Development Environment for RIDC in Java - oracle-adf

I need to write code that communicates to Oracle Content Server 11g in Java. My understanding is that it's done using RIDC (Remote Intradoc Client).
The best I can find on getting started is this:
However, it doesn't cover the development environment setup. Where do I get the pieces to get started? I'm assuming I need JDeveloper R1, is that correct? Where do I download the SDK? Thanks.

You need to install WebCenter Support API in JDeveloper. Search for the updates shown in the following image in Help->Check for Updates.
I am in PS6.

You do not need the Oracle WebCenter Portal extensions nor JDeveloper.
You can develop code using the RIDC library with any IDE, all you need is to make sure you have the correct version of the RIDC jar file on your classpath. You can obtain it from your Oracle_ECM1 installation home, in the /ucm/Distribution/RIDC folder.


Best way to Continuous deployment for Drupal 7 websites

I tried many modules to deploy the changes from development to staging manually but didn't find the better way to deploy the changes either coding or database to the staging server automatically.
Is there anything for Drupal 7 by which I can push my changes from development to staging without any manual work? I want all database related configuration, codes etc to be pushed automatically on the live server.
There are many ways you can automate your deployment. one of which we follow is as below:
Using third party services like platform or pantheon for deployment.
Using hook_update_N along with features and strongram modules for configuration management.
Using shell script for running custom commands after deployment.
Using jenkins for deployment automation.
Some other tools / services can be found here

how to use mongoDB database for web application without installing mongoDB on machine?

I have got a task to send an application to client, that will have angular at client side with nodejs server. I need to use the database, and mongoDB is the only one which i know to use. I have built various web application with mongoDB database to store the information. surely i have installed it on windows machine. My question is, how can i use the mongoDB without installing on the machine, considering that the client will not have to go through unnecessary steps like installing mongoDB on machine and then see my demo. All i want is he runs the node server and see the demp app.
is there any mongoDB service which i can use? how to connect with node server?
please help
You could try modulus, I made a simple project using their mongoDB host and it was pretty easy to implement.
Download the MongoDB for Windows binaries as zip file: open, select the version you need, Platform: Windows and Package: zip
Extract it anywhere you like, for example to C:\mongo
Create the data directory (e.g. C:\mongo\data)
Run C:\mongo\bin\mongod.exe --dbpath=C:\mongo\data
To stop the MongoDB, you may just use Control-C

Deploying AngularJs + Sinatra to AWS

I have an AngularJS site consuming an API written in Sinatra.
I'm simply trying to deploy these 2 components together on an AWS EC2 instance.
How would one go about doing that? What tools do you recommend? What structure do you think is most suitable?
This is based upon my experience of utilizing the HashciCorp line of tools.
Manual: Launch an Ubuntu image, gem install sinatra and deploy your code. Take a snapshot for safe keeping. This one off approach is good for a development box to iron out the configuration process. Write down the commands you run and any options you may need.
Automated: Use the Packer EC2 Builder and Shell Provisioner to automate your commands from the previous manual approach. This will give you a configured AMI that can be launched.
You can apply different methods of getting to an AMI using different toolsets. However, in the end, you want a single immutable image that can be deployed. repeatedly.

Cakephp and Jasper reports integration

Does anyone have any direct experience in integrating Cakephp and Jasper Reports?
I'm considering using Cakephp as a framework for a large project that will require the development of 75 - 100 complex reports. Ideally I would like to generate all of these reports from within the Cakephp code (not running a stand alone Jasper UI). I'm expecting that all of the generated reports will be in a PDF format.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts,
You could try using the JasperReports ReST API and their PHP Client.
Note that you will still need to design and test the reports with Jasper tools, what the above will give you however is the ability to call the report with certain parameters from Cake.
Yes I have a Experience in Integrating jasper Report to PhP.
Tomcat need to be installed on your system with java Bridge.
very Easy to Done in Windows and difficult for me in Linux still i configured that too.
I faced the problem Java Vitual Size -xms like something .
1. As you configured the Java Bridge
Download java Bridge war below link
create a Report Folder
Find Java File http://localhost:8080/JavaBridge/java/
Paste to Report Folder
create a jasper report For Testing With or Withour parameter as you want
Cakephp Working code to genrate pdf
create Report_test.php and paste the below code and change the data according to your database configuration

Deploy IPad application with its database

can any one tell me if I could deploy an IPad application with its pre-initialized database?
I'm using IOS developer Enterprise program account
Include the database as a resource in the bundle and clone it into the users document folder at launch.
The reason to clone is that you dont get write privileges on bundle resources.
Alternatively since this is not code you could download it from the corporate server at launch but since you are asking this question you probably dont want to do that.
Yes you can do it.
You can use sqlite in your ios application. You can create locally an prefilled sqlite database, and at this one to your xcode project.
In your project you must copy the sqlitedatabase from your resourcesfolder to the app's documents folder.
Depends on who's the developer of the app. If it's you, you can easily do so. Else, you won't be able (since apps are stored in a security sandbox).
If you really need to, you could consider jailbreaking them (you won't need a Enterprise Program though) so you can enter those sandboxes and add custom property lists to them.
