install Tool is enabled with the file ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL on the folder typo3conf.
After login to the Install Tool you can see the database information. The informations are available on "All configuration" too. Here you can find the database area Database [DB]. The name of the used database you can find on [DB][database].
As nobody mentioned it yet:
If you have file access you can directly view the file typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php (typo3conf/localconf.php for TYPO3 before version 6.x).
All configurations from the install tool are saved there. Just search for database.

Docker database files: inside or outside the container?

We've been looking into implementing an Oracle Database system using Docker on our server and are considering two different strategies for managing our data:
Storing the database files (.dbfs) in a folder on the server's path, and then making that folder available in a container using the -v option. The idea is to have multiple containers accessing multiple folders so we can manage different versions of our data.
Keeping the database files inside the container as if it were a regular installation.
The reason behind this is that we like the idea of being able to change versions on the fly, when we need to revert to an old version of our program to fix a bug (for example if an older version is in production than the one we're currently working on). In that sense, the containers we have should also have a specific version of our app in them (it's a webapp).
So my question is the following: which approach would be the best in our case? Is there another organization of our containers that we missed and would be better? Looking for more opinions on the matter. We've been told already that the first method would perform better than keeping everything in containers, but our tests have not shown any improvement.
Go with the first option and forget the second one because you don't want to make any intensive disk access on a Docker layered file system.
Docker containers have a layered file system which does not deliver great performances. That's why you should have your data on a volume which is in the end a mount point on a folder in your docker host file system.
If you look at all official docker images for databases, they all declare volumes for the data. See MySQL, Postgres

Deploying AngularJs + Sinatra to AWS

I have an AngularJS site consuming an API written in Sinatra.
I'm simply trying to deploy these 2 components together on an AWS EC2 instance.
How would one go about doing that? What tools do you recommend? What structure do you think is most suitable?
This is based upon my experience of utilizing the HashciCorp line of tools.
Manual: Launch an Ubuntu image, gem install sinatra and deploy your code. Take a snapshot for safe keeping. This one off approach is good for a development box to iron out the configuration process. Write down the commands you run and any options you may need.
Automated: Use the Packer EC2 Builder and Shell Provisioner to automate your commands from the previous manual approach. This will give you a configured AMI that can be launched.
You can apply different methods of getting to an AMI using different toolsets. However, in the end, you want a single immutable image that can be deployed. repeatedly.

Development Environment for RIDC in Java

I need to write code that communicates to Oracle Content Server 11g in Java. My understanding is that it's done using RIDC (Remote Intradoc Client).
The best I can find on getting started is this:
However, it doesn't cover the development environment setup. Where do I get the pieces to get started? I'm assuming I need JDeveloper R1, is that correct? Where do I download the SDK? Thanks.
You need to install WebCenter Support API in JDeveloper. Search for the updates shown in the following image in Help->Check for Updates.
I am in PS6.
You do not need the Oracle WebCenter Portal extensions nor JDeveloper.
You can develop code using the RIDC library with any IDE, all you need is to make sure you have the correct version of the RIDC jar file on your classpath. You can obtain it from your Oracle_ECM1 installation home, in the /ucm/Distribution/RIDC folder.
